What Do You Call a Benevolent and Reasonable Person in Xianxia? An Impossibility! (BTTH)

Chapter 80: Bottom Line

Chapter 80: Bottom Line

Xiao Yan carried Xiao Yixian on his back and followed her instructions to arrive at a hidden cave below the cliff. As soon as they landed, Xiao Yixian jumped off while Xiao Yan remained half-kneeling on the ground, his face turning red.

Although he didnt actually hold onto Xiao Yixians waist, he could clearly feel her curvaceous figure pressed against his back! Sensing the turmoil in his heart, Xiao Yan didnt dare to be distracted even for a moment. He didnt even dare to touch Xiao Yixian lightly; she was still relying on her own strength to hang onto his back.

Until now, the only person who had made such an intimate gesture towards him was Xiao Mei. But lets not mention how Xiao Yan treated Xiao Mei like a younger sister for now; the truth was that Xiao Meis figure hadnt developed much, at least not compared to Xiao Yixian. It was only after Xiao Yixian leaned against his back that Xiao Yan realized the magnitude of his mistake. It would have been better to hold her waist!

(How embarrassing so embarrassing)

Seeing Xiao Yans current state, Yao Chen couldnt help but shake her head, this kid felt embarrassed just by this slight contact. If this got out, it would be even more embarrassing!

Xiao Yixian lit a torch and looked at Xiao Yan, who was slowly standing up from the ground with a hint of embarrassment on his face. Her eyes were filled with helplessness, and even the thought of mocking him had disappeared.

This guy, has he never seen a woman before? He cant handle even this?

Xiao Yixian shrugged lightly and then called out, Follow me.

Xiao Yan shook his head to calm his restless heart, stood up, and walked towards the cave with Xiao Yixian.

After walking for about a dozen meters, a thick stone door stood in front of them. Before Xiao Yixian could speak, Xiao Yan, who was somewhat excited, pointed at the stone door and said, I know this. You have to press some mechanism to open it, right?

When he was a child, he was most interested in the part of treasure hunting stories where they had to find the mechanisms. He had heard those stories from the elders in the clan.

Isnt that obvious? Why are you so excited?

Xiao Yixians words were like pouring cold water on him, instantly extinguishing Xiao Yans excitement. His childhood innocence and fantasies seemed to vanish at this moment.

Now, Xiao Yan truly understood what it meant to grow up.

(Well Im already an adult. I should try to be as mature as possible.)

Xiao Yan rubbed his neck and quietly watched Xiao Yixians figure as she searched for the mechanism.

Within moments, Xiao Yixian discovered a protruding rock on the side of the stone wall. Her face immediately brightened, and she pressed it down with her hand. The stone door in front of Xiao Yan and Xiao Yixian gradually opened, revealing the contents inside: countless gold coins, numerous precious herbs, and three very conspicuous treasure chests.

Its open! As expected of me!

Xiao Yixian joyfully rushed in, and Xiao Yan followed slowly, surveying the whole appearance of the secret chamber.

Wow so this is what a secret chamber looks like.

Xiao Yan sighed with amazement, but at that moment, Yao Chens excited voice suddenly resounded in his mind.

(Xiao Yan! Its Ice Spirit Blazing Grass!)

Ice Spirit Blazing Grass?

Xiao Yan was taken aback. Yao Chen had mentioned it before; it was a necessary herb for absorbing Heavenly Flame, just like the Blood Lotus Essence.

Xiao Yans gaze turned towards a prominent herb among the piled medicinal plants. It had fiery red petals but an icy crystal-like stem and leaves, exactly matching the characteristics of Ice Spirit Blazing Grass that Yao Chen had mentioned.

(To think that we would be able to encounter two rare medicinal plants for taming Heavenly Flame within a day Xiao Yan, your luck is really ama- ah!)

Just as Yao Chen was feeling happy, he suddenly noticed something and his words came to a halt, leaving Xiao Yan, who was about to put away the herb, furrowing his brow. His gaze shifted to a corner, and his pupils suddenly contracted.

There, sitting on a stone chair, was a skeleton. Next to the stone chair stood a stone tablet.

Looking at the inscriptions on the stone tablet, the last trace of joy in Xiao Yans heart completely dissipated.

This wasnt a treasure vault; it was a tomb

Sensing Xiao Yans change in emotions, Yao Chen panicked and quickly tried to persuade him.

(Well Xiao Yan, it says on top that as long as you dont disturb them, you can take it peacefully. Dont worry too much!)

For everything else, it could be overlooked, but Ice Spirit Blazing Grass was extremely precious. There was nowhere to buy it! When Yao Chen was still alive, she had risked her life and searched for an entire month in the extremely cold land just to find a single plant! Yao Chen didnt want Xiao Yan to go through that suffering again!

However, once Xiao Yan made a decision, even Yao Chen couldnt easily sway him, especially when it concerned his principles of righteousness.

No matter how precious the Ice Spirit Blazing Grass was, if it belonged to the tombs owner, Xiao Yan absolutely wouldnt touch it.

Taking something without permission is stealing, whether the other party is alive or dead.

If Xiao Yan broke his principles because of the preciousness of the Ice Spirit Blazing Grass, he was convinced that there would be another time.

Excuses are something you can find as many as you want, and a persons bottom line is gradually pressed down bit by bit.

Therefore, he couldnt make a single exception. Absolutely not.

Xiao Yans eyes showed determination as he approached the skeleton, clasping his hands together and closing his eyes in a sincere prayer. Then he walked towards the exit.

Meanwhile, Xiao Yixian, who had just taken out her digging tools from her waist pouch, noticed Xiao Yans actions and asked in confusion, Hey! Where are you going? Wont you take anything?

You can take them for yourself. Ill wait for you outside, Xiao Yan calmly responded.

Although he wouldnt take anything from the secret chamber, he wouldnt stop Xiao Yixian either.

For someone who follows their own path of righteousness, currently, only he needs to do so. Xiao Yan wouldnt force others to follow his path of righteousness. It was precisely because of this that Xiao Yan felt a unique fondness for Xiao Yixian, who was upright to the point of growing a distinct affection for the opposite sex.

Sensing Xiao Yans resolute mindset, Yao Chen sighed deeply.

This kid is really stubborn

But its precisely because of this that he possesses a righteousness that no one else can compare to. Thats why I believe in him so much

As Yao Chen contemplated, she wiped away her dissatisfaction.

Forget it, if I put myself in his shoes, I would also be displeased if someone intruded into my tomb for treasures after I died.

Yao Chen thought to herself, then suddenly noticed something and widened her eyes, shouting abruptly.

Be careful behind you!

Xiao Yan! Be careful!


In the instant Yao Chens words fell, the panicked voice of Xiao Yixian also reached Xiao Yans ears. He felt something ice-cold touch his shoulder, a sensation devoid of any signs of life, causing a chill to run down Xiao Yans spine. He immediately turned around and stepped back. After seeing what it was, his eyes revealed a look of astonishment.

It was the skeleton that had been sitting on the chair just moments ago! It was also the owner of this tomb!

(Whats going on? Is he still alive?!)

(No) Yao Chen softly denied and explained slowly, (He must have consumed some kind of gu worm during his lifetime. After sensing the presence of a living person, the skeleton would be awakened.)

As he spoke, Yao Chens tone also grew heavy.

(It seems that this person really wants to guard his inheritance)

After listening to Yao Chens words, Xiao Yans expression froze, and then he straightened his body, clasping his fists and bowing to the skeleton.

I have offended you by intruding upon your resting place. Please forgive this junior for this mistake! I will now take my companions and leave right away!

After speaking, Xiao Yan prepared to pass by the skeleton to pull Xiao Yixian out. At the same time, his body tensed, constantly vigilant of any movement from the skeleton.

His earlier bow was merely following his own path of righteousness, but Xiao Yan didnt believe that the skeleton still had any self-awareness.

According to Yao Chen, even if the skeleton suddenly attacked him, it wouldnt be impossible.

Therefore, he had to be on guard

If it was absolutely necessary

Apologies flashed in Xiao Yans eyes, along with a hint of ruthlessness.

He could only offend the owner of this tomb even further


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