Utopian System

Chapter 25: Chapter 25: System's Reunion

For days, Elio and his makeshift team scoured the barracks with the desperation of men searching for water in a desert. Their quest for a fifth member had taken on increasingly desperate proportions.

Kriz attempted to enlist a soldier who could juggle three spears simultaneously. "He's got coordination in spades!" he argued, conveniently ignoring the man's measly Level 2 status…

Ren, usually the voice of reason, found himself trying to sweet-talk a former family soldier. "It's basically the same gig, minus the paycheck and mortal peril!" His pitch was met with derisive laughter and a suggestion to have his head examined.

Brok, in a moment of sheer desperation that he'd later deny, briefly considered teaching his bicep to wield a spear. The others pretended not to notice his frustrated grunts…

And whispered encouragements to his left arm.

Elio, meanwhile, found himself scrutinizing every passing soldier, envisioning them wielding a magical lance with such intensity that he began to earn a reputation as 'that creepy guy who stares'.

This led to some awkward situations, like when he focused so intently on one poor recruit that the man spent the rest of the day frantically rubbing his face, convinced something was stuck to it.


A week of fruitless searching later, the group reconvened at their usual training grounds, defeat etched on their faces.

Elio sighed, resignation heavy in his voice. "Well, I guess we're out of options. We'll have to ask Varick to join the team."

The others nodded glumly, as if they'd just agreed to challenge the Level 3 monster armed with nothing but harsh language and good intentions.

Brok's muscular arms crossed defensively. "I'm not asking him. Last time we spoke, he threatened to use my muscles for target practice."

"Count me out," Ren added, shuddering. "I still have nightmares about his mocking laughter."

Kriz threw his hands up dramatically. "Don't look at me. I'm allergic to arrogant idiots. I break out in sarcasm and eye-rolls."

All eyes turned to Elio, who let out another long-suffering sigh. "Fine, fine. I'll go. But if I'm not back in an hour, assume Varick's turned me into his new practice dummy and mount a rescue mission."

Just as Elio steeled himself for his dreaded task, a familiar voice rang out behind them.

"What's this, 'Stammering Elio'? So desperate you're considering asking your own bully for help?"

Elio spun around, recognizing Micah's sardonic tone. Beside him stood Zara, a crooked smile on her face and arms crossed in her trademark "I'm-tougher-than-you" pose.

"Micah! Zara!" Elio exclaimed, his face lighting up like a kid on Christmas morning. "What are you doing here?"

Micah arched an eyebrow, his sarcasm game as strong as ever. "Oh, you know, we thought we'd drop by to see how our friend had completely forgotten about us... Seems we arrived just in time to prevent a disaster of Varick-sized proportions."

Zara stepped forward, a playful glint in her eye. "Well, we heard that a certain elite team was recruiting. Thought we'd see if we meet your big standards."

Micah nodded, feigning seriousness. "Though I must say, I'm a bit offended. You really considered asking Varick before us?"

Without warning, Zara delivered a friendly punch to Elio's shoulder. "Seriously, you were going to ask that Varick for help? You must've been desperate."

Elio rubbed his shoulder, more out of habit than pain. His 3-point defense made the blow negligible, but he knew better than to offend Zara. Her rough affection was just her way of asserting dominance.

"Well, we were running out of options," Elio defended weakly. "But now that you're here, I suddenly remember that..."

"Ahem," a deep voice interrupted.

Elio turned to see a tall, serious-looking man standing behind Micah and Zara, looking like he'd stepped out of a 'How to Be Intimidating' manual.

"I believe we haven't been properly introduced."

"Oh, right," Micah said, his sarcastic tone fading to something approaching respect. "Elio, meet Summoner Von Raelar. Summoner, this is Elio, the genius who invented the new Level 3 strategy, the flying lance, and who apparently forgets his friends when he's busy working."

Elio blushed but extended his hand to Von Raelar. "It's an honor to meet you, sir."

Raelar shook his hand firmly. "Likewise. I've heard much about you these past few days, 'Magical Lance Soldier'. I look forward to seeing that famous technique of yours in action soon. I'll go speak with your supervising Summoner and return shortly. Feel free to catch up with your friends.

Try not to forget about them again in the next five minutes."

As Von Raelar strode off to find Von Lucien, Kriz, Ren, and Brok approached to greet the newcomers. Brok was doing squats while walking, looking like a very muscular duck.

Ren eyed him exasperatedly. "Brok, seriously, why do you keep doing that? You're an adult now. The system determines your strength, not your muscles. Can't you shake this habit? You started at 13 and still haven't outgrown it?"

Brok shrugged, or at least attempted to while continuing his squats. "It's all about style, my friend. Besides, you never know when the system might change its mind."


Elio looked sheepish, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "I'm sorry, guys. So much has happened that... well, I guess I forgot you'd be joining the army soon too."

"Forgot?" Zara arched an eyebrow so high it threatened to leave her face entirely. "Wow, Elio, I'm wounded. Are we that easy to forget?"

"No, no, it's not like that," Elio stammered, hands waving frantically like he was trying to swat away his own words. "It's just... I... um..."

Guilt washed over him as he nodded. "Yeah, Micah should have joined the army a couple of months ago. With everything that's happened, it just... slipped my mind. I'm a terrible friend."

Micah and Zara exchanged a glance before bursting into laughter.

"Relax, Elio," Micah said, clapping him on the shoulder. "We're just messing with you. We know you've been busy. My transfer request to your area took some time, but the Summoner finally helped push it through. Apparently, 'I want to join my forgetful friend's elite team' is a compelling argument."

Elio let out a relieved sigh, then grinned broadly. "You guys have no idea how happy I am to see you. You literally saved us from having to work with Varick."

"Oh, I don't know," Zara said, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Part of me almost wishes we'd arrived a bit later just to see that. Imagine Varick trying to work in a team without being able to boss everyone around."

The entire group erupted in laughter at the mental image.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Kriz asked, approaching to welcome the newcomers with a grin that threatened to split his face. "Come on and show us what you've got! Unless you're scared of a little friendly competition?"

The boys gave Micah their new version of an "initiation," which involved a lot of good-natured ribbing and at least one attempt to make him juggle spears…

Though Elio didn't let them do the same to Zara. Unbeknownst to them, somewhere on the wall, Varick was sneezing repeatedly, wondering why he suddenly felt like he'd dodged something terribly annoying

He chalked it up to all the peasant dust in the air and went back to admiring his reflection in his polished spear.


"Teach me the new strategy, Elio," Zara demanded. "I want to conquer level 3 as soon as possible, and I want first-hand information."

"B-but Zara, it's dangerous!" Elio sputtered, his stammer making a grand reappearance. He knew Zara was competitive, but he hadn't imagined she'd risk herself so soon.

Searching for excuses to flee from his own fear of losing her, he tried to stall. "You don't have a sword, right? It's crucial to practice with one, and you need other things for a complete set of equipment and... and... don't you want to enjoy level 2 for a while longer? The view is nice from there."

Zara frowned, her expression making it clear she wasn't buying his flimsy excuses. "I just need a few more points for my disposable fire sword. My father gave me 900 he'd saved for my coming-of-age gift. I didn't make it into adulthood before the conscription, so I didn't get one for free like those lucky bastards… But I'm not about to let that stop me."

Realizing he wouldn't have much time before Zara got her sword, Elio felt he had to do something. "Zara, I could get you better equip…"

"Don't even think about it," Zara cut him off, punching his shoulder again. "I don't need your charity, Elio. I'll make it on my own, or die trying. Preferably the former. I'll only accept the strategy everyone already knows, straight from your mouth. No special treatment, got it?"

Micah chuckled, clearly enjoying the show. "Well, well, Elio the knight in shining armor, eh? Though in this case, I think Zara would prefer to be the one wearing the armor."

Elio was about to respond with what he hoped would be a witty comeback when he noticed Micah's expression turn more serious.

"By the way, Elio, did you know your fame precedes you? My trainer wouldn't stop talking about 'Stammering Elio' and his incredible strategy. Thanks to it, I managed to reach level 3 during conscription. You're practically a legend. A very awkward, stammering legend."

Elio blinked in surprise. "Really? I... had no idea."

"Of course you didn't," Micah said, rolling his eyes so hard they threatened to fall out of his head. "You were too busy staring off into the distance, thinking about your next big idea, weren't you? Classic Elio."

Before Elio could defend himself, Von Lucien appeared on the training field alongside Von Raelar. Seeing the group assembled, he approached quickly.

"I see you've all reunited," he said, nodding to Raelar. "Summoner Raelar, thank you for bringing Micah. And you must be Zara, it's a pleasure to have you here as well. As Elio's friend, let me know if you need anything. Inform me if your roommates try to give you trouble for being a woman."

Zara snapped a crisp salute that would have made a drill sergeant weep with joy. "The pleasure's mine, sir. Thank you, sir. Although technically I'm still level 2, so I'm not sure how much help I can be."

Von Lucien looked at her with interest. "Time will tell, Zara. Level isn't everything. Elio, what do you think? Do you believe Zara could overcome level 3?"

Elio looked at Zara, then at the rest of the team, and finally at Von Lucien.

His mind raced, still reluctant to let her take the risk without trying to convince her otherwise. But he knew Zara wouldn't listen; she'd always been that way… Telling Zara not to do something was like telling water not to be wet.

"I think... I think it could work," he said finally. "Zara has natural talent and fierce determination. If we teach her the strategy thoroughly... And she accepts the safety of a bit of extra equipment! She'll be more than ready to reach level 3."

Zara looked at him, surprised by his endorsement, but then relaxed with a grateful smile that made Elio's heart do a little somersault. "Wow, Elio, I didn't know you cared so much."

"I always have," Elio replied, returning her smile and hoping his face wasn't as red as it felt.

Micah pretended to gag, making exaggerated retching noises. "Please, you two, get a room. Preferably one far away from the rest of us."

The group burst into laughter, even Von Lucien and Raelar seemed amused, their stern facades cracking just a bit.

"Well, then it's settled," Von Lucien said. "Zara will join the team as an apprentice for now. It won't hurt to have an extra member. Micah, you're in too. Elio, I want you to start training them in your technique immediately to complete the group."

Elio nodded, feeling excitement and nervousness. "Yes, sir. We won't let you down."

As the group began to disperse to prepare for training, Elio couldn't help but feel that the pieces were finally falling into place. He had his friends back, a complete team, and Von Lucien's trust.

It was almost enough to make him forget about the constant threat of monster attacks and impending doom.

However, a nagging worry persisted in the back of his mind, like an itch he couldn't quite scratch.

Zara still had to overcome level 3, and Elio knew from experience how dangerous that challenge could be. As he watched her joke around with Micah and the others, he promised himself he'd do everything in his power to prepare her, to ensure she was ready when the time came.

"Lost in thought again, Elio?" Micah's voice snapped him out of his reverie. "Come on, teach us that famous technique of yours before Brok develops muscles on his muscles."

Elio smiled, grateful for the distraction. "You're right. Let's go, team. We have a lot to do and not much time to do it."

As they headed to the training field, Elio couldn't help but think that with this team, he really had a chance to do something extraordinary. And maybe, just maybe, show Zara how much she, as… One of his friends… meant to him.

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