Urban: Super God-Ring System

Chapter 27

C27 – He Intimidated Mu Shuxin!

“Big T, I don’t feel like explaining too much. If you really believe I’m involved in this, then there’s nothing more I can say.” Mu Shuxin sat down, a look of resignation on his face, and stopped trying to explain.

The situation was spiraling out of control. People were dying left and right, seemingly without cause, and it was clear they were after him. He couldn’t fathom why any top dog would have it out for him like this.

In the shadows, Wen Huaimu couldn’t help but smirk with self-satisfaction. It looked like he had succeeded in causing some trouble for Mu Shuxin. All because Mu Shuxin’s sister had been too arrogant. He thought it was time to teach her a lesson.

Big T remained silent. He simply took out his phone and dialed a number.

The call connected, and before Big T could get a word in, the voice on the other end preempted him.

“Big T, Ouwang is dead, and it’s a nasty scene. According to insiders at the Patrol Room, Ouwang had no chance to fight back. The crime scene is beyond what you’d expect from a typical murder. This wasn’t the work of an ordinary person,” the voice rushed to explain.

Big T was taken aback, then he inquired, “Did you find anything else?”

“Big T, there’s talk that Ouwang encountered a demon. A massive plant was found at the scrapyard, filling the entire space. Even the city’s plant experts are baffled, claiming they’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Alright, I understand,” Big T said, ending the call. He turned to face Mu Shuxin.

“I can now be sure that you’re not connected to this incident. Someone else is orchestrating this from the shadows.”

Caught off guard by Big T’s abrupt declaration, Mu Shuxin momentarily froze. Then, breaking into a wide grin, he said, “Big T, you’re the real deal. You’ve got my trust, and I’m no coward. Someone’s trying to set up our families, aiming to have us tear each other apart. It’s inexcusable. If I find out who’s behind this, I swear I’ll mince them up and feed them to the dogs.”

In that instant, Mu Shuxin’s true nature as a mafia patriarch emerged, his aura bristling with lethal intent.

Big T, however, didn’t react to Mu Shuxin’s fierce declaration. Instead, he was consumed by worry, deep in thought. Who in Anbubury had the clout to cause such upheaval?

Wen Huaimu was left speechless as he witnessed their sudden reconciliation. The death of Yan Xuewen had been nothing short of horrific. Those with a vendetta against Big T would have certainly dealt a fatal blow.

Wen Huaimu’s concern grew; he was entangled in this affair, and these mafia bosses were notoriously unforgiving. They might have already caught wind of his involvement. While he could shrug off his own danger, the thought of dragging his parents into this was unbearable.

After a moment’s contemplation, Wen Huaimu steeled himself and emerged from the shadows, approaching Mu Shuxin’s door. He tapped lightly.

“Who’s there?”

The question came from Liaozhi, the young man behind Mu Shuxin, who drew a dark gun and eyed the door with suspicion.

“He’s on his toes, but I’m not scared,” Wen Huaimu chuckled to himself, not bothering to wait for an invitation before pushing the door open.

The KTV room was spacious, decked out with state-of-the-art entertainment gear that seemed freshly installed.

Mu Shuxin and Big T fixed Wen Huaimu with stern looks, while Liaozhi aimed his gun squarely at him, ready to fire at the slightest provocation.

“Scarface, it’s an honor to meet you for the first time,” Wen Huaimu began, addressing Mu Shuxin with a smile.

“Who are you?” Mu Shuxin’s voice was a low growl, his eyes dark with menace.

“Easy now, I’m just a guy. What, you think I could take on all three of you?” Wen Huaimu’s tone was light, but his gaze turned icy as he turned to Liaozhi. “But let me make one thing clear—I can’t stand having guns pointed at me. Today, two fools tried it; one’s dead, and the other’s down a hand.”

The threat in his voice was unmistakable.

Liaozhi bristled with anger. This guy was insufferable. What did it matter if he had a gun trained on him?

“Liaozhi, put the gun away,” Mu Shuxin commanded with a wave of his hand, his voice resonating with authority.

“Yes, Scarface,” Liaozhi complied, albeit begrudgingly, his glare never leaving Wen Huaimu.

“Let’s have a civil conversation. Why is there such a penchant for brawling among us? It’s quite uncivilized.” Wen Huaimu nonchalantly took a seat on another small sofa, casually crossing his legs and smiling amiably at the group.

“I recognize you,” Big T announced, locking his intense gaze on Wen Huaimu. “You were supposed to be dead.”

“Let’s not talk about such ominous things. I haven’t even hit twenty yet, and you’re already wishing for my early demise, Big T?” Wen Huaimu shot back, glaring at Big T with evident displeasure. To be honest, he had little fondness for this serpentine character, especially since he had once been kidnapped and held hostage by him.

“You’re alive, but Ouwang isn’t. It appears I’ve underestimated you; Ouwang’s death was by your hand,” Big T’s expression darkened, his eyes glinting with a chilling light, ready to strike like a venomous snake at any moment.

Wen Huaimu’s irritation grew. His smile vanished as he retorted icily, “You take me hostage, yet deny me the right to defend myself? That man was asking for it, but you’re pinning the blame on me. Don’t get too high and mighty. From where I stand, you’re the pitiful one.”

“What did you just say?” Big T rose abruptly, his face contorted with rage, a dangerous aura emanating from him.

“I said, you’re pitiful,” Wen Huaimu stood his ground, looking down on Big T with contempt. His body was charged with magic, a wind blade swirling around his palm, his psychic force at the ready, poised to take down Big T in one swift move should he strike.

“Let’s all take a step back and cool off. We shouldn’t act so rashly,” Mu Shuxin intervened at the perfect moment, attempting to defuse the tension. He then gave Wen Huaimu a peculiar look and suggested, “You seem to be privy to some details. Would you mind sharing with us?”

Wen Huaimu scoffed. Big T, having reined in his anger at Mu Shuxin’s intervention, was met with a cold sneer from Wen Huaimu. “I find this whole affair trivial. I’m not in the mood to discuss it any further.”

“You’re not going to show me some respect?” Scarface’s expression turned icy in an instant.

Wen Huaimu wasn’t taken aback by his demeanor. Raising his hand, he warned, “Don’t threaten me. Accidents can happen all too easily.”

Scarface’s retort was cut short as his face abruptly paled. Glancing to the side, he noticed a lock of his hair floating in the air.

The sight stunned everyone present.

If Wen Huaimu could sever his hair without a sound, it meant he could just as easily take his life!

A young man, gripped by fear, grabbed his gun, yet he didn’t aim it at Wen Huaimu. Instead, he watched him warily, eyes unblinking.

It had been a long time since Scarface felt such peril. Confronted with a blade so swift it was unavoidable, he nearly crumbled, his heart racing.

After taking a couple of deep breaths, Scarface regarded Wen Huaimu with a hint of fear. Despite his youth, Wen Huaimu possessed extraordinary skills and showed no hesitation to kill.

Wen Huaimu was ruthless, skilled, and young—a terrifying combination.

“Got it now? I detest violence, but you just wouldn’t comply,” Wen Huaimu said with a slight smile, turning his attention to Big T.

By then, Big T had lost all his bluster and eased back onto the couch.

The severed strand of hair had left Scarface shaken; despite his vigilance, he had sensed nothing. This silent, fearsome ability sent a shiver down Big T’s spine. Had Wen Huaimu targeted their throats, they would have been dead in an instant.

“Now you’re being genuine. I’ll make sure you understand why you’re in such a sorry state,” Wen Huaimu said, smiling contentedly as he took a seat. Though pleased, he was also concerned. Had he not managed to intimidate these bosses on his first try, he might have only been able to take down one at most. Such risks were too great; he’d have to be more cautious in the future.

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