What Do You Call a Benevolent and Reasonable Person in Xianxia? An Impossibility! (BTTH)

Chapter 104: She Is A Virgin

Chapter 104: She Is A Virgin

Inside the cave, Xiao Yans eyebrows twitched, his mouth involuntarily twitching, and his eyes showed a trace of helplessness as he looked at the slightly burnt meat in front of him.

Im really sorry

Yun Zhi covered her face with both hands, feeling extremely ashamed.

She had said, Leave it to me, with such confidence, but in the end, she roasted such a mess.

Actually, after the successful attempt last time, Yun Zhi was quite confident in her skills this time. However, while roasting, her attention shifted to Xiao Yan when he returned to the cave. By the time she snapped out of it, it was too late.

Ill try roasting it again

Xiao Yan scratched his head lightly and got up, intending to leave the cave. Yao Chen was startled.

Xiao Yan had just finished his training, and his brain was already fatigued. Yun Zhi, being sealed off from her Dou Qi, didnt notice her slight movements.

If Xiao Yan, who had already recovered, went to roast the meat now, Yao Chen wasnt confident that she could execute the plan without him noticing.

This girl, she cant even roast meat properly, what else can she do?!

Yao Chen silently complained about Yun Zhi and inwardly considered the plan a failure.

But then, Yun Zhis words brought a sigh of relief to Yao Chen.

Um Theres no more meat Yun Zhi awkwardly looked at Xiao Yan, These are the last two pieces


Yun Zhis words left Xiao Yan stunned in place, and he suddenly realized.

He had forgotten to bring enough food

Actually, it wasnt entirely Xiao Yans fault. Originally, according to the plan, the three pieces of roasted meat he had left should have been enough for today.

However, he hadnt expected to run into Yun Zhi, who ate one piece at noon, and now she had burned two more.

It was already evening, and it wasnt suitable for a small Dou Shi (Battle Master, 3rd Level) like him to go into the mountains to search for food. Yun Zhi, who was now a Dou Huang (Battle Emperor, 7th Level), was still weaker than him.

It would be better to wait until tomorrow.

With this thought in mind, Xiao Yan returned to his original spot and sat down, looking at the slightly burnt meat.

To be fair, although it was a failure this time, it was much better than the previous charcoal. At least it was edible.

Xiao Yan picked up a piece of roasted meat, took a bite, and chewed it slowly. Then, he smiled at Yun Zhi.

Its a bit charred, but the taste is not bad~


Yun Zhi raised her eyebrows and looked at the remaining piece of roasted meat. She hesitated for a moment and then picked it up, tearing off a piece and putting it in her mouth. An unusual expression appeared in her eyes.

Xiao Yan wasnt lying; apart from the slight burnt taste, the meat tasted surprisingly good.

See~ Xiao Yan smiled in response and took another bite.


Seeing both of them finishing the roasted meat, Yao Chen clenched her jade hand tightly.

Next, it all depended on how the situation developed.

Although Yao Chen had already guessed the general direction, there might be some unexpected factors. If the result really surprised her, then it could only mean that Xiao Yan and Yun Zhi were not destined to be together.

A few minutes later, they finished the meat in their hands.

Whew~ Im full~ Xiao Yan patted his stomach and then frowned, touching his cheek. Why do I feel increasingly warm?

Now that you mention it

Yun Zhi hugged herself. It wasnt summer yet, so the weather shouldnt be this hot, especially in a cave near the waterfall.

It felt very strange

Yun Zhi noticed her heart inexplicably beating faster from just now.

Xiao Yan, you

Yun Zhis voice suddenly stopped, her gaze locked tightly on Xiao Yans slightly dry lips, and her heart started pounding even more.

Whats going on this impulsive feeling

I really want to kiss him

Hearing Yun Zhis call, Xiao Yan looked at her with confusion.

Yun Zhi, whats?

Similar to Yun Zhis reaction, Xiao Yan was left speechless when he saw Yun Zhis slightly flushed face.


I know Yun Zhi is beautiful, but is she really that tempting?

As he gazed at Yun Zhi, who was panting, Xiao Yan caught a whiff of her breath, and the beads of sweat on her side face and neck added to her allure, making her even more charming and captivating.

This alluring scene left Xiao Yans mind in a daze, and his heart couldnt help but become chaotic.

His gaze fixed on Yun Zhis tender pink lips, a question emerged in his mind.

What does Yun Zhis lips taste like?

Xiao Yans face slowly leaned towards Yun Zhi, and seeing her not showing any resistance, he felt a rush of adrenaline. Yun Zhi even slightly raised her chin, revealing a charming and enchanting look, unlike her usual noble and dignified appearance.

Seeing Yun Zhis lack of resistance, Xiao Yans heart trembled, and he quickened his approach.

Faster even faster

He wanted to taste those lips

Xiao Yan moved closer and closer.

When the twos lips were just a few inches apart, Xiao Yan suddenly regained his consciousness. He forcefully pushed himself away, his back hitting the wall, and he covered his flushed face with his arm, looking at Yun Zhi who still had her eyes closed.

His heart was filled with panic.

What happened?

What was I about to do?!

Where did things go wrong What went wrong?!

The almost inappropriate act he almost committed left Xiao Yan in shock, and he was covered in cold sweat.

From the beginning, he was well aware that he and Yun Zhi were not from the same world.

No matter how strong his feelings for her were, they could never be together.

If that was the case, he mustnt ruin her innocence! Yun Zhis future shouldnt be destroyed by him!

And in the ring, Yao Chen saw everything that happened and felt relieved.

Let me make it clear in advance; the medicine she made wasnt what you might think.

Yao Chen knew very well how principled Xiao Yan was. If he had really acted under the influence of that type of medicine, he might feel remorseful afterward and could even risk his life to atone for it.

Xiao Yan was well aware that he shouldnt defile Yun Zhis purity, even if the medicine caused him to be a little more impulsive. It might make him follow his heart more, but they wouldnt attribute it to an external factor, just thinking it was a momentary lapse of control.

That was the reason why Yao Chen had concocted this medicine. She wanted to bind Yun Zhi to Xiao Yan, but she didnt want Xiao Yan to feel resentful. Although it was unlikely, Yao Chen couldnt be a hundred percent sure of Yun Zhis feelings towards Xiao Yan.

If Yun Zhi really didnt have any feelings for Xiao Yan in that aspect, the medicine would only make her feel hot, but wouldnt have any other exaggerated effects.

Seeing Yun Zhis reaction just now, the result was clear.

If both of them didnt have the desire for each other, they wouldnt have acted that way.

Xiao Yan was struggling to maintain his consciousness, completely forgetting Yao Chens presence. Otherwise, he might have sought her help immediately.

Unexpectedly, the one responsible for causing this situation was Yao Chen herself.

At this moment, Yun Zhi, who had waited for a long time without seeing the expected response, slowly opened her eyes. She looked at Xiao Yan, who was desperately resisting his inner desires, and her voice, which should have been cold, now sounded incredibly weak as she softly called out.

Xiao Yan Why dont you do it




This call completely broke Xiao Yans last resistance. Even Yao Chen thought that Xiao Yan was about to act according to his inner desire. But unexpectedly, Xiao Yan slapped his palm infused with Dou Qi on his head with force, then immediately lost consciousness and collapsed on the ground.

This scene left Yao Chen in a daze for a while.

Did this guy really act this decisively?

Yao Chen really didnt know what to say.

Its good to have restraint, but this level of restraint is beyond words.

(Well forget it, if you still cant accept it at this point, maybe you are not destined to be together, even though its your own doing.)

While Yao Chen was sighing, she noticed Yun Zhi, who had waited for so long without seeing the expected outcome. Yun Zhi slowly leaned towards Xiao Yan, who was resisting his inner desires, and muttered Xiao Yans name softly. Her tender pink lips imprinted deeply on Xiao Yans lips, their lips locked together.

It was easy to guess what would happen next.

According to common sense, as a teacher, Yao Chen should have immediately stepped in to stop them.


Yao Chen lightly touched her chin.

Anyway, Xiao Yan wouldnt suffer any loss, and the other party was willing, so its fine like this~

With that thought in mind, Yao Chen started to enjoy the spectacle before her. Soon, she noticed a blush on Yun Zhis face, which made her feel puzzled.

Wow~ So, shes still a virgin?

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