Chapter 312 312. TRAINING AREA

Noah took a few minutes to rest while Elder Sarah ranted about how damaged her home was. Needless to say, the whole thing never registered in his mind, he didn't care enough. Rather he continued to marvel at her power.

She could easily bring down the whole mansion if she wanted and probably more. He also found the forms within the technique quite powerful. Maybe too powerful. She should be capable of doing anything with the second form and although the third form could easily be avoided by putting up protections, it would serve as a momentary distraction for her opponents.

The lady eventually stopped talking after noticing that Noah wasn't paying attention. However, she didn't do anything and soon they started to stare at each other.

"You managed to take the power of the third form," Elder Sarah voiced her mild surprise.

"It wasn't easy," Noah replied honestly.

"That's still good, it shows you can withstand heavy attacks and come out okay. Maybe I shouldn't give you the credit but your body's incredible healing speed," she mused sweeping her gaze on the many cracks that filled the walls of the sparring room.

"Either way it's still me," a smile broke on Noah's face while imitating her.

"What are you going to do about them?" Noah asked, setting his eyes on her gorgeous face and noticing the flicker in her expression.

A sigh escaped Elder Sarah's mouth at that point, and she opened her mouth to voice her thoughts.

"This room is unfit for our training. I thought we'd be able to use it for a while but it seems I was wrong." Another sigh escaped her mouth and she began her walk towards the exit of the room.

Waving Noah over, she exited the room with Noah following closely behind her, and truth be told he felt mildly excited about the new place they would be staying.

She led him toward the door right under the staircase and placed her hand on the knob to push it open.

A dark narrow environment expanded in their sights but a series of magical torches producing real flames lit the place up to reveal that it featured a flight of stairs proceeding downwards beneath the mansion.

The spiral stairs held an air of mystery that didn't fail to incite Noah's curiosity, but he didn't speak during the whole event and limited himself to simply following Sarah's lead.

Shockingly, during their journey, Noah found that there were many doors leading to who knew where. 'There's a whole underground travel system here. I won't be surprised if important meetings are held within any of them,' Noah thought still quietly inspecting the black, but smooth walls of the underground system. He would love to see what stood behind the walls, but his consciousness couldn't g past the various doors.

A bit over five minutes passed before they reached the bottom of the stairs which lead to a big purple door. The layout of the place reminded him of the dungeon he had been in only about two weeks prior.

Elder Sarah silently walked towards the door and placed her palm on a seemingly random spot. A series of red inscribed circles shone on the door at that point and the door quickly began to part ways for their entry.

"Welcome to my personal training area. A place built to withstand even the power of tier 4's. There's nothing we can throw at it that would cause it to break down," Elder Sarah announced spreading her arms as she walked deeper into the room.

With eyes sucking in every detail, Noah walked into the room and his eyes brows rose at the sight that lay before him.

The room was large, massive even. It wouldn't even be considered a room, but more of an underground field.

It looked to be made solely from metal, as it featured smooth walls and was corner-less. The ceiling of the training area featured hundreds of multicolored mana bulbs that lit the whole place with their bright lights.

The most eye-catching detail within that place was the court right at the center of the room. It stood at an area of around 600sq-meters. Its tall metallic net fence shone with the light of inscriptions capable of doing who knew what.

Apart from that were things that Noah had seen in other places, but was still surprised to see there. Things like humanoid training dummies, weights, mana stones that stood at the height of the average man, and many of them were yellow!

"This training area contains equipment that would help better in our training, but also many other things like a self-defense array, a series of intelligent simulations that help control and access the various functions of the whole area easier. It can even act as a shelter."

"At full capabilities, this thing should be capable of detaching itself from the island and flying wherever I want it," Elder Sarah explained clearly proud of her training area.

"There are still many things that are hidden within the walls and the surface of the area, but they are for later," she said, walking towards a training dummy made entirely out of a black metal radiating a strange aura.

"This dummy is of the darkness element, so if you ever need to know how fighting someone with such an affinity would be, you can try it out. Just don't forget to tune its strength down. There are other dummies based on the different affinities. The guild spared no expense for training areas such as this one," she announced overflowing with pride.

"This is why you need to get stronger and become important so that expensive stuff can be given to you for free!" she giggled with a mischievous grin.

Noah continued to inspect the training area while Elder Sarah continued to brag about its functions. She truly became less of an adult and more of a child the more he got to know her.

Strange symbols were carved into the silver walls of the training area. He wondered what they were used for but only made a mental note to ask, when his master was finished with her bragging. All in all, the place was worthy of its praise, and Noah felt it an achievement knowing he would be training there for a while.

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