Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 1772 Damoiseau in Distress

Chapter 1772 Damoiseau in Distress

"If… If only I had a few people to count on—"

As Eren mulled over various thoughts, memories of Alephee, Kirin, Nina, Naya, Levine, Jiana, Agatha, Sara, Steve, Jake, Ana, Bell, Ron, Dino, Amory, Tumko, Sirius, Marla, Almera, Marie, Arizihana, Ashton, Hilda, Hettie, Ror, Katalina, Bianka, Drin, Lasha, Luna, Tuan, Ray, Fiana, Kaalmahen, Baran, Isadora, Seraphina, Evelina, Valeria, Osha, Altair, Slyphie, and numerous others who had aided him during his time in Anfang flashed through his mind.

Some of Eren's allies had arrived in Labh Salem ahead of him, but their presence was either inaccessible through virtual means or situated too distantly to offer immediate assistance.

Certain allies had chosen to go into hiding, each with their own motives. Contacting them would not only put them in danger but also bring him unforeseen trouble.

Then there were some who Eren refused to contact casually. Eliza, for instance, had aligned herself with a demonic faction, making it impossible for Eren to accept her aid.

Moreover, Eliza wasn't exactly an ally; rather, she owed him a favor. Eren intended to leverage this owed favor from the Witch of the Enderflames, aiming to extract maximum benefits from this unique arrangement. And this was not the right time for him to pull that off.

Others among his allies were preoccupied with their personal matters. Alephee, dealing with her own challenges, found herself unable to extend help or seek assistance from Eren.

Conversely, those who remained in Anfang were likely utilizing the Oni Dungeon as a gateway to access Echidna. Eren anticipated that his wife, Kirin, was actively involved in Echidna and would succeed in taking control of the Oni Dungeon's operations from the other end one way or the other.

Kirin possessed the same shrewdness and vigilance as Eren. Being a half-oni nurtured by Har Jahar, she could be considered even more ruthless than him.

When she committed to a goal, she applied all the knowledge and skills she was born with or had acquired from Eren, ensuring that she achieved her objectives precisely as intended. Therefore, Eren harbored no uncertainty regarding Kirin's success. It wasn't a question of "if" but rather a matter of "when."

Some of Eren's allies should technically have an easier way to get to him. Eren entrusted Agatha with the responsibility of opening the Dimensional Gate connected to the Plane of Gluttony whenever she deemed fit. This strategic move would enable her to dispatch capable White Raven members into the gate as needed.

However, the Immortal Plane itself added a ton of uncertainty. With the kind of luck he had, Eren had experienced it firsthand.

Upon arriving in Labh Salem, the bungee-cord-like space-element rune that adorned Eren snapped, serving as a signal to his allies in Anfang, indicating the duration of his journey to the destined location. Two decades of aimless wandering into a dangerous place was not something everyone was prepared or capable of doing.

Recognizing that not everyone would attempt to follow him, given his nearly two-decade entrapment within the Immortal Plane, Eren understood that direct assistance from his allies in Anfang was not forthcoming. The prospect of receiving help hinged on various external factors beyond his control.

Certain allies, such as Eren's monster generals and half-blood associates from House Fenris and House Lowin, chose to remain in Anfang. They were not in a haste to leave their homeworld anytime soon.

The lifting of restrictions on their growth, following the destruction of the Divine Isolation Array, provided them with newfound comfort in Anfang. JJ Edgar, for instance, altered his plans and opted to stay in Anfang, relishing the freedom to progress that the post-Great Shattering era offered.

While the prospect of leaving his homeworld had once beckoned due to stifled progress, the successful conclusion of Eren's Lazarus Project left Edgar feeling liberated and reluctant to depart from such a promising playground until the excitement of liberation subsided.


"Damn. No Princess Charming coming to the rescue for this damoiseau in distress."

The butcher finally cut the trip down the memory lane short and sighed to himself. He wished for the presence of his allies, wanting their support to establish a foothold in Labh Salem with greater ease.

His desire was fueled by the imminent threat silently approaching, one that he knew he needed to confront. His plans would have unfolded more smoothly with a sufficient number of people to execute his projects.

Having endured the solitude of his first timeline, he had come to acknowledge the limitations of solitary efforts. True prosperity and security, he believed, could only be attained through unity.

After all, he had erected a solid organization like the White Raven Guild from scratch in Anfang. It had allowed him to progress by leaps and bounds, finally enabling him to leave his homeworld behind.

Eren understood the concept of the division of labor just fine. Yet he was a newcomer in a world fraught with various dangers. Trust did not come easily to him, especially when dealing with the unfamiliar inhabitants of Labh Salem.

As such, he didn't want to form another organization like the White Raven Guild in Labh Salem. It was not worth his time and effort.

It wasn't that he shunned forming new connections; rather, his altered identity as the true inheritor of Aleph's Throne made him inherently cautious, and with valid reasons.

For instance, a more casual approach could have led him into a binding agreement with the witches if he hadn't been vigilant and allowed Kayara to mark his soul with her Unique Skill.

Through a stroke of luck and watchfulness, he had turned Kayara into an ally, averting potential complications that loomed unexpectedly.

Hence, Eren chose to approach every connection in Labh Salem with a degree of skepticism. He would prefer the presence of trusted individuals from Anfang, allies he knew he could rely on for support. However, wishes alone wouldn't necessarily sway events in his favor.

A thoughtful smile played on his lips as he continued his contemplation. "Alone," Eren whispered, dispersing manuals and half-opened books with a wave of his hand.

"I am alone."

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