
Chapter 510: Xiao Nanfeng, a True Yin Cultivator

Chapter 510: Xiao Nanfeng, a True Yin Cultivator

Countless arhats and Buddhas shot toward the gathered cultivators. Except for Xiao Nanfeng, everyone was turning tail and running.

"Is Xiao Nanfeng crazy? He's just an Earth Immortal! How can he defend against all these arhats and Buddhas?"

"He overestimates himself! His soul is surely weaker than theirs. A single golden arhat could kill him!"

"Look, a golden arhat's aiming for him! He's done for."

The fleeing cultivators glanced disdainfully at Xiao Nanfeng as the golden arhat at the forefront punched him.

Xiao Nanfeng retaliated with a punch of his own. Their fists met in an explosion of golden light that completely annihilated the golden arhat.

"What? Xiao Nanfeng defeated a golden arhat with a single punch?!" countless cultivators exclaimed.

"Could the golden arhats here be that weak? Let me try," another cultivator murmured.

He turned back and punched at the golden arhat chasing after him.

The two fists met in an explosion of golden light that swallowed up the cultivator. He vanished in a rain of blood.

Everyone sucked in a deep breath.

"These golden arhats aren't weak—Xiao Nanfeng's just overwhelmingly strong! Could he be at late-stage Yin Body?"

"Impossible! Even at late-stage Yin Body, he wouldn't be able to defeat that golden arhat with just one punch. I knew the cultivator who just perished. He was at mid-stage Yin Body."

"Could he be a True Yin cultivator, then?"

Everyone turned to Xiao Nanfeng.

By then, he was surrounded by a large number of golden arhats. With every punch of his Hegemon's Fist, another golden arhat exploded into a shower of golden rain.

"He's at True Yin."

"How can that be? His spiritual cultivation exceeds his physical cultivation?"

"True Yin? No wonder he's so strong. He can handle these golden arhats, but we can't. We have to flee!"

"Don't kill me! Help!"

Shouts and exclamations came from all around.

As Xiao Nanfeng took down more and more golden arhats, a Buddha appeared before him.

Xiao Nanfeng frowned. He could sense a tremendous pressure descend. He immediately released his silver moon into the air, spawning a blizzard around him.

The Buddha sent a palm strike at him, appearing out of the void. Right before it struck Xiao Nanfeng dead, he vanished from sight.

"Spiritual harmony! He really is a True Yin cultivator," someone exclaimed from afar while struggling against the golden arhats.

"That Buddha's palm missed—but how can that be? Even at early-stage True Yin, full spiritual harmonization is impossible. All you can achieve is stealth!"

The Buddha was surprised as well. It twisted its head and searched all over for Xiao Nanfeng. Suddenly, a snowflake to its back transformed into Xiao Nanfeng and punched at the Buddha.

The Buddha stumbled, but it was stronger than Xiao Nanfeng. It stabilized itself quickly.

"Insolence, demon!" the Buddha thundered.

"You're the demon! Die!" Xiao Nanfeng retorted.

He vanished from sight again. The next moment, he appeared to the side of the Buddha and executed Hegemon's Fist. Fists filled the air around the Buddha, pummeling it and causing it to stumble once more. When the Buddha roared and attempted to strike at Xiao Nanfeng, he vanished from sight again. Xiao Nanfeng continuously shifted back and forth as he attacked the Buddha.

The Buddhas chasing the other cultivators, noticing the problem, all shot toward Xiao Nanfeng as well.

"Harmonize!" Xiao Nanfeng called out.

The next moment, he vanished from sight again. The Buddhas struck nothing but air. They searched all around them, but Xiao Nanfeng was nowhere to be found.

"Attack his full moon," the Past Buddha commanded.

"Understood!" the gathered Buddhas replied.

They shot straight toward Xiao Nanfeng's silver moon.

Afar, Ao Shuai and his subordinates hid themselves using a special spirit-type relic, rendering them invisible to the Buddhas and golden arhats all around.

He continued to stare at Xiao Nanfeng, his eyes twitching. "Xiao Nanfeng hid his strength surprisingly well. If we hadn't encountered this Past Buddha, we would all have been tricked!"

"We were told that he had just reached late-stage Yin Body. Could he have broken through to True Yin recently?" one subordinate asked.

"So what if he's at True Yin? His major flaw as a True Yin cultivator is his spiritual moon. If his moon is destroyed, he'll be done for—that's what those Buddhas are going for!"

"But if Xiao Nanfeng dies, we'll all be dead as well!"

"Do you think Xiao Nanfeng can still save us now? He was only able to take down the two cursed effigies because of the Yin-Yang Cauldron. The only way we can survive now is if Zhang Lingjun dies," Ao Shuai said.


"The Past Buddha has to kill Zhang Lingjun. That gives my father the excuse he needs to break down all the barriers around the Palace of the Moon to avenge her. We just have to wait a little."

"You're right, Master."

"Xiao Nanfeng's spiritual moon is done for," Ao Shuai repeated, looking up at the sky.

He wasn't the only one who felt that way. There were countless cultivators who were able to hide themselves even in this illusory realm, and every one of them thought that Xiao Nanfeng was done for. Each of those Buddhas were stronger than Xiao Nanfeng himself, so how was he going to stop his spiritual moon from being destroyed?

Just then, a slit appeared in his moon.

"Xiao Nanfeng's spiritual moon is cracking apart even without being attacked?"

"No, that's a mouth! Why does his moon have a mouth?"

"It has to be fake—no, look, there's even row after row of sharp teeth! Is that a monster?!"

The moon bit down on the Buddhas, leaving only their exposed feet behind.

The sawtooth-like teeth ground down on the Buddhas, chopping off their feet in spurts of blood. The scene was brutal and bloodthirsty.

Everyone sucked in deep breaths as they gaped at Xiao Nanfeng's spiritual moon.

After it ate all the Buddhas, it then floated down and gobbled up all the legs as well. Then, it began to chew.

The cultivators watched on in fear. They shuddered as they heard the grinding of bone against bone.

"What was that? That spiritual moon ate all those Buddhas!"

"Is that really a spiritual moon? It's more like a monster!"

"What sort of monster is that?!"

Even the Past Buddha goggled. It shouted, "Xiao Nanfeng, what cursed effigy was that?!"

However, Xiao Nanfeng was currently in a state of spiritual harmony. No one knew where he was. All they could see was an endless blizzard.

The Past Buddha raged, "One of you Buddhas, destroy that cursed effigy!"

"Understood!" A Buddha in radiant gold shot toward Xiao Nanfeng's spiritual moon.

That Buddha raised a fist, causing heaven and earth to turn dark. Light flooded into its fist, causing the void to tremble. Everyone could sense how frightening that attack would be.

"Buddhas truly are horrifying. Even if we're in an illusion and its strength can't compare to a real one, this technique alone is overwhelming. That moon monster's going to die for sure!" Ao Shuai cried out.

"Xiao Nanfeng really is done for now," the cultivators sighed.

Then, out of nowhere, the spiritual moon swallowed the entire Buddha whole.

Everyone twitched. Had they been mistaken once more? Was this moon monster able to eat even one of the strongest Buddhas?

The distended moon chewed and chewed.

Even the Past Buddha sucked in a breath.

"Xiao Nanfeng, what sort of monster is this cursed effigy?!" the Past Buddha roared again.

This was its illusory realm! It should have been an invincible existence within. How could it be repeatedly losing against Xiao Nanfeng?

Xiao Nanfeng didn't respond to the Past Buddha. Snow continued to fall.

The Past Buddha narrowed its eyes at Xiao Nanfeng's spiritual moon, but it showed no sign of chasing the other Buddhas down.

"Loop around that cursed effigy, but stay some distance away," the Past Buddha warned.


The Buddhas looped around it as they flew.

However, the spiritual moon remained motionless, as though it had no intention of making a move.

The Past Buddha breathed out in relief, then sneered at Xiao Nanfeng. "So that's how it is! Xiao Nanfeng, you're a trickster and a liar. You can't command this cursed effigy at all. It only struck because my subordinates offended it!"

The Past Buddha turned back to the silver moon. "There is no enmity between us, Sir, and I won't hold you accountable for having consumed some of my subordinates. I simply ask that you not make a move while I take down Xiao Nanfeng."

The silver moon hung placidly in the air, not responding to the Past Buddha. However, its silence was answer enough.

The Past Buddha looked toward the blizzard before it. "Don't bother the cursed effigy. Keep killing the other cultivators in sight to nurture my cursed soul!"


"In addition, keep searching for Xiao Nanfeng. He's only an early-stage True Yin cultivator, and his spiritual harmony is necessarily incomplete. Find him!"


In no time at all, screams and shouts rang out from all around.

"Save us, Martial Aspect Xiao!"

"Save me!"

The cultivators begged for mercy.

Xiao Nanfeng spoke up again. "I can't handle these Buddhas, but the golden arhats at least are trivial to deal with."

By the side of a golden arhat, a snowflake transformed into Xiao Nanfeng. He punched forward and caused the golden arhat to scatter in a shower of rain.

"Insolence!" The Buddhas surged toward him, but he vanished in a shower of snow. The next moment, he appeared beside yet another golden arhat.

He flashed back and forth throughout the battlefield, throwing out more and more punches as he went. Within moments, the entire battlefield was glittering gold. The Past Buddha raged and seethed.

"Are you trying to weaken me by killing my golden arhats? Die, Xiao Nanfeng!"

"We'll see whether you can get more energy by killing these cultivators than I can drain by killing your golden arhats. Now, die!" Xiao Nanfeng roared.

Another golden arhat exploded in a shower of light.

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