Versatile Sword Cultivator

Chapter 57 – Late-night conversation between siblings

Chapter 57 – Late-night conversation between siblings

Seeing the dilapidated old neighborhood, Lin Jichen frowned.

"Jie, you live here? This place is about to be demolished. How can you dare to rent such a dangerous building?"

Gu Qiuxue smiled awkwardly, "It's cheap here, and it's close to the hospital where I work. It's fine."

"Fine? There's not even a security guard. What if you run into trouble coming home late at night?"

"There aren't that many bad people. Come on, let's go inside."

Afraid that Lin Jichen would spend money again, Gu Qiuxue quickly pulled him upstairs.

When they entered the apartment, it was a one-bedroom unit. Although it was also old, it was very clean and neatly arranged. The floor was so polished it reflected light.

Lin Jichen felt a pang of sadness. He knew that if Gu Qiuxue wasn't saving money for him every month, she could easily afford a better place.

But to save money for him, she chose to live here.

"Little Chen, come in. I'll get you some water. You must be tired after traveling all day. Sit on the sofa and rest. I'll turn on the water heater so you can take a bath and then sleep."

Lin Jichen looked around and said, "Jie, you only have one bed. Are we going to sleep together?"

Gu Qiuxue's face instantly turned red. She glared at him playfully and scolded, "You little rascal, what are you thinking? You sleep on the bed, and I'll sleep on the sofa."

"That won't do. I'll sleep on the sofa."

"The sofa is too small. You're so tall, how can you sleep on it? Be good and sleep on the bed. Oh, did you bring any clothes?"

Gu Qiuxue suddenly remembered.

Lin Jichen shook his head, "I was planning to buy a set at the mall, but I forgot."

Gu Qiuxue felt guilty, "You're always buying clothes for me and never think of yourself. It's my fault too. I kept telling you not to buy anything and didn't get you any clothes."

Just as Lin Jichen was about to say it was okay, Gu Qiuxue smiled mischievously.

"No worries, I have plenty of clothes here."

She turned around and soon came back with seven or eight sets of men's clothes, all in the same size.

"I bought these during my days off over the past two months, thinking they'd look good on you. I washed them all, planning to bring them to you during the holidays. Now you can take them back and free up my closet."

Looking at the clothes in Gu Qiuxue's hands and then at her half-empty closet, Lin Jichen noticed that the remaining clothes were all old.

Some were even from when he was in high school. She probably bought clothes just for him and never thought about herself.

Lin Jichen was speechless.

With such a sister, what more could a brother ask for?

Many people's older sisters might not be so good to their younger brothers.

"Don't just stand there. I know what you're thinking. Didn't you buy me a lot of clothes today too? Silly boy, go take a bath. I'll get you a towel."

As night fell, after both had bathed, Lin Jichen lay on Gu Qiuxue's small bed, which was filled with a faint fragrance from the bedding and pillows.

Gu Qiuxue lay on the sofa. The siblings seemed unable to sleep.

"Jie?" Lin Jichen suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong, Little Chen? Can't sleep on the soft bed?" Gu Qiuxue asked.

"No, I just wanted to tell you something."

"What is it?"

Lin Jichen didn't beat around the bush, "Jie, why don't you quit your job?"

"Why do you suddenly want me to quit? Don't tell me you want to support me. I don't need you to support me, silly brother," Gu Qiuxue smiled gently.

Lin Jichen explained, "I mean, why don't you change jobs?"

"Change jobs? What job? I studied medical care in college. I don't know anything else."

Gu Qiuxue thought Lin Jichen was worried about her being too tired and smiled gratefully.

"I'm working in the pharmacy. I just dispense medicine every day. I don't have to take care of patients, so it's not tiring. It's actually quite easy. You don't need to worry about me."

Lin Jichen had no choice but to come up with a reason Gu Qiuxue couldn't refuse.

"But working here means we can only see each other after a long time. When I miss you, you're not around. If you run into any trouble and need me, I can't get to you right away."

Gu Qiuxue's cheeks turned red in the dark, her ears flushing as well.

It was the first time she heard Lin Jichen say something so bold and ambiguous.

She felt that Lin Jichen had changed, but she couldn't pinpoint how.

But she liked this version of Lin Jichen more.

The old Lin Jichen always kept a distance from her.

Especially after he went to college, he would always brush off her calls quickly.

It seemed like he was deliberately avoiding her, trying to weaken their bond.

Even when she sent him a message for her birthday this time, she waited for days without a reply. Gu Qiuxue thought he wouldn't come, and she was very disappointed.

But unexpectedly, Lin Jichen replied and even came to the hospital to see her. His behavior seemed much more mature.

She could feel that her brother had undergone a tremendous change, but he was still Lin Jichen, not someone else.

She could sense that.

"Little Chen, do you mean you want me to work at a hospital in your city? But other hospitals might not hire me..."

Gu Qiuxue said nervously. Yes, she was tempted.

If she could work in the city where Lin Jichen lived, she could visit him anytime during her days off.

She could cook for him, do his laundry, and they could go out to eat and shop together like today.

Just thinking about it made her want to agree.

"No, I mean, why don't you change careers and join me as a professional player in 'Tale of Immortal'?"

Lin Jichen revealed his idea.

He wanted Gu Qiuxue to get into 'Tale of Immortal' early, to improve her cultivation as soon as possible, so she could better survive in the merged world in the future.

Another reason was that Lin Jichen feared Gu Qiuxue might repeat the mistakes of his past life, suddenly getting married and then falling into depression.

Even though Gu Qiuxue was fine now, and even after this birthday, she was safe, Lin Jichen was still worried.

He feared that something might happen to her one day when he wasn't around.

He wanted to persuade Gu Qiuxue to leave Capital City so he could be completely at ease.

"What? Change careers to play games? Jie isn't as smart as you. You know how bad I was at video games as a kid. I always held you back."

Gu Qiuxue found it hard to believe.

Lin Jichen got up from the bed, walked barefoot to the sofa, and squatted down in front of her.

He looked at Gu Qiuxue face to face, his eyes shining.

Gu Qiuxue suddenly felt nervous, her eyelashes trembling. Little Chen, he wouldn't...

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