Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 1672  Erection and Eradication

Chapter 1672  Erection and Eradication

The Kizamgaar's ruins were still restless as the potent and dense form of Lust Mana converged around a peculiar orchid-colored cocoon.

The thick stench of blood and gore was masked by the aroma of flowery petals that emerged from nowhere. The eerie-looking moon and chilled moonlight atmosphere turned into a romantic paradise when the Lust Mana revealed itself.

The spectral forms of rose petals fell from the sky, turning the abandoned-looking city square into a flower bed. The nightly winds carried with themselves a sweet and warm scent, which would invoke the feelings of love, affection, and passion in one's heart.

This was just a manifestation of Lust Mana that was affecting the surroundings. One had to note that all of this was caused by the ripples of someone using the Great Skill, which was related to the Demon Prince of Lust.

These manifestations were not intended but had appeared because someone "not worthy" wielding the power of a Greater Skill in a not-so-usual way. As such, the wielder of the Greater Skill herself had no power to dispel such effects and manifestations.

Leesha's plan for satisfying Asmodeous' demands was simple.

She was planning to take her coven's help in meeting the demands of the Demon Prince of Lust.

All by herself, it was nearly impossible for her to fulfill the requirements that had been forced on her because of her use of the Greater Skill. But with the entire coven helping her, she stood a chance to make the repercussions go away.

Clauria and other witches were not sure exactly what Leesha had done to get rid of Eren's domains. However, they felt glad that someone like her was part of their coven. They smiled brightly and looked at each other with hopeful eyes, their expressions changing from despair to that of overcoming something life-altering.

However, all of their jubilations were cut short when the cocoon broke abruptly and revealed Eren's features. He was seen smiling, which did not paint a very good picture for the witches.

Swoosh. Zoom. Grab.

Eren appeared right in front of Leesha and grabbed onto her neck once again. His smile had a hint of cruelty laced in it as he lifted her up in the air with his one hand once again.

"Ugh…. Cough… cough… cough… A Greater Skill did not work on you? How?"

Leesha asked Eren in disbelief as the feelings of helplessness gripped her heart once again. She was sure that her Great Skill deployment was a success because her spectral screen had said so. There was no way for even someone as abnormal as Eren to counter a Greater Skill with his Abilities and domains.

"Oh it worked alright," Eren said as he looked at Leesha with his cold eyes. "Don't you see? I have a boner in my pants because of you," he said looking down.

"Then… then how?" Leesha asked with some difficulty as her face started turning red once again, her eyes assuming the color of the blood.

"What do my feelings have to do with what I do with you?"

The butcher asked Leesha and chuckled. "It's simple really. No matter what demonic powers you use on me to invoke the fake feelings, I'll do what I have set out to do."

He said before applying pressure on the witch's neck. In the next moment, he used his other hand as a support and yanked out Leesha's larynx, tearing apart her flesh with his bare hands.

The bloodwork was splashed onto Eren's body as if an abstract art. Leesha's face was all shades of surprise and shock as she looked at Eren with a dreadful look. When she raised her hands to clutch onto her open throat, Eren handed her the voice box– the one that belonged to her in the first place.

"No wonder you… talked about… my "phallus".. offer… as a tribute for Asmodeus," Eren said while looking into Leesha's dying eyes.

"You threaten me. It's fine. You abuse me with words. No big deal. You try to kill me, I try to kill you. Nothing personal. But you just had to go there, get my… uh.. Little "baby" involved, who did nothing to you.

Do you not know… men take… how do you say… yes… men take huge offense in someone targeting their "main part"?

Remember. Never say anything bad about a man's "family jewels". Tch. tch. Tch. People in Labh Salem… lack basic manners."

Eren spoke in broken Labhi as he supported Leesha with his blood soaked hands, preventing her from falling to the ground. He started injecting her with Wrath Mana.

Eren's erect member resumed its normal state as soon as he saw the object of his desire bloody and dying, making her unattractive in his eyes. The Greater Skill was broken abruptly and the manifestations related to Lust Mana stopped as well. Slap. Slap. Slap.

Eren slapped Leesha and prevented her from immediately succumbing to her injuries. Her eyes were filled with unbridled rage for Eren as she experienced how the man was treating her. He was not even allowing her to die peacefully. She would have screamed her lungs out if she still had her vocal cords intact.

It didn't take long for Eren to turn Leesha into a pure and potent Wrath Flame. Without further ado, he absorbed it right away, claiming the witch's memories and experiences for himself. Meanwhile, Reen had appeared not too far away from Eren, keeping an eye on the witches while Eren digested his gains from Leesha. Earlier, the moment he sensed the incoming effects of the Greater Skill acting on him, he had sent Reen away after telling her to separate herself from him.

This was so that she would be able to take countermeasures against the Greater Skill if he were to fall prey to it. Things would have gotten out of hand if Reen and Eren both were affected by the same Greater Skill.

"So where were we?"

Eren opened his eyes and looked at the remaining witches with a graceful smile.

"Helenbora Coven… it's a pleasure to meet you here. At least a pleasure for me," he said while offering a courtesy bow to them. "We could have worked something out between us. We could have cooperated with each other. But I'm afraid we are past that. So you'll have to forgive me for what I'm about to do with you," he said in a calm manner. One had to note that this time the butcher spoke in an impeccable Labhi. It was as if he had been speaking this language all his life. It was sufficient to say that the witches' fates were sealed from the moment he finished his short speech.

What the Ishgaar's Templars couldn't do was achieved by the end of this fateful night. The complete eradication of the Helenbora Coven.

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