Tyrant of the Ruined Sun

Chapter 55: The Heretics

As the doors to the throne room opened, allowing a widely grinning Orhan and Junior out, Isaac who had returned, asked in a cautious tone "Is it wise to hand over designs of such potent weaponry to that city, sire?"

Glancing over my shoulder at him, I confidently reply "If we are to the satisfy the avaricious gluttony of war for blood and steal, we must spare no expense.

Besides, whether we like it or not, Qayan is without a doubt the industrial heartland of our empire, and if we are to emerge victorious in the coming conflicts we are hurtling towards, we will need the full cooperation of all our allies to draw out every fiber of strength we have, and this petty grudge we have with Qayan that was formed centuries ago is long overdue to be rectified."

"And this gesture of trust is your way of doing that?" He asked again.

"It's the first step." I replied smirkingly.

"...Very well, sire." Isaac replied, no longer questioning my decision, while very obviously still harboring some skepticisms and worries. Feelings I didn't bother addressing since only stout deeds not fragile words could hold their own before this ancient mistrust between us.

Shortly after that, the sound of clacking boots on the hard marble floor sounded louder and louder beyond the shut doors of the silent hall, before a guardsmen respectfully entered and respectfully said "His eminence Archpriest Adam Sekhmet, and Grand Vizier Darius Khan have arrived, sire."

Hiding my surprise at his mention of Darius, I replied "Let them in."

Immediately after that the doors swung open, revealing the two ancient sages, one standing straight with a sharp gleam in his eyes, like an imposing spear unbending by the ruthless march of time, and adorned in regal imperial attire woven from the finest silk that money could buy.

While the other was hunched over, wearing clean plain linen robes that could just barely be described as better than what a poor farmer would wear. And yet it was Adam that radiated a more prominent aura than Darius at this moment, as his withered eyes blazed with a vigorous green light.

"We greet his imperial majesty." They simultaneously said as they lightly bowed, when they reached the foot of the stairs leading to the throne.

"You may rise." I respond, as I stare questioningly at Darius.

Noticing my gaze, he calmly replies "I was simply taking a break from my monotonous duties by taking a walk on the Palace grounds, when I noticed his eminence's presence and decided to reminisce on old memories."

'This old fox. Reminisce on old memories? It's obvious he heard about the Archpriest's arrival and came to satisfy his own curiosity.' I quickly thought, before nodding to him.

Smiling in return, Darius walks up the stairs to my side, taking his place as my Grand Vizier, as all eyes turn to the Archpriest Adam.

"I bid you welcome lord Adam, it's been some time since we've last met. Not since you healed my injury after my return from the war, am I right?" I said calmly.

"Indeed, sire. I'm glad you're looking better now." He replied with a gentle smile upon his withered features.

Lightly smiling in return to this old man's genuine care for others, no matter who they might be, I ask "So, what brings you here Archpriest? I was told that it's an urgent issue."

Upon hearing my question, his previously lighthearted smile vanishes, as a troubled look takes it's place, before grimly saying "I'm afraid I will be the bearer of ill news today, my liege. For an ancient storm is brewing in our lands yet again."

"What storm?" I ask as I slightly lean forward from my throne, with furrowed brows.

Adam seemed to hesitate for a moment before resolutely saying "The heretics, my liege. I believe the heretics are once again on the move."

As soon as his words fell, an ocean tide of ravenous bloodlust and ravaging divine power erupted out of me, like a bellowing volcano furiously burning everything around it to ash and sinder, while the once controlled madness in my eyes flared up wildly, emboldened by the ferocious roar of the awakened tyrant in my mind, who demanded blood and gore to satisfy it's endless rage!

Seeing such an intense and visceral reaction from me, which he had only seen once before, Horus asked incredulously under his breath "Someone actually denies the existence of the gods?!" As if it's the most outlandish and idiotic thing he's ever heard in his life.

But since everyone present was a powerful martial artist or priest, they all easily heard him, which prompted Adam to turn to him and say with untold religious fervor "Of course not my boy, no one can contest such a fact. After all, their decedents stand among us.

It's just that they refuse to abide by certain laws the gods have placed."

"What do you mean?" Horus asked curiously.

"They deny his majesty's right to rule." Darius somberly said.

"What?! Why?" Horus exclaimed.

"They don't just challenge me Horus, but all of the ruling families of this world, stating that it's our divine heritage that makes us unfit to lead, since how can something born of the divine acknowledge the mundane.

How can a god understand the struggles of a mortal man." I said after I regained my composure.

"So it's just flowery words to hide their true intentions and ambitions of wanting the throne for themselves." Horus mockingly said.

"Although I won't deny that greed and ambition have nothing to do with it, they also preach of a new system of governance.

A utopia where one is free from the oppressive rule of kings and queens, where the word of the common people decides who sits at the top and no one is above another, regardless of age, experience, accomplishments or even power.

A world of perfect 'equality' and 'justice'." Darius explained with a scornful sneer.

Meanwhile Horus had a look of someone who'd been forced to eat rotten meat, as he furiously ranted in his mind 'Are they completely insane?!

How can they possibly believe that the common man, who can neither wield a pen nor swing a blade with a fraction of the skill or finesse as ancient sages like lord Darius or legendary champions like lord Hamilcar, be possibly equal?! And what of his majesty and all the royals in the world?

How can men and women with literal divine blood coursing through their veins possibly be equal to those whose ancestry could be traced to mere peasants or slaves?! This is beyond insulting! It really is simply blasphemous!'

But while that was happening, I was still calmly sitting upon my throne with clouded eyes, quietly recalling all my past life's memories I had with these sewer rats and their dangerous ideologies.

"Where are they?" I maliciously asked, as my madness filled eyes flared menacingly.

"I've been receiving scattered reports from all across the empire for two weeks now, with most of them arriving from the east." Adam calmly replied.

"Two weeks?! Why didn't you bring it to our attention sooner?" Darius questioned.

"I wanted to be sure first." He calmly replied, as a melancholic look captured his eyes and tone, saying "The last thing we want is a repeat of the past." While remembering what happened the last time an emperor wanted to eradicate the heretics, only to massacre thousands of innocent civilians, who had done nothing wrong, and were brutally murdered due to a single false report in his so called crusades to cleanse the empire of their idealistic plague, born only to corrupt the minds and hearts of the people.

Taking a moment to collect my thoughts, I quickly begin to plan my next steps before saying "Darius, send a missive to all our most loyal nobles, to prepare and keep a watchful eye for them."

"Understood." Darius dutifully replied, with a small bow.

"Isaac, order your Shade Corps, especially those in the east of the empire to begin cooperating with the church, to flush out these plague infested rats from their filthy tunnels." I order in a tone tinged in bone chilling bloodlust.

"As you wish, sire... but..." Isaac said with hesitation.

"But what?" I asked, urging him to speak forth.

"... The Shade Corps' resources and manpower are already stretched extremely thin with all of our new tasks and objectives that we must complete, especially in the east, where we are swamped the most.

I'm afraid that it will be nigh impossible to effectively hunt down the heretics without jeopardizing our current missions." Isaac replied after a momentary silence.

A frown creases my brows as I hear his words, before asking "How much longer do your new recruits require before they're ready?"

"At least another ten to twelve months." He confidently replies, which only causes my frown to deepen, as I begin to scratch my head in search of an answer for the current predicament.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, that was only disrupted by the rhythmic tapping of my index finger on the throne, I exhaustedly sigh, before saying "I suppose it can't be helped then, just make sure that your newest recruits are ready as soon as possible, since we need them now more than ever.

I'll also issue a decree in the next council meeting to increase the budget for the Shade Corps."

"Thank you, sire." Isaac gratefully replied.

"As for the issue of dealing with the heretics, it will have to be handled solely by the church for the time being." I say while looking at Adam.

"Oh, dear me. It looks like my old bones are going to ache me for awhile to come." He jokingly said, before resolutely replying "Please worry not, sire, for this is our duty anyway, and we are honored to do it."

Nodding to his words, I quickly attempt to thank him for his fidelity and dedication for the empire, but before the words could escape my mouth, a knock is heard from the door, after which a guardsman enters and respectfully reports "Pardon the intrusion my lords, but Lord Hasdrubal and two cloaked individuals are requesting an audience."

'What in the gods' names is going on? Wasn't today supposed to be calm and boring?!' I thought incredulously.

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