What Do You Call a Benevolent and Reasonable Person in Xianxia? An Impossibility! (BTTH)

Chapter 83: There is Something Wrong With Your Brain

Chapter 83: There is Something Wrong With Your Brain

Xiao Yixians blatant mockery caused Mu Lis face to darken to an extreme extent, even making Xiao Yan, who was standing nearby, feel embarrassed.

Xiao Yixians words were incredibly venomous, as if she were ruthlessly trampling on Mu Lis dignity.

Well, well! Mu Li nodded angrily with a forced smile. Since youre putting it that way, I wont pretend anymore. Men, come!

Mu Li raised his hand abruptly, signaling his mercenaries to rush forward.

Mu Li, Xiao Yan spoke up suddenly, stepping in front of Xiao Yixian and softly saying, After all, it was Xiao Yixian who discovered this secret chamber first. Isnt it a bit overbearing to snatch it like this?

As Mu Li looked at Xiao Yan blocking Xiao Yixian, his face darkened slightly, and a trace of fear flickered in his eyes.

The image of Xiao Yan effortlessly killing two Second-Grade Magical Beasts earlier in the morning still haunted Mu Li. To be honest, he really wanted to avoid any conflict with Xiao Yan.

However, the treasures inside this cave were incredibly enticing. Just the aura emanating from the secret chamber convinced Mu Li that its contents were enough to establish the Wolf Head Mercenary Company as the dominant force among all other mercenary groups. Mu Li simply couldnt let it go.

But judging by Xiao Yans expression, he seemed to be a rather principled person. Even if he took something, it wouldnt be excessive. At most, he would share the treasures inside the secret chamber equally with Xiao Yixian.

In the worst-case scenario, if Xiao Yan didnt want what he had, Mu Li would only take what Xiao Yixian possessed.

Xiao Yan, this doesnt concern you. You can just leave, and I wont stop you, Mu Li said, making up his mind and adopting an extremely friendly tone towards Xiao Yan, while treating Xiao Yixian quite differently.

Naturally, Xiao Yixian noticed the stark contrast in Mu Lis attitude and understood the reason behind it. She sneered and stared at Mu Li.

Mu Li, you truly look pathetic. Besides being excessively greedy, it seems being a coward is also one of your outstanding qualities.

After observing their interactions for a while, Xiao Yixian had come to realize that when Xiao Yan had spoken those words earlier in the morning, he hadnt done it intentionally. He genuinely didnt comprehend his own power.

This persons way of thinking was entirely different from that of an average individual.

But Xiao Yan was unaware of this, while Xiao Yixian had a clear understanding.

Considering Xiao Yans demonstrated strength, effortlessly slaying two Second-Grade Magical Beasts earlier, Mu Li would only dare to oppose him if there was something wrong with his mind.

Although this would be the logical response for a rational person, when combined with Mu Lis condescending attitude towards her just moments ago, it disgusted Xiao Yixian even more.

Even though her time spent with Xiao Yan was relatively short compared to Mu Li, Xiao Yixian was extremely confident.

Xiao Yan was definitely not the type to bully the weak and cower before the strong.

You! Dont push it too far! Mu Lis anger intensified, causing his face to turn even redder upon hearing Xiao Yixians mocking words once again.

Observing this scene, Xiao Yan couldnt help but feel helpless.

Although he had gained some understanding from their brief conversation earlier, Mu Lis character did indeed appear rather despicable. However, Xiao Yixians sharp tongue showed no mercy

With Xiao Yixian leaving no room for dignity, issues that could have been resolved through words alone became impossible to settle, only escalating the situation.

There was no other option. While Mu Li had yet to lose his rationality due to Xiao Yixians verbal assaults, Xiao Yan quickly attempted to peacefully resolve the situation.

Brother Mu Li, calm down. Lets try to resolve this peacefully. It wont be beneficial for anyone if it escalates into a physical confrontation, Xiao Yan attempted to pacify him, but Mu Li remained unappreciative.

A peaceful resolution? Mu Li raised an eyebrow and glared fiercely at Xiao Yixian behind Xiao Yan. Does she look like she wants a peaceful resolution to you?

Well Hearing Mu Lis words, Xiao Yan awkwardly scratched his face and continued, I admit that Xiao Yixians words earlier were indeed not great. But I hope you can sit down and have a proper conversation with her. After all, were a team, and as long as we can have a peaceful discussion, Xiao Yixian wont be so unwilling to compromise

Before Xiao Yan could finish his sentence, Xiao Yixian abruptly interrupted from behind.

If he had started the conversation properly, I might have considered sharing with him. After all, I wouldnt have been able to find this place without his help, Xiao Yixian decisively sneered. But now, its out of the question. Spying on me with an insect was bad enough, and now he wants to take everything. Hes delusional! I wont give him a single gold coin!

Xiao Yixians words ignited the tension in the cave, instantly creating a hostile atmosphere.

Sensing an imminent explosion, Xiao Yan furrowed his brow tightly and looked at the increasingly cold Mu Li. He then retrieved the Ice Spirit Blazing Grass from his storage ring and presented it to Mu Li.

Brother Mu Li, this is the only item I obtained in the cave. Its an extremely valuable medicinal herb. I will give it to you. I hope you wont continue to argue with Xiao Yixian.

Xiao Yixian didnt want to give anything, and that was her prerogative. Xiao Yan wouldnt force her.

Although Mu Lis earlier words were somewhat domineering, they did hold some truth. Xiao Yixian was able to reach the cave because of their influence, and if it werent for Mu Li including her in the team, she wouldnt have obtained the Ice Spirit Blazing Grass. Therefore, even if she handed over the Ice Spirit Blazing Grass to Mu Li, Xiao Yan would only feel a bit regretful but not heartbroken. He simply hoped they could leave after this.

However, upon seeing Xiao Yans gesture, Yao Chen, who was inside the ring, felt her once-relaxed heart tighten.

The Ice Spirit Blazing Grass! It was the Ice Spirit Blazing Grass!

The tombs owner had directly given it to him, and she had finally breathed a sigh of relief. But now, he was going to give it away to these people for nothing? Couldnt this boy spare her some worries?!

Not only Yao Chen, even Xiao Yixian behind Xiao Yan was dumbfounded.


Hey hey hey hey hey!

Is there something wrong with your brain?! Are you really sick?!

You took this herb from the secret chamber, and now youre just giving it away for the sake of calming the situation I stirred up?!

Although Xiao Yixian had intended to give Xiao Yan the martial arts scrolls she didnt need, Xiao Yan was unaware of this. If he truly gave the Ice Spirit Blazing Grass to Mu Li, and she didnt plan to give him those martial arts scrolls, he would end up with nothing!

How could he make such a decision without hesitation?! He had the power to easily defeat them. Why would he opt for peaceful negotiations?!

You can be a good person, but you dont have to be this good!

Therefore, regardless of whether Xiao Yan was willing or not, Xiao Yixians conscience couldnt bear it any longer. She immediately rushed forward and forcefully grabbed Xiao Yans arm.

No! This cannot be given to him! Xiao Yixian forcibly pulled back the hand that held the Ice Spirit Blazing Grass and stared at Mu Li. She said, Mu Li, Ill give you half of what I obtained from the secret chamber. Will you be satisfied then?

Hearing Xiao Yixians words, Mu Lis expression remained dark, showing no signs of improvement. After a moment, a smile curled upon Mu Lis lips as he spoke slowly.

Xiao Yixian, is there something wrong with your hearing?

Huh? Xiao Yixian was stunned, not understanding what Mu Li was getting at.

Mu Li looked down on both of them and burst into laughter.

I just said that I want you to hand over everything to me, including the Ice Spirit Blazing Grass in Xiao Yans hand. And that includes you too!



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