Versatile Sword Cultivator

Chapter 61 – The family line ends with no descendants

Chapter 61 – The family line ends with no descendants

Zhang Guangwei's face changed when he saw Lin Jichen not drinking, feigning displeasure.

"Little Chen, I noticed you haven't had a drink. You must have this one to toast your sister's birthday."

Lin Jichen smiled sheepishly and said, "Brother Zhang, it's not that I don't want to drink. I have to return the sports car I rented later. I need to leave right after dinner, or I'll have to pay a hefty late fee."

"You're leaving right after dinner?" Zhang Guangwei raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, but I have to make sure my sister gets home first," Lin Jichen replied.

Zhang Guangwei was naturally unhappy and pretended to be concerned, "Oh, you don't need to worry about that. There are so many of Qiuxue's female colleagues here. They can take her home. Returning the car is more important. Can you afford the overnight fee if you delay?"

"No, I can't..." Lin Jichen showed a fearful expression.

"Exactly. Don't worry. If your sister drinks too much, her female colleagues can take her home," Zhang Guangwei assured.

Lin Jichen believed him and said, "Alright then, I'll go return the car. Sis, I'm off."

Gu Qiuxue looked a bit panicked, but Lin Jichen gently patted her hand under the table, signaling her not to worry.

After Lin Jichen left, everyone continued eating.

After a few rounds of drinks, people started to feel something was off, each becoming dizzy.

"Oh no, I think I've had too much. My head is spinning."

"Me too, this wine has a strong aftereffect."

"I can't take it, I feel like throwing up."

"I need to sleep, can't drink anymore..."

Everyone began to collapse onto the table, drunk.

Gu Qiuxue also felt something was wrong. As she tried to leave, her legs gave out, and she fell onto the table, drunk.

"Huh? Why is everyone drunk? Wow, you all have such poor tolerance. Just seven or eight bottles of wine and you're all out. I'm a bit dizzy too, but I'm okay," Zhang Guangwei feigned a wobbly stance, sighing, "Looks like we can't go home. Let's stay at the hotel. Waiter, get a room for each of my colleagues and help them in. I'll cover the bill."

"Yes, sir," the waitress promptly complied.

No one suspected Zhang Guangwei's scheme, as they had indeed seen everyone drink a lot and pass out.

The waitress quickly called other staff to help the drunk guests to their rooms.

When it was Gu Qiuxue's turn, a waitress was about to help her when Zhang Guangwei stopped her.

"No need, I'll help her. She's my girlfriend."

The waitress believed him and said no more.

Zhang Guangwei prepared to help Gu Qiuxue. The thought of touching her body made his hands tremble with excitement.

"Qiuxue, you've had too much to drink. I told you not to drink so much, but you never listen. Being your boyfriend is really worrisome."

Just as Zhang Guangwei was about to move forward, the door burst open.

A flustered figure rushed in—it was Lin Jichen.

Zhang Guangwei was so startled that he quickly withdrew his outstretched hand.

Lin Jichen acted as if he hadn't seen anything and said to Zhang Guangwei, "Brother Zhang, something's wrong."

"Wha... what is it?" Zhang Guangwei asked nervously.

"On my way back, I crashed the car. The rental company is asking for compensation," Lin Jichen said, flustered.


Zhang Guangwei gritted his teeth in anger but, wanting to get rid of Lin Jichen quickly, asked, "How much do they want?"

"They said at least a hundred thousand."

"Fing hell..." Zhang Guangwei felt murderous.

"Brother Zhang, I know it's a bother. I'll wake my sister to see if she can help. Is she drunk?" Lin Jichen said, moving to check.

Zhang Guangwei quickly stopped him, nervously saying, "No need. I've already had a waitress take her to rest. You should hurry and pay the rental company, or they might charge you more. By then, even I won't be able to help, and you might not be able to go to college."

Lin Jichen pretended to be scared and nodded repeatedly, "Alright, I'll listen to you, Brother Zhang."

Zhang Guangwei reluctantly transferred a hundred thousand to Lin Jichen.

He had already spent over half a million today, emptying all his savings.

Lin Jichen took the money and, before leaving, asked a waitress, "Please take my sister to rest. I'm her brother. I'll come back to pick her up after I'm done."

Zhang Guangwei nearly exploded with rage but held back for the sake of his plan.

After Lin Jichen left, the waitress helped Gu Qiuxue away.

Zhang Guangwei didn't dare stop her, fearing the waitress might get suspicious.

However, he followed, pretending to be Gu Qiuxue's concerned boyfriend, earning the waitress's trust.

"Thank you. Here's a tip," Zhang Guangwei handed over several hundred-yuan bills. The waitress happily accepted and left the room.

Now, only Zhang Guangwei and Gu Qiuxue were in the room. Seeing her lying on the bed, her lips red and face flushed, Zhang Guangwei swallowed hard, his eyes gleaming like a hungry wolf.

"Hmph, Gu Qiuxue, I originally planned to make you fall for me slowly. But blame your idiot brother. Tonight, I spent over a million. I need to get something back."

Zhang Guangwei took out his phone.

"Once I've had my fill of you and recorded it, with your thin skin, you won't dare report me. By then, you'll have to marry me, and I can play with you as I please. Haha!"

Zhang Guangwei laughed maniacally. He hadn't planned to go this far, but Lin Jichen's actions had made him greedy. He had to have Gu Qiuxue tonight to make up for his losses.

With that thought, Zhang Guangwei set up his phone and eagerly lunged at Gu Qiuxue.

At that moment, a shadow flashed across the room!

Before Zhang Guangwei could react, he was kicked away, crashing heavily into the marble coffee table.

Curled up on the floor like a shrimp, Zhang Guangwei couldn't even scream in pain, just twitching on the ground.

Lin Jichen stood before Zhang Guangwei, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Now he understood why Gu Qiuxue had committed suicide.

It was obvious. This scumbag had used such despicable means to violate her and recorded it to threaten her.

That's why Gu Qiuxue was forced to marry him, developed depression, and eventually took her own life.

With the 'truth' clear, Lin Jichen's killing intent surged.

But he was mistaken. In the past life, Gu Qiuxue hadn't been harmed. Lin Jichen's actions had disrupted Zhang Guangwei's plans, leading to his misunderstanding.

This 'beautiful' misunderstanding drove Lin Jichen to lose all reason.

He stepped forward, lifted Zhang Guangwei, and punched him hard in the face.


Zhang Guangwei's gold-rimmed glasses shattered, and his nose made a clear breaking sound.

Lin Jichen's fist was also cut by the glass shards, but he didn't care.

Rage consumed his reason.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Punch after punch.

Zhang Guangwei's face was unrecognizable. He couldn't even scream, several teeth knocked out.

Fortunately, Lin Jichen was still an ordinary person. Otherwise, Zhang Guangwei would have been dead many times over.

"Like to force yourself on others, huh? Bullying my sister, huh? I'll make sure you can't have kids!"

Still unsatisfied, Lin Jichen lifted his leg and delivered a powerful kick!

Right in Zhang Guangwei's groin.


Ever cracked an egg? Imagine cracking two at once. That was the sound.

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