
Chapter 539: Splitting the Spoils

Chapter 539: Splitting the Spoils

All the Golden Immortals had perished. This outcome shocked the cultivators gathered around Thousand-Spirit Island.

"How can this be? Xiao Nanfeng and the others actually managed to kill the two Golden Immortals!" Ao Shuai exclaimed.

"Master, the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost is dead, but the superior draconic vein and the Golden Immortal corpse of Sage Yellowbrow have been left behind," one of his subordinates reported.

Ao Shuai tensed. He quickly flew above the surface of the sea. "Follow me."

His subordinates followed Ao Shuai closely as the procession made its way to Thousand-Spirit Island.

By then, Ye Dafu and his subordinates were prepared. When he saw Ao Shuai and the others approach, he immediately shouted, "Hold it!"

"We're here to claim the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost's corpse. Scram!" Ao Shuai demanded.

He came up with the flimsiest of excuses as he tried to seize everything within the limestone cave for himself.

Ye Dafu strode forward, but Xiao Nanfeng beckoned him back.

"Ao Shuai, I command you to guard Thousand-Spirit Island with all your subordinates. Do not leave the premises," Xiao Nanfeng continued.

Ao Shuai narrowed his eyes. "Guard the island? What's there to guard? Xiao Nanfeng, I've already reported the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost's death to the Hall of Martial Aspects. I've received word stating that everything related to his death is to be sealed and left untouched. You'd better get out of that cave now—nothing within is going to be yours."

"Ha! Whose command are you trying to impersonate this time? Can't you find a better excuse to pilfer the spoils of combat? Try me if you dare. My senior enjoys killing others, you see, and it has only refrained to date because I'm against it. If you intend to disobey my commands, then so be it. Senior, please have your fill," Xiao Nanfeng said.

The black lotus, still wreathed in black fog, flew up to the hole in the cave that had opened up.

Death chants filled the air around them, causing Ao Shuai and his subordinates' eyes to widen as they swiftly retreated.

"Xiao Nanfeng, how dare you!" Ao Shuai thundered.

"I would be within my rights to kill you for disobeying a direct command from your commander on this mission," Xiao Nanfeng continued coldly.

Ao Shuai's eyes twitched. He glanced at the cloud of black fog, not daring to draw near.

Xiao Nanfeng ignored Ao Shuai and retrieved the golden inner core from Sage Yellowbrow's body. The moment it emerged, roiling spiritual aether surrounded it, forming golden mist that filled the interior of the limestone cave.

Xiao Nanfeng opened his mouth wide, absorbing the golden mist and swallowing the golden inner core whole. Then, he sat cross-legged in meditation as he began to distill it.

Ao Shuai, still outside the cave, bellowed in rage, but didn't dare to step forward and face off against the black lotus.

"Have your avatar inform my father of this immediately. Tell him to come quickly—or at the very least, to send someone over. I can give up Sage Yellowbrow's inner core, but I need that superior draconic vein!" Ao Shuai commanded a subordinate.


Two hours later, within the limestone cave, Xiao Nanfeng's body shook as a wave of energy emanated from him. He slowly opened his eyes.

"The third stage of a Heaven Immortal? Just what technique does Xiao Nanfeng cultivate? That's a Golden Immortal's inner core—how could his cultivation only have advanced by a minor stage?" Ao Shuai exclaimed.

"Perhaps it's because the Sky of Ten Suns is too difficult to cultivate. All those from the Imperial Court who had studied that technique required an immense quantity of resources," a subordinate murmured.

"What a waste to have those treasures land in his possession," Ao Shuai replied enviously.

Xiao Nanfeng got up and stored Sage Yellowbrow's corpse, then walked toward the superior draconic vein close by.

The superior draconic vein's consciousness might have shattered, but its body remained whole. In fact, it was still absorbing spiritual aether from its surroundings, a sure sign of its remarkable capabilities.

Xiao Nanfeng reached out for the superior draconic vein, his eyes aglow.

Ao Shuai suddenly called out, "Xiao Nanfeng, let's negotiate!"

Xiao Nanfeng glanced askance at Ao Shuai. Negotiate? What was there to negotiate for? Why was he so anxious that Xiao Nanfeng was about to claim the superior draconic vein? Could it be that...

Xiao Nanfeng suddenly narrowed his eyes. Ao Shuai's reinforcements had to be on their way. Was he still trying to snatch the superior draconic vein away?

"Ao Shuai, keep guard with your subordinates. Everyone else, enter," Xiao Nanfeng commanded.


Ye Dafu, Croak, Warble, You Jiu and the others entered the limestone cave.

Xiao Nanfeng wasn't worried about Zhang Lingjun's safety, because the Taiqing Grandmaster was beside her. Even a Golden Immortal wouldn;t be able to do her harm. As for Ao Zhou, none other would dare to attack him during his tribulation and end up being caught in it themselves. Furthermore, with the black lotus around, he doubted Ao Shuai and his subordinates would dare to do anything funny.

"I'm going to devour the superior draconic vein now. Do so with me," Xiao Nanfeng said.

The superior draconic vein was ultimately far too large. Unlike the giant strider soup from before, the energy wasn't concentrated—the superior draconic vein was a few dozen kilometers long, and he could hardly swallow it down in one gulp. Furthermore, once any part of its body was damaged, it would rapidly dissipate. Rather than waste it, why not share it with everyone else?

"Understood!" everyone replied.

"Xiao Nanfeng, you can't devour that superior draconic vein! My father's commanding you to stop!" Ao Shuai shouted.

The black lotus continued to float serenely, blocking entrance into the limestone cave. Death chants could be heard at increasing volume, causing Ao Shuai and the others to retreat in fear. They watched on anxiously.

Xiao Nanfeng ignored Ao Shuai and the others. He walked up to the superior draconic vein and prepared to open it up.

"Don't touch the superior draconic vein! I'll trade you what treasures I have for it!" Ao Shuai cried out.

Xiao Nanfeng ignored Ao Shuai. He began to absorb the superior draconic vein. Its head was torn off and transformed into effervescent golden energy that shot straight into Xiao Nanfeng's mouth.

Before long, he had absorbed almost half the superior draconic vein by himself, imbibing so much of the golden energy that his body had swollen up. He didn't dare tarry, worried that he might explode if he did. He sat down cross-legged and began to meditate.

"Dig in!" Ye Dafu and the others shouted with gusto.

"Got it!" everyone replied.

The golden cultivators, Croak, Warble, You Jiu, the dragons, the spectral guards, and the purple-furred monsters furiously absorbed the half of the superior draconic vein that remained, everyone working together to ensure that none of that energy would be wasted.

"No, you bastard! That's a superior draconic vein—you're going to eat it just like that? You're wasting an incredible treasure!" Ao Shuai bellowed.

Despite his fury, there was nothing he could do. The death chants filled him with fear, and he didn't dare draw near the cave at all.

The cultivators likewise sat down to meditate. Waves of energy emanated from their bodies as they broke through, overjoyed. However, they quickly calmed down.

Those who had broken through first emerged from the limestone cave and began to guard it from the outside.

Two hours later, Xiao Nanfeng himself had finished meditating. Another wave of energy emanated from his body, filling the whole cave. He slowly opened his eyes, having distilled all the energy from the superior draconic vein.

"The fourth stage of a Heaven Immortal? Only that? He swallowed half the superior draconic vein for himself! What a waste—damn it, that superior draconic vein should have been mine!" Ao Shuai fumed.

Xiao Nanfeng stood up. "Ye Dafu, construct a stone coffin to store the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost's body!"


Ye Dafu flew toward an island in the distance, then began to carve away at one of its mountains. Very quickly, he returned with a huge stone coffin.

Xiao Nanfeng manipulated the two halves of the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost's body and placed them within the coffin.

By then, everyone had emerged from the limestone cave, their cultivation greatly improved. They were overjoyed—all save Ao Shuai and his subordinates, who were fuming at having received none of the spoils.

"Thank you, Senior," Xiao Nanfeng told the black lotus.

The black lotus still seemed to be absorbing the Moonlight Buddha that it had devoured. Without conversing with Xiao Nanfeng, it slowly floated back into his mindscape.

Meanwhile, a huge boom resounded from afar. Ao Zhou had survived the last of his tribulation.

The dark clouds that surrounded him became rainbow-colored. They gushed into Ao Zhou's body, causing his wounds to recover rapidly.

"I'm a True Immortal now, haha!" Ao Zhou crowed.

Then, he quickly flew toward Thousand-Spirit Island, where he was taken aback. "Xiao Nanfeng, where's the superior draconic vein? And where's Sage Yellowbrow's corpse?"

"I'm going to be concocting pills with Sage Yellowbrow's corpse, and we've already absorbed the superior draconic vein."

"You did? Why didn't you share it with me? I suppressed the superior draconic vein and even helped you kill Sage Yellowbrow! I played an instrumental role!"

"Your subordinates all absorbed the superior draconic vein as well. You didn't lose out," Xiao Nanfeng replied.

"Nonsense! I absolutely lost out!" Ao Zhou raged.

Xiao Nanfeng formed a barrier of isolated sound around them both. He continued, "You did lose out. You consumed the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost's silver dragon pearl, and everyone saw that. Those from his faction will surely attempt to kill you to seek revenge."

"His death is none of my business," Ao Zhou retorted.

"Oh? Would the silver dragon pearl really have landed in your mouth coincidentally? Do you think the others are fools? Anyone could guess that the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost tried to possess you, only for you to kill him."

Ao Zhou blanched and panicked. "Then..."

"Don't worry. I'm right here."

"Can you save me?" Ao Zhou was finally starting to realize the danger he was in.

"I can't. With the princess' help, we may be able to shield you publicly, but you may still suffer assassination attempts in private."

"Then I'm done for!" Ao Zhou wailed.

"If you become a Martial Aspect of the Imperial Court, they wouldn't dare," Xiao Nanfeng replied.

"Me, a Martial Aspect?"

"Indeed. I reward those who serve me. You've been a tremendous help this time, and I intend to provide you with an opportunity. This is a document that recommends you to be considered as a Martial Aspect. With it, you'll be a substitute Martial Aspect who can contend for any Martial Aspect openings—and one has just opened up."

This was the reward he had requested from Ao Canghai for promising to rescue Ao Shuai within the Palace of the Moon.

"Truly? You'll help me become a Martial Aspect?" Ao Zhou cried out.

"There'll be a group of candidates competing for the position with you, but we can plan for your success," Xiao Nanfeng replied.

"Very well. I'll listen to you, then!" Ao Zhou said expectantly.

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