Villain Is Bodyguard of Heroine’s Poisonous Stepmother

Chapter 143: A Clash of Titans

Chapter 143: A Clash of Titans

At the Luo residence, Luo Mingde’s face was stormy.

“All of you, and you couldn’t keep watch over a single woman.”

Luo Mingde was already aware that Li Ting had been rescued. Li Ting was the woman Luo Mingde had planned to use as a sacrificial companion for his son’s burial.

His subordinates couldn’t even lift their heads under his scolding.

“What a bunch of useless people,” Luo Mingde snorted coldly.

Initially, hearing the news of Li Zhong’s death had put him in a good mood. But then, his subordinates brought him this bad news.

“I swore that Li Ting would be buried with my son, and so she shall be.”

A cold light flashed in Luo Mingde’s eyes. Even if Li Ting had been rescued, now that the Li family lost Li Zhong, how could they continue to fight against the Luo family? Ultimately, the Luo family would emerge as the victors.

“Find a way to recapture Li Ting. Also, capture Ye Chen alive for me. I want him to kneel and repent at my son’s funeral.”

Luo Mingde’s ambition was vast indeed, aiming to capture Ye Chen alive.


The next morning, Chen Luo left early. The relationship between him and Gu Wanyu wasn’t yet ready to be revealed.

Gu Wanyu called over Ah Wen to clean up the traces left from the previous day.

“Poor Director Li,” Ah Wen said pityingly as she glanced at Li Zhong’s portrait.

Although he was wealthy and powerful, Ah Wen felt sympathy for him, green from head to toe.

Of course, with her own parents and family still under Gu Wanyu’s control, she wouldn’t dare to speak of such matters, keeping them tightly sealed.

When Chen Luo left, he told Gu Wanyu to inform him of anyone in the Li family with ambitions, promising he would eliminate those individuals himself.

Due to preparations for Li Zhong’s funeral, the day passed without incident. Even Li Ting caused no trouble, whether she wisened up or been persuaded by Ye Chen remained unclear. However, Li Ting was attempting to connect with other members of the Li family, though not very successfully.

“How’s it going? How many people are willing to support you?” Ye Chen asked Li Ting.

“Those damned people, none of them are willing to help me.”

Li Ting’s expression was fierce. She had sought support within the Li family, only to find no one willing to back her. Were they not aware of what kind of person Li Ting was? Even those with ambitions preferred to keep their distance, deeming Li Ting utterly worthless.


Ye Chen’s face darkened as he angrily cursed. He hadn’t rescued Li Ting just to irritate him, he had hoped Li Ting could be of use. It appeared, however, that Li Ting was nothing but a burden.

“You dare to curse at me? And that slut who hit me earlier, why didn’t you defend me?”

Li Ting glared at Ye Chen furiously.


Ye Chen slapped Li Ting across the face, not only scolding her but striking her as well.

“Do you think you’re still someone of importance? With Li Zhong dead, there’s no one left to back you up.”

Sneering at Li Ting, Ye Chen felt immensely satisfied. Now he could hit Li Ting whenever he wished, greatly enjoying this newfound power over her.

“Ye Chen, I’m going to fight you!”

Li Ting scrambled up from the ground and lunged at Ye Chen, only to be kicked down again, wailing on the floor.

Seeing Li Ting, a glimmer of murderous intent flashed through Ye Chen’s eyes. He had long wanted to kill Li Ting but ultimately restrained himself, deciding there was no rush. Oddly enough, if he were to kill Li Ting, it didn’t have to be right then.

Li Ting was still of use. Though she couldn’t win over anyone, her presence alone meant a nominal right to inheritance. Killing her would completely ruin his plans to seize control of the Li family.


With a cold snort, Ye Chen left the room, unaware of the venomous look in Li Ting’s eyes. Her gaze filled with resentment was somewhat frightening.

Time moved on, and the day of Li Zhong’s funeral arrived, drawing nearly every notable figure in Magic City. Even Luo Mingde, who hadn’t been invited, showed up. Chen Luo also received an invitation, specifically asked by Gu Wanyu to attend the funeral. Xiao Qiongxue didn’t come, but Zhao Yingxuan accompanied Chen Luo.

Originally, Zhao Yingxuan wasn’t interested, but her purpose for coming this time was to meet Gu Wanyu.

“Madam Gu, please accept my condolences.”

Zhao Yingxuan wrapped her arm around Chen Luo’s and approached Gu Wanyu, her eyes full of provocation.

Gu Wanyu frowned, sensing Zhao Yingxuan’s hostility and feeling a twinge of jealousy seeing her arm in arm with Chen Luo. She was slightly upset inside and understood that Zhao Yingxuan had come specifically to provoke her.

“Mrs. Zhao, I hope you’re mindful of the impact. Even if you don’t care about your reputation, Chen Luo still values his. Being so intimate with him in public isn’t appropriate,” Gu Wanyu said indifferently.

After all, Xiao Yongqiang was on his deathbed and never divorced Zhao Yingxuan. Seeing Chen Luo and Zhao Yingxuan so close, people behind their backs would surely gossip.

Goodness, Xiao Yongqiang’s funeral hasn’t even been held yet, his body is still in the morgue, and Zhao Yingxuan has already found another man. Let’s hope Xiao Yongqiang won’t be angered back to life.

“You needn’t worry about it. Chen Luo hasn’t said anything, so it’s not your place to comment.”

The atmosphere was clearly contentious between the two women, and Chen Luo, seeing their stand-off, chose not to interrupt. As long as they didn’t come to blows, they could bicker as they pleased. After all, Chen Luo couldn’t show favoritism toward either.

“You two chat, I’m going to join the crowd over there.”

Noticing Luo Mingde and Ye Chen not far away, Chen Luo immediately headed in that direction.

“Tsk tsk, vixen.”

“Hmph, as if you’re one to talk.”

The women exchanged cold glares, and had they been elsewhere, they might have come to blows. Fortunately, no one else was paying attention to their squabble, or it would’ve provided a spectacle.

Over where Luo Mingde and Ye Chen stood, tensions were similarly high, with Luo Mingde threatening Ye Chen.

“Now that Li Zhong is dead, I’d like to see if the Li family will still protect you. Prepare to meet your end,” Luo Mingde sneered.

“You’ll die before me. Be careful where you go from now on, and maybe bring more bodyguards.”

Ye Chen wasn’t someone easily intimidated and retorted with a threat of his own.

“What are you two discussing? Mind if I listen in?”

Chen Luo approached with a smile on his face.

Seeing Chen Luo, Luo Mingde forced a smile, their relationship now somewhat delicate. The closeness they once shared was gone, replaced by Luo Mingde’s increased wariness toward Chen Luo. Suspecting that Chen Luo was behind the Wang family’s downfall.

He who could annihilate the Wangs surely had the power to do the same to the Luo family. Luo Mingde couldn’t help but guard against Chen Luo. This caution extended to the point where he dared not use his bodyguards, including Ah Da and the others.

If Luo Mingde was merely slightly cautious around Chen Luo, then Ye Chen’s gaze was filled with blatant hatred. The sight of Chen Luo reminded him of his severed right hand, deepening his hatred. Chen Luo topped his kill list, surpassing anyone else.

“Hmph.” Ye Chen snorted coldly and turned to leave, fearing he couldn’t control his emotions and might lash out at Chen Luo.

The mere presence of Chen Luo incited an urge in Ye Chen to act, yet reason warned him of the danger. He was no match for Chen Luo.

Standing before Chen Luo, Ye Chen felt an ominous vibe, even an impulse to run immediately. This was actually the protagonist’s aura alerting him that facing Chen Luo, Ye Chen stood no chance at victory.

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