Undefeated God of War

Chapter 804 – Auspicious and Peaceful Galloping Horse City

Chapter 804 – Auspicious and Peaceful Galloping Horse City

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

Ji Ze’s Bewitching Blade was extremely unique.

It had a long and narrow body, with a smear of red that flowed along the cold blade tip. There was an indescribablebewitching sensation mixed with the cold, making it like a blood red snake waiting to ambush it‘s prey in thedarkness.

~Truly living up to its name of Bewitching Blade.~

Tang Tian was surprised, the blade did not have a spirit, but it had an aura of a living thing. He only sensed this aurafrom star treasures. The Sin Domain did not have spirits, and another same grade treasure like the Chief GreenSwords did not have the same aura.


Tang Tian’s interest increased, he activated the Awakened God Armor and carefully observed the Bewitching Blade.

Upon activation, the Bewitching Blade in front of him changed entirely, the long and narrow body dulled down,presenting pure bewitching blood. No, accurately speaking, it was countless of red law threads intertwined witheach other, gradually flowing and squirming around as though it had life.

~Law, Blood Law.~

It was Tang Tian’s first time seeing Blood Laws, he carefully observed the densely packed Law Threads. Blood Lawswas a sub branch of Life Laws. Blood existed in almost all of life, and was crucial and cannot be lacked in life, itcontained a great amount of power and miraculous uses.

With regards to the knowledge of blood usage, it was not only Sin Domain that had it, in Heaven’s Road, there weremany martial techniques that incited the power of blood.

The Bewitching Blade’s Blood Laws were extremely powerful, as long as it obtained a drop of the enemy’s blood, itcould to a degree, affect and control the blood in the enemy’s body. This meant that as long as it drew blood, theenemy would lose his sole control over the blood in his body. It could also devour enemy’s blood, which would betransformed into pure vitality and nourish the user, which was at the same time an equally terrifying attribute.

No one was willing t

o face such a weapon.

~The bewitching aura is formed because of the squirming dark red Law Threads. Why is that?~

Tang Tian did not understand. The Chief Green Swords’ Laws was poison, which was also a sub branch of the LifeLaws, it swayed like water plants and produced poison, yet it did not produce the aura like that of spirits.

Under the Awakened State of the Awakened God Armor, his understanding of Laws was rarely cryptic, but at themoment he had difficulty understanding the situation. Just based on this point, it was reasonable for the ranking ofBewitching Blade to be higher than the Chief Green Swords.

Tang Tian immersed himself in this unique phenomenon.

“I heard that Master had also built an army.” Xu Ye laughed, his current realm had made him become increasinglycalm and collected, his gaze deep like an abyss: “I wonder how is it now?”

Ah Mo Li was startled for a moment, then spoke out: “Crazy Tang is building an army? He is definitely trying to puton airs again.”

The others were rather envious of him, the term Crazy Tang was not something anyone could casually say, and thefriendship of the past was even harder to obtain. Others might feel that Ah Mo Li was more valuable to the Master,but it was a relationship truly hard to obtain.

“It would be weird if he didn’t.” Han Bing Ning said indifferently.

People who were familiar with Tang Tian would know that his personality was that erratic, all the unexpected andextremely exotic matters were nothing out of the ordinary to him.

Nie Qiu laughed, he did not comment. As someone who came from the Leo Constellation, and according to thesituation, he felt that he had no position to comment. Of course, it was not what others saw. To be in charge of NullDivision already proved the trust the Master had placed in him.

Nie Qiu who was fully aware of how the world works, knew that this trust was not easily obtained and was precious.Gentlemen die for those who appreciate them, it was not something difficult for Nie Qiu who had long pledged TangTian as his Lord, he would never be willing to even say anything bad.

With regards to the Master building the army, he merely laughed about it in his heart.

He was filled with respect towards the Master’s strength and courage, but being a military general was a completelydifferent system, and without years of study and training, it would be difficult to even grasp the door.

~Master’s thoughts must be from a momentary interest, like a child suddenly interested in something, he woulddefinitely toy with it. Master’s sincere heart is still rather naive, it isn’t weird at all.~

“He must definitely be jealous of our achievements!” Ah Mo Li said happily, and started flaunting off his muscles andmaintaining a fierce look: “I know Crazy Tang too well! It must definitely be like that! Haha, this time, it will be himeating our dust!”

The more Ah Mo Li thought, the more excited he became, ever since the two knew each other, he had always beensuppressed and beaten by Crazy Tang, so he would never let go the opportunity to mock Crazy Tang.

The rest were naturally not like Ah Mo Li who was so carefree, they were still respectful towards him, but!

The barbaric bull was right!

The latest battle achievement that Null Division had was definitely dazzling. They were invincible, if saying that thebattles with the small families were not enough to convince others, then their battles with four list of powerhousemartial artists had shook Sin Domain. Four List of powerhouse martial artists, such a lineup in Sin Domain wasenough to devastate cities.

Many people felt that although the Null Division might not be able to resist the Four Main Cities, but if they wantedto take care of the Null Division, they would had to fork out a hefty price. This view was steadily growing in the SinDomain, as the market price of the Null Division Prisoners was steadily swelling. It was just that now, no one waswilling to get the Null Division Prisoners to do manual labor.

The majority of the powerhouses insisted that the Null Division was incapable of fighting with the Four Main Cities,and chose to bide their time and sit on the sidelines. But there were also a few smaller powerhouses that chose tosend the Null Division Prisoners in their hands to Galloping Horse City.

Many people thought that Null Division would use their momentum of victory to conquer more places, but theynever expected them to mobilize their troops in Galloping Horse City instead.

The Null Division was also affected by the momentum, but were suppressed by Nie Qiu. On one hand, he did notreceive any orders from Tang Tian, on the other, Nie Qiu was not affected by the victories. The current Null Divisionstrength’s standard had been stretched, the first few members who were saved had experienced the most battlesand their strengths were improving very quickly, and had the most knowledge with regards to tactics, but themembers who were saved recently still required more time.

In other words, it was not the best time for them to fight, as they required to consolidate their strength.

But, the Four Main Cities did not give up handling the Null Division.

Du Ke did not agree to handling the Null Division, but did not reject either. Inside the Four Main Cities, the support to kill the Null Division was extremely strong, and he did not plan to push it down either. Furthermore, he was extremely interested towards the way armies would battle, and he wanted to see the limit of the Null Division.

The more battles, the more pressure, the more the Null Division would be compelled to reveal their truecapabilities, that was where he was interested in.

He did not care who would win or lose, as ultimately it would still be him winning.

Under Du Ke’s tacit acceptance, Galloping Horse City was recently under waves of attacks. All sorts of brigandswould continuously siege Galloping Horse City like lunatics. But Ni Qiu quickly displayed astonishing might with theNull Division as they continued to defeat the enemies.

To other people, The Null Division looked ready to fall at any moment, but Nie Qiu was enduring the hardship gladly.To him, the intensity faced by the brigands could not compare to the four List of Powerhouses martial artists.

~Frequent but low intensity battles, isn’t this the best method to grind an army?~

There were times where he would intentionally have a few mistakes and portray that they were extremely fatigueand injured, to prevent the brigands from running. But even so, their recently achievements were so glorious that iteven shocked many of them half to death.

The Brigands destroyed by the Null Division were no nameless people, many of them were notorious and big timebandits who all fell in Galloping Horse City.

The Galloping Horse Mincemeat Field had revealed everyone’s emotions towards the consecutive days of battles.

They were forced to do so.

In the past, the Sin Domain lacked the notion to improve, because the structure in Sin Domain was too stable, to thepoint that it lacked space for improvements. But out of the blue, Tang Tian appeared with his Null Division, causingthe already decaying building to completely collapse.

~So an army is so powerful!~

~Battles could be fought like that as well!~

The Galloping Horse Mincemeat Field had greatly affected the entire Sin Domain, every battle was witnessed bycountless people. Almost all of the powerhouses had sent out their own men to spectate the battles.

“Good morning, brother, you’re here regardless of rain or shine!”

“That’s right, if we miss it, it will truly be a pity!”

“I wonder if there will be a battle today, sigh, these bandits are truly one of a kind, they are not increasing theirefforts, are they living up to their greedy nature?”

“We can only wait and see, come come come, try the tea that I brought, we shall drink slowly and wait.”

“Still, brother you have prepared amply....”

This trend continued for days. To the point that the mountain peak facing Galloping Horse City that had the bestview started to have servants standing guard. All of the clever small businesses saw a business opportunity, and ranover there to sell their food, and earned good business.

But of course, the wealthier families directly sat on their boats and watched the entire field from a bird’s eye view.

Although the bandits were not lacking in men, but after watching their companions fail and fall day in and day out,they started to change their tactics. They started to imitiate the Null Division’s movements, techniques andcoordinations. Although they were not comparable to the Null Division, but they gave off a new aura. Even thebattle with the Null Division became much more enjoyable.

There was nothing more convincing than this.

Supposing that previously, many people were still skeptical, then, the improvement of the bandits made everyonerealise that the Sin Domain was entering the era of armies.

A few intelligent people returned home even more excitedly. During this period of time, newly established armiessprouted out like spring bamboos growing after the rain, they continued to appear endlessly. Whicheverpowerhouse that did not produce an army was embarrassed to leave their homes.

As for what to do with an army, Galloping Horse City became the only place to gain experience.

The area around Galloping Horse City became extremely crowded.

Along with the Null Division and the bandits, the spectators who moved and arranged themselves around excitedlymade the atmosphere even more terrible.

The continuous defeats made the Galloping Horse City a bottomless hole that had claimed countless lives, givingpeople a vibe of unfathomable depth. Although the majority of them imitated the Null Division and increased theirfighting capabilities, they were still unable to defeat the Null Division. Furthermore, they were unable to retreat.They were recruited by the Four Main Cities who spent a great deal of money, if they were to retreat, it would meanoffending the Four Main Cities.

And after fighting for so many days, the hatred with the Null Division could no longer be absolved.

If they were to withdraw, it was equal to offending the two greatest powerhouses of the Sin Domain, and theywould have no way to live after that. The majority of them felt that it was impossible to get off, and could onlyharden their skins.

But these bandits were all crafty and cunning men.

~If we can’t fight, if we can’t escape, then we shall delay!~

Everyday, they would send a small group and feign a battle, upon seeing that the situation was turning south, theywould retreat and run. After a while, they would send another batch of people.

Because of that, the overall situation stabilized, and everyone calmed down again.

Galloping Horse City actually landed in a rarely seen peace.

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