
Chapter 135: Creating Sticky Situations

Chapter 135: Creating Sticky Situations

Shizuka lounged in a beach chair on top of a nearby apartment, sipping a cold beverage offered by her cute rabbits. Her cuddly little critters stood around her like a picket fence, keeping their eyes peeled for any movement.

"Oh, relax fuzzybutts," Shizuka said. "We've got time. Those outsiders are making it easy to avoid everyone," the ninja stretched to grab a stolen candy bar from one of the rabbits, "which lets me recharge my energy."

The woman unwrapped the sugary treat from its plastic packaging, tossing the wrapper to the side. The wind picked it up, tossing it over the building's edge and down to the street. Shizuka didn't even try to stop it, instead finishing the candy bar in three large bites.

As she licked the last of the candy off her fingers, Shizuka's communicator buzzed.

"Welcome to Shizuka's ninja emporium, for all your secret needs," the woman said lightly.

"Shizuka, this is Dextra."

"Oh, hey, Dex. Something going on?"

"We're changing up the current plan. These outsiders interfering with our recruitment requires action. I've talked to others. We agree that an announcement detailing my use of an experimental drug that makes supers attack other supers. Those without wristbands have the chance of getting affected, which is why they attack."

Shizuka twirled a finger in the air, "Don't see why I need to know this, Dex."

"You have the detonator for Dr. Zlo's bomb, correct?"

"Course I do."

"Then, if things start to go south, it is your responsibility to set the bomb off. Think of it as our final option."

Shizuka turned over in her chair, kicking her feet high like a teenager in a rom-com. "You mean you're giving me the key to the nuclear codes, Dex?" the ninja said excitedly.

"I trust you won't make the worst decision," Dextra answered. Shizuka thought she heard a sigh, but it was too quiet to tell.

Shizuka performed a salute, "Don't worry, Dex. I won't let you down."

"See that you don't."

Shizuka leaped to her feet as Dextra ended the call, grabbing one of the rabbits and pulling it close. "Well, Mr. Fuzzybritches, it seems our plans have gone awry."

The ninja pulled at the rabbit's cheeks playfully, "I was hoping to lead everyone on a merry chase through the city and get a bit of revenge in the process, but I guess I'll have to skip the first step."

The rabbit squeaked in protest, trying to pull itself free from its leader.

"No, I know it won't be easy," Shizuka replied, squeezing the rabbit a bit. "The mayor must be in some bunker, and I'm sure the heroes won't stay in one spot for too long."

The rabbit kicked Shizuka's arms desperately. The woman's hands were tightening around the creature's throat, cutting off its windpipe. Shizuka relented once she noticed the kicks.

"Sorry, Fuzzybritches."

The ninja sat her minion on the ground, where it hopped a few feet away to hide behind another. Shizuka sighed. Haven city wasn't any fun at all.

It would have been a fun place if Dextra got to own the city, but Vert shot that down. Shizuka imagined running through a technological dystopia; all brought about by Dextra's hand. Instead, she got this generic island nation that felt like every resort city combined.

Shizuka blew a tuft of hair out of her eyes, "No use getting all upset about it. Right, you lot?"

The rabbits, while unsure of what Shizuka was asking, all nodded.

Shizuka walked over to the door leading into the apartment below, "I can get revenge another day. At least in the city. Right now, there are these guys who think they can mess with our event. Don't they know I'm the only one who can mess around like that?"

The rabbits all shook their heads, then switched to nodding when Shizuka glared at them.

"That's right. They all know that Shizuka the ninja is the one who messes with people. How dare they come into my house and do that!"

The rabbits nodded.

"Glad you agree," Shizuka said, leaning on the door. She looked out over the city. A lot of people decided to try and mess with Menagerie today. It seemed they needed a lesson.

Nodding to herself, Shizuka sprang from her leaning position and dashed to the building's edge. Her ninja rabbits followed behind, bounding over the short railing. The group landed on a wall across the street, using the brick to slow their descent. Shizuka landed next to a food truck offering tacos, which she quickly sacked.

"Alright," the woman said, munching on a taco, "the first thing is to round up all our players. We're going to show everyone how to stop these people."

The rabbits all nodded, then disappeared in clouds of smoke. Shizuka finished off the last of her taco and faced the last rabbit. "You're coming with me," she said. "I've got someone to meet."

Rampart was still inside the store when Shizuka came to greet him.

"Having some trouble?" the ninja said as she appeared in a puff of smoke.

Everyone quickly turned to face the intruder, only to back off when Shizuka held her hands up.

"Hold it. I surrender."

"What are you doing?" Rampart asked wearily.

Shizuka opened her mouth to reply, but Dextra's voice interrupted. Speakers around the city came to life as the villainess announced their plan.

"Hello to those of you inside Haven city," the villain said. "Dextra Black here to inform you that someone has infiltrated one of my laboratories and stolen a highly contagious disease that infects supers. This disease affects both heroes and villains alike and causes them to seek out more of their kind to infect. That is the reason why so many of them are rampaging throughout Haven. I cannot say who is responsible, but if this disease isn't stopped, the entire city will be in danger. I've contacted the group Menagerie to help contain this threat. With their help, we've designed a bracelet to lessen the disease's effects. Helpers from the group will be stationed outside of my tower to distribute said bracelets. However, keep in mind that these aren't perfect. There is every chance someone with a bracelet will get infected and turn. Therefore, be alert!"

Speech done, Shizuka brought everyone's attention back to her. "You heard the lady, we've got bigger issues now. I want y'all's help."

"Why should we trust you?" Psy-Ops asked.

Shizuka shrugged, "You don't have to. But I want to stop this as much as the next guy. I can't do it alone, though. Which is why I came to you."

"It's got to be a trick," Yuppie said.

"How is it a trick?" Fursation replied. "We already know this 'disease' is real. You saw all those griefers."

"So you want to work together on this?" Rampart asked Shizuka. "To do what?"

The ninja looked at her guildmate, "The way I see it, these yahoos won't stop until they've made all of us log out. I'm proposing we do something similar."

"How's that?"

"Respawning always happens in front of a friendly base or a store, but only if there isn't fighting nearby."

"We don't have enough people to fight near every store," Yuppie argued.

Shizuka rolled her eyes, "I wasn't saying that, iron brain. What we do is get something sticky and plant them under the respawns. Anyone who dies gets stuck to a giant piece of flypaper."

"We couldn't cover enough area to stop people from destroying the 'giant flypaper'," Yuppie scoffed. "Looks like ninjas don't have brains either."

Shizuka appeared in front of the player in a cloud of smoke. "Listen here, wiseguy," she started, "We only need to block off enough of an area to control. Respawns always place someone as close as they can to their last position, meaning if we cover enough area and fight in one spot, none of those morons outside can do anything. You got that?"

The ninja emphasized the last of her words by prodding Yuppie on the chest.

"That's not a bad plan," Rampart said.

"What!" Yuppie complained. "We're not really going to work with her?"

Fursation rolled his eyes, "Yup, don't get upset because she threw a knife into your shoe and sent you into that outhouse."

Shizuka cackled, "Wait, that was you? Oh man, that was a riot!"

Yuppie glared at her.

"Don't be like that," Psy-Ops said. "You know that stuff happens in a game all the time. And she has a good plan. It's too bad none of us have anything like what she needs."

"That's okay," Shizuka said. "I'm sure someone has what I'm looking for. And if not, we can make it."

"How so?" Rampart asked.

"We'll get Jack or Dr. Zlo to do it," Shizuka said matter-of-factly.

Psy-Ops, Fursation, and Yuppie all looked at each other in excitement. They might be able to meet Dr. Zlo for real!

"If you think you can make a reason for Dr. Zlo to come early, then by all means," Rampart said. "But I'm going to hedge my bets with Jack."

"Well, now you make it sound like a challenge," Shizuka said.

"You're not going to bother him just because I made it sound like a challenge," Rampart said.

"Spoilsport," Shizuka huffed.

With the idea of a plan in mind, the group moved from the store and made their way to Dextra's skyscraper in the financial district. Along the way, ninja rabbits appeared with various heroes and villains, bringing the group of recruits together. Psy-Ops and his friends made sure to explain the plan while they moved. Once they reached the building, almost everyone from the initial meeting was there, all of them informed by Psy-Ops and friends.

"Alright you maggots!" Shizuka shouted as they arrived. "Which of you can make something sticky?"

Three players raised their hands.

"Well, don't just stand there; get up here!"

The players pushed through the crowd, coming to stand next to Shizuka.

"You," she pointed, "What's your power?"

The first player she pointed to wore a baggy jumpsuit lined with pockets all across their chest. A hood sewn onto the jumpsuit masked their face with a shadow.

"I can duplicate items that fit in these pockets," the player said.

"That's not a sticky power," Shizuka pointed out.

"No, but I got ahold of an adhesive that stops people in their tracks." The player pulled out a bottle of white liquid resembling the adhesive gel from Dr. Zlo's cane.

"Alright," Shizuka nodded. She pointed to the next player, "You?"

"I make sticky webbing," the player replied. She stood in light armor split into multiple pieces, the edges forming a spiderweb over her torso.

"How original," Shizuka joked. She pointed at the last player, "You?"

"I can bind things together if I touch them," the player replied. This man had on what looked to be too many shirts layered together.

"Does it work on players?" Shizuka asked.

The man shook his head. "But I found that their clothes don't count."

Shizuka smiled, "That's nasty. Alright, you're in."

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