What Do You Call a Benevolent and Reasonable Person in Xianxia? An Impossibility! (BTTH)

Chapter 96: Purple Crystal Winged Lion King

Chapter 96: Purple Crystal Winged Lion King

Deep within the Magical Beast Mountain Range, in a cave beside a waterfall, a young man sat cross-legged in front of a fiery-red medicine cauldron. His hands were placed on two metal snake mouths that hovered above the cauldron, and a continuous stream of fire attribute Dou Qi was injected into the metal snake mouths.

Beside the young man, a stunningly beautiful woman was floating in mid-air. Her body seemed somewhat transparent, and she frowned as she watched the young mans actions.

After a while, the young man suddenly opened his eyes, and the mouth of the medicine cauldron in the middle split open. A round, emerald-green pill floated out, and the young man grabbed it with excitement, then looked at the stunning woman beside him.

Senior Yao! Its a success!

Ah mhm

The stunning woman was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say, and nodded slightly with a somewhat numb expression.

These two people were Xiao Yan and Yao Chen.

With the help of Xiao Lan, Xiao Yan successfully escaped from Mu She and came to the deep parts of the Magical Beast Mountain Range to cultivate.

Nearly two months had passed since then.

During these two months, Xiao Yans progress in cultivation was quite remarkable.

Firstly, his strength had grown significantly. In just two months, he had advanced from a three-star Dou Zhe (Battle Practitioner, 2nd Level) to an eight-star Dou Zhe (Battle Practitioner, 2nd Level), a cultivation speed that shocked Yao Chen.

Other cultivation journeys are like climbing the mountain, but you are like soaring through it! In just two months, you jumped from three stars to eight stars. Although its only the Dou Zhe (Battle Practitioner, 2nd Level) level, you cant ascend like this without taking pills, can you? Even with pills, its not this fast!

The key problem was you havent taken any pills!

Yao Chen was truly stunned. Every time Xiao Yan leveled up, she would prepare the necessary items for him based on his new level. However, each time she carefully prepared the medicines according to his level, Xiao Yan would level up again!

Moreover, since the medicines were tailored precisely to Xiao Yans current level, the medicines prepared earlier became useless when he leveled up again.

After this happened a few times, Yao Chen didnt bother to prepare such meticulously tailored medicines anymore because she found out they were all useless for Xiao Yan.

Alright, the speed of cultivation was something Yao Chen could reluctantly accept. After all, there were people with such fast cultivation speed in her previous clan, although the speed Xiao Yan demonstrated still surprised her a bit.

However, there was something else that shocked Yao Chen even more.

Xiao Yans alchemy skills had progressed by leaps and bounds!

No, not just that.

The words leaps and bounds couldnt even describe how quickly Xiao Yans alchemy skills improved!

In just two months Just two months! From someone who knew nothing, not even how to start a fire in the furnace, to someone who could refine Tier 3 pills! The one Xiao Yan had just successfully refined was a Tier 3 pill!

Yao Chen felt like her head was going to explode. When she learned alchemy, her progress was nowhere near this fast

At this moment, Yao Chen began to doubt in her heart. Was it possible that her talent in alchemy wasnt as high as she thought? Was she just overestimating herself?

Compared to Yao Chens astonishment, Xiao Yan wasnt too surprised. He was only happy that he could grasp the knack of alchemy so quickly.

Not only alchemy, but also the Lion Roar and the flying Dou Technique, Purple Cloud Wings, taught by Xiao Yixian were now familiar to Xiao Yan. Moreover, he had almost mastered the Earth-ranked Dou Technique, Flame Splitting Tsunami, taught by Yao Chen.

Senior Yao! I feel that even if I encounter a Dou Shi (Battle Master, 3rd Level) now, I can fight them!

Fight against a Dou Shi (Battle Master, 3rd Level)?

Upon hearing Xiao Yans bold words, Yao Chen immediately rolled her eyes and couldnt help but think to herself.

Little Yanzi, youre being too modest, really.

With the mastery of those techniques, your current level, and your much-improved physique, not to mention a Dou Shi (Battle Master, 3rd Level), even a Da Dou Shi (Battle Grandmaster, 4th Level) would have a hard time winning against you, let alone just a Dou Shi (Battle Master, 3rd Level). Your strength alone would be enough to defeat them effortlessly.

Ultimately, after so many days, the only potentially useful medicine weve managed to refine is this Yao Chen sighed, taking out a small bottle of red medicine powder from her storage ring. Xiao Yan looked at the medicine powder and asked curiously, Senior Yao, Ive been meaning to ask, what is this medicine for?

The medicine powder was the medicinal materials Xiao Yan purchased from Yao Lao before leaving. Yao Chen had prepared it when she first started teaching him alchemy, but she never mentioned its purpose.

Dont worry about it. Its just something I refined for fun. I have this little hobby, Yao Chen replied calmly, putting the medicine bottle away. Of course, she couldnt reveal the true effect of this medicine to Xiao Yan.

Knowing Xiao Yans personality, if he found out what the medicine was for, he would either discard it immediately or be constantly wary of himself. In that case, the medicine would most likely never be used.

But without encountering that person, the medicine was useless.

Yao Chen couldnt help but sigh with some frustration as she looked at Xiao Yan. That person was your future Dou Huang (Battle Emperor, 7th Level) wife! How could you just let her go like that?

Naturally, Xiao Yan was unaware of Yao Chens thoughts. As for Yao Chens refusal to tell him the purpose of the medicine, he thought that she had her reasons and didnt continue to inquire. He stood up, picked up the Heavy Black Ruler leaning against the wall, and prepared to practice his martial skills for the day.

Xiao Yan! Help!

Suddenly, a roar echoed throughout the entire Magical Beast Mountain Range. The voice carried a powerful Dou Qi, and it was clear that it came from an extremely strong creature. Just by listening to the sound, any Magical Beast below the Fourth Tier would tremble in fear.

However, Xiao Yan felt no fear, but merely frowned slightly. Trouble again?

That creatures species is like this. Although they are naturally high-leveled, their offspring are weaker than first-tier Magical Beasts and often die young. Thats also why their population is scarce, Yao Chen explained calmly. Anyway, lets hurry over; it could be troublesome if were late.


Xiao Yan nodded and immediately activated his Purple Cloud Wings, flying rapidly toward the direction of the roaring sound.

A few minutes later, Xiao Yan arrived at the destination, retracted his Purple Cloud Wings, and landed on the ground. He looked at the enormous cave in front of him from where an incredibly powerful aura emanated. Ordinary people would definitely steer clear of such a cave.

The Magical Beasts that could live in such caves were definitely not something they could provoke.

However, Xiao Yan showed no fear. He walked quickly into the cave until he reached the depths. There, he saw a massive creature with its back turned to him. When it heard the footsteps behind it and turned around to see Xiao Yan, its beast face clearly showed joy.

If there were experienced mercenaries present, they would undoubtedly turn pale at the sight of the creature before Xiao Yan.

It was the ruler of the Magical Beast Mountain Range, a sixth-rank Magical Beast that rivaled a Dou Huang (Battle Emperor, 7th Level)the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King!

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