Valkyrie Domination

Chapter 5739: Take care of yourself


While feeling unbelievable in his heart, Shi Nantian did not dare to hesitate and abandoned his physical body directly. His soul burned with the soul power of the Great Emperor and he ran away with all his life!

He had never run away so frantically in his life.

"Huh." A huge palm passed by in an instant and enveloped Shi Nantian's soul.

"No!" A golden Zen staff appeared in Shi Nantian's hand. With the power of shock and anger, he tried to resist the huge palm. With a bang, the terrifying golden Zen staff hit Qin Chen's palm with astonishing Buddha light. A sound that lasted for a long time

The roar continued to echo, but what frightened Shi Nantian was that no matter how he tried, his golden Zen staff could not even damage the skin of Qin Chen's big hand.

The opponent's big hand was so hard that it couldn't be broken.

In the void, Qin Chen's big hand imprisoned the void, covering him in an instant.

With a cry, the next moment, the big hand covering Shi Nantian was instantly retracted. Qin Chen didn't even move where he was. His palm had already been retracted in front of him and shrunk to normal size. And the body of Shi Nantian in the palm of his hand was also suppressed and became smaller, like a toy doll in the palm of his hand.

No matter how hard he struggles or jumps, he can't escape from his five-finger mountain.

At the same time, Qin Chen raised his hand, and Shi Nantian's huge body was put away and disappeared.

At this moment, Saroye, the Lord of Jinhu City, the Blood Demon Emperor, and many others present, including Tuoba Ancestor and others, all looked at the scene in front of them in shock. This scene had a great impact on their hearts.

"I didn't expect that when I merged with the original universe and transcended the universe sea, I actually attracted such two sinful people." Qin Chen looked down at Shi Nantian, who was as small as a dot in his hand.

"Senior, I am a member of the Great Sun Buddhist Realm. Even if I am guilty, I should be judged by the Buddhist Realm." Shi Nantian looked up at the huge Qin Chen with frightened eyes and roared.

At this time, he did not dare to threaten Qin Chen with the Great Sun Buddha Realm. The last leader of the Corpse Kingdom who threatened Qin Chen with the Heavenly Clan was dead. He still wanted to live. As long as he could live, there was hope. "Senior, I was wrong. I was really wrong. It was all my fault. My sins are serious and I cannot be forgiven. But you can't just kill me." Shi Nantian continued to beg for mercy in fear and anxiety: "I am willing to change my ways. I want to make a new start, I am willing to look back

Yes, I am willing to compensate you. I am willing to do whatever you need me to do, as long as you can spare me. "

Shi Nantian felt extremely uneasy at this moment.

At this moment, the Lord of Jinhu City, the Blood Demon Emperor, and Saroye were also frightened and extremely uneasy.

First it was the leader of the Corpse Kingdom, and now it is Shi Nantian. Will it be their turn next moment?

Shi Nantian's life and death is also related to their future.

"Such strength and such means are unbelievable." Saroye was also trembling, but while trembling, he was also extremely shocked. He comes from the Komodo clan and has seen too many strong men and too many geniuses. The aura that Qin Chen showed before was actually not that scary. It was not as rich as the emperor in the middle period and not as majestic as the emperor in the later period.

, but the power in the raised hand is unmatched.

This kind of method is far beyond the countless top powerhouses he has seen. "Reform?" Qin Chen looked at Shi Nantian in his hand and couldn't help but smile, but the smile was very cold: "Humph, a wicked person like you has done so many bad things, as long as you put down the butcher knife and kill him immediately, Become a Buddha, return as a prodigal son

Is it okay to not exchange the first gold, or the sea of ​​suffering is endless, just turn back and come to the end? Can all previous crimes be covered up like this? "

Shi Nantian was startled and felt something bad in his heart.

What does the other party mean?

"Maybe it's okay in front of other people, but not in front of me. For your sins, I will sentence you to death and never enter reincarnation!" Qin Chen said.

"No, wait a minute, senior, please..." Shi Nantian's pupils shrank and he shouted: "Senior, I..."

Qin Chen held Shi Nantian's palm, and the power of the emperor penetrated into it, turning into an invisible wave that directly engulfed Shi Nantian's remaining soul.


Shi Nantian let out a silent roar of despair, and then, his soul collapsed bit by bit like catkins in the wind and dissipated in the wind.

His eyes widened, his heart filled with endless despair and injustice. He Shi Nantian worked so hard to step out of the Great Sun Buddha World, and step by step established his own country, the Nan Dou Buddha Kingdom, and established such a glorious and upright image. But who would want to encounter such an unscrupulous person who ignores the Great Sun Buddha World and has no strength?

The terrifyingly powerful man from the original universe finally died here!

This... is so unfair.

How did the other party know that he was so sinful?

"Huh." Qin Chen put away Shi Nantian's soul power.

The origin of a great emperor's soul must be collected and cannot be wasted.

At the same time, countless resentments, memories and information in Shi Nantian's soul also poured into Qin Chen's mind.

In Shi Nantian's memory, it is the scene of his southern struggle against the Buddhist kingdom, and the scene of him constantly luring people to convert to his southern struggle against the Buddhist kingdom.

Buddhism and Taoism cultivate the power of faith. The more pious the power of faith, the more helpful it will be.

While ordinary Taoist monks enhance the faith of believers through preaching and preaching, Shi Nantian is different. He aims to cultivate fanatical believers so that they can completely believe in themselves. He would disguise himself, first kill his relatives in front of this person, ravage his wife and children, make him fall into endless pain and suffer countless desperate experiences, and then appear at the most critical and cruel time to remove him from the world. Rescue from despair

to develop his faith.

One fanatic believer is more valuable than 10,000 ordinary believers.

In order to cultivate more fanatical believers, Shi Nantian secretly did countless ugly things, burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil.

"Deserves to be killed!"

Qin Chen, who sensed all this, had cold eyes and boiling murderous intent.

The Nan Dou Buddha Kingdom is basically a sinful country. In order to control the people of the entire Buddhist Kingdom, Shi Nantian did not know how many despicable methods he used in secret, and how many people he even controlled through their minds.

In his Buddhist kingdom, there were countless unobstructed meetings, which were extremely ugly and despicable.

Now that Shi Nantian is dead, countless people in his Nan Dou Buddha Kingdom will probably wake up from their mental control and understand what is really going on.

at this time.

Nan Dou Buddha Kingdom is located.

Ancient pagodas stand one after another. These pagodas bloom with endless divine light, and in the middle of all the pagodas, there is a huge pagoda, towering over the heaven and earth, absorbing the vast power of faith.

It is where Shi Nantian’s pagoda of faith is located.

Above the great emperor below this vast pagoda, countless Buddhist people are kneeling on the ground, praying devoutly, and chanting day and night.

And at the moment when Shi Nantian's soul was killed by Qin Chen, with a rumble, the pagoda suddenly collapsed, countless Buddha lights collapsed, and fell into deathly silence. The entire planet began to gradually collapse and be annihilated.

"The master's life tower... collapsed?"

Countless people from the Buddhist country singing below woke up instantly. Their eyes were confused at first, then suddenly, and tears rolled down from the corners of their eyes.

"Hahaha, Lord Buddha has died!"

"become free."

"Free at last."

Countless people of the Buddhist Kingdom rose to the sky one by one, crying with joy. Looking at the collapsed Buddhist Kingdom below, they could not suppress their inner excitement.

Countless naked women also rushed out from the pagoda, with sad scars everywhere on their bodies. As they flew past, they urged their true energy to turn into robes to protect their bodies, extremely excited.

The devil was finally dead.

Die well.

They are all free.

The Nandou Buddha Kingdom, which had stood in this South Universe Sea for countless years, completely collapsed at this moment.

The Southern Thirteen Three Territories.

Saroye, the Lord of Jinhu City, the Blood Demon Emperor, and others couldn't calm down when they saw Shi Nantian's soul completely collapsed.

Everyone held their breath and their hearts trembled.

"This great power of the original universe is not an ordinary tyrant."

"I took action as soon as I said it, and offended the Celestial Clan and the Great Sun Buddha Realm one after another. I didn't hesitate at all to soften my heart."

At this moment, several people couldn't help but feel their hearts trembling. Saroye was so frightened that he almost didn't activate the rescue talisman given to him by the tribe. As a member of the Komodo clan, he is training outside, so he will naturally have the opportunity to ask for help. However, once he asks for help, he will lose a lot of points in the life and death experience of the clan, and will lose his status as the heir of the clan, and will be unable to lead the clan in the future.

At most, he can only become an ordinary strong person in the ethnic group.

How could he be willing to lag behind other tribesmen like this?

But now...

Looking at Qin Chen in front of him, he couldn't help but feel his heart tremble again.

"I haven't done anything evil. What I have done is killing and preying on the weak according to the natural way of heaven. If this senior really hates evil as he said before, then I should not die."

Saroje was betting on his own destiny.

Not only him, but the Lord of Jinhu City and the Blood Demon Emperor were also trembling.

They didn't dare to run away, didn't dare to beg for mercy, they could only wait for Qin Chen's trial. "You three..." Qin Chen looked at a few people, raised his hand, and wow, the treasures the three of them had given before were instantly collected by Qin Chen: "I have accepted your gifts. If It's nothing, you three can leave

opened. "

"Can we leave now?"

Saroye and the other three looked at Qin Chen in disbelief. They couldn't believe their ears. Are they... okay?

"By the way, and you..." Suddenly, Qin Chen looked at the Blood Demon Emperor.

The Blood Demon Emperor's whole body was agitated, and his lower body was almost cold. He hurriedly bent down and said: "Senior...please give me some advice!" Qin Chen's eyes were cold: "The law of the jungle is the way of the universe. The sins on your body are still there. You have to go beyond the limit of the law of the jungle. If you continue to kill wantonly, I'm afraid I won't be polite next time. You... are so self-conscious

Just do it. "

After Qin Chen finished speaking, he turned around and led everyone away from here.

"We...we survived?" The Blood Demon Emperor froze in disbelief.

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