Urban: Super God-Ring System

Chapter 9

C9 – I Was Being the Hostage

Wen Huaimu’s fear was instinctual. He curled up, a chilling sensation creeping along his jawline.

Truth be told, he was still baffled. How had he ended up a hostage? He had been marveling at the magic, basking in the praise of an elfin. Then, out of the blue, two men had appeared, taking him captive and forcing him into this long-abandoned control room.

Wen Huaimu shifted, striving for composure. In perilous times, staying cool-headed was his only chance at self-rescue.

“Big T, what’s our next move?” The bearded brute threatened Wen Huaimu before turning to his cohort, seemingly the one calling the shots.

Wen Huaimu stole a glance at him.

This man was lean, barely in his twenties, not yet thirty. His demeanor suggested the world was in his debt, dark and foreboding, his eyes narrow and piercing, reminiscent of a cobra’s unsettling gaze.

Instinct told Wen Huaimu this was the real threat. His heart sank a little more.

“Quiet. I need to think,” said the slim man, his face a mask of calm as he paced the room.

Wen Huaimu held his breath, attuned only to Big T’s methodical steps.

Abruptly, Big T halted and fixed his gaze on Wen Huaimu. He recoiled, huddling tighter into the corner behind the battered desk.

“Our only play is to use him. When the cops call out, you’ll demand an off-road vehicle—and make sure it’s bulletproof,” Big T instructed the bearded man.

“Understood,” the bearded man responded quickly, his face contorted with rage. “Big T, it must’ve been Mu Shuxin who ratted us out. He’s been itching to take over Anbury and crown himself its underground king. If we make it out, I swear I’ll flay him.”

Big T, however, just shook his head, silent and pensive.

“Attention inside, you have thirty seconds to come out and surrender, or we open fire.”

Outside the control room, the shouts of patrolling officers echoed.

“Do these incompetents really think they can make me surrender?” scoffed the bearded brute, peering disdainfully through the window.

Perched midair and accessible only by an iron staircase, the control room was a stronghold, easily defensible and difficult to assault. From his vantage point, the bearded man could see the layout below, where a majority of the officers were now visible.

On the ground, there were over twenty officers, strategically positioned at the limited access points, each armed with a pistol.

“Listen up down there, I’ve got a hostage,” Big T bellowed from against the wall. “If you don’t want them hurt, you’ll do as I say.”

“What! There’s a hostage inside?” A middle-aged patrolling officer was taken aback. They had the criminals cornered, ready for capture, and he was on the cusp of commendation.

But how did the criminals suddenly have a hostage? Where did this hostage come from?

“Deputy Chief, they’re bluffing,” insisted a burly officer at the middle-aged man’s side. “I’ve been on their tail straight into this derelict factory. I’m certain there’s no hostage. It’s a ruse.”

“And if they do have a hostage? Who’s accountable if the hostage gets hurt?” retorted the middle-aged officer with a piercing gaze.

The burly officer fell silent. He was confident the criminals hadn’t had time to take a hostage, but he hadn’t actually seen them not take one. If they truly had a hostage, they had to tread carefully.

“Big T, looks like they’re doubting we have a hostage,” remarked the bearded man.

Big T let out a cold laugh. “Take him for a little show and tell.”

“Right away, Big T.” The bearded man fixed Wen Huaimu with a menacing glare and barked, “Get out here!”

Wen Huaimu seethed inwardly, but they were armed, and these were hardened criminals who could even jest in the face of law enforcement. Cooperation seemed the prudent choice.

With a look of suppressed anger, Wen Huaimu stepped out, his timidity pleasing the bearded man immensely.

The weak should indeed tremble before the mighty, he thought.

The bearded man seized Wen Huaimu and strode to the door, kicking it open with a forceful blow. With a pistol in hand, he aimed it at Wen Huaimu’s temple and marched out of the control room.

“They actually have a hostage!” The burly guard watched, dumbfounded, as Wen Huaimu was held captive by the bearded man, a wave of powerlessness washing over him.

He had been right on their heels, leaving them no time to take a hostage. So how did one suddenly appear? What was happening?

The middle-aged constable shot a stern look at the burly guard before turning his attention to the bearded man. Lifting his megaphone, he called out, “Please, remain calm. We can meet your demands. Just don’t harm the hostage.”

“I’ve got a hostage, and I’m warning you,” the bearded man bellowed, smugness etched on his face. “First, no shooting, or he dies on the spot. Second, I need an off-road vehicle, and it better be bulletproof. I want that SUV in three minutes, or he’s dead. Got it?”

Enraged, the burly guard confronted the middle-aged constable, “Vice Constable, we can’t give in to this thug. He’s murdered the CEO of Meixia Group, and the city committee’s been informed. If we comply, the fallout will be disastrous. I can’t condone this.”

The middle-aged constable shot another angry glance at his colleague, thinking, “Don’t I understand the gravity of the situation? But what’s our next move? If we don’t comply and the hostage dies, the blame falls on me, while you’ll be unaffected.”

After pondering for a tense few seconds, the deputy constable made a decision. “Do as he says. Get a bulletproof SUV here, now.”

“What? Deputy Constable!”

“Enough,” the middle-aged constable snapped, his gaze piercing. “The safety of the hostage is paramount. I’m giving you an order.”

With a grimace, the burly constable shot a final look at the bearded man, who was still strutting outside the control room, and with a shake of his head, he dashed out of the derelict factory.

“Please hold on for a few minutes. Our team is already on the way to get the vehicle ready. Do not, under any circumstances, harm the hostage,” the middle-aged patrol officer urgently called out into the microphone.

“That’s more like it. You’re truly one of the people’s finest,” the bearded brute said with a savage grin. Wrapping his burly arm around Wen Huaimu’s neck, he leaned in and murmured, “Kid, you’re our lifesaver. Once we’re out of this mess, I’ll make sure to thank you properly.” With that, he lasciviously licked Wen Huaimu’s neck.

Wen Huaimu froze, a cold dread washing over him. One thought blazed through his mind:

“I’ve been abducted by a gay man! And he wants to ‘thank’ me? Does he mean to…?”

In that moment, Wen Huaimu was seized by a shiver of revulsion, followed by a surge of fury. I’m a straight man—keep your distance!

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