
Chapter 186: Five Star Wanted Level

Chapter 186: Five Star Wanted Level

Dylan logged back on a few minutes before the scheduled time, spawning on the roof of a skyscraper overlooking Toedo. He took a look at the city below, streetlights and advertising signs illuminating the night. Above Dylan, the bright light of the moon shone down, mixing with the artificial lights. It gave everything an ethereal quality, as if Toedo would vanish into mist at any moment.

"Yeah, I think Dr. Zlo should try to steal the moon," the man mused.

Of course, that wasn't the only idea Dylan had in mind for Dr. Zlo's event, just the one that he kept coming back to. Others included some kind of gas installed in a city's pipeline, a giant mech shaped like Dr. Zlo, and a death ray. Every idea was reminiscent of the egocentric cartoon villains, and Dylan could see Dr. Zlo trying each of them.

It was just, stealing the moon felt like exactly something Dr. Zlo would do. The idea itself was zany and similar to old villains trying to steal entire buildings or monuments. Except stealing a moon was the culmination of that idea because everyone knew what the moon was. Therefore, whoever took it would be on everyone's lips, which is what Dr. Zlo wanted.

After all, Dr. Zlo couldn't steal something without others knowing about it. The man had to make sure everyone knew how much better he was at villainy.

Of course, that was if Vert let it happen. Dextra had already expressed concern about the idea and considering Vert had already stopped Dr. Zlo from stealing a mothership, the concern seemed valid. But Dylan wanted to think optimistically. After all, this time, Vert's interests would coincide with Dylan's. Dr. Zlo could come up with whatever plan he wanted. He would still lose in the end.

Sweet Dream and Riptide appeared a few minutes later, messaging Dylan and meeting him on the rooftop.

"Alright," Sweet Dream said. "Let's get this last bit done. What did we need again?"

"Poly something," Riptide answered.

"Polycarbonate," Dr. Zlo clarified. "Found on the outskirts of the city in some factories."

"Oh, dude!" Riptide exclaimed. "Do you think these will have gang members as well?"

"I assume everything in this city is affiliated with these clans," Dr. Zlo answered. "But I'll admit that I'm paranoid and planning for the worst. There's every chance upstanding citizens own the factories."

"I wouldn't hold my breath," Sweet Dream commented.

The outskirts of Toedo lacked the majestic density of the center, but the area still held some charm. Granted, Dylan thought the charm was a bit too rustic, but that's what you got when the only buildings were factories and grain silos. And it wasn't like Vert didn't modernize the factories outside Toedo. Many of them sported robotic workers and automated equipment. It still didn't stop Dylan from thinking the area was rustic.

"Dude, this place is so open!" Riptide exclaimed. "I bet I could pull off so many tricks!"

"Where's our target?" Sweet Dream asked, ignoring her boyfriend for the moment.

Dr. Zlo called for Lovelace, the minion jumping onto Dr. Zlo's shoulder. Sweet Dream shuddered and looked away, focusing on Riptide surfing through the air. Lovelace pointed Dr. Zlo toward a factory in the distance, the building resting near the mountain like discarded bottles.

The polycarbonate is there, my lord, Lovelace said.

"Well, you heard the mouse," Dr. Zlo said. "Onward!"

The villain thrust his cane out, flying off toward the factory in the distance. Riptide swooped next to Sweet Dream, scooping her up like a princess and carrying her off.

The woman let out an embarrassed choke, "Liam!"

"What? I can't sweep you off your feet?" Riptide answered.

"Quit being sweet, you two!" Dr. Zlo shouted back. "We have crimes to commit!"

"Don't think you're getting away with that joke!" Sweet Dream shouted. "I'm tired of all these puns at my expense!"

"You know I just can't help myself," Riptide answered. "You're just too cute when you're embarrassed."

"What did I say about being sweet!" Dr. Zlo commented.

"Just try and stop me, dude!" Riptide shot back.

"If you two don't stop it, I'm logging off and you can finish your d*mn project on your own," Sweet Dream pouted.

Riptide laughed but backed off. His girlfriend was cute when embarrassed, but there was a fine line between embarrassment and anger. Riptide knew when he was toeing the line.

Dr. Zlo and his team made their way toward the factory, keeping high in the air to hide their approach. Once over the factory, Dr. Zlo went over the plan.

"Right. I'll swoop down first and draw their attention while the two of you find the polycarbonate. When you have it, contact me, and we'll make our escape."

"What if they have powered guards like the last time?" Sweet Dream asked.

Dr. Zlo barked a laugh, "Ha! As if such small-fry would be a threat to me!"

"Your funeral," Sweet Dream replied.

"Let's get started, dude!" Riptide cheered.

Dr. Zlo descended on the factory, landing amidst the workers with a bow.

"Good evening! I am Dr. Zlo! Criminal mastermind! And I have need of your materials. Please, don't resist. It only makes it harder for you."

Guards around the factory rushed out while workers nearby ran for cover. Dr. Zlo pulled a few button bombs off his suit, tossing them at the charging guards. One guard leaped forward, their body turning the color of the earth as they used their power. Rocks formed over the guard as the bomb exploded, taking out the guard but protecting the others from Dr. Zlo's attack.

The villain followed up with blasts from his laser, sending red beams toward the charging guards that rained on his foes. The attacks were meant to distract since Dr. Zlo knew how weak his monocle was against super-powered individuals. Lasers chipped the guard's conjured stone, slowing them down so the villain could prepare another bomb.

"I question your judgment," Dr. Zlo said as the guards entered his range. "You do know I flew here, don't you?"

The villain launched upward, dropping a button bomb as he soared out of reach. The guards reacted a moment too late. Dr. Zlo's button bomb ripped through their stone armor, sending them flying into the equipment around the factory. Metal dented as Dr. Zlo cackled from success.

"Don't think the Chikyu clan will let this stand," a guard grunted.

Dr. Zlo flew over to the surviving guard. His foe had landed on a stack of pallets, the wood cushioning the man. Of course, the cushion wasn't enough to stop grave injuries, but it did leave a guard alive for Dr. Zlo to gloat at.

The villain chuckled, "Do you honestly think I'm frightened of your petty gangs? I am Dr. Zlo! Nothing is greater than I!"

Dr. Zlo threw his hands to the sky, laughing maniacally in front of the guard. Inwardly, Dylan glanced around. Right now was the perfect time for someone to intervene.

Unfortunately, nobody appeared to contest Dr. Zlo, leaving the laughing villain alone with the guard.

Dylan clicked his tongue. Maybe in the future, he should make a hero minion, just to deal with dramatic timing. Dr. Zlo could gloat that nothing could defeat him, and the minion could appear at that moment, promising a fight. That or Dylan could try and rope Oro into his crimes.

Something to think about in the future, right now, Dr. Zlo had materials to steal.

"You won't get away with this," the guard grunted. "Our Elders will search for you across the city. You won't ever be safe!"

"You know," Dr. Zlo mused, producing some nanites with his cane. "I should start keeping a counter for how many times I hear certain phrases. I must've heard you won't get away with this enough to warrant it. Maybe Cass can start a betting pool. 'What will the heroes say next!' Though you aren't quite a hero, I expect."

"The Chikyu are honorable," the guard spat. "Unlike villains who decide the world is theirs for the taking."

Dr. Zlo slashed down with his cane, sending the nanites at the guard. The NPC vanished a moment later, its health depleted.

"Honorable or not," the villain stated. "At least have the power to back up your words."

Dylan dismissed the message in his vision, another notification that Dr. Zlo upset the wrong people. Though, the one that appeared after it was something.

Due to your many various crimes, the leaders of the Five Elements have come together! Be warned, any movements in the city will result in alerting them to your presence!

"Interesting," Dylan muttered. "I didn't expect a questline like this."

The villain turned, heading into the factory to meet up with Sweet Dream and Riptide. The two should have the polycarbonate by now, and Dr. Zlo would be one step closer to his goal. But before he could make his way over, something landed on the dirt in front of him. Dr. Zlo coughed, the dust getting into his lungs.

The dust settled a moment later, revealing five men and women standing against Dr. Zlo. The villain noticed one was the man from before, the Young Dragon that eliminated an elder or something. Tattoos of fire on his body, twisted like corded muscle, started to glow and shift.

Beside the man stood an old woman, lines of silver ink like flowing water running down her arms. They, too, started to glow and shift, clouds seeming to form over the woman's head. Dr. Zlo raised an eyebrow. It appeared all five arrivals had some form of an elemental tattoo.

"You couldn't have come a minute earlier?" Dylan muttered under his breath.

One of the five stepped forward, a heavily bearded man with mountainous arms. "You dare invade Chikyu territory?!" he boomed. "Don't think you can escape with your life!"

Inside the factory, Sweet Dream and Riptide added the last of the materials into their inventory. Remnants of guards lay around them, a few pacified by Sweet Dream's chocolate. Jackets and tattoo designs lay around them, Riptide's contribution to the fight eliminating and not incapacitating.

A loud boom echoed across the factory, alerting Sweet Dream.

"Oh great, did we attract more attention?" she complained.

"More fights, sweet!" Riptide cheered.

Sweet Dream sighed. She had hoped to spend some more time alone with Liam today, visiting cities known for scenic views. But she had agreed to help out Dr. Zlo, and Riptide was always excited for a new challenge.

"Alright, let's go see what Dr. Zlo roped us into," the woman said.

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