Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 111

Chapter 111 - Thank You for Your Hospitality

“Today marks the day that the Soong family and the Leng family form a comprehensive strategic partnership. I warmly welcome everyone's presence,” Soong Leji announced.

“Indeed, today the Leng family and the Soong family unite as strategic allies,” echoed Leng Hongchang.

In the full view of the assembly, the two families proceeded to sign a series of agreements and charters.

About a quarter of an hour later, Soong Leji shifted the conversation, “Today is not only significant for the alliance between our Soong family and the Leng family but also marks the auspicious day of our families' union through marriage.”

Turning to Soong Yu, who stood behind him, Soong Leji said, “Your turn.”

Soong Yu was strikingly handsome.

With a fitting smile, he approached Leng Xue, all eyes fixed on him.

Nearly every lady present envied her.

Many harbored secret affections for Soong Yu.

Yet, not just anyone could aspire to marry him.

Leng Xue's breath quickened, her fists clenched tightly.

Before long, Soong Yu stood before Leng Xue. Gazing into her eyes, he confessed, “Leng Xue, from the moment I met you three years ago, you've captured my heart,” pointing to his chest as he spoke.

“How romantic,” someone sighed.

“He's declaring his love for her publicly,” another whispered.

“I hope my man will one day declare his love for me like that,” a third dreamily commented.

But Leng Xue felt no thrill of surprise.

She looked at Soong Yu, her nails biting into her palms.

“I long to wake up to your face every morning, so will you marry me?” Soong Yu proposed, dropping to one knee and presenting a glittering diamond ring.

All eyes turned to Leng Xue.

The moment was scripted for joyous acceptance, for Leng Xue to take Soong Yu's ring with delight and for an embrace to follow, with onlookers cheering for a kiss.

Yet, to everyone's astonishment, Leng Xue remained silent.

Leng Hongchang's face darkened.

“Leng Xue,” he prompted her.

Leng Xue lifted her head, locking eyes with Leng Hongchang.

Leng Hongchang couldn't help feeling tense.

Leng Xue's demeanor was unwavering, showing no signs of having agreed to the marriage.

Just as Leng Xue was about to voice her refusal, a smooth voice interrupted.

“Leng Hongchang, if you don't want your daughter to become a widow shortly after her wedding, I suggest you refrain from forcing her into this marriage,” Ye Hao said, drawing the attention of everyone present.

Zhou Wanqing was taken aback; she hadn't anticipated Ye Hao making such a bold statement in public.

“Who is he?”

“Why is he with the Zhou family's young lady?”

“Could he be Zhou Wanqing's fiancé?”

As they speculated, they couldn't help but wonder about Ye Hao's identity.

“What did you say?” Soong Leji demanded, his anger palpable.

Ye Hao's words were a clear curse on his son's life.

Ignoring Soong Leji, Ye Hao steadily approached Soong Yu.

Soong Yu rose to his feet, fixing Ye Hao with a cold glare. “We have no quarrel, do we?” he asked sternly.

“Indeed, there's no quarrel, but I simply don't like you,” Ye Hao replied calmly.

Soong Leji immediately ordered, “Get him out of here!”

To his astonishment, not a single security guard appeared.

“Where are the security guards?”

“No matter how loudly you call, no security guard will appear,” Ye Hao stated coolly.

“Who exactly are you?” Soong Leji asked, sensing that Ye Hao was no ordinary individual.

“You don't need to know who I am. What you do need to know is that Soong Yu deserves to die.” After making this declaration, Ye Hao turned to Soong Yu and confronted him, “Soong Yu, why have you betrayed your heritage to ally with the Reshaerusians?”

“What are you talking about?” Soong Yu's face contorted with shock.

The elite of the political and business sectors, upon seeing Soong Yu's reaction, realized the truth in Ye Hao's words.

Their gazes towards Soong Yu shifted noticeably.

“Do you even understand why Gang Cun has you collecting Ubliasian blood samples for a blood bank?” Ye Hao asked coldly. “Let me enlighten you. Gang Cun intends to develop genetic weapons.”

“Genetic weapons?”

A wave of astonished murmurs swept through the crowd.

Although gene weapons have not yet been developed, everyone in the room was acutely aware of their potential for destruction. They could easily wipe out an entire region.

Soong Yu stumbled backward, his face ashen. “Impossible. How could you possibly know about this?”

“Because I placed a camera in your room.”

“Gang Cun has a pen that can block surveillance.”

Realizing his mistake, Soong Yu blurted out, “You tricked me into saying that.”

”Do you really think I needed to do that?” Ye Hao looked at Soong Yu. “If Gang Cun's pen actually worked, I wouldn't have been able to hear your conversation.”

Ye Hao's intention was clear: to further unsettle Soong Yu.

Hearing this, Soong Yu became despondent and cursed, “I never should have trusted him.”

“But for ten billion yuan, you agreed to his terms,” Ye Hao remarked coolly.

Soong Yu had no response.

“Arrest Soong Yu.” At Ye Hao's command, several figures sprang into action, pinning Soong Yu down.

“Stop,” Soong Leji interjected urgently.

“Do you have something to say?” Ye Hao fixed his gaze on Soong Leji.

“Perhaps there's been a misunderstanding,” Soong Leji insisted, unable to stand by and watch his son be taken to jail.

“You may be right,” Ye Hao said thoughtfully, stroking his chin. “This matter requires a thorough investigation. Is the Soong family aware of Soong Yu's betrayal?”

The room erupted into chaos.

Soong Leji realized the gravity of his error. If the Soong family drew the attention of the National Security Bureau, they would be embroiled in a major scandal.

“The Soong family had no knowledge of Soong Yu's actions,” Soong Leji asserted.

“Very well,” Ye Hao replied, though he was not inclined to let the matter drop so easily. “I will look into it thoroughly.”

“Take Soong Yu away,” Ye Hao ordered with a wave of his hand.

With Soong Yu in custody, Ye Hao turned his attention to Leng Hongchang. “Is the Leng family aware of this situation?”

“Not at all,” Leng Hongchang replied, startled.

Nobody wanted to be on the radar of the National Security Bureau.

“If you were unaware, then why did you enter into a strategic partnership with the Soong family?” Ye Hao's question caused Soong Leji's complexion to grow even paler.

Ye Hao appeared to have firmly concluded that the Soong family was involved in this matter.

Should Leng Hongchang become aware of this situation, he certainly wouldn't consider allying with the Soong family.

Yet, Ye Hao chose to remain silent. He lifted his glass in a distant toast to Zhou Wanqing.

“Thank you, Miss Zhou, for your generous hospitality.”

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