Warrior Grandpa and Supreme Granddaughter

Chapter 49

Episode 49 Who Dare (1)

There was a small figure running without hesitation towards Jongnam Mountain.

A shadow stretching down the tree with rapid movement. The assault on Mt. Yujin, which began in the morning, was unstoppable.

Even if it was a bit of a stretch, I planned to finish work and return within a day.

He had never once stayed out overnight, leaving his young granddaughter alone.

As we reached the halfway point of the mountain, a sign came into view.

『From this point on, outsiders are not permitted to enter the territory of the Jongnam sect.』

It was a warning that was likely to be present in every sect.

Eugene Mountain was not just going to retreat.

He walked with great strides, pulling a bamboo stick from the bundle behind his back.

As I left the dense forest path, I saw a mountain path leading through a gap in a steep cliff.

It was the best location to block the road with a small number of people.

In all likelihood, there will be Taoist monks guarding the entrance to the street. Yujinsan’s footsteps stopped right here.

A human voice was heard from somewhere amidst the silence.

“What are you? “How did you get up here?”

It was a tone of bewilderment rather than caution.

It was amazing that the little boy climbed this rugged mountain alone.

Yu Jin-san pointed to a nearby tree with the tip of the bamboo pole and said.

“I walked up. “Could it have flown?”


The Taoist monk who spoke from hiding was momentarily taken aback. The kid’s words were astounding, but the tip of the bamboo pole was pointing exactly to his location.

However, no matter how much they thought about it, they could not believe that the small child would have noticed their hiding.

The hidden Taoists soon dismissed it as a coincidence and sent another warning.

“I’m going to see all the crazy guys.”

“If you don’t want to get hit, get down quickly!”

How dare you make a provocation in the territory of the Jongnam faction. If it weren’t for the child, it would have been a situation where he would have been sent out. They probably did what they could to help them.

If I had known that he was a veteran who had turned anti-Roh, I would never have reacted like this.

“There’s no time, so come out at once. “All six rats.”

I can’t believe I was being scolded by a kid who looked like he was about eight years old.

The dazed monks even forgot that he had accurately guessed their numbers.

“Is this guy crazy?”

A shadow flew in from the tree on the right where Eugene Mountain was standing. One Taoist monk who could not stand it anymore took action first.

The rule was to start with a check-up, but it was a luxury to do that for a kid like that.

He seemed ashamed of even pulling out his sword, so he was hitting the child on the back with the entire sword sheath.

A fleeting moment. Yu Jin-san’s upper body, which did not even move slightly, tilted to the left.

Incredibly fast response speed.

Around the time when the Taoist man was making a fuss and his eyes widened in surprise. The bamboo stick that the child was holding went into his crotch.


Afterwards, echoes of terrible pain shook Jongnamsan Mountain.


The Taoist monk who fell to the floor was shaking his limbs while clutching his heart.

The Taoists who were hiding and witnessed the scene flinched and hesitated to attack.

Then the Taoist monk who was lying down cried out in anger.

“Hurry up and catch it you idiots!!”

It was the first swear word I had ever uttered in my life as a Taoist monk. His anger was so indescribable.

It was no longer possible to regard him as a child.

“Jinmyeong was sentenced to death!”

“Everyone attack at the same time!”

Five Taoist monks appeared and took action.

They seemed to have forgotten even the thought of conducting an examination, as if they had not yet grasped the situation.

Clumsy appearances. And Yu Jin-san didn’t even feel nervous as he looked confused.

‘Are these disciples of Lee University? It just so happened to be good.’

It was necessary to get used to fighting with a body that had been transformed from old age. They were great partners to gain such experience from.

He was hiding in the forest, leaving behind the Taoists who were attacking him from all directions.

“Don’t miss it!”

“We must catch that insolent little bastard!”

The Taoist monks also launched themselves one by one towards the forest filled with trees.

Until then, none of them knew. It turns out that Yujinsan lured them.

Someone’s scream came out as if they had been waiting.


“Whoa! “You coward!”

In a forest densely packed with trees, the smaller you are, the more advantageous you are. Yu Jin-san wandered through the trees and hit the approaching Taoists one by one with his bamboo baton.

Bah! Tsk-!

The screams of the Taoists erupted one after another along with a lively sound.

His precise and cunning spear skills were as fast as lightning. No one could avoid the bamboo stick that came as if by surprise.


“What is that guy?

How can the disciples of Lee University cope with a veteran who has turned his back on his old age? Moreover, without even deploying the formation.

It didn’t take long for them all to fall.

Yu Jin-san suppressed the fallen Taoist monks by pressing down on them and gathered them all in one place.

“When you see an adult, you have to respect them. “The young Taoist monks these days don’t have a lot of hair.”


The Taoist monks only narrowed their eyes and looked aggrieved. It seemed like the current situation was unbelievable.

“If you rest for about two hours, the acupoints will resolve on their own.”

No matter how hard you try to shake off the students of Ewha University who are only the first strong recruits, nothing will come out of it. Since I had nothing to do with them, I turned my back without hesitation.

‘Of course I should go up there.’

There wasn’t much time. After finishing his work, he started running towards the summit where Jongnampa was located.

Fortunately, there were no Taoists to stop us until we reached our destination.

The border network is weaker than expected. Yu Jin-san saw pride, not carelessness, in Jong-nam’s appearance.

This is probably possible because we are confident that no one will be able to trespass into Jongnam Mountain.

From here, there will be countless experts, from sect elders to retired members of the clan. There was a need to be careful and avoid any traces.

‘I’ll have to find a way to infiltrate first.’

He climbed to the highest peak nearby and began spying.

The scenery beneath the clouds was spectacular, but there was no time to admire it.

A vast basin where the sect’s facilities are concentrated. The most noticeable thing there was the hundred or so Taoist monks gathered in the main training hall swinging their swords.

In other places, it was not difficult to see people gathering in groups of twos and threes to practice various martial arts.

‘Jongnam Mountain, which is said to be the sacred place of Taoism, has gone nowhere and is full of warriors.’

I couldn’t help but feel sad.

The essence of Taoism is not martial arts, but honing the Tao to become a good person. However, the image of a Taoist monk studying Buddhism was nowhere to be found.

What made their appearance change? I was curious about the cause, but finding out was a matter for later.

At that time, Yu Jin-san’s eyes were fixed on a nearby hermitage.

A young Taoist monk, about as tall as an adult’s waist, was moving around holding a teapot. It seemed like he was going to wait on someone.

‘That guy would be suitable.’

Yu Jin-san, lying in ambush on a deserted tree, waited for the child to come closer.

Looking at his foolish appearance, it was clear that he was the youngest member who had just entered the profession.

After a while, as the distance got closer, Yu Jin-san sent a message to the child.

– Come to the peach tree on the right.


The little Taoist was clutching the kettle and looking around with a puzzled look.

Jinsan Yu once again sent a message to the child.

– When Sa-suk calls, you should come right away. Why are you hesitating?

A look of tension appeared on the little monk’s face when he heard the word ‘sa-suk’.

The child bowed his head and walked quickly under the tree.

It was so awkward that it looked cute.

And that moment. A black shadow fell from the tree and wrapped around the child’s body.


The little Taoist lost his mind without even knowing what was going on. The blood vessels were pointed out.

“I need to borrow some clothes from my grandfather for a while. From now on, if someone you don’t know calls you, don’t approach them.”

I took the child’s coat and hat and tried them on, and surprisingly, they fit the body perfectly.

He hid the bamboo pole and the pot, grabbed the kettle and moved deeper.

The majority of them were young Taoist monks, as they had recently received many disciples from the sect. Perhaps because of that, none of the people I encountered looked at me with suspicion.

Yujinsan wandered around the outskirts of the sparsely populated basin, searching for a suitable target.

After a while, his eyes were fixed on one place.

A small hermitage built alone on a towering peak. If there was someone here, the intention was to subdue them and interrogate them.

Yu Jin-san approached the door and secretly checked for signs inside.

‘This is lucky from the start.’

A ray of energy felt from within. It seemed like he was a great disciple, as his energy flow was more profound than that of the great disciples he had faced a while ago.

As long as I set a goal, there was no reason to hesitate.

thud-! thud-!

When I knocked on the door, I heard a middle-aged man’s voice coming from inside.

“Who are you?”

“That’s me.”

After a while, a monk appeared through the crack in the door, a face full of annoyance.

“what’s the matter?”

“I brought the car.”

“A car? What are you? “Why are you bringing this to me?”

Jinsan Yu looked around for a moment. Because it was a remote place, there was no one nearby.

Is that why? Suddenly his mood and tone of voice changed.

“There’s a lot of talk. “If an adult gives you something, just say thank you and eat it.”


At the time, the face of the first disciple was filled with bewilderment.

Yu Jin-san’s palm hit him hard in the solar plexus.


The first disciple, hit by an unexpected blow, was pushed out of the room.

He bent over like a shrimp, as if he was out of breath.

“…Turn it off.”

After coming inside, Jin-san Yu closed the door and walked towards him.

A look of absurdity. And the distorted eyes were complaining of injustice.

The heavenly disciple was ambushed by what appeared to be the youngest member of the class. Of course, I couldn’t understand it.

But the surprise started now.

Soon, a short leg curved and kicked his ankle.



The Taoist fell on his butt while screaming.

As soon as the eye level was adjusted, Jin-san Yu’s right hand shot out like a thunderbolt and grabbed his uvula.


The first disciple, who was out of breath, blushed and convulsed.


Unlike when dealing with Yi Dae disciples, there were no circumstances in Yu Jin-san’s hands.

If the Jongnam faction was related to the family’s evil deed, the disciples could not be considered unrelated to the incident.

His tone of voice and facial expression were also quite different from before.

“If you don’t answer the question obediently, the old man might rip your uvula off.”

Yu Jin-san, who saw the urgent look in his disciple’s eyes, loosened his grip.

The Taoist monk, who had been muttering for a while, asked with eyes full of doubt.

“Kek… who are you…?”

As an experienced first-generation disciple, he guessed that Yu Jin-san was a madou who had been converted to anti-Roh. Or maybe he was an expert in the Apostolic Alliance, an affiliated faction.

Otherwise, who would have the audacity to come here and threaten us?

According to his guess, it wouldn’t be surprising even if he were murdered now. The Taoist’s eyes gradually became consumed with fear.

“Nobu asks the question. “If there is any lie in your answer, your life will be taken immediately.”


The Taoist slowly nodded and secretly rolled his eyes.

It wasn’t Eugene San who wouldn’t have noticed that.

“Give up the idea of making a fuss. “As long as you wear a mask, no one will be able to hear you from outside.”

“I understand…”

Yu Jin-san made eye contact with him and spoke clearly.

“If you want to live, you have to make it worth it.”

This meant that if you gave out helpful information, your life could be saved.

“I also have no desire to die in vain like this. “I will answer any information I know, but promise me you will spare my life.”

Yu Jin-san nodded once and asked with a serious face.

“Were you also there when the Jongnam faction attacked Geukjin Gate?”


“Then we can talk quickly. “Tell me who the three monsters who helped the Jongnam faction there that day were.”

“I don’t know anything about them. “I saw it for the first time that day too.”

Looking at his eyes, it didn’t seem like he was lying.

Jinsan Yu shook his head horizontally with a dark expression.

“Right. “Your information wasn’t worth much, so there’s no reason to keep you alive.”

Yujinsan’s sharp hand blade was raised diagonally.

Then the face of the first disciple turned as pale as a sheet of paper.

“Ha but!”


“Hyeonho Sabaek knows who they are. He must be there!”

If there are four hundred disciples currently on active duty, they would have the status of an elder.

If I had an older body, I would have given up, but now it was worth a try.

“Where is it?”

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