War Online

Chapter 419: Leaving the Dragon Island

Chapter 419: Leaving the Dragon Island

Wil wasn't in a hurry to accept the quest because he had to clarify Lucius something. Moreover, he planned to slightly manipulate the conditions of the quest so as to ensure that the beast stays with him for a bit longer so that he can try to capture it.

"I have no problem guarding it against every enemy but there are certain problematic issues we are going to face in the near future," Wil said to him wearing a serious expression.

Lucius felt worried about the rejection from his benefactor. In his eyes, even giving him the throne despite every odds isn't that a big deal for Wil. If even Wil feels that there are problematic issues, then, what kind of serious situation is that? Lucius could only wonder.

"What are they?" He asked Wil, to which the latter answered, "Very soon, the entrance to this Dragon Island will be opened. So, you need to make preparations for a possible invasion from humans. Who knows, it might blow into a full-scale war. And I won't be there to help you out as I need to return to my kingdom because of an urgent matter. It might take a while for me to return."

"Invasion? War?"

The two pieces of information gave a big jolt to Lucius who never expected such a turn of events as soon as he ascended to the throne.

"This is why I have to return as soon as possible." Wil originally planned to look for an exit to the material world that is hidden somewhere on the island. However, the demise of the Divine Dragon altered his plans.

Without the Divine Dragon and the elder dragons, Wil knew it will very tough for the Dragon Island to survive if it were to be invaded by others. Of course, at the current stage, Lucius alone is enough to deal with the intruders but if it is someone like Lee Jung-Woo (One) who could deal with level-500 NPCs, then, the kingdom of Dragons might really fall.

Right now, Wil only has one year of time. Within such time, he'll need to make the Divine Dragon as his battle companion in some way while the dragon island gets busy with the invasion. Once he succeeds, he will save them and later, merge the kingdom under his Empire no matter who rules it. And in case he fails, then, Wil will have no choice but to kill it and occupy the kingdom by force. As for the revenge of the Divine Dragon, if what Lucius said is true, then, he will just have to go to its abode and kill it again before it gets its powers. The only issue will be that it will take a year for the egg to reform again. So, he might forget the matter because of other things.

After informing Lucius about his return, Wil further said, "However, if you trust me enough, I will surely return before the Divine Dragon regains her powers."

For a moment, Lucius fell into thoughts remembering the words of the Divine Dragon. But, in the end, he agreed with Wil because of his blind trust towards him.

*Ding! The quest has been modified.

Description: Guard the egg of the Divine Dragon for a period of four weeks, and return the Divine Dragon to the Dragon King Lucius in fifty-two weeks.

Rewards: Maximum favorability with all the citizens of Dragon Island.

Failure: Hostility with the Dragon Island.


As Wil summoned the monkey staff and placed the egg inside it with a satisfactory smile, the notification was displayed, stating that he accepted the quest.

Upon the disappearance of the rainbow egg from his eyes, Lucius sighed in relief. He felt as if a mountain has been lifted from the top of his head.

With the business finished, Wil left the King's chamber and then, exited the palace sitting on top of the hill before meeting with Reuben who was waiting for him at the entrance door.

After walking for a distance, Wil halted his footsteps. Reuben also did the same while wondering why the guy stopped.

It was then Wil took a two hundred feet long warship out of his inventory, scaring the hell out of Reuben for a second. Even the soldiers patrolling nearby were jumped in fright.

"Follow me." Wil flapped his wings and flew upwards, landing on the deck of the ship. Reuben also followed the same. Opening the door, Wil proceeded to walk down the steps to reach the bottom and found a lovely little dragon princess soundly sleeping on the floor.

"Iphi" Reuben couldn't hold his voice upon seeing his daughter. He dashed forward towards her.

"Mmm?" Iphi slowly opened her eyes as her sleep was disturbed by a voice. "Father?" Her eyes widened in surprise to see her father rushing towards her. She rubbed her eyes and pinched her cheek, realizing it's the reality.

"My baby" Reuben hugged her, letting down tears. He missed her very much. Wil calmly walked towards them. Iphi's eyes fell on him, "Big Brother. You are here too."

"Of course, you think your father can enter this warship without my permission?" Wil let out a snort in response as if he was stating the obvious.

The little granddaughter of Owen was initially mad at Wil for leaving her on the ship alone for so many days but reuniting with her father made her forgive him.

In fact, even Wil knew that she calmed down considering the consecutive notifications he received one after another. One is decreasing the favorability points by 10 and another one increasing it by 15, reaching a total of 82 in the end.

As the father and daughter separated, Wil went on to say to the both of them, "Iphi Draconus, as I have promised, I brought you to your home. And Reuben Draconus, according to our deal, I'm returning your daughter. You can talk later about everything but first, let's get out of here." Looking at the blue dots (neutral) on the map, he added, "The ship is going to be surrounded by your soldiers. You need to go and explain."

Soon, they exited the place, and just as Wil said, soldiers were rushing towards the ship, some are curious while the others are wary of it.

As the three of them get down, the soldiers at the palace who found Iphi and Reuben together kneeled on one leg in greeting before they returned to their posts.

Iphi was smiling widely as she stared at the palace. "It's only been a few weeks but feels like years. I can't wait to see Grandpa."

Upon hearing it, Reuben patted her head and said slowly, "there are so many things you need to know. Let's get inside."

As the father and daughter continued to walk, Wil stayed behind. He mumbled, "I guess it's time to leave."

"Dash, Activate"


A couple of moments later, Iphi perhaps felt something amiss and she turned head only to see Wil missing. "Eh? Where is Big brother?"

"Hmm?" Reuben was also puzzled about the matter and raised his head only to see a person with white wings going far away at super speed. Because of low favorability points, he didn't dwell on it for more than a couple of seconds before continuing to walk.

By the time ten seconds passed, Wil already traveled several kilometers from the palace and continued to fly higher at 3 km altitude above the ground where the dragons couldn't even fly, much less attack him for breaking the rules.

Upon reaching the outskirts of the city, he opened the pending quests that he had yet to accept or reject. There's only one of them.

Quest: Open the Dragon Island

Description: As the first player to reach Dragon Island, you can open the entrance to the public.

Rewards: 5000 fame points, Dragon Island's Dungeon Unlock, Favorability with all dragons increase by 20 points, and 10000 Gold coins.


He clicked on it, creating waves among the players right away.

Meanwhile, a digital clone of Aria who was observing him from the other dimension naturally wasn't pleased with such development. She displayed a frown on her face just like a human as she mumbled to herself, "If Velkazar falls into the hands of Mr. Ravens, he'll be too powerful and destroy the game for sure. But, I can't intervene just based on assumption. This issue happened all because of the favorability points. Not only this guy, but several others also taking the advantage of the favorability point system. I need to do something about it during the next update. Anyway, let's wait and watch what his plans were. Only the battle between Searvale and Reverie is left to start the next phase."



. Thank you.

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