What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 444 My Maid Can Be Quite Ruthless

Chapter 444 My Maid Can Be Quite Ruthless

Ok… Let's recap… Two different versions of Tiara came through the portal who were both half dead… They tried to attack our Tiara but then they died and broke two of the chains holding her.

Now another Tiara came through the portal and this one was fully armoured and not half dead, but she also wanted to attack our Tiara too so the King is now fighting her.

Uh-huh, when I woke up from bed this morning, this was not how I thought my day would go.

"Sister Aster? Should we help?" Odeta asked, pointing a finger at the two women currently locked in combat.

Katsuki nodded at the King, "It's obvious that the King is struggling against her just because she has the face of her daughter."

Well… I mean… I already know the King dotes on Tiara a lot so I don't think she could go all out even if she knew the Tiara in front of her was not her actual daughter.

The armoured Tiara did not seem like she had any qualms killing the King though, as she ruthlessly smashed her shield against the King's side, the monarch barely raising her sword in time to block the blow.

"Tch… If this was my dimension's version of Father… She would have already been cut down the moment she stepped through the portal," The older Tiara muttered beside me.

So there's even that kind of difference between dimensions? I wonder what would happen if I met an alternate version of myself? Would I be friends or mortal enemies with them?

The King shoved her sword against the shield, pushing the armoured Tiara back.

"You would even try to kill your own father?"

The armoured Tiara narrowed her eyes at the King, "I have no father, only two mothers!"

Err… I mean… In King Justinia's case… Isn't that basically the same thing but with… You know what, maybe that dimension is also different. What do I know?

She leapt towards the King again, her sword stabbing at her throat.

The King parried the sword away but ended up needing to leap back when the armoured Tiara tried to swing her shield towards her head once more.

"Then why have you come here?! Are you also one of the chains that is preventing my Tiara from being free?!" The King roared.

"What nonsense are you talking about?! It is that abomination and a poor version of me that is causing the chaos that is happening in my dimension! More than two thirds of our country has gone up in flames and I have finally tracked down the cause of this! If I were to kill her, everything would be restored!"

The armoured Tiara tried to swing her sword at King Justinia's head again, only to have it parried away with an almost casual wave of the sword by the King.

She then tried to swing her shield once again but the King raised her foot and kicked her in the chest to shove her back before she could.

"That is my daughter you are trying to kill! If we can break the chains and free her, I can bring her back to our dimension instead! The demons are using her to cause chaos and I wager it's also the cause for your dimension's chaos!"

The armoured Tiara brushed her chest with a hand, "Hmph! Kill her now and solve all the problems or waste time finding another way? If I have to pick my dimension and your dimension, which one do you think I will choose to save? Definitely not yours!"

Both women clashed again, their weapons meeting in a flurry of sparks.


I turned to look at Katsuki who had her head bowed to me, "Eh? What is it?"

"If you would allow me to, I would end the fight as soon as possible. The portal is still increasing in size as the two of them continue their little fight."

I looked at the portal and sure enough, it was still getting bigger by the second.

Ugh… I'm sorry your Majesty… But I will have to go with Katsuki's suggestion on this.

I nodded at the Inugami maid and she bowed one more time before straightening herself.

She then suddenly disappeared from where she had been standing andI turned to the fight to see King Justinia and the armoured Tiara locking their swords together.

Right then, the armoured Tiara's eyes widened before her body went slack, right before blood spurted out from her neck that almost splashed against the King had she not leapt out of the way at the last second.

The armoured Tiara toppled onto the ground without a word and another chain holding our Tiara shattered.

The King scowled at Katsuki who was silently cleaning her dagger beside the dead body of the armoured Tiara, "What do you think you're doing?!"

Katsuki turned to look at the King with one eye, "Your Majesty… May I remind you that our own World is in danger of being invaded by demons as we speak? We now know how to break the chains to save the princess and in turn, save the Kingdom. Yet you're hesitating in doing what must be done. Can you still call yourself a King in spite of such a failure?"

I panicked at the tone my Inugami maid was using. Even if you're right, she's still the King, you know?! What could we do if she were to order the execution of Katsuki for lese-majesty or something?!

I'll have to take her, Odeta, Delmare and Lisa to run out of the country! Ugh… How do I explain this to Mother? Should I just take Katsuki and run while I can? But Tiara would--

"My apologies, you are right, of course," The King apologised, making me do a double take.

Ok, I may not be that familiar with all the common sense of this World but even I know that a King does not just apologise to their subjects just like that, even if they were indeed in the wrong.

Katsuki tucked the cloth she was using to clean her blade behind her apron, "If you were to continue endangering my Mistress again, I will not stand idly by."

"I understand."

Wait, really? This is about me again?

At this point, I'm guessing that Mother might be the previous King or at least one of the ruling generations before she stepped down and passed the role to the future generations and retired. This would certainly explain the level of influence and power she had and why she was granted so many privileges.

I would also assume that the servants she trained also functioned as some sort of secret service for the Royal Family and maybe even as a way to prevent tyrannical monarchs from coming into power.

I know Mother would not admit to this but this was what I can guess was the case with Mother since it would answer so many questions I have about our Family.

Maybe if I were to question Katsuki… No… If I knew Mother, she would have only told Katsuki what she needed to know and nothing more because she knows for a fact that Katsuki would prioritise me over the Family.

Ugh… I don't care anymore… I want sweets…

Right then, the mirror shifted and changed from its earlier indigo colour to a violet before another Tiara stepped out.

This Tiara was almost the same as the armoured one where she was completely healthy though she wore leather armour instead of plate armour this time.

Incidentally, a sword that looked like a katana was strapped to her waist.

Katsuki looked at her, "Are you also here to kill the Princess that is currently chained up over there?"

The katana Tiara shifted her gaze to the dead Tiaras that laid around the room before addressing Katsuki, "I take it that I am not the first to attempt it… Let me start by saying that my dimension is currently beset by demons. The only way to banish them back to their accursed plane is to cut off this dimension's version of me and sever the connection. If I have to cut through you to do it, then so be i--"

She suddenly stopped talking mid sentence and I noticed that Katsuki was no longer standing at where she had been a moment ago.

A second passed and the katana Tiara fell forward before blood poured out from under her.

Katsuki stepped out from behind her corpse, once again cleaning her dagger with a cloth she pulled out from under her uniform's apron like no big deal.

On cue, another chain holding our Tiara shattered leaving three left.

"As… Expected of a Nilm Family's maid…" The King muttered, loud enough for us to hear.

"If I am unable to do at least this much, then I am unworthy of being Mistress's personal maid."

The mirror then changed to red, allowing another Tiara to step out before immediately changing to orange to deposit a second one right behind her.

The first one was dressed like an actual princess with her white gown while the other one was wearing simple cloth armour with a bow held in her hands.

Both of them saw the dead Tiaras around the room and did not even bother with a greeting before aiming at the chained up Tiara, the first one revealing herself as a mage as she started to chant a spell.

Katsuki reacted just as quickly and both of them fell even before their attacks could be released, shattering another two chains and leaving just the final one.

She really is ruthless…

The mirror shifted once again and… It returned back to being a mirror.

Eh? Wait… Where's the last Tiara needed to break the cha-- Oh…

Oh no…

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