Utopian System

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: System's First level

Elio opened his eyes, finding himself in a small stone room. His body ached, but what concerned him most was the burning feeling in his lungs. Breathing was torture, as if he was inhaling fire instead of air.

Then, the memories of his confrontation with the fire monster hit him. He had managed to defeat it, despite having no weapons or equipment. The advice his father… had repeated to him, on how to face the level unarmed, had been tattooed in his brain.

A wave of pride washed over him, mixed with sadness at the misfortune of losing the things he obtained thanks to his mother's sacrifice, especially the magic dagger that would still have 2 uses left had he used it here.

He looked at his hand, the same one he had used to rip out the beast's glowing core. It was covered in burns and deep cuts, but was beginning to heal at an accelerated rate.

He had heard of this, upon completing the challenge you would obtain your level and your health would be restored to 100%. The book rose from the ground and opened in front of him, showing on the left page the black and white image of the monster he defeated, and on the right page his statistics.

Elio Elian's Statistics


Sacred Flame


Salamander (0/100)

Level 1

Mana: 10/10

Resistance 10/10

Stamina 5/5

Attack 1

Magic Damage 1

Strength 1

Defense 1

Speed 1

Perception / Agility 1

Balance: 0 Mana points

The first level equalized everyone's abilities impartially, men and women, young adults and the elderly, all are equal in the eyes of the System.

Upon leaving the book he will be forced to challenge the second level, men, who cannot give birth like women, are less important to the city so they must defend it.

The conventional way of defending the city is by feeding god's punishment turrets that are high on the walls. It's very rare to face the monsters directly, as the turrets usually are able to fend off the monsters… as long as they have enough mana.

It was a shame not being able to defeat the monsters directly, perhaps if the book's power was greater. Elio took his book and summoned his powers as his fath…er had taught him, he could not help but feel amazed at seeing the small whirlwind of air that spun around his palm.

It was his reward, the power he had unlocked by overcoming the first trial: the ability to generate and control the life-giving "Sacred Flame".

Elio inhaled deeply, reveling in the freshness of the air flowing directly from his hand. It was an incredible sensation, something stable families took for granted, but for him and his family had been a scarce luxury in recent years.

He remembered the countless times he had seen his mother exhaust herself maintaining a small breathable oxygen bubble in their home. The occasions when he had passed out from lack of air, waking up with the distressing feeling of suffocation.

But now, all that has changed. He has control over oxygen, he can breathe whenever he wants, without restrictions or limitations.

Elio let out a laugh full of relief and joy. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Never again in his life would he have to worry about air scarcity.

As he explored his new ability, memories of the legends he had heard at the community school assaulted him. Stories of a world before the monster waves invasion, a world where things called "plants" produced oxygen naturally and abundantly.

A world where people could breathe effortlessly, without having to sacrifice valuable mana points to stay alive. It was hard to imagine, after having lived his entire existence in the walled city, with its stale, rarefied air.

Elio frowned, remembering the lessons about the "Sacred Flame" they had been taught at school. This ability had always been spoken of as a way to create fire, the life-giving power that burns with God's blessing, or a basic elemental attack that rarely had any real practical application for level 1s.

The privileged, like Varick surely will, use special gloves to ignite the oxygen flow they generate, turning their power into a small flame. But most only see it as an apprentice's trick, a useless ability compared to the magic weapons and armor those families could acquire.

Elio clenched his fists, remembering how Varick had taken his belongings before entering the library. Rage boiled within him at the thought of the arrogance and contempt of that son of… one of the two privileged families.

Varick had always been his bully, taking advantage of his position of power to intimidate and abuse him. Elio had hated him since they were children, when Varick used to mock his father saying he was "a level behind his uncle", daily...

Even worse, after his… progenitor had given his life to save a stranger, Varick showed even less respect. In his mind, Elio and his family would always be 'trash', unworthy of the luxuries he enjoyed.

But things had changed. Elio got power even if Varick had tried to prevent it, and he was determined to use it to improve his family's life and leave poverty behind forever.

As he explored the limits of his ability, an idea began to form in his mind. If the oxygen he breathed was the source of the "Sacred Flame", why wasn't the power called "Sacred Oxygen"?

Elio extended his hand, focusing on the whirlwind of air spinning around his palm. Slowly, he began to accelerate the movement, increasing the friction. According to his… Father, practicing this way would give him the possibility to make a small spark in the center of the vortex igniting the flame. But only when he reaches level two.

Suddenly an idea lit up in his brain, it all made sense. The reason this ability was called "Sacred Flame" was because oxygen was the source of fire itself. Controlling fire was just the first part of a system that was surely much larger.

Elio smiled, feeling a surge of excitement course through his body. It wasn't just an apprentice's trick, perhaps it was a versatile ability that could be the key to his ascension in the System's Book. But first, he had to overcome level 2...


Elio emerged from the test chamber, feeling both pride and concern. He had managed to overcome the first challenge, but now he would face an even harder trial.

The guard looked at him with surprise when he came out. He clearly didn't expect a scrawny equipment-less youth, who was bullied like that… To have survived the confrontation with the Fire Monster.

"Well, well, it seems you got lucky, boy," the man said with disdain. "But don't get too cocky. About a third of the lunatics who attempt the challenge without equipment manage to pass the first level, thanks to the abundant information available on the Fire Monster."

Elio frowned at the guard's condescending tone, but remained silent. It wasn't worth arguing with someone who clearly underestimated him.

"The second level is a different story," the guard continued. "Even with the equipment they'll give you, between 20 and 30 percent of challengers fail to survive. The Water Monster is truly dangerous."

Elio knew that, so he only rolled his eyes…

And saw Zara and Micah who were waiting anxiously outside, their faces lit up with joy at seeing him safe and sound.

"You did it, Elio!" Zara exclaimed, hugging him tightly. "I knew you would make it... Well, I hoped so."

Micah patted his back with a proud smile. "You're a true warrior my friend... Not using the leeway month to buy more equipment was stupid, you could have saved up again… But I'm glad you made it."

Elio smiled, enjoying the… (Celebratory moment?) With his closest friends. Zara, with her dark hair and lively spirit, had been like a sister to him at school. And Micah, his advisor, was the older brother he never had… Even though he was a bit younger than Elio.

Together, they had enjoyed warm and fun moments, always sticking together and supporting each other through the hardest times.

"Thank you, friends," Elio said, his voice heavy with emotion. "I hope to see you both again soon."

Zara waved dismissively. "Don't worry, being a woman won't stop me from joining the army, did you think you'd have all the fun?"

Micah whistled impressed. "That's interesting, you heard her Elio we'll have the madwoman with us in a few months."

Elio nodded, his mind already exploring the fun adventures they would have then. But before he could continue talking, a group of guards approached.

"Elio Elian," one of the guards said, his voice grave and authoritative. "You have passed the first challenge of the System Book. Now you must continue with your duty and face the second level."

Elio felt a knot in his stomach when hearing those words. He knew what was coming next: the Water Monster, a far more dangerous enemy than the previous one.

He recalled the lessons from the community school, where they had learned about the challenges and the trials they would face. His father… 'Stop it mind, I don't wanna remember him!'... His progenitor had always insisted on the importance of being prepared for any eventuality.

"The level two Monster is a formidable creature," he used to say. "It has the ability to generate an invisible, odorless substance that instantly fills the room. When combined with the power of the Sacred Flame, it produces 'Holy Water'. Needless to say, if you breathe in liquid, you will drown."

Elio swallowed hard, remembering his father's… 'Damn it!' His father warnings, about the importance of keeping his hand completely sealed against his mouth, when invoking his Sacred Flame power. If he allowed the monster's power to mix with his own, he would drown.

But despite the fear he felt, Elio did not waver. He had promised his mother he would bring a better future for his family, and he was willing to face any challenge to fulfill that promise.

"I'm ready," he declared with determination, looking the guards in the eyes.

One of them nodded and handed him a common dagger, an apprentice magic glove, and the army's resistant uniform. "This is the minimum recommended equipment to face the Hydrogen Monster," he explained. "Even with these tools, only between 70 and 80 percent of challengers manage to survive. Be careful not to die or you'll waste the equipment."

Elio felt his life was being taken lightly, but also a wave of relief at seeing the equipment.

Zara and Micah looked at him with concern, but he gave them a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about me," he said. "I've memorized what I must do."

With those words, Elio parted from his friends and followed the guards towards the recruitment field. As he approached, his mind filled with images of his family: his mother, struggling to keep them all alive; his sisters, looking at him with adoration in their eyes, even little Rian.

Elio clenched his fists, feeling determination flow through him. No matter how dangerous the challenge, he would not back down.

Taking a deep breath, he entered the recruitment field, ready to face the Water Monster and prove his worth as a true warrior.


Elio found himself in the recruitment field, filling out the necessary forms to join the army. As he waited his turn, a familiar and unpleasant voice made him tense up.

"Well, well, if it isn't little Elio Elian."

Elio turned around to come face-to-face with Varick, the burly bully looking at him with a mocking smile on his face.

"I can't believe you survived the Fire Monster," Varick taunted. "You must have had a lot of luck, filth."

Elio clenched his fists, feeling rage boil within him. This idiot had snatched away his belongings before entering the library, depriving him of any advantage in the trial.

"It wasn't luck, Varick," Elio responded, his voice laden with determination. "It was skill and courage, something you don't have."

Varick let out a mocking laugh. "Skill? Please, you're nobody. You probably won't even be able to pass the second level."

Elio remained silent, looking at Varick with an impassive expression.

Varick, feeling frustrated by Elio's lack of reaction, stepped forward, invading his personal space. "Listen, filth, maybe you got lucky with the Fire Monster, but the Water Monster is another matter. Many have died trying to defeat it, even with proper equipment."

Elio didn't flinch, keeping his gaze steady in Varick's eyes. "Then I suppose I'll have to be more skilled than them," he responded calmly.

Varick frowned, clearly frustrated by Elio's defiant attitude. He was used to intimidating and abusing him without resistance.

"You've got guts, I'll admit," Varick growled. "But don't get too cocky, an accident could happen during your trial with that basic equipment."

Elio felt a chill run down his spine at the veiled threat, but he remained steadfast. He wasn't going to let Varick intimidate him.

"Thanks for the warning," Elio responded with sarcasm. "But I can take care of myself."

Varick looked at him with contempt, but before he could respond, a guard called Elio's name. It was his turn to face the Water Monster.

Elio turned his back on Varick and headed towards the test chamber, his determination burning stronger than ever. He wasn't going to be cowed by the threats of a privileged bully.

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