Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 590 Meeting of Wang Jian's Rivals: Chu Yang, Lin Fei, and Chen Feng

Chapter 590 Meeting of Wang Jian's Rivals: Chu Yang, Lin Fei, and Chen Feng

Deep within the heart of the Celestial Battlefield, a lone figure cloaked in shadow navigated the desolate landscape.

Lin Fei, his true features hidden by a masterful disguise, moved with the predatory grace of a panther. His eyes, the tell-tale crimson of the Phoenix flames, flickered with a cold glint.

Years of simmering resentment fueled his determination. Wang Jian, the bane of his existence, had stolen everything – his women, his influence, his destiny.

But the power of the Phoenix, bestowed upon him by a fortuitous encounter, had rekindled the flames of his ambition. Now, in the treacherous crucible of the battlefield, Lin Fei saw a chance to reclaim what was rightfully his.

He wasn't interested in the petty squabbles for position within Astral Jade City. His sights were set far grander.

The legends whispered of ancient artifacts and forgotten techniques buried within this battlefield, treasures that could propel him to the pinnacle of power and allow him to crush Wang Jian once and for all.

Suddenly, a tremor shook the ground, and a monstrous roar echoed through the air. A creature of obsidian scales and razor-sharp claws lumbered into view.

The Earth Wyrm, a fearsome beast said to guard the entrance to a legendary vault, was no ordinary obstacle.

A feral grin split Lin Fei's face beneath his disguise.

"Finally, a worthy challenge," he murmured, his voice a low growl. The Phoenix Flame erupted around him, forming a magnificent crimson avian silhouette.

With a burst of scorching power, he launched himself at the Earth Wyrm, the clash of beast and cultivator shaking the very foundations of the battlefield.

The clash was a spectacle to behold.

The Earth Wyrm, a being of immense size and raw power, met the Phoenix Flame head-on with a swipe of its massive claw.

Sparks flew as energy collided with obsidian scales. Lin Fei, his body wreathed in flames, weaved around the Wyrm's attacks, his movements enhanced by his newfound techniques.

Each time he struck, the Phoenix Flame scorched the beast's obsidian skin, leaving behind smoking wounds.

The battle raged on, shaking the very foundations of the battlefield. Other cultivators watched from a distance, mesmerized by the raw power on display.

They had seen the newcomer's arrival weeks ago, but none had suspected the power he concealed beneath his disguise.

Across the plains, another disguised figure navigated the treacherous terrain.

Chu Yang, once the esteemed first male disciple of the Heavenly Jade Pavilion, was a whirlwind of barely contained fury.

Gifted with the rare Heavenly Jade Emperor Meridians, he was once considered a prodigy within the sect.

However, Wang Jian's arrival and subsequent dominance over Pavilion Mistress Cui Lan and the entire sect had forced Chu Yang to flee.

Much like Lin Fei, Chu Yang hadn't wasted time wallowing in self-pity. Destiny, it seemed, had other plans. A series of fortuitous encounters led him to awaken the true potential of his Heavenly Jade Emperor Meridians.

He unearthed dormant abilities, the power to sense hidden treasures and manipulate gravity itself.

This newfound strength, coupled with relentless cultivation, elevated him to the peak of the Divine Tribulation Realm, placing him on the same level as his arch-rival Wang Jian.

And right now, Chu Yang, hidden under the guise of a wizened old man, felt a strange pull.

It was a sensation he had grown accustomed to – the subtle tug of fate leading him towards treasures hidden within the battlefield. This time, however, the pull was stronger than anything he had ever experienced.

Following the pull, Chu Yang navigated the treacherous landscape, his steps light despite his aged appearance.

He used his mastery of gravity to propel himself across chasms and scale towering rock formations.

As he neared the source of the pull, the air crackled with a strange energy. Before him stood a towering wall of obsidian, seemingly impervious to all attacks.

Chu Yang's eyes narrowed. He could sense a powerful restriction embedded within the wall, but nestled within it, a faint thrumming energy promised unimaginable treasure. This was no ordinary wall; it was a barrier designed to test the ones worthy of claiming its secrets.

With a deep breath, Chu Yang focused his energy.

His Heavenly Jade Emperor Meridians pulsed with power as he reached out with his mind. His unique ability to manipulate gravity hummed to life. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, he began to distort the gravity around the wall. The pressure built, creating a warping effect in the air.

A groan resonated through the battlefield as the wall began to buckle under the strain. Sweat poured down Chu Yang's face, his aged form strained by the exertion. Finally, with a deafening crack, the wall shattered, revealing a hidden passage behind.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Yang stepped into the passage, his heart pounding with anticipation. What secrets awaited him within?

Was it an ancient artifact or a forgotten technique? Only time would tell.

Meanwhile, Lin Fei, having finally subdued the Earth Wyrm, surveyed the creature's massive form with a satisfied smirk.

With a flick of his wrist, he sent a stream of Phoenix Flame burning away the beast's remaining life force. He rummaged through the Wyrm's body, searching for the rumored vault.

His search was rewarded. Hidden within the beast's chest cavity, he found a shimmering portal, pulsating with an ethereal energy.

This, he realized, was the true reward for defeating the Earth Wyrm. A sense of triumph filled him. This battlefield held far more than anticipated, and his gamble had paid off handsomely.

With a final glance at the fallen Wyrm, Lin Fei stepped through the portal, his eyes gleaming with anticipation for the challenges and treasures that awaited him within.

Stepping through the shimmering portal, Lin Fei found himself in a vast cavern. The air crackled with ancient energy, and a heavy silence hung in the air. A chilling realization dawned on him – this wasn't just a vault, it was a final resting place.

Across the cavern, another figure materialized – the wizened old man, his face etched with surprise. They cautiously approached each other, sizing each other up.

"Greetings, fellow cultivator," Lin Fei rumbled, his voice disguised. "What brings you to this hidden chamber?"

The old man, who was none other than Chu Yang in disguise, narrowed his eyes. "The same reason as you, I presume – fortune," he replied, his voice raspy with age.

"Interesting," Lin Fei mused, his gaze lingering on the strange markings etched on the walls. "Do you recognize these symbols?"

Chu Yang shook his head. "No, but they emanate a powerful aura. Perhaps they hold the key to unlocking the secrets of this place."

As they scanned the markings, a booming voice echoed through the cavern, making both men jump. "Welcome, seekers of fortune! You stand at the threshold of my legacy, left behind by Zhen Wu, once a cultivator who could shake the very stars!"

A holographic figure materialized in the center of the chamber. It depicted a wizened old man with a long beard and eyes that seemed to pierce through time itself. Lin Fei and Chu Yang exchanged a nervous glance.

"To claim my legacy," Zhen Wu's voice continued, "you must pass four trials. Each trial tests a different aspect of a cultivator's strength – physical prowess, mental fortitude, tactical brilliance, and mastery of your Dao. Succeed, and the rewards will be beyond your wildest dreams. Fail, and you shall become part of this tomb forever."

The air crackled with a sense of danger. Lin Fei, though nervous, felt a surge of excitement. This was a challenge worthy of his newfound power. Chu Yang, ever the strategist, carefully analyzed the information Zhen Wu provided. This was an opportunity to gain an edge over his enemies.

Suddenly, a voice, filled with a mix of amusement and shock, shattered the tense silence.

"Well, well, well," came the voice, "look who we have here! Lin Fei, hiding behind a fake scar, and Chu Yang, masquerading as a wizened old man. What a pleasant surprise!"

Both Lin Fei and Chu Yang whipped around, their faces contorting in surprise. Standing before them, a smirk plastered across his face, was Chen Feng, the Star Cloud Sect disciple they had met during the recruitment process.

"How did you…" Lin Fei stammered, his voice laced with suspicion.

"Ah," Chen Feng chuckled, "it's because of my little secret weapon – the 'All-Seeing Eye of the Celestial Firmament'. This divine technique, passed down through generations in the Star Cloud Sect, allowed me to pierce through any illusion or disguise, revealing the true nature of reality itself."

"Look, I know this is a shock," Chen Feng continued, raising his hands placatingly, "but I come in peace. In fact, I've been looking for both of you."

Chu Yang bristled. "Why?"

"Because you're both powerful cultivators with a common enemy – Wang Jian," Chen Feng declared.

A wave of anger and frustration washed over Lin Fei. The mere mention of Wang Jian's name sent his blood boiling. "Wang Jian," he growled, "that arrogant snake who stole everything from me!"

"And me!" Chu Yang chimed in, his voice regaining its youthful strength. "He practically took over the Heavenly Jade Pavilion!"

Chen Feng smirked. "I see we have a meeting of minds. The Star Cloud Sect shares your grievances. We believe Wang Jian is becoming a threat to the delicate balance of power in the Eastern Cosmos."

"And what exactly does the Star Cloud Sect propose?" Chu Yang questioned, his voice dripping with skepticism.

"A partnership," Chen Feng declared. "We help you pass the trials of this legacy, and in turn, you help us deal with Wang Jian. With the power you gain here, you'll finally have a chance to strike back."

Lin Fei and Chu Yang exchanged a glance. The offer was tempting. The legacy of Zhen Wu promised immense power, exactly what they needed to face Wang Jian.

"Very well," Lin Fei finally said, his voice gruff. "We'll hear you out. But make no mistake, our focus right now is on this legacy. Only after acquiring its power would we consider your proposition."

Chu Yang nodded in agreement. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, these trials. Then, we'll discuss the future."

Chen Feng beamed. "Excellent! Now, shall we begin?"

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