Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 979 Follow the Trail Second Part

Chapter 979 Follow the Trail Second Part

"What are all these things? I know you guys shopped for the essentials but I didn't expect you all to rob a whole store..." I frowned.

"Woah there, son. Although this amount is not small, it doesn't mean we robbed a whole store and hauled all of them here. These stuff are necessary for the future and I don't think these purchases we did are not worth it," Mother defended their number of purchases with a proud look on her face.

The other girls who came along with my Mother to shopping nodded in unison, in agreement with what my Mother said.

"Aw sh* guys..." I couldn't say anything else as I didn't even have another way to respond to what they were saying. Shopping in bulk like this is something that I would not be capable of doing even when I am purchasing essential items I need.

I can only resign to my fate and help them out in sorting and cleaning up the things they purchased before the others awaken and complain about the mess that is currently here in the living room.




Morning has once again arrived and although the sun is not present, it is significantly warmer compared to the nighttime this time, Queen Tori personally visited us while she was getting ready for another expedition up north.

"Looks like you guys did manage to get things working based on the look of your faces," Queen Tori smiled as she looked at the faces of the elves who were now filled with determination.

"We are not just going to sit down and wait for that man to continue what he was doing. Who knows who is getting killed by his hands by now," Izmir is the most eager of all of them in regards to doing the revenge.

"If not for the fact that he decided to slaughter and wipe out the whole kingdom in one night, we wouldn't be trying to hunt him down in the first place. Now that he decided to do violence and forced us to this point, then it is his fault to begin with and we are not just going to let him go with his crimes," Avos clenches his fist.

Queen Tori smiled and nodded," Then I wish you all the best. Although King Arthur was bested soon enough last time, I don't think he will go down so easily right now so you all should take care when facing against him. And I hope that we meet again next time as well."

"Heh, why doubt us, Sis? I am here so I will ensure that he will no longer be capable of living again."

"I know, Sis. But be careful all the same. Knowing that he is one of the strongest people to ever exist in this world's conception, then that tells how strong he really is."

Then, Queen Tori looked at the mansion and she even looked at the legs sticking out from our walking mansion.

"But I must say, you guys really got a good vehicle and home in one thing. Having this in travels must be convenient and cozy all the same," Queen Tori nodded in satisfaction.

That's when Almira came out and leaned on the doorway. "Of course. I made this from scratch using my genius and the hard work of my apprentices plus the high-quality materials that I selected from the best of the best. Combining all of them would create this thing and it will never be the same again. But I will admit that it has some flaws that I have yet to fully solve, but they are negligible which is why, this is one of the works I can proudly say I am very proud creating."

We then bid farewell to Queen Tori after that and the soldiers escorted us out with a salute.

"You guys are welcome to come back again anytime. Our gates are open whenever you guys decide to swing by," one of the soldiers shouted.

We waved goodbye as our walking mansion made its long trek out of the Freezing Region.

Everyone else goes back inside with only Queen Tanya being the exception who continues to stare at the kingdom we just left by.

"Something on your mind?" I asked.

"Nothing really," Queen Tanya smiled.

"Nothing? You seemed to be thinking a bit more than nothing..."

"Guess I am that easy to read huh? Yeah, I think you are right. This is beyond nothing."

"What's on your mind? If you don't mind to share..."

"It's nothing really, I am just thinking about what my sister told me during the time you guys were busy with the relic hunting back in the relic room."

"Something she said to you that keeps you thinking about it?"

"Yes. Actually, she mentioned that the demons have started to make their moves and start to infiltrate multiple governments now. Even in her kingdom, a few demons managed to get in and if not for the soldiers' apt observations on them, then they would have not been caught so fast."

The demons... yeah, I know they have had a problem since the beginning but since they don't make open conflict, I don't have much of an idea on what to do about them. Besides, Lucia has been still unconscious for quite a long time now and I am getting worried. Knowing that she is the demon princess, she is the only one who can fully feel the demons and know their ways properly. But with her out of the commission, we don't have any kind of way to fully know what the demons are planning.

"So that means you have a hunch that the demons are part of the reason why you got chased out of the kingdom then?"

"It's not my hunch but from my sister. Since most of the officials in my kingdom are somewhat corrupt and they have ulterior motives, I bet they decided to collude with them and perhaps even the church has some of their men to do their bidding as well. It is a possibility I can't just disconnect as a mere coincidence."

"Then, wanna ask us for help?" I tried.

"Right now, I don't want to confront them yet. And I bet that if my sister's hunch was true, then I needed to prepare amply. It has been a few years since I left the kingdom and they should have already gotten the kingdom a strong grip right now that trying to attack them right now would be a suicidal attempt on my part. So while I am preparing to take back my kingdom, I will first aid you all in your quest. It's not like this will take long, right?"

As we continued to speak, the light appeared once again. This time, it is controlled and it isn't as bright as before. However, it is still pretty much leading us in one direction ahead of us.

"To the south huh? Then that means he is a lot farther from where we are. Perhaps it points out to the city situated in the south?" Queen Tanya tried guessing.

"We don't know yet but seeing that it pierces through, then that means the location of that guy is further up to the south," I guessed.

The mansion made its direction clear and continued to move towards the direction of the light trail.

We entered the mansion and Mila and Avos were the ones doing the ritual for the Tree Branch to emit that light.

"I guess you guys have optimized it this way for two elves to continue to do the spells? Do we have anything we can help?"

"For now, not really. Besides, humans can't handle the pressure of the Tree Branch right now and no one from our magician friends is a total master of their magic spells which would make trying this out would be far more dangerous compared to us," Renatta explained.

"Then all we have to do is relax and sit tight?" I asked.

"I think you guys should continue what you all do the best and that is to fight the monsters and anyone who tries to attack us. While we are in this state, we can't do anything to move unless we are out of mana and we collapse as a result, therefore, we also need someone who can protect us from those dangers," Izmir answered my question.

"Pretty simple enough. But if that is the case, who will fight King Arthur once we locate him if you guys would continue to power this branch up to locate him?" Queen Tanya asked.

"Once we are a bit of a distance away from his location, we will begin tracking him down without the need for the light trail. A manual search is the only thing we can do and hope that we get unlucky enough to meet him."

Although the elves are confident in their plan, all I can say is that this plan is a totally reckless thing even for them. This will end up with them being killed if they are not careful enough.

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