War Online

Chapter 416: The Divine Dragon's final test for Lucius

Chapter 416: The Divine Dragon's final test for Lucius

*Ding! You completed the Quest, Find the Imperial objects, and received the Red Dragon's vial as a reward.

*Ding! You completed the Quest, Join the Faction.

*Ding! You killed seven Dragonlords, nine Dragon Generals, two Dragon Princes, subdued five competitors and their faction members, killed two competitors, killed two guardian bosses, and killed a total of three hundred and sixteen faction members of the competitors. Calculating your contribution

*Ding! You received 10000 fame points, five random pieces of equipment of Bahamut's set, and a skill book (unique) as a reward. Check your inventory.

"Five pieces? Seriously? I just picked up the boots and sword from the corpse of this guardian boss, and one from the corpse of Ice Dragon. With the addition of five, I will have eleven pieces, in short of just one piece. Maybe" He shifted his eyes towards Kyla and Reuben. The ex-crown prince felt a chill run down his spine by Wil's gaze for some reason and he looked away.

Wil shook his head and threw away the thoughts of killing them for some pieces of the set. After all, the black dragon didn't drop any equipment piece. So, he can't say that the royal princes have a 100% drop rate. What if it becomes useless? Then, he would lose a good slave. Moreover, he was already strong enough, probably the strongest in the game under Ascended category. So, he believed he doesn't need to desperately search for the last piece.

Wil then handed the staff and crown to Lucius, according to the procedure. It was then, the existing portal that teleports them outside of the island disappeared and a similar portal appeared above them before sucking everyone against their will.


Everyone including Wil fell on the ground. As he stood up on his feet, he found hundreds of corpses around them. They were also brought back by the Divine Dragon. In the midst of those stands an old woman with dragon horns, the humanoid form of the Divine Dragon. For some reason, she appeared even older now. The wrinkles on her face worsened a lot and she became too frail as if she was going to die at any minute. And even more strangely, the crown and staff that were supposed to be in the hands of Lucius, now, were hovering around her.

Looking at everyone, she disappeared only to reappear before Lucius who has fallen from Rexy's head during the fall. She gave her hand and said, "Congratulations, Lucius Draconus. You defeated all your competitors in one way or the other and qualified to claim the Imperial throne."

Lucius doesn't dare to take the hand of Divine Dragon. He hurriedly stood up and waved his hands, although not being able to hide his happiness, "I didn't do anything. Everything is credited to Mister, I mean, Lord Time Traveler."

In response, she let out a smile, "a soldier's victory is always considered as the victory of a King, Lucius."

While Wil also agrees with her statement, he doesn't like how she termed him as a soldier to the kid. He was a king, alright? And just not a small one either. His kingdom that consists of three former kingdoms is even bigger than Dragon Island.

Maybe, the Divine Dragon perceived the inner feelings of his consciousness. She no longer dwelled on it and changed the topic, "Anyway, soon, everyone will welcome you as their new king. However, before your coronation will begin, I have a final test for you."

"Eh? Final test?" Both Wil and Lucius reacted at the same time before Wil finally realized that everyone else isn't moving and stayed in their places like a statue. Only Rexy, Leon, he, his two servants, and Lucius seemed like they weren't affected.


The old woman then snapped her fingers and all of a sudden, black-colored energy chains captured Wil, his servants, and his mounts.

*Ding! You were captured by the Void Chains. All of your movements and skills are temporarily sealed.

*Ding! Rexy was captured by the Void Chains.

*Ding! Leon was captured by the Void Chains.

*Ding! Fallen Angel Kallius was captured by the Void Chains.

*Ding! Fallen Angel Dromeus was captured by the Void Chains.

Wil started to receive notifications one after another. He couldn't even move his muscle or even his mouth. His speech feature was also restricted. The only thing that was available is the option of force log out. Of course, he wouldn't do that at such a time.

Feeling angered by the sudden move of Divine Dragon, he watched them in silence because Lucius wasn't trapped and her attention was still on the next king, instead of him. What's the final test supposed to do with this? Maybe, it needed Lucius to do it by himself. As Wil is a player, he couldn't be stopped by normal means like others. Or so, he thought until the old woman spoke to the stunned Lucius by the sudden turn of events.

"This is your final test, Lucius Draconus. Choose between your friend and the throne."

"What!" Lucius almost lost his balance because of the absurd test presented in front of him. "What do do you you mean?" His voice stuttered as he asked her.

Wiping off the smile on her face, the old woman proceeded to explain, "A Dragon King always needed to make tough choices for the sake of the kingdom. And right now, you need to make one because your soldier over there is the one that is giving you the throne on a platter without you needing to do anything. In your faction, he has the highest loyalty. That would mean the day he turns against you, your trusted soldiers will also rebel. With his gold dragon bloodline, his mere existence will threaten your authority.

This is why you have to make a choice for the sake of your kin. If you choose the throne, then, he'll disappear forever but instead, I will raise your strength to level-500 and will pass the knowledge of several skills.

In simple terms, you'll be as strong as the late Dragon King Owen Draconus when he was at his peak. With no elder dragons, you'll be unparalleled in the whole kingdom. No one would even possess the power to go against you.

But, if you choose him over the throne, then, you'll forever lose the opportunity to claim the throne. Since Reuben had claimed loyalty to you, I can't do anything but there's still the fourth princess Kyla. She will be the one that gets to ascend to the throne, instead. Now, take your own time and make your choice, Lucius."

As the Divine Dragon, she could see that Wil was also an otherworlder/ player and will not die a true death. She never planned on killing him and just intended to send him back to the human world of four continents.

On top of that, there's her vision that shows Lucius follows on an adventure with an outsider with an ancient bloodline, which indicates Wil. Still, she was hoping for Lucius to become a selfish one rather than a puppet to an outsider like Wil. After all, her main duty is to look after the survival of the Dragon Island more than anything. She felt it would be better to break the two of them up.

Of course, this didn't mean she was against Wil or something. Upon sensing the aura of the Demi-God, she had hopes on Wil to face the real Lucifer when he will get out of his imprisonment. But, this was this and that was that. The two matters were different.

Unfortunately for her, Lucius grew up as the child of a commoner couple who only taught him to be honest. It didn't even take five seconds for Lucius to make the decision. 

He said, "If I abandon my greatest benefactor for the sake of power, then, will I even look after the people that were nothing but strangers to me? And I have complete trust in him. If someday, Lord Time Traveler will turn against me, then, that would mean I did something wrong. In the end, the identity of the king doesn't matter, the people matter."

Lucius' reply brought a frown to the old woman's face. She asked, "what if you are wrong and your friend will bring the hell onto this island?"

"If I'm wrong"

After a brief silence, Lucius replied slowly, "then, I guess I'm not worthy to be the King. But then again, you are there to protect the people of this island, right?"

"Unfortunately, that won't be the case."

"Hmm?" "Eh?"



. Thank you.

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