
Chapter 196: Struggle for Conquest

Chapter 196: Struggle for Conquest

A month later, within the undying realm, in the governor's hall of the city of Shuntian, Xiao Nanfeng asked, "How are the eight hundred students faring, Mr. Zheng?"

"They're still only a group of children at heart, and they frequently make mistakes. However, they're very persistent, and they quickly learn from their mistakes. Under my colleagues' guidance, they've been developing quickly, and are almost capable of governing the entire city on their own now." Zheng Qian smiled at the accomplishment.

"Very good. Ye Dafu and Ye Sanshui are prepared to take down more cities. Will the logistics be able to keep up?"

"There are plenty of former officials from Shuntian present. If we take advantage of them, we should be able to keep things running. It's just that these officials are a mixed bag. Some are talented but self-serving, and I'm worried that..." Zheng Qian trailed off.

"I understand. Of the lists you handed me, you've already struck off the most corrupt officials. The remaining all have minor problems of their own, be they greed or lust, and don't meet your exacting ethical standards. Considering our need for manpower at the moment, however, as long as they don't overstep their bounds, I'm willing to overlook things. I've given my official approval in writing," Xiao Nanfeng said.

Zheng Qian frowned, but didn't object. He was well aware of the labor shortage. The eight hundred students wouldn't be enough considering how many cities that Xiao Nanfeng intended to take over.

He thought for a moment. "Benefactor, if we want to quell the unrest quickly, we need to establish our status."

"I've already sent my subordinates to the kings of Yan and Qi. They'll make an official proclamation on my behalf," Xiao Nanfeng replied.

"I know that you can command them because they're cursed slaves, Benefactor, but considering the strife in both empires, they can hardly protect their own territory. If they announce that they'll be ceding their territory to you, it might even cause the opposite effect. The various prowling forces will take that as an excuse to denounce and attack us," Zheng Qian replied in worry.

"I don't intend to have them submit, only to acknowledge that I'm the successor of Emperor Wei."


"Half a year ago, news of this affair spread throughout the humans' domain, but it was all hearsay. I'm taking advantage of the two kings' proclamations to make this information known as fact."

"In that case, Benefactor, you intend to become... a king?" Zheng Qian cried out.

Xiao Nanfeng smiled.

Zheng Qian glanced at him solemnly. "No matter the era, rulers are acknowledged by their status. Only with the backing of law and order, of righteousness, can they command their soldiers to charge ever onward, to nurture obedience rather than rebellion from officials of the empire, to pacify the public. The humans' domain might be in disarray at the moment, but the kings of Yan and Qi come from established bloodlines. They have the right of lineage and legacy. If you wish to take control of the humans' domain, Benefactor, you must acquire a status above theirs. They are kings; therefore, you too must be a king. Only then can you unseat them, absorb the talents under their control, and lay claim to the world."

Xiao Nanfeng nodded. "What do you think? We'll issue a proclamation that the humans' domain is the territory of the divine empire of Great Wei; that the royal families of Yan and Qi, as well as the families of the various clans, are descendants of warriors of Great Wei who have been responsible for securing the land on Emperor Wei's behalf. Emperor Wei has gifted the humans' domain to me, his successor, and named me King Xiao."

Zheng Qian bowed down formally. "Official Zheng Qian greets his king!"

Xiao Nanfeng laughed. "There's only the two of us here, Mr. Zheng. No need for such formality."

Zheng Qian shook his head. "Your Majesty, rules of decorum must be upheld to ensure the hierarchy is understood. From today onwards, all those under my employ shall address you as King Xiao."

Xiao Nanfeng gave Zheng Qian an appraising look. "As you will, Mr. Zheng."

"King Xiao, I advise that you issue this proclamation at greatest haste. Spread it far and wide, that all manner of talent might rally under your banner in these chaotic times."

"We'll do so once the kings of Yan and Qi have issued their proclamations." Xiao Nanfeng nodded.

"Good. Your Majesty, I should warn you that, once your proclamation is issued, you will become a target." Zheng Qian seemed to be growing more excited as he spoke.

"The humans' domain is far smaller than the holdings of Xiao. What battles take place here will only serve as a warm-up for the territory we must establish control over in the future. Get used to it, Mr. Zheng," Xiao Nanfeng replied confidently.


In the court of the kingdom of Yan, officials were in an uproar.

"Your Majesty, considering the chaos rampant throughout the kingdom, how could you proclaim Xiao Nanfeng the successor of Emperor Wei? Your Majesty, you have to rescind the proclamation immediately!"

"Your Majesty, that Xiao Nanfeng's an ambitious thug. He's already claimed the city of Shuntian. We can't acknowledge him at this critical period!"

"Your Majesty, we need to rally and regain control over Shuntian!"

King Yan glared coldly at his officials. "We are aware of these concerns. We have issued this proclamation deliberately."

"What?" the officials cried out.

"The traitors of Yan are trying to foment rebellion, and we won't be able to quell it all. Some among the empire are even colluding with the enemy to take us down. Do you think us foolish? We have established an alliance with Xiao Nanfeng, inviting him to bring his troops into Great Yan to take down those who might rebel. They shall perish as honorless curs," King Yan commanded.

The officials of court stared at their king, taken aback.

"Your Majesty, doing so will only expand Xiao Nanfeng's influence in the empire!" one official cried out.

"Silence! We will pay any price to quell the rebellions in the empire. Do you plead for those rebels? Are you in cahoots with them?" King Yan demanded.

The official blanched and immediately pleaded for mercy. The other officials, seeing this, were hesitant to speak themselves.

"Enough. If there's nothing else, go figure out how to take down the rebellious troops. Dismissed!" King Yan shouted.

The officials of court looked at each other before retreating despondently.

The same scenario took place not just in the court of Yan, but also in that of Qi.

The fact that Xiao Nanfeng was the successor to Emperor Wei had been set in stone. Everyone soon learned of it.

At the same time, King Xiao raised his banner, and Ye Dafu and Ye Sanshui simultaneously took down two cities in turmoil. The ruling clans in the city even assisted the two cultivators in the takeover, causing King Xiao's name to spread far and wide.

The major clans, still suffering from internal turmoil, did not have the energy to target Xiao Nanfeng. The smarter among the minor clans, sensing a change in fortunes ahead, quickly began to gather information about this mysterious King Xiao.

In Yan, officials began to warn of Xiao Nanfeng's increasing threat in daily sessions of court, calling for King Yan to attack Xiao Nanfeng's troops. King Yan ignored these warnings. After dismissing court, he headed straight for a hall at the back of the palace,

where a number of rebellious officials were in custody.

"Brother, I was wrong. I heard that you had turned into a demon—I was hoodwinked! I won't rebel further. Please, let me go," one trussed-up prince shouted.

King Yan's eyes suddenly glowed with red light. His expression turned primal. Two fangs emerged from his mouth as he pounced forward and bit down.

"No, Brother, don't eat me! You really have become a demon! No—!"


"Demon, demon!"

The other detainees screamed in fear, but the hall was soundproofed. No one outside knew that King Yan had transformed into an evil monster who was eating humans' raw organs and drinking their blood, as though he were a beast.

Suddenly, a cloud of red fog emerged from King Yan's head. The vague outline of a red rope could be seen.

"I've regenerated, haha, I've regenerated! Marquis Wu, that damn bastard, cut up my cursed spiritual avatar into seven portions and forced me to expend my spiritual power to control these cursed slaves! But that ultimately became the key to my revival: all these cursed slaves have my spiritual power in them, and they've sped up my recovery. Now that I'm back, everyone will die!" the red rope cackled.

The cloud of red fog retreated back into King Yan's body. He shuddered as his eyes shone with ferocity, as though possessed by the red rope.

King Yan stood up and closed his eyes, as though thinking.

After a prolonged period of time, he opened his eyes once again.

"So all my cursed slaves are in positions of power in this domain? Good, very good! All cursed slaves, listen up! Seize all those with spiritual power, send them into an illusory realm, and devour their spiritual avatars to strengthen your own. I'll reap what all of you have gathered in one fell swoop," King Yan commanded.

Simultaneously, King Qi and the heads of the major clans, distant though they might be, felt their bodies shake. They bowed respectfully as though possessed. "Yes, Master."

King Yan smiled in satisfaction. He turned toward the remaining detainees in the hall, his eyes glinting maliciously.

"Demon! Stay away!" they cried out.

King Yan cackled. "Unfortunately for you, my cursed spiritual avatar isn't here, and my scant reserves make it difficult to drag you into an illusory realm. Even so, I'm still claiming all your souls."

King Yan pressed a palm down on one unfortunate victim's forehead. Red light emerged from his palm and shrouded the man, who shook and fell unconscious. He had entered an illusory realm.

Within the illusory realm, the prisoner discovered that he was free. He quickly ran into the distance, but a red rope suddenly appeared from the thick fog that covered the area. It trapped him and suffocated him to death. When the prisoner was dead, a mouth appeared from the rope and sucked up the prisoner's soul.

King Yan's eyes opened wide as he woke up. The detainee he held slumped to the ground, no longer breathing.

"Don't come over!" the remaining detainees screamed.

King Yan cackled. "It'll be over in no time. I need some nourishment, you see."

"No!" Screams echoed within the hall deep inside the palace.

The same situation was unfolding within the palace in which the king of Qi resided, as well as the estates of the heads of all the major clans.

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