Versatile System Online

Chapter 117 Start Of The Monthly Test

"Let's move on to the strategy," Ray said as he took out the holographic map of the whole dungeon.

"As we discussed in the earlier meeting, the goblins are weak to physical attacks. Therefore, Sirius and Tim would be doing the most damage. On the other hand, I and kid would take care of the shamans and the hobgoblins," Rays said as he highlighted his plan.

"What about the others," Noah inquired,

"You all would work the same way, Noah you will be the main determiner of our formation as you would take care of any strays. Also, you would be responsible for shielding us from any spirit attacks," Ray replied as he informed Noah of what he would do.

"I didn't know that those goblins can use spirit attacks," Aliya asked,

"Nope, the goblins known to us can't use any spirit attacks but we have to be prepared for the unknown. Also, we have little to no information on the final boss," Ray said as he continued,

"Also, Elina would be responsible for placing traps and such while Emma is going to use her system to help us with any ambushes. I repeat again, we have to be very of those goblins, they are mischievous creatures that don't mind playing dirty," Ray warned everyone as he took out something from his dimensional storage and kept it on the table.

What he took out was a strange ball-shaped device that had a button on top of it.

"This is a memory device with extensive information on hobgoblins and Goblin Shamans stored in it. Within it, you will find their fighting spells, commonly used spells, and other accessories used by them to amplify their magic," Ray said as he passed the device to Elina and continued,

"Try and observe the hobgoblin's fighting style as much as you could since they are also adept in using curses,"

Turning to Noah, he said,

"You should also observe along with Elina. The same goes for Aella and Emma. You all should observe and adjust your fighting style since you all would be protecting us from these creatures," Ray explained as he turned to Sirius and spoke,

"Come with me, let's have a spar. Meanwhile, Tim, you go battle with the little kid and teach him some new moves,"

With that said, as everyone got to work Ray stood up and went to the training hall with Sirius while Tim and the new kid followed behind. All this time, Aliya sat in confusion over her position in the team as she questioned herself,

"What should I do? Don't I have something to work on?" Almost depressed by the thought. Anger took over her as she stood up from her seat and stomped the ground in anger as she shouted,


Hearing her shout, Ray understood his mistake as he ran to the living room. Only to find an angry Aliya glaring at her fiercely,

"Sorry Aliya, I forgot about you," Ray said as he tried to calm her down. However, he made it even worse as Aliya's anger flared off the charts.

"Huh.. So you forgot. Okay then, I will also forget to heal you when needed," With that said she stomped to her room in anger.

"You made a big mistake there," Aurora said to him as she continued, "Go and apologize to her. You don't want her ruining the strategy because of your silly mistake," Aurora reprimanded Ray.

Ray also understood his mistake as he knew how Aliya was and sighed,

"What else could I do, we need a healer and apparently she is the best healer available," Ray sighed and moved to calm her down.

On the other hand, the team merely looked at the exchange between Ray and Aliya while no one did a thing as they knew that interfering right now would only cause them more trouble.


Aliya sobbed in her room as she thought,

"Who does he think he is? To even forget about my existence from the whole team. He is such a baddie, I will not forgive him for it. I will not heal him," She thought as a wave of emotions raged like a surging tide.

"Knock... Knock"

"Who is it?" Aliya asked as tears dropped from her cheeks and onto the floor.

"Open the door Aliya, it's me Ray," Ray said in a calm voice as he continued, "Aliya I am sorry. It's just that I was so occupied with everything that I forgot to tell you your role,"

"I don't care," Aliya sobbed even louder as she refused to open the door.

Interacting with her gave Ray a fierce headache as he turned to Aurora for help,

"Help me Aurora, she wouldn't even listen to what I say," Ray asked in desperation.

"Don't ask me. You made her cry, so you fix it. Also, I am not your babysitter and you always come asking for my help. Do it on your own," Aurora declined as she cut the connection between their consciousness.

Back in the living room,

"Will they be fine?" Aella asked in worry over how Aliya reacted.

"Yeah don't worry about that. Aliya has a habit of overreacting. She will be fine in a minute," Elina said as she looked at Aella and spoke,

"You aren't asking about Aliya, are you?" She said as she nudged Aella,

"Uhmm.. It's not like that," Aella stammered as her cheeks blushed slightly.

Seeing her blush, Elina smiled in understanding as she whispered in Aella's ear,

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me," She said as they continued to read the info on the hobgoblins while Ray stood outside Aliya's door as he painstakingly calmed her down.

One Day Later,

Academy Grounds,

Hundreds of students stood on the ground as they waited for the dean to arrive. Every student lined up in their teams while the team captains stood in front of their respective teams.

Ray also stood in front of his team as he represented his team,

Ray's team consisted of the following members,

'Ray, Noah, Sirius, Tim, Aliya, Elina, Emma, Aella and kid'

This was how Ray registered his team while he didn't even bother asking about that troublesome boy's name.

Everyone stood in anticipation of the first monthly test as each student had his eyes set on the first position.

"Good morning future warriors of Earth," The dean spoke out loud as he addressed every student,

"Today is the day when most of you will experience the thrill of the battlefield for the first time. Also, don't worry about your lives as we guarantee you that you wouldn't die during the test. However, injuries are another thing altogether as we couldn't guarantee that you would be safe from getting injured. Therefore, I request you all to keep yourselves safe during the test,"

The dean then continued as he spoke,

"Now onto the main topic. You all have a week to clear the dungeon while you will be awarded 1 point for every goblin killed, 5 points for killing hobgoblins, goblin shamans, and the goblin warriors, and 25 points for killing the goblin lord. Also, you will get 50 points for identifying any new goblin and 500 points for defeating the boss,"

After that, the dean continued speaking as he explained the rules of the test and everything else. All this time, Ray didn't pay much attention to what the dean said. Not only Ray but his whole team stood there dozing off as they knew of it all beforehand.

After a whole hour of explaining, the dean finished his speech and said, let's start the monthly test.

He then waved his hand as the whole ground lit up with strange runes that gave off a purplish glow. As the runes lit up, Ray felt a resonance with the mana they emitted.

"That's a large-scale spatial formation that is connected to a specific point. The resonance you feel is coming from your bloodline as it shares the same affinity," Aurora informed Ray before he could even ask.

Ray merely nodded as the formation activated and the students vanished from where they stood and appeared in front of a large gate that had skulls engraved on its surface while a purple portal swirled in the middle of the gate.

"This is the dungeon entrance," The dean said as he floated in front of the gate.


A/N:- Bonus chapter up. This one is for completing the weekly power stone target. The next bonus chapter will be uploaded by tonight.

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