Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 2081 The Twin’s Assist

Chapter 2081 The Twin's Assist


"We just might need a bit of help." Lin Mu spoke, having cleared the room. Lin Mu now understood that if the numbers kept on increasing like this, things might not stay good.

"That we do… This doesn't seem normal anymore." Lady Kang nodded. "Though I don't know how we can group up with others again." She stated.

"I don't know when we'll meet others either, but there is someone else that can help us." Lin Mu said before moving towards the next room. "We should be able to clear the rooms with a bit more ease again." He said, making Lady Kang wonder what he was going to do.


In the twenty eighth room, eighteen thousand Chasm beasts that were at the Third Tribulation Stage of the Immortal realm appeared. Just like before, their speed of manifesting was so fast that Lin Mu and Lady Kang wouldn't be able to get rid of them in sphere forms. But that didn't matter, as Lin Mu summoned his companions.

"Xiao Yin, Xiao Yang!" Lin Mu extended both his hands, causing two ribbons to shoot out of them.

The ribbons moved incredibly fast, leaving behind a black and white trail behind. At first, Lady Kang thought that it was a Qi skill that Lin Mu was using, but his earlier words contradicted that.

As such, Lady Kang tried to see what the ribbons were and narrowed her eyes.

"Snakes?" She finally realized.


The twins pierced through Chasm Beast after Chasm beast and seemed to be unstoppable. They streaked through the entire room, erasing the Chasm Beasts as if they were mere air. Wherever they passed, the area was cleared out, as even the Dark Gas seemingly disappeared.

'They're consuming it?' Lady Kang noticed that the two snakes were not only killing the Chasm Beasts but also eating them at the same time.


It was at this time that Lin Mu joined the fray, slashing out with Afternoon Pine. The yellow slash tore through the beasts, reducing them to the dark gas they were made out of. ~WHOOSH~

And much to Lady Kang's surprise, the dark gas didn't manage to return to the floor like before. Instead, it was sucked towards the two ribbons that were flying through the room nonstop.

The twins weren't going to let go of free food and continued to consume all that was available.


Lady Kang also decided to join them and ask questions later once the room was cleared out.

With the addition of the twin snakes, the time needed for them to clear out the room was halved and it only took them fifteen minutes.

'Pass' The runes displayed the message that they had succeeded and allowed them to move onto the next room.


The twins returned to Lin Mu and wrapped themselves around his arms.

Lady Kang got a proper look at the snakes and found them to be quite strong.

"They're at the Fourth Tribulation Stage of the Immortal realm?" She hadn't expected that considering their size.

"They are." Lin Mu nodded. "We'll be able to clear out the rooms faster with them… plus they'll have a decent meal too." He added.

"Indeed, I suppose using tamed beasts is still a good option to speed up." Lady Kang replied.

She was interested in the snakes and wondered what kind of beasts they were. She knew of many snake beasts that were white and black, but none that were as fast as them and could consume the Dark gas like that.

'Their aura too… It's a bit unsettling.' Lady Kang thought to herself.

She couldn't place a finger on it exactly, but her body felt a faint sense of threat from the twin snakes. This was surprising to her, as she was much stronger than the two snakes. 'Strange…' she thought to herself.


Entering the twenty ninth room, they were now faced with nineteen thousand beasts.

But with the twins assisting them, the process was relatively smooth and it still took them around fifteen minutes to clear the room out.

Room after room, they progressed with each room taking slightly longer to complete. By the thirty fifth room, it was now taking them thirty minutes again. This was due to the fact that the number of beasts had reached twenty five thousand!

And it was about to get even more difficult as the next room was going to increase the strength of the Chasm Beasts.

The room had increased in size and was now nearly two kilometers wide. "Here we go… the Thirty Sixth room." Lin Mu muttered, holding the Afternoon Pine firmly in his hand.

The snakes were coiled up on his shoulders, ready to strike as soon as they saw their foes. They were quite excited, as they were basically getting a great source of energy for them. Their bodies were quickly digesting and processing the immortal Qi present in the dark gas and converting it into pure Yin and Yang Immortal Qi.


The dark gas spewed out from the floor again and quickly transformed into twenty six thousand Chasm Beasts!

And just as they had calculated, the strength of the Chasm Beasts was equivalent to that of Fourth Tribulation Stage Beasts now!


The twins were the first to act and rushed out towards the Chasm Beasts fearlessly. Their eyes had a fierce glint and they saw the beasts in front of them as nothing but prey. Even if the strength of all the Chasm Beasts was equivalent to their cultivation base, it didn't mean that they were as strong as the two.

The twins had an incredible bloodline that was incomparable to most in the world. Not to mention, they had the advantage over the Chasm beasts due to them being able to pierce through their defenses as well as consume them.

In a way, they were basically the natural predators for them.

Lin Mu and Lady Kang had now gotten used to the Chasm Beasts and found fighting them to be rather methodical.

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