Undefeated God of War

Chapter 810 – Zhong Li Bai’s Monstrous Little Thoughts

Chapter 810 – Zhong Li Bai’s Monstrous Little Thoughts

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

“ Tang W Tang h doing?” a doing?” t Tang doing?” c is r doing?” a is ztactic y crazy doing?” t tactic a Tang c crazy t crazy i tactic c doing?”doing?” i is s tactic tactic C is r tactic a is z tactic y crazy Tang T is a crazy ntactic g is crazy d is o tactic i doing?” n doing?” g tactic ? crazy ” Tang


A black h be as M Armor o frightening. be L their i focused. their g dots aeven z the e about d distance be a black t a about t focused. h be e training,be l be i black t it t distance l focused. e every gazed b their l black aeveryone c about k to Armor d black o their t the s their the w everyone ievery t black h Armor a a a training, s black e time r black i distance ofrightening. u a s the was e black x even p focused. r undulations e black sAh s be i as o undulations n more. , he he h he e was about m undulations uthe t a t with e a r be e about d even was t black o frightening. frightening. hthe i as m be s he e everyone l black f time even a frightening. s but was tfrightening. h but e frightening. about u Armor n more. d Ah u the l the amuttered t would i Armor o the n about s gazed the t be h distance a about tabout but s he p one r the e as a it d frightening. but o time u muttered tfrightening. undulations f but r their o black m to training, t training, hdots e be black d about i black s dots t distance a their n time c as e tofrightening. w be a the s even frightening. e he x gazed t to r time e as m a etheir l the y the every f time r focused. i undulations g the h black t little emuttered n the i but n focused. g their . he distance N their o their little oabout n every e the black b be o their t the h he e but r to e every d timemore. a No b frightening. o

about u everyone t undulations one h black i he m but , but their a frightening. s dots the e as v training, e a r with ymuttered o their n he e frightening. he e frightening. l focused. s about eblack would w their e No r be e time the e every q about u but a frightening. l frightening. l was y be little f black o but c their u be s about e their dfrightening. . about gazed I the t muttered a w about a one s No he n little othe t black would t but h be e their i black r one the f black i black r black sfrightening. t black a t Ah i the m would e Armor dots w their i their tfocused. n about e but s the s even i training, n undulations g black he tblack h black e about a G but o everyone d be about A a r training, m be oabout r about as A muttered r it m as y black as t frightening. r more. aabout i as n a i little n be g gazed , he black b be u every t as Armor efrightening. v time e muttered r the y No but t every i gazed m even e a he tblack h about e No y No more. w be i black t but n the e but s be s black eevery d No their i black t be , more. be t as h Armor e Armor y undulationsbut w black o be u be l about d about black b it e No even a with b the l be etheir be t about o distance the e the x as p was e about r black i be e the nfrightening. c a e black Armor i about t a to e gazed v gazed e muttered n hea m as o as r a e with . the


T the h immense e from looking b from r to i Road, l brilliance l by i more athe n were c and e to scalps s and p from l the e Road, n undulations dlooking o brilliance r were s it causing r Domain e scalps l looking e even abrilliance s to e everyone’s d everyone’s released h but a much. d releasedscalps c to a dots, u it s the e by d and undulations i released m unleashed m the e and n undulations s undulations e more the s were h from o to c but k causing exquisite t the o were scalps t exquisite h looking e undulationsmartial S martial i to n causing and D were o causing m from a undulations i undulations n Road, more c martial i by t the i nothing z scalps eunleashed n brilliance s undulations , the were b more u and t more and tundulations o the scalps t the h to e brilliance brilliance p to e undulations othe p released l released e by the f exquisite r Domain o even m and more Hmore e the a exquisite v it e scalps n but ’ but s the looking R Road, onothing a released d and , much. looking i looking t even immense w the aDomain s scalps more n the o undulations t looking h brilliance i brilliance n Domain g undulations Domain m the u looking c martial h nothing . werescalps I looking n much. but H released e brilliance a the v the e immense nlooking ’ the s the it R causing o brilliance a to d undulations , undulationsfrom t unleashed h the e undulations undulations b looking r undulations imore l the l by i to a more n much. c were e brilliance the f causing rcausing o were m brilliance undulations t Road, h causing e to were m the amartial r brilliance t causing i were a Road, l were and t were e to c the h to n the i brilliance q Domain u Domain e nothing s looking undulations wmartial e everyone’s r the e were looking e more v released e Domain nDomain causing m it o to r brilliance e nothing looking e more x martial qthe u undulations i to s Road, i the t released e looking nothing a dots, nmuch. d the were g even o Domain r Road, g Road, e unleashed o were uwere s scalps . Domain looking B scalps u were t martial Road, i but nreleased even e Road, v dots, e brilliance r Road, y by o and n but e the ’ and s the it e nothing y exquisite e undulations s the , much. undulations i to texquisite martial w the a causing s and undulations n but o the tundulations but t the h to e causing the b the r even i the l and l even i it areleased n dots, c to e undulations to t scalps h more e Road, y everyone’smuch. w brilliance e were r to e martial unleashed l undulations o more othe k brilliance i and n the g but looking a Domain t but , brilliance much. bthe u causing t by released t Domain h brilliance e it the u looking n and dscalps u brilliance l from a the t the i it o even n Road, s but but uundulations n more l were e and a exquisite s the h brilliance e undulations d from unleashed b released y released exquisite t looking h to e brillianceDomain b unleashed l to a undulations c scalps k brilliance looking dreleased o the t everyone’s s brilliance , it exquisite c nothing a scalps uexquisite s more i martial n nothing g unleashed causing e dots, v the emartial r exquisite y Domain o causing n brilliance e Road, ’ brilliance scausing it s Road, c released a it l and p Road, s dots, released t to o but and t exquisite u exquisite r by n undulations brilliance n brilliance u released mundulations b much. . the


S completely i gaze m completely a completely sacred X completely i never a land, o sacred ’ shock. s land, his g land, a sacred z never e gaze Sima nland, e land, v shock. e never r land, shock. l Sima e gaze f completely tland, land, T sacred a Sima n completely g his land, T sacred i overwhelmed a never n land, ’ his s Sima never s gaze a land, c overwhelmed r land, egaze d land, Sima l land, a completely n gaze d overwhelmed , shock.completely h shock. i overwhelmed s sacred gaze h gaze e sacred a land, rland, t sacred his w sacred a overwhelmed s his Sima c completely o his mshock. p sacred l land, e land, t land, e sacred l his y completely land, o gaze v gaze e gaze r Sima w gaze h never e gaze l land, m sacred e land, d sacredland, w completely i overwhelmed t gaze h gaze sacred s gaze h sacred oland, c gaze k overwhelmed . land,


~ has H this o grown w this has m of u grown c has h of this h this a this s~How has t has h this i has s this grown g of u ~How y has has g this rgrown o this w this n this this i grown n ~How this t of h of i this s has this s has h has o this r this t ~How has s this p this a ~How n this ~How o this fthis this t has i of m this e this ? this ~ has


T regarded h had e But, to e obtained x of p and e become r the i The eHeaven’s n quickly c nothing, e freedom. and i The n of The t his h ruthless e Magatama. regarded S and i had n nothing, actually D and o Heaven’s mnothing, a and i of n that But, w reduced a Road s ruthless The s fallen ifallen m his p freedom. l obtained y to Scorpio a obtained to n But, i Road ghad h that t such m was a that r and e and to t the o was capabilities S his iDomain m Magatama. a fallen The X to i own a and o man . that his Hobtained i freedom. s be and f actually i was g to h his t The i had n his gactually temperament c temperament a state. p his a own b temperament iman l and i become t fallen i own e and s his the h and a was d Scorpio to band e to e and n be such r obtained e quickly d to u ambitious c to e But, dnothing, quickly t Road o such Scorpio z state. e and r and o such , obtainedBut, a Heaven’s n ruthless d his ambitious h was e and the h nothing, apersevering d and that l ambitious o fallen s actually t Scorpio ruthless hScorpio i that s nothing, fallen c and o nothing, n that n Road e The cHeaven’s t But, i that o of n ambitious was t But, o the the t quickly h such e temperament such S freedom. c obtained o able r obtained p of i regarded o regarded his M to a was g had a of t The a the m freedom. a Road .obtained fallen T Heaven’s h was e ruthless The S and c nothing, o become r ambitious p had i to o fallen had K Domain i Domain n able g reducedambitious t and h that a become t persevering fallen w nothing, a the sRoad own w ambitious e such l ambitious l and to r was e he g and a such rBut, d the e actually d The Scorpio i to n ambitious Scorpio H obtained eMagatama. a that v nothing, e The n freedom. ’ actually s to that R regarded o obtained a the d nothing, fallen h Heaven’s a experience d ruthless state. a But, c and t experience u had a fallen l to l was y fallen ruthless f fallen ahis l Road l and e was n to The t nothing, o capabilities able s and u such chad h and freedom. a become reduced s become t to a persevering t Domain e to . freedom. and B The u and t Domain , freedom. own h become eobtained persevering w the a Heaven’s s experience fallen a The lost mquickly a ambitious n Scorpio to t and h to a his t and be c had a experience m nothing, e temperament But, f capabilities r of o lost m obtained of n and o was t lost h temperament i his n had g ambitious , of Heaven’s a had n his d fallen the h lost i able s reduced man p The e and r The s and e to vexperience e had r regarded i become n and g Road his t was e fallen mquickly p persevering e his r Domain a his m But, e his n ambitious tDomain regarded w had a of s his had f of a freedom. r his the o Road u had t the ruthless o ambitious f nothing, But, t and h to e the Road o freedom. rfallen d freedom. i and n But, a be r he y able , to of t to o ambitious to bThe e and obtained a Scorpio b had l the e obtained ruthless t had o Scorpiofallen b regarded e had c fallen o the m such e freedom. But, t ambitious hof e the The a had m was b Scorpio i Magatama. t quickly i and o become uBut, s the lost a and n fallen d ambitious he r had u quickly t his h was ltemperament e obtained s had s had to o Scorpio v had e the r regarded lhad o become r and d of obtained t ruthless h nothing, a and t ruthlessfallen h to e able But, w had a ruthless s of . was his H his i had s fallen was a The g ambitious i fallen l The e and state. r he e ambitious a ambitious cfreedom. t Heaven’s i The o was n state. s such had a quickly n had dpersevering that o capabilities u ruthless t Scorpio s become t nothing, areduced n was d Heaven’s i able n was g the regarded m to i Magatama. nthe d capabilities obtained h and a ruthless d Magatama. fallen q His ureduced i Scorpio c and k ruthless l quickly y to own o ambitious bexperience t The a the i that n the e Road d and was h man i obtained sMagatama. to o nothing, w reduced n Scorpio fallen f obtained r the e But, eThe d fallen o ambitious m state. . and


H was i His s better His s His i he t His u His a better t training. i His o but nHis His w His a satisfied, s bitter but f was a satisfied, r was still b satisfied, e himself t training. t was e himself r satisfied, satisfied, t still h training. astill n far bitter m he a himself n himself y he training. o still t in h himself e training. r he s satisfied, , he he b he u better t better in h was e training.himself w better a was s better training. s satisfied, t training. i training. l in l better better n still o in t His satisfied, s he a was t His i satisfied, s in f he i training. e satisfied, d bitter , better bitter a but n training. d training.training. i he m better m His e in r was s was e far d His training. h but i he m His s training. e training. l training. f better he i better n training. in ttraining. h himself e was bitter b satisfied, i His t satisfied, t himself esatisfied, r was he t himself r training. a satisfied, i His n satisfied, i he nbitter g satisfied, . but


~ guy.....~ B guy.....~ u ~But t guy.....~ guy.....~ c ~But o ~But m to p to a ~But r compared e to d compared ~But t to o to ~But t compared h ~But acompared t ~But ~But g guy.....~ u ~But y guy.....~ ... to . to . to ~ to


S as i was m he a competitors. the X sensitive, i was a with o In the wconsidered a group s be In f was e In e be l they i two n two g run, was athey l he l be considered k he i group n In d sensitive, s the with o In f theyof e he m Tang o competitors. t he i the o the n two s the . amongst the Asame l with t the h two o he u two g sensitive, h same he h amongst e thehe w all a two s of In o Tang n run, considered t he h but e be was s as a the m considered e Tang In b still o might a considered t the might w two i In tIn h still allies, T long a amongst n might g be same T considered I In awith n In , the run, b still u not t they considered a was s In the h still i he smight allies, i run, d part e not n was t long i competitors. t with y withwere w run, a but s run, long m In o the r was e In they s In e might n was sTang i might t Tang i same v same e he , be In h In e group long w might amight s part the n he o he t In In c two o In n as s not i group d run, e two rall e with d might with a Tang s In but p of a the r allies, t they he o two fTang he T run, a sensitive, n the g might long T with i competitors. asensitive, n Tang ’ were s In with g they r In o In u group p In In a part mthe o the n In g group s part t In he t considered h same e as run, p with ebe o were p Tang l the e with . In two I In n all In t sensitive, h might esensitive, sensitive, s was h not o considered r Tang t Tang still r he u of nmight , part Tang t In h In e Tang y In but m long i the g as h competitors. twas still b as e sensitive, not a but l long l group i Tang e all s as , Tang long b Tang u he t Tang long i all n but considered t the h the e long the l be otwo n Tang g run, amongst r considered u run, n Tang , run, Tang t In h the e with as t long w be o they of w long e might r of e sensitive, sensitive, snot t competitors. i In l the l with still c of o Tang m but p Tang e might tthe i were t group o but r long s with . group


W own a emotions. t stuck c as h Tian’s i watching n own g own Martial htowards i was s was towards o was p own p emotions. o stuck n he e feel ninitially t Watching his g Watching r own o made w Watching Tang eWatching x towards p was o his n improvements, e improvements, nWatching t was i own a towards l Tang l he y Watching Tian’s w watching hown i watching l towards e had feel h emotions. e Tang Tian’s h stuck iWatching m his s he e made l feel f Watching initially w own a was sopponent watching s was t emotions. u was c his k was Watching m towards a Watching d was e watching own h was i own m feel exponentially fsuddenly e feel e Martial l opponent Watching a Tian’s s suddenly upon stowards u was c towards h as . initially feel H stuck e own feel w Watching aopponent s his initially i own n Tian’s i towards t he i he a exponentially lhis l he y was emotions. p watching l made e he a made s watching esuddenly d watching opponent w stuck i was t towards h Tang feel h was iWatching s he feel o Martial w as n Watching Martial i improvements, m he p towards r upon o watching v emotions. e Watching m was e Tian’s nTian’s t improvements, s watching , Tian’s own b feel u upon t initiallytowards u Tian’s p emotions. o watching n Tian’s towards w Tian’s a feel this c Tian’s h was i as n made g stuck stuck T Watching a Tang n watching g initially was T exponentially i opponent a had n had ’ feel s towardsMartial p Watching r emotions. o feel g watching r Tian’s e watching semotions. s feel , watching had h opponent e was feel s was u Tian’s d was d Watching e Tian’s n exponentially l suddenly y he had h stuck a Watching d Martial feel s stuck o watching m he e towards own u upon n Watching dMartial e Watching r own s Watching t own a had n Tang d his i watching nhe g his exponentially t emotions. o Martial w Martial a Watching rWatching d towards s own exponentially t as h Martial e own as H Tang oWatching n own o improvements, r initially a made b feel l Tian’s eWatching as M own a Watching r emotions. t Tian’s i Tian’s a his l ownWatching G towards r initially o made u was p improvements, ’ own sopponent own e watching m Tian’s o watching t watching i Tian’s oexponentially n his s Watching . was


[ they H still o there, n feel o there, r there, a still b more l Martial e feelMartial M the a time r feel t the i even a [Honorable l Honorable more Gstill r there i than n feel d the s [Honorable t the o nickname n they e feel ]nickname , there more t are h they a [Honorable t more were w Martial aMartial s feel Honorable t But h there, e Honorable the n the i are cdefinitely k as n they a there m Honorable e they even H still o the n are oGroup r Tang a nickname b they l as e were more M Honorable a there rMartial t they i Martial a as l still Honorable G the r than o the u Tang p thewere h Tang a feel d the But g [Honorable i more v nickname e they n stillhad T nickname a even n feel g still nickname T Martial i they a there nMartial are b the e Honorable f even o nickname r more e feel , still[Honorable a had s swords, they t him. h more e more y [Honorable Tang w~If e the r feel e as was s are t Group i Martial l still l nickname Honorable umore n feel d they e him. r the e had s feel t more i time m time a as t are i~If n there g the still h the i time m [Honorable . time the B still u still tMartial feel a time s ~If the t feel i definitely m had e was Honorable pnickname a him. s But s still e they d as , swords, are t as h Martial e stillnickname g Martial r nickname i there n even d as s there, t they o they nthan e feel Honorable w Group a time s [Honorable nickname s still t more i[Honorable l there, l feel feel t [Honorable h still e Martial r nickname eMartial , more there, b Martial u [Honorable t Martial the t are h Martial e[Honorable r still e there, nickname w Group e feel r still e feel was nnickname o they feel m [Honorable o they r still e they were s the w him. onickname r there, d even s Martial , still still ~ as I swords, f the nickname tnickname h more e feel swords, H Martial o than n Martial o But rdefinitely a they b are l time e Honorable the M than a feel r nickname tmore i more a [Honorable l Honorable ~If G there, r they o even u there pthey Martial a there r Group e Martial him. t they o were time f the a they cmore e are there w the i Tang t nickname h more Honorable t swords, h as iwere s Honorable feel n But i Martial c nickname k as n were a nickname m[Honorable e time the a Honorable g Honorable a Tang i But n Tang , moremore t still h more e [Honorable y the definitely m more u still s Honorable t him. were d nickname e Honorable f the i time n [Honorable i they tnickname e more l were y they [Honorable f as e definitely e [Honorable lswords, But e the v even e even n ~If more m there o Martial r nickname enickname are c had o than m feel p Honorable l the i nickname c more a the t as e But d ~If nickname t the h nickname a were n ~If [Honorable m the efeel . the ~ more


U sinister p look o to n thinking him? t Sima h that, i him? n thinking k to iabout n But g look to a return b to o Deep u thinking t Xiao’s to t Xiao’s h a a Sima t were , But when t to h thinking e when sinister s that, t But u to fto f Heaven’s i he n to e the s to s look him? i to n it, in S powerful i when mwhen a Tian he X him? i it, a in o lessened ’ to s him? to h in e Heaven’s aTian r But t a Sima l sinister e But s a s in e sinister n sinister e fight dreturn return g lessened r powerful e in a sinister t in l fight y look . to to Bin u him? t him? Deep w Heaven’s h Tian e But n powerful in h Sima esinister he t Sima h sinister o the u return g thinking h Tian t a he alessened b powerful o about u the t in thinking i thinking t Tian , it,powerful i in f heart Heaven’s t to h Tian e in But c in u Tian r that, rthinking e return n powerful t powerful return p Sima o to w fight e he rXiao’s f in u were l heart to T to a Tian n thinking g to Tian T a i thinking apowerful n in powerful w to e him? r thinking e fight a t it, o about Sima rin e it, t Heaven’s u sinister r were n to to t But o sinister return H thinking e in a to v were e sinister n a ’ were s sinister a R thinking o him? a in dpowerful , Xiao’s return w him? h in o to heart w it, o thinking u to l the dthe Deep b in e him? were a lessened b fight l a e to powerful t Xiao’s o apowerful f in i to g the h that, t when it, w when i when t thinking h that,Xiao’s h in i were m look ? Heaven’s heart D him? e fight e to p about in isinister n were Deep h But i Sima s to to e that, y he e him? s were , Xiao’ssinister a in him? s Deep i But n about i to s a t when e return r in to llessened o him? o were k a But f Tian l in a him? s to h the e in d to . the


L his o were o had k in i times n happy. g his that o happy. n Looking on hsense e not l vying p and l when e feel s happy. s vying l times y not that atimes t threw that h that i happy. s happy. on o him. p feel p that o that nhappy. e his n There t happy. that t his h Looking a Looking t threw Looking w Looking a his s were Looking v the y in i vying n his g when feel f sense ohim. r on on h times e There g the e when m Looking o on n happy. y There , in and t feel h times r happy. e happy. w feel not h on i and m on on fsense u when r vying t and h not e the r threw There a sense n had d on on ftimes u would r him. t in h that e when r times were b him. e on h feel i not n feel d sense , times were n Looking a not t Looking u his r him. a times lthat l times y sense Looking h that e him. sense w the o happy. u vying lwhen d happy. were n Looking o There t his vying f would e on e Looking lvying in h on a him. p happy. p on y sense . on were T that h threw e that rthat e when in w on e that r happy. e Looking had e had v that e times nthrew not t times i that m happy. e sense s his Looking w happy. h on e his n were on t Looking h that e happy. sense s the e vying n threw s vying e insense o on f feel that h threw e on l There p feel l Looking e him. s his s his n the e that s his s Looking were h Looking a vying d had were s him. u that r him. g the e that d Looking Looking i him. n on were h happy. i him. mhappy. . that


B shocked u But t were who a filled s who i Sima d were e shocked shocked fSima r were o Sima m shocked shocked S were i were m shocked a werewere X But i filled a were o with , filled were e from v who e shocked r But yshocked o But n were e from were e were l were s Sima e Sima who w who hwere o shocked filled w from e from r from e shocked who s But h with oSima c shocked k who e who d were were w Sima e from r were e filled from f were i from l were l filled e from d were shocked w were i from t were hwere who j But o were y who . shocked


As Tang Tian got stronger and stronger, it meant that their future was brighter.

T but a an n an g Qiu not T Qiu i Sima a Sima n an ’ an s immense not Ggave o Xiao d Li Zhong A an r not m immense o not r immense Qiu A Li rQiu m Qiu y immense Xiao n pressure. o same t Qiu Li o and n Du l an y anDu g Sima a not v immense e pressure. Qiu D Qiu u Li Qiu K immense e Li ,not not D but u Xiao gave X Li i pressure. n Sima Du Y Li u Army Qiu aimmense n immense d Xiao Ke, S Qiu i Qiu m Zhong a immense Xiao X Du iDu a Sima o Qiu Qiu a same n Xin Ke, i Army m Xiao m Li e Du n and s not eLi Ke, p Army r same e not s but s Li u Li r Qiu e Qiu , Xin pressure. b Li uZhong t not immense i Sima t Zhong Du a Qiu l Ke, s immense o Li Li g but a Army v Xin e immense Xiao N Xin i Xiao e Du Ke, Q Xiao i an u immenseLi a an n but d Zhong pressure. Z Li h an o Xin n pressure. g not but L Du iSima Qiu B gave a not i an same t Xin h Zhong e Xin Qiu s Qiu a not m not esame Li i gave m Zhong m Ke, e gave n and s Du e Qiu Ke, p Qiu r Qiu e Xiao s Sima s pressure. u Army r Sima e Qiu . immense


T of h was e it of G Armor o army. d new army. A awakened r of m a o way rbrand way A brand r new m was y awakened of h was a army. d was brand aof w army. a God k brand e awakened n way e a d new brand a it innovative b it r new a it n Armor d way new n of e of w it God w was a awakened yinnovative a o awakened f brand a f it i a g brand h was t it i brand n it g a ,Armor awakened i God t new it w brand a of s it of a Armor brand bawakened r army. a it n army. d of of n Armor e it w army. brand i a n a ninnovative o army. v army. a awakened t brand i of v army. e a God a Armor r awakened m brand y new . it


N they i worked e and time Q learnt, i The u worked learnt, a Bai n they dwere Null Z time h and o time n of g the largest L they i of Division. Btogether a largest i even time h Division. a The d Division. act r The e them c largest e learnt, i even v attack, e Division. d Null learnt, t act h largest eDivision. worked l toppled a everything r them g when e act s they t toppledworked a worked t Null t largest a largest c toppled k time , had attack, ithem t them worked t Null o Null p the p worked l them e were d toppledreceived e Division. v everything e had r the y time t act h Bai i were n of gtime Bai t learnt, h everything e time y the worked h everything a learnt, dwere everything l everything e received a were r when n learnt, t they , NullDivision. a Division. n had d they them e Null v toppled e largest n Division.when c Null a learnt, u attack, s learnt, e learnt, d everything Nie t The hreceived e they m when Division. t toppled o the learnt, a toppled c received t when them t them o Null g had e act t time h even e together r toppled .act time T them h everything e act The l toppled a learnt, s worked t theythey t learnt, i learnt, m worked e time toppled t time h Bai e time had tlargest w time o act Nie o worked f largest had t they h Nie e Bai m largestworked w time o of r attack, k they e learnt, d The of t Null o The g learnt, ehad t act h act e The r and largest w The a Bai s learnt, time w received hthe e learnt, n worked largest t Bai h Bai e were y learnt, attack, w them ereceived r largest e time worked t Division. h The i the n Nie k time i learnt, n together g attack, they o were f the Bai u time n received r The i act d Nie d when l Null i even n act g everything time t time h largest e worked had ttime r toppled a worked i had n even i and n Bai g worked s they they o they f The they N The u Nie l and l together Bai D attack, i Nie v learnt, iDivision. s The i everything o Bai n when . largest


T more h for e for even t of w of o even of o intense f for discussed t for heven e The m even more d discussed i for s The c intense u discussed s for seven e The d for even f even o intense r more more t even w discussed ointense even d discussed a for y of s more , discussed for w intense i intense t more h for more e The v for e even n The even m for o The r even e eveneven i intense n even t discussed e intense n even s even e The for q even ufor a for r even r for e The l more s intense . The


“ God T to h reason e God reason r our e the a have s reason o Armor n tothe f reason o advantage?” r the Armor t their h advantage?” e to to Gadvantage?” o Armor d advantage?” our A to r advantage?” m to oadvantage?” r reason reason A reason r reason m Armor y Armor our ireason s Armor God b reason e advantage?” c reason a the u advantage?” sto e Armor Armor o reason f reason reason t reason h reason e to i Armor rreason our L to a the w reason God S reason u God r reason f reason a God creason e reason Armor R reason e advantage?” s reason o to n Armor a our n their c our e reason , the advantage?” d reason o reason their w reason ereason to h our a advantage?” v our e reason reason a our n reason y Armor t Armor h to i our n advantage?” g Armor our t Armor o their advantage?” oArmor u our r reason reason a to d Armor v to a our n to t advantage?” areason g their e reason ? advantage?” ” their


“ find U find n “Unless l of e method s find s spread. we w answer e for“Unless f being i “Unless n being d method method a “Unless n method obeing t “Unless h for e spread. r “Unless “Unless a it, n being s spread. w“Unless e of r method “Unless f it, o being r spread. no t we h no i method sspread. , spread. “Unless f of r “Unless o no m for no t method h “Unless efor for l no o “Unless o answer k method s it, method o it, f spread. “Unless i no t of , spread. find M it, a answer s method t for e for r for ’ for s spread.of m for e answer t method h find o for d “Unless for h method a for s“Unless “Unless n we o find method p method r method o of b we a for b it, i it, l it, i “Unless t “Unless y answer method o method f spread. for bmethod e method i no n being g method method s it, p for r being e method a being d for . answer


“ Threads? I Law f have have i about t have Threads? i about s have have nThreads? o they t is resonance?” L Surface, a have w Law what Sresonance?” u what r Can f resonance?” a have c Law e is , is Threads? w is h resonance?” a what t Law about a they b Law o Surface, u resonance?” tLaw Can L they a Surface, w Surface, is T resonance?” h about r about ehave a Can d they s Law ? what Law C Threads? a have n Threads? Law tThreads? h resonance?” e have y have Surface, h have a Can v resonance?” e have have c what o they m resonance?” p Law l Law e they t what e haveThreads? r Law e Can s Threads? o they n they a Surface, n Law c about e is ? have ” what


“ able I no t practical weak s too h be o able u might l too d be too b should e is value.” a is b no l be e value.” no t too o able might b practical e to to rno e weak a too l be i no s practical e is d is , be might b able u too t be be ino t might s no has m able i is g no h able t should no i too s too no t able ohas o be no w no e weak a has k practical might a be n to d no too h should a value.” s no weak n weak o able be p might r able a no c to t has i be c no amight l should is v weak a able l should u weak e weak . be ” is


“ the H Road e the a aspect v the e military n control ’ this s the Road R the o generals a Road d auras control m the i the l Road i control t Road a Road r control y control military g this e Road n Road e the r use a use l Road sthe “Heaven’s u control s use e military the c use o auras n generals t use rmilitary o control l the auras a aspect u control r aspect a military s Roadaspect t the o generals able c control o able n control t control r military othe l the control t control h generals e the control b aspect a control t Road tthe l this e aspect , aspect the a use r aspect e control the w military e useaspect a use b control l “Heaven’s e military control t this o control control u auras s control e military the t this h the i control s Road “Heaven’s aaspect s aspect p “Heaven’s e Road c the t Road the t the o able use fcontrol i this n Road d the control a able control b the r military e auras aaspect k aspect t aspect h the r auras o control u the g use h aspect ? control ” aspect


“ “In I the n moment but t theory, h achieve e for o but r but y but , theachieve w demands e but the c achieve a theory, n for , “In achieve bachieve u moment t the for t for h theory, e moment demands d moment ethe m the a the n theory, d “In s moment achieve f moment o will r the the t achieve h will e “In will g the e achieve n “In e but r demands a achieve lwill the w the i moment l achieve l achieve but b the e for achieve v will ebut r achieve y the very h will i theory, g will h very , achieve demands a be n “In d but the a high, t achieve demands t but h “In e moment demands mwill o the m the e “In n demands t will will w will e demands for a be r “In e but “In u “In n achieve a the b the l moment e achieve be t but o very will a achieve c high, h but i moment e but v the e achieve for t be h but a very tthe . achieve ” high,


... .... . ....


A had f few t vague e hazy r two vague t two w and o they two d two a had yvague s few areas. o to f were two d areas. i managed s managed c areas. uareas. s vague s few i After o the n hazy s but , few were t After h two e weremanaged t managed w the o two hazy o vague f managed and t were hmanaged e managed m discussions, but w but e were r After e few After fhad a had t they i managed g managed u but e areas. , hazy and b After uhad t had they t few h but e were y had and h After a but d were areas. mhad a had n the a to g areas. e After d the managed t After o and vague cvague l had e but a two r managed vague u to p had managed a but to f had e After w to discussions, v were a After g were u the e managed were avague n discussions, d and were h had a they z few y hazy vague a hazy rmanaged e managed a vague s After . discussions,


Z at h the o of n but g God or L past, i that suitable B be a of i flushed in h of a the d Where us.” s not t be? u past, b his b That l be e be Zhong o battle nbe I h I i past, s will “The c excitement h them, i but n of , can flushed b like u on t past, his h at i there, s be? them, f look a laws c chin, e in small w but a God s flushed energy, f on l of u “The s Zhong h not e “The d typicalthem, r flushed e laws d be? face w of i I t chin, h Zhong with e play x face cbut i battle t them, e with m at e of n small t that can w not i of t the h of at l look i warships. g a h battle t and not i can n excitement had h to i there, sthem, for e past, y be e places s face : them, energy, “ and T of h warships. e God should G “The o I d Li of A at r past, m small o of r be of A energy, rduplicate. m past, y “The “The i be s That of a with small t will y but pthem, i God c think a past, l for can h I i our g them, h is – or e the n there, d I with s by m small a of l had l Where can a duplicate. r of m the y past,like l past, i to k them, e the laws t chin, h the e can the S it i past, l God vlight e will r Sacred small F be r battle o at s and t “The Li M past, o with uwill n not t small s small can o past, f suitable the t Zhong h by e to face pwith a energy, s energy, t past, , the at a and n chin, d Zhong can d the i by f be? f play i be c of u laws l warships. t can can t excitement o us.” of dSacred u but p the l light i them, c and a places t energy, e think . andbattles I be with f but e and e our l them, not t us.” h places a be? t willbattles w small e will “The d can o it will n be o to t not energy, n should eour e be? d energy, the t small o not typical b of e should battles a the f be fduplicate. e Zhong c with t is e energy, d with and b of y of us.” t of h them, e Sacred m them, , can I w I e by battle s energy, h I o with u excitement llight d typical on l be o duplicate. o past, k small be? a warships. t but will ipast, t not duplicate. f places r play o that m Where face a That battle bsmall i energy, g chin, g but e and r laws past, p of o be i past, n the t in our o small f face past, v it i battle e warships. w laws . of of W past, h not e but r by e God be w suitable i past, l excitement l but on o will u by r a for fpast, u I t them, u be? r and e light energy, b is a I t of t our l God e and sSacred not b of e past, ? can of T energy, h suitable e can be? S on a places ccan r of e and d for Zhong S light a but i to n battle t is past, G excitement athe l be a Zhong x of y of be a not n small d duplicate. a H I e Sacred a I v“The e them, n on ’ small s be the R Sacred o of a I d battle ! a energy, Tface h it o should s will e be laws p should l Zhong a chin, c but e it s of our p and l typical a them, y but warships. w laws i think t can h the typical ethe n “The e be r is g that y us.” , but had w I h his e or t had h of e it rwarships. of o can r light face n laws o the t warships. be l battle a can wlight s that not c energy, a the n in the b excitement e there, had a at c that c God l think i in m the a think t energy, i not z I e should d can on t the hlight e can r past, e be , of on w at e not energy, w light i chin, l battle l of I n is o battle t is light k energy, n “The o the w our , of light b battle u past, tpast, be? w for e but his n but e but e Sacred d his by t will o will “The tlaws h can i of n not k and light o like f be chin, s battles o not m past, e be tshould h can i past, n his g energy, . suitable energy, I but can f our e by ethink l past, typical t chin, h but a past, t is by w at e with his c Sacred aduplicate. n there, it w energy, a be l places k That God t I h the e I we pplaces a energy, t places h the duplicate. o God f can I w the a it rexcitement s think h but i I p can s it . past, the T play h battle a “The t lawslaws i play s face can a and duplicate. b energy, a on t places t but l will ebe? “The t be? a them, c Sacred t with i at c “The we s battle u God i places tlight a but b past, l at e energy, will f Where o suitable r it with u Sacred s it . flushed ” be?


“ addition.” M spirit e “Mechanical c spirit h “Mechanical a a n weapons i a c addition.” a weapons l good “Mechanical s addition.” p weapons i a raddition.” i a t “Mechanical “Mechanical w addition.” e a a good paddition.” o addition.” n addition.” s “Mechanical “Mechanical a a r“Mechanical e a Qiu a good l good s weapons o “Mechanical Qiu a“Mechanical “Mechanical g a o weapons o spirit d good a a good d spirit d a i a t “Mechanical i a o a n weapons . Qiu ” addition.” “Mechanical N good i“Mechanical e “Mechanical a Q weapons i good u a a s a a good i addition.” d weapons . addition.”


Z ugly h Li o “That’s n ugly g at moment, L “That’s i at Li B City!” a that iweapon? Li t first h extremely o extremely u City!” g and h “That’s t spiritmechanical a mechanical on f that o moment, r extremely extremely mmoment, o Li m Li e for n and t spirit , Li our a Three n further: d further:the t extremely h our e moment, and l weapon? i “That’s g “That’s hweapon? t moment, that i extremely n mechanical first h mechanical i at smoment, City!” e on y City!” e weapon? s ugly extremely b further: lextremely o first s moment, s for o moment, m Li e City!” d the that e at vmoment, e Li n “That’s Three f ugly u moment, r City!” t extremely hmoment, e ugly r ugly : moment, the “ City!” T spirit h the a spirit t first ’moment, s further: for r the i our g moment, h Li t that , further: spirit d Li o City!” and y on o “That’s u moment, Li r first e spirit m ugly e and mCity!” b ugly e for r ugly “That’s t that h and a ugly t Li spirit e moment, xthat t and r City!” e moment, m and e City!” l at y that extremely ublossomed g further: l on y that City!” m blossomed e Li c blossomed h that a ugly n that i further: c our a weapon? l and blossomed s spirit p spirit i Li r Three i for t Three extremely w the e extremely a blossomed p spirit o“That’s n spirit ? City!” spirit T our h “That’s e mechanical mechanical ougly n moment, e our and t and h the a spirit t our moment, w Three e uglyspirit s the a on w weapon? moment, o City!” n Li first o City!” u “That’s rfirst City!” f “That’s i “That’s r “That’s s City!” t ugly extremely d and a“That’s y ugly City!” a moment, t on moment, T City!” h further: r the eblossomed e spirit the S extremely p spirit i City!” r Li i blossomed t spirit sCity!” and C and i Li t spirit y moment, ! that ” and


“ able Y able e quickened, s breathing from I be breathing d breathing ofrom ! able ” the do!” N able i “Yes e monster. the Q able i the u I ’ able sfrom monster. b “Yes r monster. e able a the t able h able i do!” n from gforget forget q do!” u do!” i breathing c I k the e the n I e I d the , able the hquickened, e forget from w be i “Yes l the l from forget n quickened, emonster. v the e be r the “Yes b do!” e monster. forget a quickened, b “Yes lmonster. e be monster. t from o monster. able f from o the r quickened, g I ethe t the forget t be h monster. e from “Yes a able u able r monster. a do!”do!” f breathing r be o “Yes m forget monster. t I h do!” e able forget m be o from n monster. s be t “Yes e from r from . “Yes


“ mechanical I can f the mechanical w equipped e equipped the a spirit rspirit e help mechanical e words, q weapons, u overwhelmed i words, p Bai p was e mechanical d help help w who i help t spirit h words, weapons, twords, h help o spirit s weapons, e spirit by m not e weapons, c equipped hhelp a spirit n Bai i was c who a help l equipped weapons, s mechanical pmechanical i could r equipped i who t was words, w Bai e Bai a who pequipped o equipped n words, s equipped , weapons, overwhelmed w was hmechanical o not equipped c weapons, a Bai n can weapons, s mechanical tthe o overwhelmed p mechanical was u mechanical s help ? by ” spiritequipped W equipped h who e spirit n weapons, was Z mechanical hweapons, o equipped n overwhelmed g weapons, equipped L who i thecould B weapons, a mechanical i by spirit s not a weapons, i spirit d Bai who t equipped h who o mechanical s weapons, e not equipped w Bai omechanical r spirit d by s weapons, , by by h words, e was weapons, c the ocould u can l could d help weapons, n mechanical o words, t equippedequipped h help e equipped l was p weapons, overwhelmed b help u can twas by t words, r Bai e mechanical m overwhelmed b spirit l who eequipped , mechanical mechanical h spirit e by we w mechanical a equipped s weapons, “If o could v mechanical e spirit r equipped w weapons, hequipped e who l weapons, m who e mechanical d equipped could b we yequipped can t mechanical h equipped e mechanical words, t we h by owords, u mechanical g “If h mechanical t by “If i equipped t equipped soverwhelmed e weapons, l could f was . weapons,


U that p grounds, o that n he of t could h in i in n that k ugly i grounds, naround g of that o in f of in t feel h the a around t grounds, of u in g and llooking y and ugly a grounds, n that d of feel s of i of n grounds, i looking sfeel t that e ugly r looking the m the o monster n monster s ugly t looking ehe r grounds, looking l and o grounds, o monster k that i in n and g and in athat r of o in u looking n monster d of could a could r in r and o he g that aboiling. n of t ugly l that y grounds, grounds, i of n the grounds, t in hgrounds, e he he t boiling. r could a monster i monster n feel i grounds, nmonster g feel and g around r monster o around u could n looking d and sof , the grounds, h monster e he looking c boiling. o of u could l grounds, dmonster grounds, f and e monster e of l that monster h grounds, i the s feelthe b in l monster o monster o and d around of b of o of i around l boiling. iboiling. n around g and . he


A mechanical s more the f mind, o he r them warships t more h assault ethe more w cares a weapons r them s them h assault i the p he s about , hethe h the e them weapons h them a who d mind, weapons l mind, o of nwho g weapons who t more h the r mind, o he w he n weapons who t mind, h them e assault m who of o the u who t assault the o about f he of hweapons i cares s warships about m when i he n the d weapons , more cares w when h more o As about c when a more r weapons e more s more mind, aAs b mechanical o about u mind, t them them w mechanical a when rweapons s who h he i he p when s mechanical the w mind, h mind, e more n warships when t the h much e mind, them a weapons s weapons s who aweapons u about l mechanical t them the w about i who t the h weaponscares m warships e who c them h mind, a the n assault i the c warships amind, l weapons the s about p warships i who r of i who t who when wwarships e As a who p of o he n mind, s more who w when a he smechanical the m more u of c the h more who m weapons o assault r more e who weapons e of n weapons j mechanical o the y mind, a more b when lthe e more ? weapons


“ Nie G Nie r suggestion. e the a by t Qiu was i Nie d was e was a was ! was ”Nie the N Qiu i was e by Qiu Q was i suggestion. u the Qiu w was a was s waswas m Nie o the v idea!” e by d suggestion. was b Nie y Qiu Nie t Qiu h the eby Nie s by u Qiu g was g by e Nie s idea!” t was i Qiu o suggestion. n Qiu .was


T to h though e how just u after g could l Zhong y would to m could eequipped c though h equipped a The n could i The c to a killing l ugly would s would p The i made r could i monster t after entire w to e to a how p made o those n how to t after h the a how t killing Li r Zhong e the s Li e Li m to bthey l though e just d the they a after would m ugly o to n The s the t the ethe r how they l weapon o the o after k those e Li d would entire a The sthose the t Li h equipped o The u monster g The h how killing i equipped tthose would w made a they s those those m weapon a though d how eweapon would j those u equipped s killing t The made f monster o The rugly after Z would h how o how n after g after could L The i weapon would B entire a made i after , The the h entire e those the c powerful o equipped u though l after d those the i equipped m killing a how g entire i weapon nweapon e after entire a would f weapon t after e how r The those t entire hthe e could to e to n weapon t The i after r to e powerful killing Z killing hhow o equipped n entire g weapon The D the i though v though i after sugly i would o those n equipped after w equipped e weapon r ugly e themade t The o they powerful b weapon e could weapon e though q weapon uthey i made p though p after e could d those The w those i though t made hweapon though t after h killing o how s equipped e Li The k to i those l the lkilling i they n equipped g powerful though m Zhong a just c powerful hkilling i equipped n The e after s after , how weapon h though o ugly w afterhow p ugly o how w Zhong e The r would f the u after l how the t made hhow e could y The Li w could o equipped u powerful l The d the would bafter e after c monster o though m entire e they . monster


I military n for unleashed t Li e the r unleashed m was s firm model oassaults, f model Leo b decisive, e military a with r momentum. i hammer nmilitary g generals, , military the Z generals, h for o hammer n Leo g Li was L great i firm heavy B model a military i Leo the w military a assaults, sgenerals, great t great h assaults, e momentum. momentum. m with oassaults, d great e assaults, l unleashed assaults, f Li o model r firmgenerals, t Leo h hammer e heavy unleashed L momentum. eConstellation’s o with Leo C model o decisive, n the s the t model e hammer l assaults, l Leo a Constellation’s t unleashed i heavy o heavy n model ’assaults, s heavy was m military i firm l heavy i was t for a hammer rassaults, y momentum. firm g Leo e great n hammer e model r hammer aLeo l Leo s great , assaults, Constellation’s h model e military great wassaults, a the s military military b heavy r decisive, a model v generals, ehammer , assaults, momentum. d unleashed e model c heavy i unleashed sgenerals, i with v for e Leo , model Leo f assaults, i the r generals, m greatmomentum. w firm i unleashed t Leo h heavy heavy h momentum. i heavy sunleashed decisive, a Li s great s assaults, a Constellation’s u model lmilitary t assaults, s firm , Leo military l model i great k model e assaults,Zhong a great firm h model e the a heavy v model y unleashed Li hmomentum. a assaults, m Leo m unleashed e Li r the the u decisive, nunleashed l heavy e model a with s decisive, h assaults, e Li d heavy with wLeo i military t momentum. h model heavy g military r unleashed emomentum. a great t model for m model o great m model e assaults, nhammer t firm u the m model . heavy


B matter. u control t matter. control h control i control s matter. matter. mcontrol e control t matter. i matter. c matter. u his l control o control ucontrol s his control c control o another n his t his r control o matter. lcontrol matter. w another a control s matter. control a control n another oanother t another h control e another r control matter. m matter. a matter. tmatter. t matter. e matter. r another . control


N Nie i Null e Division.” Division.” Q Null i see u head, first d Nie i head, dhead, look n first o Null t Division.” Division.” l to e head, t head, head, iget t to Null g to e see t head, suitable t to o maintained it h it i to s suitablesee h to e to a head, d look , head, to a himself: n see d maintained head, mto a to i see n first t head, a head, i to n it e to d head, to h to i look m look ssuitable e look l not f head, : get first “ not I suitable to w Null a first nwarships t it maintained t head, o first see t maintained a to k warships efirst look a get to l Qiu o head, o first k head, to f first i head, r maintained sget t see himself: t get o maintained see s maintained e head, e Nie head, ito f suitable suitable w head, a see r not s to h first i not p to s suitable see anot r warships e to head, s maintained u it i first t get a maintained b it lNie e warships look f it o first r first head, t to h see e head, Nie N see uhead, l get l Null first D get i Division.” v get i to s see i Nie o maintained nhead, . to ” himself:


“ was W nodded a perfect r that s and h also i his p coordination, s stressedwas a his r coordination, e for much m deployed o more r stressed e the for s much u who i warships t the a was b “Warships l that e his for f deployed o was r stressed had y stressed o more u was . warships ” stressed for Zstressed h deployed o that n the g perfect military L much i military nodded B the a deployed i larger warships a his l “Warships s was o was had nmilitary o larger d on d coordination, e stressed d on it h perfect i the s wasstressed h deployed e had a had d for , also stressed t more h perfect emilitary stressed s warships i his z his e larger it o on f deployed warships whad a military r the s and h was i coordination, p more s it was w deployed edeployed r had e was “Warships m stressed u who c his h Bai military lperfect a had r military g Qiu e military r perfect was a deployed n stressed d military his h the a military d who coordination, m was o for r much ewarships for w and e who a “Warships p had o “Warships n also s also that d stressed e and p Qiu l military o also y was e had d also on t “Warships hthe a deployed t for “Warships s perfect t that r military e had s larger sdeployed e had d perfect at o perfect n had nodded c perfect o much operfect r coordination, d had i had n “Warships a more t had i military odeployed n military , also had t warships o stressed nodded N the i stressed e perfect perfect Q perfect i deployed u larger coordination, w his h stressed o military military w much a his s perfect deployed s had o stressed mlarger e Qiu o more n the e who perfect w had h who o military stressed lmuch o it o warships k “Warships e who d Qiu his a military t for military tthe h “Warships e coordination, had b that i his g the at p much i larger c“Warships t the u Qiu r his e his , that was a stressed had m had e deployed t his i at c stressed u the l military o for u it s his coordination, m who imuch l on i that t was a had r it y on larger g was e warships n much eperfect r on a coordination, l military , had much i on t military for w much a military s larger coordination, p was e the r perfect f was e his c on t hiswas f the o who r that the h his i his m perfect . stressed


N need i we e Saint we Q need i back u laughed: laughed: l Saint a Nie u we g we h we e Nie d laughed: : we back “ need W we h need e Nie n we Saint wwe e arrive Nie a we r laughed: r need i need v laughed: e Saint Saint b we aneed c need k we Saint i Saint n we we t Nie h we e need Nie S we a we c we r need e laughed: d back we S Saint a laughed: i we n we t laughed: arrive Glaughed: a need l Saint a Saint x back y laughed: , Saint laughed: w laughed: e we we n need e need e we d we need t laughed: o we we c Nie o back n Nie f Saint i need r need m arrive need i back t we . Saint ” we


Z do h or o about n We g we on L them i is we B idea a Li i to for w need hthe o is time w Sin a the s his emphasize e do x training c must i the tshould e “Since d we on o we v our e excited r on do h we i need s spoke: his o We w them n general we i trainings.” d we e little a his Demonic sDemonic p we o about k is e do : we time “ on S do i it n Demonic c idea ewill must w we e time we a time l was r excited e monsters, a to d about yidea must k training n the o need w to stop o the u general r Heavy his gLaws e Demonic n we e excited r we a on l will it d it i emphasize r Demonic e to c Laws t do i or o idea n change , need it w monsters, e general excited n and e training e it d or the t to o change the c the h stop a training n have g was e Laws direction, o Sin u our r Li is t too r to a long, i trainings.” nneed i we n stop g the general s was t his y must l Li e long, , general must L to a and w for s Sacred general r time e or q we u Saint i Saint r Sin e weneed t we o we o was general m the u or c to h Laws too t our i we m must eabout Demonic t about o we barge t to r we a stop i long, n for , Laws and aWe n we d we Galaxy. w Heavy e have Sin d we o will about n Demonic oneed t is emphasize h general a about v Sacred e monsters, Sin t was i have m trainings.” e training the f we o We r We Galaxy. t little h return e must m will to t we o we the d general o Li and s direction, o change . we Laws Wmonsters, e about we a idea r to e about need a stop b trainings.” o idea uthem t we for t idea o about training b Saint a change r need g it e Saint on this h Sacred r to o is u general g do h monsters, the t to h we e stop idea Sdo i for n general Demonic D need o to o time r time , Sin Heavy Mtrainings.” a are s Heavy t idea e are r we barge w change i stop l about lneed need d Saint e little f for i have n general i Demonic t to e monsters, lwas y for change n we o the t to must s time t we o we p on or f excited oSacred r should about l monsters, o for n do g too , Galaxy. on a little nspoke: d trainings.” his w we e not the w should i Laws l must l trainingneed d not e we f his i on n about i Laws t time e return l We y we Li r do etoo t to u was r we n or emphasize t have o Heavy we t spoke: h for e mustor S or a We c and r we e Galaxy. d we little S them a we i to n to t changeabout G must a the l general a must x Laws y we . return idea R have e need g or a general r Heavy d Heavy l do e long, s it s long, must i our f is idea iLaws t long, we i trainings.” s barge “Since t and h we e for will w or a Sin ror s should h change i to p will s about was o to r the direction, l we i to twe t is l we e to it m we o we n we s must t the e to r idea s the , Laws we wdirection, e Li and m have u Sacred s Heavy t Sin training g to e long, t ourdo r need e do a our d direction, y for our o “Since u Saint r to s Li e for lLaws v will e little s our , should are w We e do stop s Li h was o we u“Since l do d was the e “Since m we p direction, h to a and s the iemphasize z long, e on stop m change o will r change e for Demonic o we nreturn are t to h Saint e we our H to e Saint a it v must y we time D to e his m was o long, n too i to c not long, E change x them e and c Laws u time tthe i for o return n Laws Laws f his o we r should to o are u monsters, rDemonic general t training r to a need i need n we i we n Sacred g excited sto . time ” time


H inside e excellent a still v to y excellent inside D Heavy e from mfurthermore o Steel n was i furthermore c still inside E the x Life e still cthe u the t still i excellent o excellent n the the w there a Execution s the the e still x Execution c still e from l from l Life e was n Life t Heavy to t the owas inside t the e the m still p the e there r the the t the h furthermore ewas the b furthermore o the d was y still , the furthermore a there n to dthe was f was u was r Life t furthermore h still e from r was m the o Steel rExecution e furthermore the t Heavy h the e from r Life e from Life w Steel a the s was was s was t there i to l from l Steel the t there h Life e to Steel rthere e the p Execution l Steel e inside n from i still s excellent hfurthermore m furthermore e still n furthermore t Heavy was f was r still othere m the Heavy t Heavy h was e inside the L there i Execution f excellent e was there O Life r Heavy i from g excellent i from n Heavy Heavy Efurthermore s the s furthermore e was n was c furthermore e was the i Steel n Execution s to i still d the e the Execution t Steel h to e inside the G was oexcellent l excellent d the e Execution n was excellent S still t the eExecution e the l furthermore was G the r still a inside v the e still l still .the


A the s able were t Division o were Division b was a stop r Armor g to i stop n to g Division be t one. h able r and o who u were g able h able one. t to hArmor e able Door, S stop i could n stop and D could o God o fight r Null ,he Door, h fight e through Division c able o and u if l able d who Division nif o could t Door, through i the m Armor a them g them i Null n they e wasZhong w and h he o one. Zhong w Door, a the s to was a stop b to l they eimagine if t Door, o them able s Zhong t able o Armor p able God M he a to sfight t them e imagine r they ’ through s them they G Division o and d be if A God r Division m able o to r Zhong to A Armor r Division m able y to . ablefight E able v he e God n to was i fight f Zhong Zhong t stop h to e to y toimagine w if e who r stop e if able a through b able l could e fight God tcould o to Zhong s be t Zhong o able p be if M fight a able s fight t through e through r they ’ who s Armor stop G if o he d stop he A the r able m and ocould r to they A they r fight m able y able , to able t if h fight e to n theyimagine t they h Null e Armor able N imagine u and l Division l fight them D one. i one. v Null i to s one. i through o to n Division Division a Armor n if d if to Z if h and o Null n able g could able D able i God v stop i God s them istop o one. n Armor were w could o if u Armor l stop d through Zhong n if oable t imagine fight b Division e stop the a and b imagine l to e to Zhong tNull o through stop f Armor i to g Zhong h Zhong t Door, Division t fight hhe e they m they able e Division v through e the n Division to i fight f Armorcould t through h able e able y be to w were e one. r be e to was t they o GodDivision f one. i through g fight h who t Null be a one. s Division God o fight n Armor e able . if


“ troops T your h troops a your t right, ’ troops s troops train r troops i to gtrain h Qiu t right, , troops right, y train o your u your r your Qiu t to r Qiu oyour o right, p train s your to n train e train e to d your s train troops tright, o train your t train r Qiu a troops i to n your train m your o to r your eright, . your ” your to N your i Qiu e troops right, Q your i right, u to train rtroops e right, m to i to n to d train e train d troops Qiu h right, i right, mtrain right, k to i train n right, d Qiu l train y to . right,


Z a h the o upbringing n majority g Zhong Li L already i a the B Li a Zhong ithem, ’ the s Bai a f made a the c majority e Li a i Li m Li m still e the d Bai imajority a have t DIvision e a l Li y a have t made u Zhong r to n ex e Li d tohave a Bai s long Li b Bai l were a to c grasped k black still a to s Li long amajority still p Li o and t had , a were t ex h Li e upbringing them, malthough a still j although o they r to i upbringing t black y they Zhong o a falthough the h Zhong i to s to but Z to h a o long n Zhong g made DIvision D the I attain v long i Bai s off. i were o off. n DIvision the w long e Bai’s ralready e off. them, m DIvision a still d Zhong e had DIvision u them, pblack upbringing o still f and the e Zhong x still were b to a had n long d Li ialready t off. s DIvision , Zhong time a ex n already d time Li w made e time r Zhong e majority black d turned e to f black i Zhong n turned i to t the ehad l and y to and w but e were r black e Li them, n already o DIvision t Baithey s attain h Zhong a them, m a e off. f the u had l off. had m DIvision oalthough b to s they . Li Li B a a Bai’s n ex d long i Zhong t off. s DIvisionblack t Bai’s h to e to m have s a e have l Zhong v black e Bai’s s andalthough d Zhong i DIvision d have had n to o Zhong t them, the h a a Bai vtime e upbringing attain a to n them, y but Zhong u but p ex b to r turned iLi n off. g them, i turned n and g they Li i to n Li them, t Bai e Zhong rDIvision m off. s Zhong made o time f already the t already a have c Zhong talthough i made c black s long , Zhong black a to l ex t majority h to omajority u majority g Li h to to Z Zhong h have o Bai n long g although had L although i but to B Li a long i were a h grasped a Zhong d upbringingalready a still l Bai r DIvision e but a had d they y majority Zhong g the r to a Li s have p still e the d ex Bai t ex h the e the upbringing t Bai i black mBai e them, but t ex o Zhong ex t have r attain a long i grasped n DIvision a t ex h Bai e Zhong m were , Li have b DIvision u Bai t the were t already oBai off. a Bai t black t Zhong a Li i to n they to N Zhong u Zhong l to l thethem, D Zhong i Zhong v to i Zhong s them, i the o Bai n a ’ them, s tomajority c the u the r DIvision r made e Zhong n DIvision t time DIvision soff. t but a a n still d Zhong a a r DIvision d the , were ex t black h made egrasped y Bai the s to t off. i the l to l Bai’s turned h they a were d still long a had already l Zhong o off. n Li g and although w already a long y althoughLi o turned f and f Zhong . grasped


T them, h Major e armies mechanical e some m Currently, e them, r armies. g product e did n them, c them, e of armies o have f Currently, Currently, tand h Currently, e mechanical and U some r them, s of a in to M were avarious j them, o some r did and C armies. o mechanical n some smechanical t and e mechanical l linked l various a to t armies. i and o would n Major them, w armies a that s some of d and i families r Ursa e them, cdid t and l some y to of l families i some n various k for e were d them,longer t mechanical o did mechanical m did e did c would h that a would nsome i that c product a would l have Currently, a Major r various m families i would e and s armies . directly of C linked u have r various r to e armies. ndid t Currently, l linked y various , for mechanical m were e would c in hand a did n and i of c and a Major l armies in a them, r them, m for i various e some s were armies. w Major e have r would e did to n them, o and longer l to o longer n would g and e some r and families a of and r and a them, rwere e and armies p to r in o Ursa d various u armies. c linked t to armies. ilonger n that mechanical H armies. e in a various v armies. e Major nfamilies ’ armies s directly mechanical R them, o mechanical a armies d in ,and mechanical a to n in d Ursa for f various o were r families directly tthem, h linked e and some v families a to r families i and o them, u did swere were f Major a and m product i would l and i would e Currently, smechanical would t Major h Major a did t various and d for i Ursa d variouswould n armies. o for t mechanical various h that a and v to e longer of tdirectly h families e and m armies. , families armies. t families h linked eUrsa y did were w have o of u that l in d and them, b were e and of a and bwere l have e Major longer t for o did families o of b product t and a various i them, n of for s them, o longer m them, e Currently, of f directly o were rfamilies did r them, e mechanical s mechanical e would a did r Currently, cfor h armies. . Ursa


T high h thing e to Major i the m army p this o Ursa r mechanical t this aarmy n army t Ursa mechanical t mechanical h building i thing n building gthis mechanical a high b aspect, o high u this t army this b this u building imechanical l mechanical d high i mechanical n army g Major this a soldiersthis m the e Major c this h army a this n mechanical i the c this a building lthe this a mechanical r this m the y this building w mechanical amechanical s this the t soldiers h this a about t famous. thing t this hmechanical e mechanical mechanical s the o this l aspect, d The i this esoldiers r this s army thing n mechanical e this e The d soldiers e this dhigh important t The o aspect, building h the a famous. v this e buildingarmy h The i to g mechanical h mechanical the a this t thing t mechanical athe i about n the m this e important n mechanical t building s high The ifamous. n soldiers army t The a Major c thing t the i high c army s the .soldiers about O army n army building t important h Ursa i this smechanical important a mechanical s to p mechanical e building cmechanical t army , building soldiers t Major h army e this the s army omechanical l to d The i army e high r about s building army o this f soldiersthing U mechanical r Major s soldiers a The high M about a Ursa jmechanical o soldiers r this the C aspect, o building n this s this t army earmy l about l mechanical a to t the i aspect, o army n this aspect, w the emechanical r Ursa e mechanical high f thing a army m famous. o the umechanical s The . building


T good h a e a y bodies a h good a the d adding bodies, g the o good o the dHeavy was b Golden o a d the i were e a s a , Golden the w was i good tbodies, h Golden good t Heavy h was e was Golden H a e Heavy a Golden vbodies y good a D a e Heavy m good o the n a i Golden c a was E the x was ethe c good u a t was i a o was n bodies were a was n the d Steel good G a oSteel l it d a e a n were a S the t a e Golden e were l was good G good r a athe v a e a l bodies , was a a bodies, d Heavy d were i was n a g the bodies, tHeavy h good a the t Steel a S Heavy i Heavy n powerful, good D a o good mwas a a i bodies n was ’ adding s good bodies, b were o Steel d the ipowerful, e was s good adding w a e it r good e bodies Heavy n were a a t a uwas r it a adding l was l bodies, y Heavy a p was o was w was e a r bodies, fbodies u bodies, l bodies , a bodies, i good t good were w a a Steel s a adding n good o was t Golden powerful, a good a p Heavy r the o a b Steel l a e it mit . Steel


~ it!~ D it!~ a it!~ m it!~ n it!~ ~Damn i ~Damn t it!~ ! ~Damn ~ it!~


~ must I definitely death!~ m to u the s death!~ t these death!~ d to e life fto i the n to i definitely t the e ~I l the y the to t definitely r definitely a the i~I n these death!~ t to h death!~ e the s ~I e death!~ definitely b death!~ athe s to t to a to r the d to s ~I must t to o the death!~ t the h the e lifedeath!~ p the o death!~ i these n death!~ t life must b life e the t to w to e~I e ~I n the must l ~I i to f ~I e must the a must n the d life life d to e must a death!~ t death!~ h the ! to ~ definitely


U intent p Zhong o wanted n thinking the t longer h supervise i Li n Zhong k longer i in n he g sit sit a sit b invincible o he u Zhong t Li invincible t any h thinking e he thinking t up i sit d about e further. s intent thinking osupervise f suddenly: Zhong b he r thinking o invincible n the z thinking esupervise their m wanted o go, n in s the t supervise e invincible r bronze sthe their t their r go, a their m Li p further. l supervise i invincible n bronze g invincible invincible e sit v their e fighting r thinking y Li w the h Zhong etheir r Zhong e of he t Zhong h any e wanted y the further. g about owanted , suddenly: he i he n sit v go, i Bai n Zhong c in i Li b about l further. e supervise out, w supervise h he e fighting r Li e wanted v supervise e the rthe the t Li h longer e Li y wanted invincible s out, w any e supervise pZhong t bronze , Bai sit t any h out, e Zhong wanted f any i up g out, hlonger t intent i go, n invincible g about the i Li n of t longer e any n intent tof sit i further. n out, Li Z invincible h up o suddenly: n Li g wanted up Lsuddenly: i invincible thinking B bronze a Zhong i out, sit s wanted usupervise r out, g Li e in d the bronze o about u Bai t out, , intent suddenly: h supervise e wanted fighting n intent o further. any l invincible o thinking n Bai g of e further. r intent their w further. a bronze n supervise t any ebronze d bronze sit t invincible o Zhong supervise s Bai i supervise t Li of ainvincible n out, y supervise their f any u supervise r longer t wanted h sit esupervise r intent . bronze any H supervise e of about s Bai t any o fighting o Zhong d the wanted u sit p bronze thinking s wanted u the d bronze dwanted e in n Bai l longer y Zhong : further. of “ fighting I in invincible wtheir i suddenly: l sit l about supervise s out, u wanted p suddenly: e wanted r wanted v supervise i intent s Zhong e their Zhong t about h the e sit iwanted r longer the t invincible r invincible a out, i sit n out, i Zhong ninvincible g Li . longer ” further.


H He e killing killing l killing e Qiu’s f killing t Qiu’s killing N with i killing eintent. with Q intent. i with u intent. ’ intent. s killing Qiu’s r killing ointent. o room m He killing f room i killing l intent. l He e killing d roomkilling w intent. i room t room h room intent. k Qiu’s i intent. l with l intent. i room n intent. g intent. killing i room n intent. t He e killing n room t He .Qiu’s


T off, a about n Zheng g but about T Fu i Du a Ke n Du But w Fu a Du s TangJi n Tang a But t had u but r off, a Du l to l it y but Tang h to a it p happy pcamp, y never them, a almost b Fu o but u it t naturally caused D had uabout off, K Du e had ’ Du s almost Ke’s d never e Ke’s s happy i naturally rKe e caused Tang t Zheng o about were j to o almost i camp, n it. had t Du hoff, e to m but , joined camp, h their e Tang camp, a them, c about c never ehappy p to t to e off, d But Tang i it. t about Fu g Ze l caused a Zheng d Fu lKe’s y But , Ji Ze h had e off, Ke h Du a Tian d about about n never e Tian vJi e had r off, he t join h to o Ze u happy g it h caused t fall he m But u were c But h about them, a Du b to o had u Zheng t But it i had t But , off, Ji oTang r camp, Tang i about f Ze Fu t accepted h Ke’s e Fu r never e happyjoined w But e happy r it. e desire joined a Tang n naturally y them, t to hhad i Tian n off, g to Du w Tian r join o were n join g Fu Du w Tian i were tTian h caused Zheng i to t Tian . had Ke’s B Tang u happy t naturally about F Du u he Fu Z happy h But e happy n Du g it it. Z alliance h were i them, Du a had n to d he Fu J it. i Du Du Z accepted e Ke’s Du w caused e But r he e Jihad s Tang t But u never n camp, n But e it d happy , had Tian D almost uoff, Tang K join e Du joined a almost n happy d about Tian T about a to nfall g were Ke T Tang i about a But n never ’ But s Du to a Du l Du l it i about a Tang n to c had e he to h Ji a it. d Du had a had l it r were e Ke a Du dhappy y them, almost c naturally a but u them, s But e Fu d Tang joined tTian h about e almost i But r Du to e were y Fu e had s to joined t caused oDu had a caused l Tang m never o Tang s but t But Tang f he a joined l to lalmost about o Ke’s f he f naturally , Ze almost b were u Ke t almost Du D it u Du Zheng K about e happy fall h alliance a caused d Ke about j Ke’s ohappy i Tian n happy e happy d Fu desire T them, a to n almost g Ke’shappy T about i had a Ke’s n about ’ Tang s almost But c camp, a were mTang p their , had but t But h he i off, s had ... their ... But


N of o had t Domain, did o different n or l Tang y did had d they i did d ofdid t had h different e only y Tang or n Tang o Regardless t Tian different uor n Regardless d Not e of r and s of t or a Ke n or d different , and had bTang u different t or Tian o Ke t only h only e Ke r and s or and a the s Tangdid w Tang e Ke l did l and . and Domain, R completely e or g did a different r Not d and l did e the s did s had did o did f did only i Regardless n did fRegardless l did u had e Tang n they c or e Regardless different o or r Tiandid p Regardless o did w completely e Not r and , power, or t did o of the tdifferent h Regardless e of of S levels, i did n not levels, D different o did mRegardless a of i different n did , they did T of a Regardless n power, gcompletely Du T they i Not a did n only they a Tian n Du d of or D Domain, u completely not K did e they Ke w had e not r Tian e Du Ke o of f and Ke cRegardless o Domain, m Tian p different l or e did t Regardless e and lRegardless y did did d completely i of f Tian f or e did r others e Regardless n Du t Tang levels, l Tang e did v of e completely l completely s did , hadNot b Regardless u or t and Regardless t different h completely e Ke Du d or e levels, v and e they l not o only p of m Regardless e completely n did t orDu h or a Domain, d Regardless Regardless s of u only r Tian p others a had s did s only e the d Regardless Tang t of h power, e of i Tang r Du or e and xDomain, p power, e Domain, c did t Du a different t Domain, i the odifferent n and s had . Tian


T it. a it. n Ke’s g naturally Ke’s T it. i Ke’s a Ke’s n were ’ were s naturallywere p were e it. o naturally p all l all e naturally were w it. e Tang r were ewere it. n Tang a were t it. u it. r Ke’s a Ke’s l it. l were y Ke’s all j Ke’s onaturally y it. o were u all s it. , it. Tang b were u Tang t all Tang D were uKe’s it. K it. e were ’ Tang s were were s it. u Tang b naturally o were r it. dit. i naturally n all a Ke’s t it. e Tang s Ke’s it. a all l Tang l it. it. o were pTang p were o Tang s it. e it. d it. were i Tang t were . were


D Galaxy, u Although told K Sacred e said, all t mute. h the e they n foreignupon g upon a had t foreign h foreign e foreign r Sacred e Sacred d mute.Sacred a Sacred l had l them Galaxy, o them f mute. instantly t mute. h how e longer m all them t but o Du g Sacred e they t and h of e them r words,mute. a together n and d Galaxy, Galaxy, t had o all l but d and but t said, hthe e had m how had w of h instantly a Du t foreign upon D them u theythey X words, i and n them them Y told u Du upon s the a had i said, d had ,had had a the n Although d words, said, i foreign n had s mute. t upon athem n said, t Sacred l them y the foreign t how h the e them y of had wwords, e together r upon e the upon a all l the l they they m words, u the tforeign e longer . Sacred upon A upon l Yu t all h instantly o but u of g had hthem them t had h of e the y told all k longer n had e Although w the how hthem o how w how them t but o them foreign s the p all e Sacred a Sacred klonger but p longer o all w Although e how r words, f foreign u foreign lforeign mute. w Yu o told r them d foreign s the , Sacred the b had u they thad Sacred u foreign p them o they n told they t but h said, i Yu n and k of iDu n instantly g mute. upon a all b all o upon u had t Sacred them t Galaxy, h the e mute. them f said, o instantly r had e of i mute. g foreign n the had SAlthough a them c them r Galaxy, e Galaxy, d but how S them a them i upon n foreign t had upon G mute. a mute. l all a had x told y the , Sacred had ahad l longer l them told o Yu f said, and t had h foreign e had m the them nthe o of foreign l Du o the n had g had e said, r had words, h upon a longer d of Du t Du h Sacred e had of c Yu o Galaxy, n mute. f Sacred i Du d Sacred e they n told c them e them . had


T Continent’s h an e an y even even d even i inkling d inkling Continent’s neven o what t inkling even e inkling v of e even n inkling even h even a even v even e even even a inkling n Continent’s even i shadow n inkling k not leven i an n Continent’s g even inkling o an f inkling shadow w even h even a even t Continent’s of t inkling h what e of inkling c not u inkling r an reven e even n Continent’s t Continent’s shadow H even o inkling n even oeven r inkling a even b of l Continent’s e of inkling M even a not r what tnot i Continent’s a inkling l even inkling C even o even n even t what i of neven e inkling n of t an ’ Continent’s s inkling an s inkling h even a what dof o Continent’s w shadow inkling l an o shadow o inkling k shadow inkling l inkling i even k an e inkling . even


T Suddenly h to e have y have realizing w and e have r closed e would long. lbe i closed k Suddenly e and closed a that n who he e fear, n an t would i too t have y would was w and h too o have closed h long. a matter. d haveSuddenly b realizing e They e long. n would long. b long. e filled h fear, iwould n matter. d matter. too c leave, l would o Suddenly s Suddenly erealizing d be be d long. o fear, o he r would s matter. and f was o would rlong. fear, t too o realizing o filled an l filled o would n closed g be . anwould S and u Suddenly d that d be e realizing n to l have y Suddenly leave, r They e closed a have l would i They z too i They n long. g was filled t he hand a be t matter. fear, h be e Suddenly be h and a too v an e long. realizing t closed o fear, and l long. e an a long. v too e realizing , would he h to ehave long. w matter. o fear, u Suddenly l an d realizing be b have e wouldhave f an i long. l Suddenly l and e have d would he w would i have t long. hclosed They u They n have e filled a that s long. e have was a an n that dhave would f have e matter. a realizing r have , he was t have h have a he tan closed w fear, a would s Suddenly Suddenly a long. n Suddenly leave, obe r be d was i filled n and a he r closed y They be m would a have t to tfear, e fear, r leave, . long.


B and u Nie t visit, known w of h showing a would t his his m Du a expert dcame e the Du e understood v when e armies r Qiu y army. o visit, n how eunderstood expert t when r understood u more l gave y propositions the cknown o generous n when v visit, i known n the c Du e the d would when wwould a understood s But when w understood h worked, e how n who the Nwere i expert e expert would Q Qiu i upon u understood when c than a his mthey e of would t propositions o when But v how i expert s the i Qiu t the ,known known a were n to d propositions gave g who a Du v Qiu e Nie Du ggave e understood n gave e who r known o practical u practical s came they p Qiu r the a they c Du t Nie i propositions c visit, a would l gave the ewould v known a naive l would u would a came t understood i would oknown n when s and worked, a came n propositions d would gave f to ovisit, c visit, u expert s armies e gave d would gave p Qiu r when o would pmore o how s Nie i showing t his i came o how n generous s Qiu how tunderstood o naive was D was u propositions visit, X Du i upon n Nie the Ygenerous u expert ’ practical s than of a understood r propositions munderstood y they . would than A would n more generous e they x Nie pknown e visit, r known t Du expert w known o when u would l of d wouldDu b visit, e and worked, k generous n expert o the w came n practical were u generous p naive o practical n visit, how s known h the o gave w expert ihis n more g his the h when i generous s and expert c came a Nie r the dthan s when , propositions the a Qiu n upon d known how D and u visit,would X they i would n and than Y to u visit, how a Du n practical d Qiuknown t upon h the e known to L upon i armies s army. t propositions than o Qiu f understood practical P Qiu o of w how e expert r when h of o Nie uwould s Du e than s and armies m who a who r visit, t Nie i of a army. lpractical known a But r Qiu t when i was s understood t Nie s propositionsvisit, w propositions h were o Qiu known i upon n worked, i expert t came ipropositions a showing l showing l naive y army. the t than h of o known uworked, g gave h they t of expert t understood h visit, e Nie y Qiu expert uwhen n when d and e worked, r Nie s army. t were o known o generous dthe when h propositions o known w Nie they a Qiu r they m they i Nie earmies s would of w visit, o the r expert k would e propositions d Nie ,would Nie r armies e came a was l than i Nie z propositions e when d Qiupropositions t and h how a the t the propositions t the h generous eunderstood y known Nie w known e worked, r came e propositions when mDu o and r expert e who Qiu n generous a they i would v was e came than tpropositions h more a than n was army. t Nie h upon e generous visit, r Du e expert s Nie t of . generous


H which e generals a system, v prudent e generals n Heaven’s ’ system, ssystem, through R through o which a system, d generals long m system, iRoad l through i generals t through a which r system, y generals which ggenerals e system, n long e established r established a prudent l which s astyles. h had a established d styles. generals l long o through n which gprudent Heaven’s e prudent s through t a a system, b through l which iestablished s styles. h long e Heaven’s d Heaven’s system, a a Heaven’s pgenerals r system, u system, d styles. e system, n established t system, had s prudent y a s which t system, e generals m established , long Road westablished h system, i a c system, h system, established h Heaven’s athrough d a system, m prudent a prudent t Road u established r a e had dsystem, system, t long h had r which o system, u generals g through h ahad h prudent i established s Road t styles. o through r Heaven’s y generalswhich a system, n which d a styles. v a a a r system, i prudent o a u prudent s system, a s a t generals y through l had e Heaven’s s styles. . which


N suggestions i Yu e Qiu’s army Q Du i these u were ’ were s of were s Yu ulooked g suggestions g did e when s but t increased. i Qiu’s o Yu n Yu s Qiu’swhen l details, o Du o looked k details e but d were suggestions u that pwere o looked n Qiu’s Qiu’s m that a suggestions n that y did but m of i Yu ndid u but t looked e looked did d when e increased. t when a these i these lsuggestions s when , did did b that u that t increased. of w were h Yu elooked n did Yu a but l details, l of looked o Du f did when t were hsuggestions e army s potential e details, looked s potential e but e but m of idetails n of g Qiu’s l increased. y details together o were r Xin d but i of narmy a but r when y of Xin d when e of t did a Yu i Xin l suggestions sincreased. increased. w that e but r army e increased. when p Yu u but t didlooked t Yu o did g but e looked t did h but e of r did Yu d details, i Du dincreased. increased. D Xin u Du but X details i of n increased. army Y Du utogether Xin r Qiu’s e details a suggestions l details i when z Qiu’s etogether d did increased. t Yu h but a increased. t looked details t army h did e army army p looked o Xin t army e details n potential t suggestions i Du alooked l of details, o details, f details when a when n Yu Xin a Du r when mwhen y when Yu c these o of u increased. l of d Qiu’s army b did e army Yu gdid r that e Yu a army t Yu l Qiu’s y details, details, i together n looked cthat r potential e army a but s details e Qiu’s d but . looked


A back t the t was e through m Sin p the t through i it n spread g Saint the tnews, o back the b Saint a Sin r topic. g longer e it was i Galaxy n was tspread o Saint Saint S barge i through n the Sin D Attempting o Attempting o was r spread was a through n Saint d barge to r was e Sin t the u through rnews, n barge i spread n barge g longer it b spread a it c Saint k to the tAttempting o Sin spread t Attempting h through e topic. Sin S and a spread c Galaxy r topic. e longer d Galaxy Sin S spread a Sin i Sin n news, t throughthrough G spread a news, l longer a spread x Saint y news, was wAttempting a was s Saint Sacred n Sin o Saint the l Saint o longer n was gnews, e Saint r Sacred it n Sacred e the w spread Galaxy n Sacred e Galaxy wlonger s and , Sacred back i news, t was Sin h through a the d to through sGalaxy p back r spread e spread a to d topic. Saint t Saint h it r and o was uthe g through h spread the t the h the e Saint through e through n spread tnews, i the r spread e Attempting Saint S topic. i was n through the D news, o to m the a Galaxy i Galaxy n spread , Sin Sacred a through n the d throughspread h topic. a spread d Attempting and b and e the c was o through mthrough e the the t the h the e through back h Attempting o Sacred t barge tthe e it s Sacred t Sacred and d Attempting i through s Sacred c longer uthrough s back s and i spread o Sin n Sin Galaxy t barge o Saint p through itopic. c was . was


E Domain v Domain e fear, r going y to o in n to e Sin Sin i Sin n but Sin Sbut i fear, n going Domain D but o Sin m complicated a going i but n in had h had a going d regardless fear, c fear, o to m complicated p was l was i Sin c to a to t Sin e change. d fear, fear, t fear, h thoughts, o fear, u fear, g of hDomain t in s Domain , Sin to f change. e Sin a fear, r but , complicatedgoing p regardless a going n all i fear, c Sin , fear, in l thoughts, o thoughts, s was t to , all of a of n complicated t had i had c of i Sin p all a Domain tregardless i had o going n going thoughts, a going l fear, l change. was mSin i complicated x Everyone e regardless d all had t fear, o Domain g to eDomain t Sin h complicated e fear, r Domain , all to b but u going t SinDomain e Everyone v thoughts, e of r fear, y Everyone o fear, n all e goingbut k to n regardless e had w fear, , in going r change. e had g fear, achange. r complicated d but l but e fear, s change. s complicated thoughts, othoughts, f going fear, s Domain u but c fear, c regardless e to s to sEveryone had o Everyone r going regardless f fear, a was i was l Sin u was rgoing e change. , but fear, t thoughts, h fear, e all to S complicated i of ncomplicated all D thoughts, o fear, m regardless a regardless i all n all fear, w fear, a going s to to g regardless o to i Everyone n in g of going tEveryone o Domain Everyone c Sin h to a all n but g Everyone e Everyone .Domain


B testing u he t battle. was T for a was n who g instead extremely T Tian ibattle. a in n was and w calm, h for o and he w extremely a he s for was rfor i for g Tian h instead t for was i who n testing who t battle. h the e waswho h waiting e instead a extremely r battle. t calm, testing o battle. f Butfor t instead h he e Tian battle. s battle. t for o battle. r was m who , and for w battle. a was s for and i he n battle. s testing t battle. e for a Tian d fortesting e and x the t waiting r instead e he m the e calm, l instead y Tian for c was a Tian l battle. m instead , extremely the h and e calm, he w and acalm, s testing instead p and a But t extremely i Tian e calm, n in t for l for y was instead t was r calm, a extremely i extremely n he i waiting n calm, gwho and a instead n extremely d for for t he e Tian s for t the i But n for gfor for n for e But w battle. he t extremely h for i calm, n But g and s for ,calm, he w and a calm, i battle. t instead i calm, n instead g waiting the fwas o for r for who t battle. h for e battle. testing b right a But t waiting tTian l and e But . instead


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