Undefeated God of War

Chapter 677 – Lion King Lei Ang

Chapter 677 – Lion King Lei Ang

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

After the meeting had concluded, the entire Ursa Major Constellation started to move extremely quickly. Everycore member that had participated in the meeting had gloomy expressions with a tinge of alertness.

They all knew that the curtains to the decisive battle had been drawn.

It was a long and challenging military campaign that was inevitable, regardless of whether it was the HonorableMartial Group and Temple or the Honorable Martial Continent, they were both mature and huge figures in theirown worlds, and had a deep reservoir of wealth and power.

It was no longer like the friction in the past with the Honorable Martial Group, it was the decisive battle that oneside would have to die before anyone could reset. The brutality that it had become was extremely numbing. Instead,to the ambitious youths of the Ursa Major Constellation, they saw it as an opportunity to prove themselves, theylonged to do battle, looking forward to achievements, their passion and desire to stand firmly in the position as thestable old generals.

Formed through the flames of war, the youths the Ursa Major Constellation never failed in battle. The traditionalprovocations and challenges had become a habit to them, even if their current enemies were the Heaven’s Road’srulers, they did not have any restraining fears. They were like their king, someone who never knew what was fearand cowardice.

Everything was conducted regularly and thoroughly despite the stifling and nervous atmosphere.

Two days later, the news shocked the entire Heaven’s Road, Ursa Major Constellation had announced that theyfound a brand new world!

The news spread like wildfire, all the citizens of every constellation were talking rowdily about the news. It hadquickly become the hottest topic discussed.

Following that, the Ursa Major Constellation started to showcase large quantities of products that came from thenew world, crystals with extremely high energy concentration, grass and wood that contained sword concepts inthem, all sorts

of strange weapons.....

Nothing was more convincing than actual products. Everyone was completely convinced that at the end of Heaven’sRoad, there was a world completely different from the Heaven’s Road. This made everyone extremely curious, whatwas the new world like?

Ursa Major Constellation then announced, that they were conducting auctions, to auction the things from the newworld, any powerhouses or constellations were free to participate.

Everyone’s eyes were locked onto the Ursa Major Constellation, and almost every constellation sent out their ownrepresentatives, hurrying over to the Ursa Major Constellation through the days and nights. All of them would meetwith many other groups that were quickly advancing towards the Ursa Major Constellation. Many independent,scattered and ambitious people had dropped everything and rushed towards the Ursa Major Constellation, thinkingof participating in dredging up the land of gold.

Everyone knew that the Ursa Major Constellation had already obtained a key opportunity for any futurecompetition. In the future, as long as the Ursa Major Constellation was able to secure this estate, they wouldundoubtedly be the tyrant of Heaven’s Road.

Almost everyone favoured the odds of the Ursa Major Constellation being the Heaven’s Road future tyrant. To theother constellations, it was a worrying thing, but to try and seize such a big cake from the prestig

ious and powerfulUrsa Major Constellation, how much would be sacrificed?

The Ursa Major Constellation was overcrowded, especially Bear Head City that was the place where the auctionwould be held. Countless people had come from afar, just to have a glimpse of the grand affair.

After the meeting, the Three Spirits City had become calm again, the tight security had been lifted, all the armiesthat had been garrisoned there quickly headed towards the Ursa Major Constellation. All the indications hadpointed towards the Ursa Major Constellation’s future, and thus the plan to shift Three Spirits City over to BearHead City.

All of stealthy spies then realised. The tight security for the past few days, were just for their internal department todiscuss about the new world.

Tang Tian did not leave Three Spirits City yet.

Three Spirits City that had become peaceful again, and was bustling with activity, it was currently the Heaven’sRoad’s “Mechanic City”, the place where countless of mechanical engineers and mechanical martial artists gathered.The majority of the independent mechanical engineers made their homes there, on one side, there were many of thesame profession there, they could advise and spar with each other, and the other was that manufacturingmechanical weapons required a great quantity of materials, and Three Spirits City was loaded with materials, aslong as anyone had the funds, they could easily obtained all the uncommon materials.

As the demands were immense, many trading companies had been established, with caravans moving day in and dayout with endless flows.

Three Spirits City had specialized collaborating trading companies, and thus the resources inside the bronze campwas quickly depleting. As per usual, the transport fleet would enter the bronze camp on schedule, and everythingran as normal.

But, a carriage stopped by the side, in which Tang Tian had been waiting for.

The carriage door opened and a tall, sturdy and imposing figure jumped down. When he landed, he immediatelynoticed Tang Tian who was waiting in the distance although he had seen Tang Tian’s image countless of times, but topersonally look at him in the flesh, he still felt shocked by Tang Tian’s youth.

“The young hero!” He praised with his deep and low voice, which had a tyrannical might to it, brimming with selfconfidence and power: “Worthy of your style, you’re matchless beneath the heavens!”

Without feeling a bit of embarrassment, Tang Tian replied: “The Great Lion King Lei, welcome to Three Spirits City!”

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Everyone around was filled with reveration. When the two spoke, no one dared to make a noise. Lion King Lei Angwas like a dazzling sun, there was a natural pressure emitting off from him, causing the air around to seem tocombust. As for Tang Tian who stood beside Lei Ang, he did not have any emotions, as though Lei Ang’s powerfulaura did not affect him the least bit, he stood there basking in the aura as though it was normal.

One was the tyrannical and strong Lion King, the other, the young Bear King that swooped down from the skies.

Lei Ang had been secretly observing Tang Tian, and despite the calm appearance he was showing, he was filled withshock and surprise. He could see fearlessness in the young man’s clear eyes, the burning willpower, the contempt inruling by power, it was as though he was looking at himself when he was younger.

He could not help but think of his sons, he had initially thought that Andre and the rest were outstanding, but uponseeing Tang Tian, he then understood the great difference between them.

He controlled the distracting thoughts in his mind, and was instead met with competitiveness. His territory had longbeen stable, his name had reached far and wide, and even the Honorable Martial Group did not dare be recklesswith him, in so many years, how many people would even be able to speak a word with him? He was long used to histyrannical lord position that shook the heavens and earth, and he could even look down on the Honorable MartialGroup. If he wanted to fight, he would fight. If he wanted war, he would give war, he had always overlooked down atothers.

But facing Tang Tian, he could feel the same aura and power as himself.

It was the feeling of meeting someone the same as you, a new competitor, causing his heart that slumbered due toloneliness to wake up once again. He could not help but smile and look around: “Is this Three Spirits City? The firstcity in Heaven’s Road built on mechanical weapons, its name has since flourished, you will have to bring me to take agood look around.”

He was not in the least bit anxious in his arrival, but instead felt it was a good opportunity to judge Ursa MajorConstellation’s strength.

The strength of the Ursa Major Constellation was a mystery to everyone. To be able to personally witness andobserve them, Lei Ang had decided to assess them.

~A Lion will never make friends with wolves and jackals.~

Tang Tian did not think too much, he generously brought Lei Ang around to observe even the base. But even thoughhe was the one leading, the person to actually describe and provide information was Pi Pa.

All the additional constructions and various new technologies that had been formed were all a strange sight even toTang Tian.

Pi Pa explained everything detailedly: “These are the Frost Mountains, and the main force of our mechanical spiritweapons. It’s weight is a third of any ordinary mechanical spirit weapon, using a brand new type of metal with theappearance of silver and high defensive capabilities. Without an energy barrier, it can block off five attacks of a GoldRanked Martial Artist. It uses many new technologies, it’s equipped with seven different card slots, the lowestrequiring silver grade spirit cards, and can even use Gold Ranked Spirit Cards. And all the martial spirits placedinside the spirit weapons are all battle spirits. We have filtered through and conducted integration with a largequantity of shattered battle spirits, and chose out martial spirits with fighting abilities of the Silver Rank....”

“Silver Ranked Martial Spirits?” Lei Ang interrupted Pi Pa.

Pi Pa explained: “Yes. After much research on martial spirits, we have classified the strong and weak martial spirits. We use the most ordinary grading system of gold, silver, and bronze. Silver Rank Martial Spirits indicate that their intellect has reached the level of a Silver Rank Martial Artist. But as we chose all the battle spirits, they are all stronger and more experienced in nature, so they are slightly stronger.”

Lei Ang frowned: “They can replace martial artists to fight?”

“No.” Pi Pa shook her head: “The martial spirits inside mechanical spirit weapons can be considered as assistants.They have better and finer control over True Power, and help the martial artists focus better, placing the burden ofbattle onto the martial spirits instead.”

Lei Ang started to have an interested expression, to Leo Constellation, mechanical weapons are a new discovery. The Leo Constellation did not have a mechanical army, and all the special mechanical spirit weapons made him feel as though he had dived into a brand new world.

But as Pi Pa explained more and more, his expression became gloomy. As someone who had experienced manybattles, he understood fighting very well, far more profoundly than any martial artists or generals. The existence ofmechanical spirit weapons made the complicated fights simpler, and the demands in the qualities of the martialartists or soldiers to become lower.

“How long does it take to groom a qualified mechanical martial artist?” Lei Ang asked.

Pi Pa could not help but admire him, he truly was the Lion King, as he was able to grasp the problem quickly. Withouthesitation, she replied: “The preparation in our mechanical martial artists barracks for Silver Rank Students to beprepared is a year. In a year, our talented students will be able to fundamentally obtain the essentials. In three years,they will become veterans. For the Bronze Rank Students, they will require more time, the initial essentials will takethree years.

Lei Ang took a deep breath, he knew what that meant.

Although a traditional army was powerful, but that was through the long process of selection through countlesspeople. And once a battle was in a stalemate, many soldiers would die, and thus a need to replenish the army, but thepower of the army would drop.

But a mechanical army could keep on replenishing.

As he continued to observe, Lei Ang’s mind became more and more surprised, until he noticed a figure that wasconstantly sprinting back and forth on the training grounds. He subconsciously stopped in his tracks, and the forcedemotionless and expressionless face finally changed.

On the mechanical spirit weapon, a blood red number was smeared.

No. 23.

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