Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 1776 Arman

Chapter 1776 Arman

Before coming to the mortal realm, Eren has discreetly altered his appearance to blend in seamlessly with the mortal populace.

He deliberately diminished his usual good looks, reduced his stature, and toned down his muscular definition.

Employing a self-concocted potion, he concealed his aura, ensuring that the mortals could engage with him without feeling overwhelmed or intimidated.

As he entered the City of Sunhaven, the usual pressure associated with his A-Rank Status was conspicuously absent. He appeared as normal as he could be and his presence was just like that of a veteran Rook.

Shifting his appearance was a simple task for Eren, courtesy of his inherent bloodline powers. He could assume the appearance of almost anyone he wanted or thought of.

It was only adjusting his Mana Signature that posed him a challenge. However, the Kaaisayan Demon Slayer Corps provided invaluable assistance.

The artifacts provided for his on-field assignment enabled him to completely mask his original Mana Signature, even interfering with the Menaka's Blessing, preventing any inadvertent exposure of his true identity.

Eren was well aware that the Corps had likely paid a significant price to Goddess Menaka's temple to secure such capabilities. However, considering the fact that Goddess Menaka was neutral, he was sure that she offered the same services to the demonic faction as well at the right price.

The Corps-endorsed artifact even granted him the ability to suppress his true mana core, allowing him to assume the guise of an E-Ranked Rook. Thus, Eren found himself temporarily unable to harness any of his A-Ranked powers while the suppression was in effect.

While Eren initially contemplated adopting a wholly mortal facade, he eventually reasoned that such a choice would be counterproductive.

His primary goal in Sunhaven was to attract minimal attention, a necessity dictated by his on-field assignment's requirement for discretion. He had his own reasons to stay low-key as well.

Presenting himself as an ordinary mortal would undoubtedly subject him to scrutiny and potential harassment from fringe elements within the populace. They would see a "new guy" as someone they could make use of in any way they can, trying to benefit from him at his own expense.

Of course, Eren didn't really blame the fringe elements within the mortal societies for acting like this. Even his world as Rankers and Practitioners in general also had these fringe elements. It was useless to fight them or hope that they wouldn't exist wherever he was or meant to go.

Instead, it was better for Eren to make sure that he revealed his strength to keep these fringe elements at bay. And if they really came knocking on his door, he would be free to take action accordingly.

In short, it was better to pose as a "not-so-regular" regular Ranker for Eren.

Thus, Eren opted to appear as an E-Ranked Rook, dissuading trouble-seeking forces from approaching him. After all, an E-Rank Rook was a formidable presence that most mortals would find challenging to confront without external assistance.


When Eren came to Sunhaven, he presented the image of a man in his mid-30s by mortal standards.

Voluminous shoulder-length black hair framed his face, accompanied by a well-defined beard and fuller mustache. The distinct gleam in his emerald-green eyes had vanished, rendering them seemingly ordinary.

Posing as an E-Ranked Rook, Eren maintained a relatively fit physique compared to the average mortal. He donned a simple green long robe, adorned with modest embroidery, layered over a white tunic and green pants— an ensemble that allowed him to seamlessly blend in with the local populace.

Holding a small potion-making book in hand, Eren exuded an air of scholarly interest in concoctions, suggesting a penchant for leisurely reading. This demeanor cast him as an amiable potion maker in the eyes of those around him.

Eren's appearance struck a balance between handsome and plain, conveying neither excessive wealth nor destitution. In every aspect, he emanated an aura of unremarkable averageness.

Contrastingly, the thin-looking young boy facing Eren conspicuously diverged from the surrounding crowd due to the ragged attire enveloping his form.

A mere adolescent, he bore a skeletal frame bereft of any hint of muscular definition, indicative of irregular and insufficient meals. His teal-colored eyes and off-black messy hair accentuated his youthful yet deprived appearance.

Adorning himself in cast-off leather armor, visibly marred and severed at the shoulder, the boy layered it atop an aged and dusty half-sleeve tunic, egregiously oversized for his slender build. Draped around his neck was a partially torn scarf, well-

worn to the point of frailty.

The scarf's fabric threatened to disintegrate with the slightest pull. Extending from the lad's shoulder to his stomach and around his waist was the strap of a sizable leather bag. His footwear, revealing his toes through their worn-out soles, completed the ensemble.

It appeared as though the boy had donned an assortment of discarded and timeworn garments and accessories, each seemingly forsaken by their prior owners due to age. Despite the lad's attempts to mend them with stitches and additional layers, the patchwork only served to accentuate his pitiable condition.

Hence, it came as no surprise that the city guard perceived the youngster as nothing more than a beggar, someone who had arrived in Sunhaven seeking charity and handouts. Yet, Eren discerned a fiery determination in the boy's eyes, a spirit unwilling to resort to begging.

"What can I assist you with, big bro?" the youngster queried, a radiant smile adorning his face. "I can run errands, tend to your carriage, feed your horses, tidy your house—"

"Hold on," Eren interjected before the boy could continue enumerating his offered services. "First things first, what's your name?" he inquired, gesturing for the boy to accompany him along the bustling main street of the city.

"It's Arman Arson, big bro," the lad promptly replied, matching Eren's pace closely. "And yours?" he added, curiosity evident in his voice.

"Ren Idril," Eren provided the name of his assumed identity, his gaze sweeping the surroundings as the vibrant activity of the city unfolded.

'This… This is it. This is the city I can use as a base of operation for the coming years,' Eren thought to himself as he surveyed the city with his own eyes.

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