
Chapter 123: Take the Initiative

Chapter 123: Take the Initiative

Almost a month later, a large number of officers and soldiers had gathered by a certain valley. They were intermittently checking on a cloud of white mist in the center of the valley, where something particularly precious seemed to be hidden.

A group of lavishly garbed cultivators were just about to have a meal within a large tent.

"Inspect the food to ensure that it hasn't been poisoned," one man commanded.

"Please relax, Your Highness. The food has been carefully prepared and kept under constant supervision. There won't be any issue with it," one subordinate reported.

"Tomorrow's that conference. My brothers have already headed to Mt. Liangjie, 25 kilometers away, in anticipation of it. Nothing can go wrong here," the second prince emphasized.

"With us here guarding the Immortal killer, nothing will go wrong. Even if Nanfeng shows up, he won't be strong enough to charge into our camp." The subordinate smiled.

"Nanfeng's nothing to be concerned about, but don't underestimate the spectral guards," the second prince warned.

"We have over thirty Ascension-realm cultivators here, along with large numbers of elites with spiritbane crossbows in hand. What's more, Your Highness, you can activate the Immortal's Destruction at any time. No matter how many people the Hall of Specters sends, they'll all be dead," the subordinate replied confidently.

"You're being overly cautious, Your Highness. There's no one in the vicinity. No matter how skilled the members of the Hall of Specters are, they wouldn't know that we're hiding out here," another subordinate advised.

Only then did the second prince relax. "It is indeed a secluded spot, entirely free of human influence. Who chose it?"

"Clan Head Hou, Your Highness. The crown prince himself confirmed the decision. The Hou lands are nearby, and Clan Head Hou is intimately familiar with the geography of the region. He recommended it himself."

"Oh? And where is the rest of the Hou clan?"

"Clan Head Hou has headed over to Mt. Liangjie along with the crown prince, leaving his two sons around. His children are only Immanence-realm cultivators, and they don't have the right to sit with us. They're having their meal over in that camp."

"Invite them to dine with us," the second prince commanded his guards.

"Yessir!" One guard marched over, then returned shortly after.

"Your Highness, Clan Head Hou's children aren't in the camp," the guard replied respectfully.

"Ridiculous! I've ordered that no one is to step away from the camp, and any who flout this order will be put to death! Aren't they aware of this? Where are they?"

"According to the guards by their tent, they just headed out to the nearby forest on account of a stomach upset. They haven't returned yet."

"A stomach upset? Clan Head Hou's children really are weak, aren't they?"

The group of people all began to laugh even as the second prince frowned. "Something seems off."

"Your Highness, their upset stomach is inconsequential. We have dozens of Ascension-realm cultivators here, elite officers familiar with spiritbane crossbows, and you, Your Highness, who can operate the Immortal's Destruction. We'd be able to steamroll the entirety of the humans' domain. Even the spectral guards from the Hall of Specters would be no match for us," someone joked.

Just then, a rumble came from outside.

"Has something happened?" The second prince was palpably nervous.

Everyone unsheathed their blades and rushed out of the tent. They saw countless birds flying out of the far end of the valley. The rumble continued as it approached more and more closely.

"What's the commotion? I'll take a look!" someone volunteered.

Suddenly, huge quantities of water emerged from the other end of the narrow valley, carrying boulders and logs with them as the rapids rushed forward. The water seemed poised to fill the valley.

"A flood? How could there be a flood? Why hasn't anyone reported anything?" the second prince cried out.

"We have scouts all over the forests and on the mountains! Why haven't they sent any word?"

"Damn it, the Immortal's Destruction is going to be destroyed by the flood! Quick, cart it off!"

"We can't. The Immortal's Destruction has been fixed in place, and all its formations have been activated. No one will be able to move it in the short term. Your Highness, we need to evacuate!"

"Ridiculous!" If the Immortal's Destruction is taken out of commission, none of you will live. Go save it!" the second prince ordered.

By then, the flood had already struck the foremost cultivators. The camp was quickly destroyed by the flood, and many officers and soldiers were immediately submerged.

On a nearby mountaintop, a group of black-robed cultivators were staring at the flooding valley down below. Beside these cultivators was a well-dressed middle-aged man.

"Sir, I've lured them into the valley and destroyed the levee as requested. No longer will I be welcome in the Empire of Great Qi, it seems." The man smiled wryly.

"Clan Head Hou, you were a pawn that You Yi put in place in Qi, prepared to betray it at any moment. Once your identity was revealed, that would have been it. Don't think that you've sacrificed much for our cause—rather, we're the ones saving you from your continued deception," Xiao Nanfeng replied, completely dressed in black, shaking his head.

"Quite right, sir. I've been a loyal gravekeeper from the beginning; I only allied with Yan because I had no other choice at the time. I hold the tenets of the sect as the highest principles I follow. I am ever loyal to Great Wei!" Clan Head Hou declared.

"May you retain that loyalty," Xiao Nanfeng replied coolly. He did not at all believe Clan Head Hou's simpering words, but he was willing to leave him a little slack considering that he was cooperating with the plan.

"Of course, Sir, of course!" Clan Head Hou immediately replied.

"The seal on your cultivation will be removed after matters are over. Don't think of doing anything fishy," Xiao Nanfeng warned.

"Of course not, Sir! I'm not in a hurry. I can wait patiently."

Xiao Nanfeng waved a hand, and Clan Head Hou immediately retreated.

Xiao Nanfeng looked down at the flooding valley. The regular cultivators had been carried away by the current, leaving only a group of Ascension-realm cultivators who were still struggling against the flood. They were struck by the logs and boulders conveyed by the waters as they swam for their lives toward the Immortal-killing relic.

"Sir Xiao, we've dealt with all the scouts they placed in the vicinity and prevented any word from reaching them. It's all thanks to the conference you set up that we were able to deal with the Immortal's Destruction once and for all," You Jiu reported.

"The flood will recede soon enough, but they must have exhausted their qi trying to deal with the situation. Don't let even a single Ascension-realm cultivator escape," Xiao Nanfeng commanded.

"Don't worry, Sir Xiao. I've had my subordinates keep careful track of that, and even of the Immanence-realm cultivators washed away by the flood. None will escape," You Jiu promised.

"Let's go, then. We can strike at them together. Be careful of that second prince; he surely has a means of aiming the Immortal's Destruction.

"I won't give him a chance to use it, not with how chaotic the situation is," You Jiu pledged, his eyes glinting with frost.

The two cultivators descended the valley. They were among the strongest cultivators in the human domain, fully rested, and executing a sneak attack. The fate of the trapped cultivators was as good as settled.

In just mere moments, almost a dozen cultivators had been killed. The second prince had even fallen to You Jiu's blade through his back before he had a chance to use his talisman.

"You've killed the second prince?!" someone cried out.

Before he could continue speaking, a large number of white-mist specters flooded his body. Nearly half the Ascension-realm cultivators had been killed, now.

"We have to flee!" one of the survivors shouted.

The group began swimming to shore as quickly as they could, but suddenly, crossbow bolts brimming with blue light sent them flying back into the river. Many spat out blood as they were struck, their eyes wide.

"Spiritbane crossbows! There's an ambush in the forest!" the cultivators cried out.

The spiritbane crossbows within the forest continuously shot out volleys at the gathered Ascension-realm cultivators, making it impossible for them to even consider attacking You Jiu and Xiao Nanfeng. All they could do was watch on and wait as Xiao Nanfeng and You Jiu reaped their lives.

"Surrender or die!" You Jiu shouted.

"Surrender or die!" the spectral guards in the forest echoed.

The remaining Ascension-realm cultivators had expended the bulk of their qi and been dealt heavy wounds by the spiritbane crossbows. They didn't dare resist. As Xiao Nanfeng and You Jiu drew near, they began to surrender one after another.

The next day, at the foot of Mt. Liangjie, the crown princes of Yan and Qi, along with the heads of the major clans in both kingdoms, were coldly watching a group of black-robed cultivators arrive. They had been present and waiting for quite some time.

"Some sincerity," Crown Prince Yan began. "They invited all of us here, but are the last ones to show up. Crown Prince Qi, it looks like they don't respect you one bit."

"Crown Prince Yan, if you keep inciting me to attack them first, you'd better not eye my spoils when I do do so later," Crown Prince Qi replied, smiling coldly at him.

"I look forward to seeing your performance," Crown Prince Yan replied, mirroring his smile.

Crown Prince Qi felt as though Crown Prince Yan had something up his sleeve, but so did he. He didn't mind much.

The crowd narrowed their eyes at the black-robed man in the lead, none other than Xiao Nanfeng himself. His face was cool and calm, showing no sign of fear whatsoever.

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