Villain: I transmigrated with Mind Control Powers

Chapter 21: Chapter 21 - The Seeds of Doubt

As Aric walked away from the garden, he heard Jarod's frustrated voice behind him. "How did you know about Master Ryan? No one outside my closest circle knows!"

Aric paused and turned back, a sly smile playing on his lips. "I have my ways, Jarod. It seems you underestimate the resources and information available to me. You should know by now that I always have more cards to play than you can imagine."

Jarod seethed with anger, his fists clenching at his sides. "You think you're so clever, Aric. But all your schemes will come to nothing."

Aric raised an eyebrow. "We'll see about that. For now, I suggest you focus on the upcoming competition. It's going to be quite... illuminating."

With that, Aric walked away, leaving Jarod fuming in the garden. The seeds of doubt had been sown, and Aric knew that Ryan Chen would be questioning his loyalty to Jarod. The elixir was a powerful tool, and even if Ryan Chen didn't openly support him, the master's dependence on it would create cracks in their bond.

[Ding! Congratulations, host! You have gained +300 Villain Halo and +3000 Villain Points for sowing doubt between the protagonist and his master.]

As Aric received the notification, his mind raced with strategies to further exploit this rift. The competition was only two weeks away, and he had to ensure every possible advantage. He couldn't afford to be complacent, not when so much was at stake.

Meanwhile, in the garden, Jarod was deep in conversation with Ryan Chen.

"Master, you can't seriously consider his offer," Jarod said, desperation in his voice. "He's trying to divide us."

Ryan Chen's ethereal form shimmered. "I know, Jarod. But you must understand, my strength is waning. The elixir he offered will help me regain some of my power. Without it, I won't be able to support you effectively in the competition."

Jarod's eyes widened. "But Master, if you accept his gift, it will only make him think he's winning."

Ryan Chen nodded slowly. "True. But we can use this to our advantage. Accepting the elixir doesn't mean I will support him. It means I will be stronger to help you. We must be strategic, Jarod.

Aric is cunning, but we can be cunning too."

Jarod clenched his fists, a mix of anger and determination burning in his eyes. "I won't let him win, Master. We'll show him that we can't be bought or manipulated."

Ryan Chen's form flickered. "Good. Stay focused, Jarod. We will prevail."

While Aric was sowing seeds of doubt in the master-disciple pair, Mia was on her way to confront Edmond Lei, the patriarch of the Lei family. Her steps were purposeful and her heart burned with indignation. As she approached Edmond's study, she didn't bother to knock, pushing the doors open with force.

Edmond looked up from his scrolls, surprised by the sudden entrance. "Mia," he began, but she cut him off.

"Edmond, how could you allow this to happen?" she demanded, her eyes blazing with anger. "Our son, Aric, was attacked in the dead of night, and you did nothing!"

Edmond sighed, setting his scroll aside. "Mia, you know that Jarod's ambitions have always been problematic. But we must handle these matters delicately. Accusing him without solid proof could divide the family."

Mia's fists clenched at her sides. "Delicately? Aric could have been killed! And now you expect me to stay calm while our son is targeted? No, Edmond. This cannot continue.

If you care for Aric's safety, you must take action."

Edmond frowned, leaning back in his chair. "And what do you propose we do, Mia? We cannot simply cast Jarod out without irrefutable evidence."

"I will not stay sane if this happens again," Mia declared, her voice trembling with emotion. "I suggest that I stay at Aric's mansion. I can ensure his safety personally and it will also reduce my anxiety. If you care for my well-being, you will agree to this."

Edmond considered her words carefully. He knew Mia's temper well enough to understand that her fury could cause more trouble if left unchecked. Moreover, having her stay at Aric's mansion would indeed reduce her worry and potentially prevent more conflicts.

"Very well, Mia," Edmond said finally. "You may stay at Aric's mansion. I will make the necessary arrangements. But remember, we must keep the family's unity in mind. Your presence there should not be seen as taking sides."

Mia nodded, her expression softening slightly. "Thank you, Edmond. I promise I will be discreet. But I will not compromise on Aric's safety."

Edmond gave her a reassuring nod. "I understand. Take care of our son, Mia."

With Edmond's approval, Mia quickly made arrangements to move into Aric's mansion. She was eager to be closer to Aric, to protect him and ensure his safety. When she arrived at the mansion, Aric greeted her with a warm smile.

"Mia," he said, embracing her. "I'm glad you're here."

"Aric," she replied, her voice soft and filled with emotion. "I've missed you so much."

They embraced tightly, the weight of their hidden love making the moment all the more intense. After a few moments, Aric pulled back slightly, looking into Mia's eyes. Without a word, he leaned in and kissed her, a kiss filled with all the passion and longing they had kept hidden for so long.

Mia responded eagerly, her hands tangling in his hair. The kiss was a promise of their commitment to each other, despite the challenges they faced. When they finally pulled apart, both were breathless but smiling.

"I love you, Aric," Mia said softly, her fingers tracing the outline of his face.

"I love you too, Mia," Aric replied, his voice equally tender. "With you by my side, I feel like I can face anything."

As Mia settled into her new quarters, she felt a sense of peace she hadn't known in a long time. Being close to Aric, her beloved son, and also her secret love, gave her a renewed sense of purpose. She was determined to protect him from any harm and support him in his quest for power and recognition within the Lei family.

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