
Chapter 231: Ideas of World Domination

Chapter 231: Ideas of World Domination

"It's not a bad idea," Jack said, her face pensive. "But is that really the best idea right now?"

"To be honest," Dextra said. "I'm still miffed about Skyline. We lost it because a cheater used a duplication glitch. And they can't get anything back? I don't like it at all."

"We could just quit," Jack said.

Dylan shook his head, "No. I've still got to complete the expansion."

"Screw them," Jack huffed. "Vert's leaving you high and dry. Why not do the same?"

"Because I like playing Dr. Zlo," Dylan said. "I like all his wacky antics, and I like acting them out. With Vert reaching out to me, I can make this character official in the game's lore, cementing him as a prominent figure. It means that when I do leave, Dr. Zlo will live on."

His two friends stood silent for a moment, contemplating Dylan's words.

"Alright, I get it," Jack said. "But I still think a big revenge scheme isn't the way to go."

"Then what do I do?" Dylan asked. "Let it sit and stew until I hate seeing this fake Mabel's face?"

"I agree," Dextra said. "Vert needs a wake-up call."

Jack turned on Dextra, "You've been saying that since the guild formed. We get it, okay? You've got a chip on your shoulder because the game isn't your ideal image. Don't drag others into your vendetta."

"I'm not trying to drag him into my vendetta," Dextra said. "I'm saying that there are no real consequences inside this game. Why not let off a little steam by causing some chaos?"

"He can do that without getting back at Vert," Jack pointed out, stepping forward.

"I was only thinking that making Vert the target might help," Dextra elaborated. "Considering they're the reason he can't get anything back."

The villain matched Jack's step, the two coming close together like boxers before a match.

"Alright, you two," Dylan said, standing. "Calm down for a moment. We don't need this argument getting out of hand. I don't want to lose another friend, you know."

Jack and Dextra paused, then turned back to Dylan.

"Sorry," Jack said, placing a hand behind her head.

"Yeah, I got too heated," Dextra said. "I'll admit. A part of the revenge was because I lost things as well. I had a lot of plans in motion, and many of them fell to pieces when Skyline did."

"Yeah," Jack sighed. "I had a lot of experiments going on too."

"Then let's do it," Dylan said. "Let's get back at Vert."

"It's not like I can't rebuild," Jack said.

Dylan shook his head, "No. The company let a lot of us down when Skyline fell. We can't be the only ones who lost something. I bet most of Menagerie would agree that we should do something."

Jack thought about it for a moment, "Alright then. Do you have something in mind?"

In fact, Dylan did, "Dextra. Can you figure out if my old friend was a hero or not?"

"That's not hard," Dextra said. "Give me a second."

The villain opened up his power and went to work, grabbing the information a moment later.

"Looks like he was. Affiliated with the heroes guild too."

"He would be," Dylan nodded. John was nothing if not predictable. Always wanting to be the hero and always using everything he could get his hands on.

"Good," Dylan said. "I've been thinking. Skyline needs a funeral. But not just any funeral. We need one that will shake the entire world."

"Ooh, I'm getting tingles," Jack laughed.

"Just wait!" Dylan said, getting into character.

Dr. Zlo emerged, the villain pulling out his old cane for dramatic effect, "The heroes guild has finally stooped low enough to play dirty. One of their members has performed an act of terrorism unseen in this world, destroying a fair number of lives in the process. Such a blow will not stand! No, we must strike back against this corrupt system! And where better to start than at the roots!"

"Are you proposing what I think you're proposing?" Dextra asked.

Dr. Zlo thrust his cane at his villain friend, "That's right! We shall destroy the heroes guild headquarters! With its fall, the corrupt hero system shall come apart at the seams, and no one will be able to stop us!"

The villain threw his head back in a maniacal laugh.

Jack laughed with him, a much nicer sound than Dr. Zlo's mighty cackle. "Alright, I see where you're going with this. You're still stuck on blowing up the moon."

"How dare you insinuate such a thing," Dr. Zlo said with a flourish. "The moon is nothing compared to my revenge. The guild must pay for destroying what's mine!"

"She's saying that the headquarters is on the moon," Dextra explained.

"I know that!" Dr. Zlo exclaimed. Perhaps a bit too hastily to sound convincing.

"Alright, I'm in," Jack said. "This sounds like a fun attempt."

"I think Menagerie would enjoy another grand event," Dextra said.

"Excellent," Dr. Zlo said, clenching his fist. "Soon, the heroes guild will fall, and Mabel will be avenged."

Selling the idea to Sweet Dream and Riptide wasn't hard. Both players loved the idea of a giant battle with the heroes guild.

"Dude! I can't wait to surf on the moon!" Riptide cheered.

"It does sound like a fun time," Sweet Dream said. "Plus, a bit of revenge against the heroes sounds like something we would do."

"So you're both on board?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah, for sure," Sweet Dream said.

"Totally!" Riptide exclaimed.

"Awesome. I'll let you know when I've got some more info. We're going to bring it up to the rest of Menagerie today. But I wanted to mention it to you guys first."

"Thanks, dude," Riptide said. "So. Are you going to carve Mabel's face into the moon as tribute or something?"

"I haven't decided what to do yet," Dylan said. "I kind of want it to be permanent, you know? And if we do destroy the headquarters, you know Vert will just restore it. So carving her face into the moon won't work."

"Well, you should do something," Sweet Dream said.

"Thank you, captain obvious," Dylan replied jokingly.

"Hey now, them's fighin' words," Sweet Dream shot back with a smile.

"I'd like to see you try, you saccharine short stack," Dylan said in his haughtiest tone.

"Oooooh," Riptide said, egging on the fake fight. "Dr. Zlo's calling you out."

Sweet Dream transformed, towering over Dr. Zlo and dripping chocolate. "I'll give you three seconds to take back what you said. Or you'll eat those words."

"Uh oh, dude," Riptide said. "Looks like you bit off more than you could chew."

"Riptide, the puns aren't appreciated," Dr. Zlo said hotly. The villain turned to Sweet Dream, "I'll let you go, for now. We still have to work together in the face of this new hero threat."

"That's what I thought," Sweet Dream replied. She transformed back, a smug look on her face.

"Dude," Riptide said, throwing an arm over Dr. Zlo. "She made you eat those words."

Dr. Zlo gave his companion a glare.

Riptide grinned back, "It was probably for the best. She woulda licked you, dude."

"Stop," Dr. Zlo said.

"She woulda given you your just desserts."

"Stop it."

"She'd make you say bonbon voyage."

Dr. Zlo shoved Riptide, "You ingratiating irritance!"

Riptide laughed, "You're really getting those alliterations down pat."

Dylan smiled, "Mostly because I get to practice a lot."

Sweet Dream rolled her eyes, "Is your bromance over?"

"Come now," Dylan said. "There's no need to be jealous because Riptide wants to stick to me."

"Yeah, Dream, don't be jealous," Riptide teased.

Sweet Dream pouted, "I am not."

Dylan and Riptide laughed, the two friends enjoying the antics.

"Alright," Dylan said a moment later. "I'm going to talk to Oro about this whole plan. Let's meet up after Dextra makes the announcement."

"Sounds good, dude," Riptide said.

Dylan waved goodbye to his friends and opened his menu to message Oro.


Hey. You busy?

Want to meet up?

I got a question to ask you.


Out doing a quest with the team.

If you want to join up we can talk.

Otherwise give me about thirty minutes?


I'll wait I think.

Don't want to take the Zlomobile out just yet.

I don't have all my minions ready.


Alright then suit yourself.

See you in a bit then.


Yeah, see ya.

Dylan closed the messenger and stretched.

"Well then, what to do?"

Should he start rebuilding or plan out a bit more of his revenge?

Cass walked over to Dr. Zlo, his one arm waving, "Boss! Look what I found!"

Dylan looked to see Cass pointing to the disassembler. Somehow, the machine had survived the entire crash. It sat under a steeple of wooden beams, humming slightly.

"Cass, you beautiful minion," Dr. Zlo said. "With this, I can recover some of what I lost!"

Cass put his arm behind his back and started twisting in place, "Aw, boss."

"Don't ever do that again, Cass," Dr. Zlo said with a shudder. Cass acting sheepish was not something Dr. Zlo wanted to see.

"Right, sorry," Cass said.

Dylan walked over to the disassembler, shoving the debris off it and dusting off the screen. Sure enough, the machine was still active, ready to receive materials and break them down.

"Well, Cass," Dr. Zlo said. "I think someone needs a new arm."

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