Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 2079 Encountering Familiar Beasts

Chapter 2079 Encountering Familiar Beasts


Before Lin Mu and Lady Kang did anything though, the two gates moved on their own. A rumbling sound was heard, while fine dust and stone fragments fell from the gates. "Perhaps we were just supposed to come here directly." Lin Mu said, knowing that his earlier test was a bit too excessive.

This was merely the entrance hall and the real part of the Inheritance ground started from here on.

"Let's go in." Lady Kang said, taking the lead this time.


Once the two were inside the new area, the gates closed behind them. "No going back I suppose." Lin Mu narrowed his eyes before feeling a Qi fluctuation.


The room suddenly turned bright as several lights glowed on the ceiling. With the room fully illuminated, they didn't need to use their immortal senses to see what was inside. This room was bigger than the previous one, being six hundred meters by six hundred meters.

The roof was also about a hundred meters above, hinting to the both that this was made with movement in mind.

"A bit too big for a normal room… this isn't going to be a trial of intelligence, is it?" Lin Mu questioned, looking at Lady Kang.

"Doesn't seem like it," She said, becoming alert.

Lin Mu did the same, spreading his Immortal sense to pick up on any surprise attacks. ~shua~

The two watched as a few runes appeared in front of them. The runes joined together and spelled a single word.

'Survive.' As soon as the two saw it, they knew what was going to happen.


A dark gas of some kind poured out from the floor and filled the room.

"Poison?" Lady Kang guessed.

"No… This is different…" Lin Mu said, feeling the flow of energy within the gas. It didn't flow like normal gas and seemed to be gathering around a few points. The two watched as the gas coalesced into six spheres around them. ~POOF~

In the next moment, Lin Mu threw out a punch causing a jet of air to shoot towards one of the spheres. The sphere broke apart and turned into a gas. He didn't know what was going to happen, but reckoned it was best to not let the gas do what it wanted to do.


Unfortunately, before Lin Mu could attack the other spheres, they transformed into beasts!

"Wait a second…" Seeing this Lin Mu remembered something. The beasts had a dark body with pitch black eyes. They had four legs with three small claws, and a head that looked like that of a dog, but the lower jaw was a bit oversized. Its teeth jutted out like tusks, while a bony ridge went down its spine.

These were beasts that Lin Mu was quite familiar with and had fought thousands of them.

"Chasm Beasts?!" Lin Mu said in shock.

"You recognize them?" Lady Kang asked in surprise. She herself didn't know what these beasts were and it was the first time she had ever seen something like them. "I've fought them before." Lin Mu said, before striking one of them.


The attack directly broke the head of the Chasm Beast apart, causing it to turn back into gas. ~THUD~THUD~THUD~

Lin Mu hit three other beasts, and defeated them in an instant.

"They're weak." Lin Mu stated.

Lady Kang nodded and pointed her finger at the Chasm Beast in front of her, shooting a small star at it.


The star pierced through the head of the Chasm Beast with ease and came out of its back, just like a bullet.

"They really are weak. Not even equal to a False Immortal." Lady Kang judged before killing the last beast as well.

Once all the six beasts were defeated, the gas they had reverted to returned into the floor.


Rune appeared in front of them once more, forming a new word.


"Guess that was it for the first trial." Lin Mu understood. "We will probably face stronger foes, as we go onwards." He guessed.

"Probably… Though how did you know about these: Chasm Beasts?" Lady Kang questioned, feeling intrigued.

"I've encountered several of them in the past. They are a type of an illusory beast and are made out of a strange gas. They have no internal organs and provide no useful materials." Lin Mu answered. "This gas is mostly a chaotic mix of different energies without a specific proportion." He explained. "How peculiar… I've seen some other illusory beasts before that were also composed of pure Qi, but nothing like these." Lady Kang replied. "They don't seem to have a particular 'will' of their own." She added.

"They don't, yes. I'm unsure as to how they are exactly created but there is definitely some logic to them." Lin Mu replied. "Considering we are in here as a trial, they are possibly being controlled by the Celestial Treasure itself." He guessed.

"Perhaps… We'll learn more once we see more of them." Lady Kang said, turning to the exit which had now opened.


Similar to before, two plain stone gates opened allowing Lin Mu and Lady Kang to pass through. Their immortal sense scanned the next room, which was also illuminated just like before. Once the two were inside, the gates closed, locking them in.


"Same as before." Lin Mu watched the runes spell Survive again.


Dark gas rose from the floor again, and coalesced into multiple spheres. ~WOOSH~WOOSH~WOOSH~

But this time, Lin Mu and Lady Kang reacted instantly, attacking the newly formed spheres.

In just a second, the two of them had destroyed eight spheres that had formed around them.


But that was not enough, as the number of Chasm Beasts had increased by several times. Instead of six, there were now thirty two of them!

"The trial adjusted in difficulty huh… though they're still weak." Lin Mu said, easily defeating ten of them with a few more punches. "I wonder how long they'll stay at this level." Lady Kang said, killing the rest of the Chasm Beasts.

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