Tyranny Of Steel

Chapter 1246 A Loving Romance

Standing in the garden outside of the lakeside Villa that was Berengar's new home were two of his wives. It had been many years since Honoria first came to the Reich in search of a life away from her father's control. When she left at just sixteen years old, she had no idea that she would come across not one but two lovers. 

One was her husband Berengar, and the other was the man's second wife, Linde. Over the years Linde and Honoria's relationship had grown from one of casual experimentation while their man was away at war to deep and intimate love. One which in many ways resembled the one the two women shared with their husband. 

While Berengar was spending some alone time with his first wife Adela, Linde and Honoria were standing together in the garden while hugging each other and kissing quite passionately. Only in their own home could they show their true feelings for one another, for homosexuality, even among women, was deeply frowned upon by German society. 

There was a rather anxious look in Honoria's eyes, as if being intruded upon in this very moment by one of the villa's staff could thoroughly ruin their reputation, and yet there was a deep sense of longing as she posed a single question to her other lover. 

"Honey, do you really think it's a good idea for the two of us to be out here in the garden?"

Linde did not immediately respond to Honoria's question, at least not with words. Instead, she moved her hands deep into Honoria's panties, and grabbed hold of the woman's soft and voluptuous bottom, before lifting her into the air and kissing her on the lips once more. 

She then moved her lips towards Honoria's neck, where she marked the woman as her own with hickey, before moving further down to Honoria's large bosom. It was only then that the two were interrupted by an old friend. 

Heraclius, the pet eagle of Honoria, landed on Linde's shoulder and squawked. The intelligent glint in his eyes showed that he knew who was in charge, and thus, Linde simply scoffed before commenting on the bird's unnatural intelligence. 

"Ria, dear, have you ever wondered why Heraclius and his brood are so intelligent and long lived?"

By now, Heraclius was reaching his fifties, with even for an eastern imperial eagle, was up there in terms of lifespan. In truth, Honoria had never really thought about this question, and thus, she simply giggled as she made a slight jest, which might very well be reality. 

"Perhaps he's descended from a god's familiar?" 

This would not be the first hyperintelligent animal that the lesbian couple had come across. In fact, there was a pack of leopards which lived in the massive gardens of the Kufstein Royal Palace. All of which were descended from an African goddess's familiar. 

And because of this, the idea that Heraclius was of a similar origin made a lot of sense. Evidently, the bird did not seem to acknowledge the statement. Perhaps he did not know of his origin, or perhaps he was being a little shit and would not reveal this secret even if asked. Either one was possible.

After Heraclius took flight once more, Lind led Honoria over to a park bench, where she sat down, before lowering the Byzantine Princess into her lap. The golden lockets which the two women wore, both of which were shaped in the form of a heart, and contained a picture of each other, and their husband, swayed past their necks as they did so. 

"Silence prevailed between the two women as they affectionately rubbed noses while gazing lovingly into each other's eyes, then began kissing on the bench. Before Linde stroked her hand through Honoria's chocolate hair, there was a slight pause, before Linde made a request, one which she knew her husband would approve of. 

"Ria, why don't you dye your hair purple again? It has been many years since I last saw you with such a striking color, and I know that Berengar would also be interested in witnessing its splendor once more!"

Honoria blushed when she thought about such a thing. It had been many years since she had dyed her hair a deep Tyrian purple, and during those days, she was the most fearsome pirate queen this world had ever seen. It was an expression of her youth, and her desire to be free. 

But she was no longer that young girl who wanted to sail the seven seas. In fact, it had been many years since she thought about the girls she had sailed with, or where they were now. To her, that was a page in her past, one that, although she remembered fondly, she did not want to relive.

"I'm sorry dear, but those days are behind me, besides if an old woman like myself were to dye her hair purple, it would be nothing short of comical." 

Despite both women being in their mid to late fifties, neither of them looked their own age. In fact, they looked at least a decade younger, and thus, Linde did not take the term "old woman" kindly. Instead, she placed one finger on her lover's luscious lips before demanding she dye her hair back to purple. 

""Never call yourself old, my love. No matter what your age is, you will always be the by far the most beautiful woman to me. Won't you please dye your hair this one last time?" 

Seeing that Linde was practically begging at this point, Honoria finally relented, and agreed to dye her hair purple once more. Albeit in a rather meek and timid manner. 

"Alright, dear... If that is what you desire..."

After saying this, the two women began to softly kiss once more, while the autumn leaves of the nearby tree fell upon them. 


In another part of the town of Hallstatt, Berengar was having lunch at a particularly quaint restaurant with his wife, Adela. Although the two of them have had their differences over the years. Whatever resentments they had towards one another in the past were now dead and buried. Instead, Berengar treated Adela with the love and dignity she deserved. And because of this, he would often take her out on dates by herself like today. 

The restaurant they were sitting in was actually Italian themed, and was owned by an Italian chef who had travelled to Austria to spread the cuisine of his homeland. Naturally, Berengar had a hand in the creation of this said cuisine, which would not normally exist in this world for several hundred years. But nobody but himself knew about that. 

Instead, he ate from a bowl of baked ziti. While Adela enjoyed a plate of chicken Alfredo, the smile on her pretty face was truly endearing to the man, as he reminisced about their first date together in what seemed like a lifetime ago. Something which he was quick to discuss. 

"You remember all those years ago, when you first visited my home, and I took you out for sandwiches? Gods, it feels so long ago."

Adela simply smiled as she swallowed the noodles in her mouth, which she drowned out with a glass of white wine before responding to her husband's words.

"It was so long ago, practically a lifetime ago. Do you know I was extremely angry that we were betrothed back then? I had always heard from my brothers that you were this sickly man, who might die at any moment. One with a particularly bad attitude and a love of wine. 

But the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew that everything I had been told about you was nothing but lies, because you were my prince charming. My fiancee, the day I would one day marry and have a family with." 

Berengar chuckled when he heard this, before responding to Adela's claim with the truth, something she was already long since been aware of, but he felt the need to say, nonetheless.

"Well, I dare say they weren't exactly lies. Who I was before I gained the memories of my other self was an utter wastrel. One who was entirely undeserving of your lovely little hand. No man can live his life without any regrets, and though I have many, none more so than the way I treated you for the first part of our betrothal and marriage. I know I have apologized before, and so I won't do so again, but I am glad that you are my wife, Adela."

Adela simply blushed when she heard these words, but even more so when Berengar leaned across the table and gave her a gentle peck on the lips. Despite everything the two of them had been through over the years, she still loved the man more than anything.

Thus, another day of retirement went by, as Berengar pleased his wives, and took care of the many children he had with Adela. Today, however, was Adela's day, and he would make sure to spend the entirety of it with her alone. 

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