Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 1703 Vepar AKA Roza Thaglas

Chapter 1703 Vepar AKA Roza Thaglas

1703 Vepar AKA Roza Thaglas

"My liege… are… are you done here?"

Suddenly, a female conjurer approached Eren from the front.

She was the sole survivor of the den's original residents. She didn't have any injury on her body and looked completely calm. It was clear that she was left unscathed by Eren on purpose.

It seemed that this demonic Conjurer had been a bit busy on Eren's recent murder site while he was busy chatting with his wife. She cleaned up the place nice and clean while making sure that she collected appropriate trophies for Eren.


This Conjurer's name was Roza Thaglas.

She bore sea-green eyes that hinted at depths unknown. Her chest-length moss-colored hair framed a face of demonic beauty, accentuated by pale skin with a subtle bluish hue. Amethyst-colored lips held a mysterious charm, catching the gaze of those who dared to look upon her.

A delicate headband adorned her, featuring a captivating blue gem resting just above the space between her eyes. The dark blue hood shrouded her head, concealing the details of her attractive and demonically beautiful face, adding an air of mystique.

A black rose was attached to her hood near her left ear, giving a subtle nod to her name.

Enhanced with magic, her shoulder guards were light and flimsy, yet carried a formidable enchantment. Underneath, she wore a slim-fit, deep-neck blouse beneath leather armor, exuding a blend of elegance and lethal grace. Skin-tight leather pants and matching shoes completed the ensemble, showcasing her bewitching figure.

Roza Thaglas stood at a commanding height of 5.10 feet, her hourglass figure a testament to both beauty and strength. A cold and callous aura, tinged with a hint of bloodlust, surrounded her like an invisible cloak.

Diverging from Eren's Path to Power, Roza followed the route of a Demonic Conjurer. As a Sorceress in the Conjurer Rank, she held a status roughly equivalent to a B-Ranked Master Ranker.

Yet, she lingered on the cusp of ascension, a step or two away from achieving the coveted title of an Arcane Sorceress in her relentless pursuit of power.

Roza Thaglas was a bona fide witch, born and raised in Labh Salem. Just like the Helenbora witches, she too had infiltrated the Onianum continent in order to spread the demonic influence here.

The demonic fragment within Roza Thaglas had been awakened. Or to be more precise, the slumbering demonic fragment within her was replaced by an awakened demonic fragment by Eren a few months back. He had done this after defeating her in a battle, breaking her will.

The demonic fragment Eren had inserted into Roza's demonically attuned body was something special. It was the demonic soul fragment of one of the 72 Ars Goetia demons, the demons serving right under seven Demon Princes as their commanders.

Of course, Eren had claimed this demonic soul fragment from one of his most cunning enemies, Reva Rain. He had extracted this demonic fragment from her before she could awaken it within her body on her own.

The demon within Roza had a distinct demonic identity. This demon had a name– Vepar. It was said that Vepar served under the Demon Prince of Wrath– Samael, acting as one of his most trusted aides.

Demoness Vepar was said to have a twisted personality, which was normal by demonic standards. She would inflict wounds on her targets before causing worms to breed in them.

Vepas was depicted to be a mermaid in the records dedicated to her deeds in Labh Salem. This was because she had been incarnated as a mermaid in Labh Salem's long past.

This demon would cause extreme pain and suffering to her victims before finally claiming their lives. However, she could also use healing magic to heal her targets.

It was said that Vepar learned powerful healing magic just so that she could heal her victims when they were on the brink of their deaths. This way, she could make them suffer under her torture once again instead of setting them free from their miseries.

Vepar had been one of the most trusted pillars in Samael's demonic army. However, it seemed that she had turned coats ever since Eren had tamed her after extracting her from Reva Rain's body.

Vepar was scared of Eren and for all the right reasons. As the true inheritor of the Elder Ichor bloodline, his authority over her couldn't be questioned. Thus, she staked everything she had to incarnate as Roza Thaglas when Eren gave her a chance to serve him, hoping she would not be devoured by him.

The completely awakened form within Roza had merged the two souls, turning Roza into one of Vepar's incarnations. While the demon had only influenced her previous host to a certain extent when she was in Reva Rain's body, the stakes for the demons while occupying Roza Thaglas' body were completely different.

Vepar had adopted Roza Thaglas' behaviors and goals after merging with her soul. She had become a completely different entity from her previous pseudo incarnation- Reva Rain. She was now Roza Thaglas first and foremost, serving as Eren's subordinate in Labh Salem.

Roza had been one of the most trusted subordinates of Zargoth– the leader of the demonic den that Eren had raided. However, her loyalties changed when Vepar's demonic consciousness took over her, turning her into Eren's mole.

It was Roza who had betrayed Zargoth and the rest by providing Eren with the right and strategic information. It was also she who made it easy for Eren to infiltrate the den without triggering its security measures.

Roza wanted to help some more by killing Zargoth, his allies, and subordinates with her own hands as well. However, Eren didn't give her much of a leeway to showcase her powers. By the time she could hear and see things in the den, Eren had already completed his raid.

'I… I just hope that my liege doesn't find me useless,' the demoness thought to herself as she approached Eren with careful steps.


AN: Vepar was caught and tamed by Eren in chapter 1369. The term Ars Goetia was first used in chapter 1377.

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