Villain: I transmigrated with Mind Control Powers

Chapter 39: Chapter 39 - Sylvia made a decision

Sylvia's nerves were on edge as the day of the battle dawned. She couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in her chest. The anticipation was unbearable, each passing minute stretching into an eternity. She paced her room, her thoughts a whirlwind of anxiety and hope. Her family's future hung in the balance, and the weight of that responsibility pressed heavily on her shoulders.

The sun was beginning to set when a messenger arrived at the Song family estate, his expression grim. Sylvia's heart pounded as she rushed to meet him, her breath catching in her throat.

"Miss Song," the messenger began, his voice solemn, "I bring news from the battlefield."

Sylvia's heart sank. She could see the answer in his eyes before he even spoke the words. "Jarod has lost."

The words felt like a crushing blow, knocking the wind out of her. She sank to her knees, the weight of the revelation pressing down on her. Her mind struggled to process the information, the finality of it. Everything she had hoped for, every plan she had made, seemed to crumble before her eyes.

"No," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "It can't be. He was our last hope."

Sylvia was shocked by the recent events and news about Jarod. But her heart still lingered over Jarod. She couldn't forget him. Moreover, Jarod is the hope which can save her family.

Tears streamed down her face as she clutched the pendant Jarod had given her, a symbol of their love now tainted by his defeat. The room around her seemed to spin, her world collapsing in on itself. She felt adrift, lost in a sea of despair.

Her father, Song Jian, entered the room, his expression a mirror of her own despair. "Sylvia," he said softly, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We knew this was a possibility. We must find another way."

Sylvia looked up at him, her eyes red and swollen from crying. "But how, Father? Jarod was our only chance. Without his victory, we have nothing left."

Song Jian sighed deeply, his face etched with worry. "We must adapt, my dear. We cannot give up. There is still Aric."

Sylvia's heart clenched at the mention of Aric. She had dismissed him as weak and unworthy, yet now he seemed to be the only option left. Her mind raced with conflicting emotions. She remembered the times he had treated her with kindness, the respect he had always shown her. Could she trust him after he had hidden his true power from her?

As the evening approached, Sylvia sat in the family study with her parents. The room was dimly lit by the glow of the setting sun, casting long shadows across the floor. Her mother, Lady Song, joined them, her face drawn with worry.

As she grappled with these thoughts, another messenger arrived, bearing even more astonishing news. "Miss Song, Master Song, I bring word from the Lei household. Aric Lei has been named the Holy Son."

The news hit Sylvia like a thunderbolt. Aric, the man she had overlooked and underestimated, had ascended to a position of immense power. The title of Holy Son meant he had access to unparalleled resources and influence.Not only this, it also means that he is the strongest among the younger generation.

He was no longer just a potential ally; he was now a pivotal figure who could change the fate of her family.

"Aric… the Holy Son?" Sylvia repeated, her voice tinged with disbelief. "How could this be?"

Her father nodded thoughtfully. "This changes everything, Sylvia. With Aric's new position, he holds the key to our salvation. We must consider our options carefully."

"We need to discuss our next steps," Song Jian said, breaking the heavy silence. "With Aric's new status, he could be our only hope."

Lady Song nodded in agreement. "Sylvia, you need to understand the gravity of the situation. Our family's future depends on this."

Sylvia took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing thoughts. "I know, Mother. Father. I need to think about how to approach Aric. He must still have feelings for me; he was always so eager to please."

Lady Song placed a hand on Sylvia's shoulder. "You need to be careful, my dear. Aric is in a powerful position now. You must appeal to his sense of duty and his past feelings for you, but also respect the power he now holds."

Sylvia nodded, her mind racing with strategies. "I will remind him of our past, of the bond we shared. I need to show him that helping our family is not just an obligation but something that he would want to do out of affection."

Song Jian leaned forward, his expression serious. "And if he is reluctant? What then?"

Sylvia's eyes hardened with determination. "Then I will make him see the benefits. He must realize that aligning with our family will strengthen his position even further. I will play on his ambitions as well as his emotions."

Lady Song sighed. "It's a delicate balance, Sylvia. You must be both firm and gentle, persuasive and sincere."

As the night wore on, Sylvia sat by her window, staring out at the darkened sky. The stars seemed to mock her, distant and indifferent. She thought about the future, about the choices she had to make. The turmoil within her was mirrored by the chaos in her family, the uncertainty of their future looming over them like a dark cloud.

But amidst the confusion and despair, a glimmer of resolve began to form within her. She had to act, to take control of her destiny. Her family's future depended on it. With a deep breath, she made her decision. She would seek out Aric, appeal to whatever feelings he might still have for her, and secure his help. She would do whatever it took to save her family and forge a new path forward.

Sylvia remembered the way Aric had looked at her with longing and admiration. She had always seen him as someone beneath her, someone who would do anything to gain her favor. Now, that very perception could be her salvation. She believed that Aric's feelings for her wouldn't have changed in such a short time. He must still like her.

So, she could try to play various tricks to not break their engagement and eventually save her family.


Dear readers, starting from Chapter 40, our journey together will continue in premium mode. Your support has meant the world to me, and I hope you'll join me as we take this story to its exciting conclusion. Let's see this adventure through to the end together!

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