Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 1693  Top-tier Demon Slayer of Labh Salem?

1693  Top-tier Demon Slayer of Labh Salem?

Eren needed to be a lot more careful in Labh Salem.

He especially had a lot of restrictions in using his demonic powers now that he had decided to join the divine faction.

Keeping the Demon Princes in check was more important for the current Eren than removing them from their respective positions. He could impose them with restrictions if things really came down to confrontation, using the laws of the demonic pantheon.

The Demon Princes were more dangerous to Eren if he were to free them from their current positions and responsibilities. Plus, he was not able to handle any responsibility and carry the load on his shoulders if he were to vacate a seat. He was nothing more than a Demi-god.

Of course, Alephee supported Eren's decision to be part of the divine faction even though Labh Salem was heavily influenced by the Demon Princes. Doing so would allow him to stay lowkey and still target the demonic entities. It could allow him to make a lot of progress in mastering his demonic heritage associated with the Elder Ichor Bloodline.

Eren could count on Beelzebub to support him. But the Demon Prince of Gluttony himself was in a lot of trouble with other Demon Princes because of his apparent connection with the newly rising true inheritor of Aleph's divine throne.

The other Demon Princes could use Eren's connection with Beelzebub as a way to track him down before launching targeted attacks on him. Things would become 100 times more difficult for Eren if the Demon Princes and enemy gods were to know about Eren's current location.

Goddess Menaka had come to a formal agreement with Eren that made sure that no Skill or Greater Skill could be used to track down the true inheritor of the Elder Ichor Bloodline. It was only this very anonymity provided to him by the neutral goddess that had kept him in the veil for so long.

However, Eren's agreement with the goddess would be futile if were to get exposed due to his negligence. As such, Alephee warned Eren against doing things half-heartedly and carelessly.

Of course, she also told him several ways he could employ to improve his situation. She told him ways with which he could wield his demonic powers in a better way. It was possible for him to outright eliminate or keep the potential repercussions of using the demonic powers at bay provided he did a few things right.

Alephee told Eren that he needed to secretly join demonic factions to get hold of a few key things. These things could not only make him invisible in the Demon Princes' eyes, but they could also help him progress further in his Ranking Journey without having to depend on any Ranking Technique or Tantra.

Eren was glad that he had not used his demonic powers to brand someone in Labh Salem. He had decided to experiment with the inn's owner by branding her with the Sin of Lust. but he dropped the idea after listening to Alephee's warnings.

These restrictions did not matter much to Eren. he was completely fine with not being able to use his Sin Series powers for the time being. However, he wanted to resolve the matter as soon as possible.

After all, he had decided to hunt demons of Labh Salem for his own benefit. And he's using his demonic heritage against such demons would provide him with an unfair advantage.

The butcher might be able to become one of the greatest demon slayers the world of Labh Salem had ever seen in his known history after wielding his demonic powers to perfection. For that to happen, he needed to iron out a few things.

Eren was fascinated with the details provided to him by Alephee. He was glad that she had many years to prepare a few things in advance before he arrived in Labh Salem. That way, he knew what to look for and how to handle the potential problems.

Eren needed to come up with his own Tantra based on a fusion of the Rootless Ranking Technique with the ways of Labh Salem. However, he also knew that this was not a project he could conclude with a snap of his fingers. He needed time, effort, and a bit of luck to formulate his own Tantra.

Thus, when Alephee told Eren about an alternate way to progress in his Ranking Journey using the power of the Mesh, Eren's interest was piqued. He decided to follow Alephee's suggestions right away, making her explain a few things in great detail.

Eren had already realized that his control over his demonic powers was lacking by Labh Salem's standards. He told Alephee about the uncontrollable passive effect he had unexpectedly released in the surroundings and affected people around him.

Alephee was not surprised by Eren's situation. Labh Salem was a world that employed intent-based magic to its perfection. The demonic powers had a greater sway here, especially compared to Eren's homeworld Anfang.

Alephee told Eren that he should keep his emotions in check until he could control his demonic powers better. The Skill and Greater Skill acquisition was the easiest and most effective way he could achieve fine control over such powers. He just needed to acquire the Skill Tree related to his demonic origins and things would go a lot more smoother for him.

Eren also had a lot of advantages he could use to get such Skills and Greater Skills for himself. He just needed to find the right demonic places and entities to get them.

Alephee gave a list of a few noteworthy places for Eren to explore. She knew that he'd have an easier time keeping his identity concealed, thanks to the multi-profession option he had been blessed with. He'd be able to act more freely than his former self from Anfang.

As Eren listened to Alephee's suggestions, a plan started to hatch in Eren's mind. It was as if Miss Timeless had provided him with just the right number of puzzle pieces– pieces that could allow him to decipher the picture if not outright solve the puzzle itself.


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