What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 326 Time To Relax... Ouch

We got a nice bonus for being the first party to reach the bottom floor and completing the Dungeon. In addition to selling off all the Mana Crystals we've acquired as well, it netted us quite a bit of profit.

In total, we received two hundred and fifty Creas from this Dungeon expedition.

Considering we basically earned what a normal labourer might earn in two years in just a week, this is a lot of money. All we had to do was risk our lives for it~

I thought we would be splitting this money with Edir but when I received the money from the Guild staff, I realised that Edir had already left.

Perhaps she did not want to be further indebted to me by receiving the money and feel obligated to stay as my slave longer?

Since she already ran off, there wasn't anything else for us to do but to go back home~

"Welcome back, Young Mistress. Did you have a good time in the Dungeon?" Mary asked as soon as I walked through the main doors.

I wasn't even surprised to find her waiting there like she already expected me to come home at that exact time.

"It was fun but tiring~" I groaned, stretching my arms overhead.

I spent an entire week sleeping on the Dungeon floor after all, since I'm not crazy enough to stuff an entire bed into my Pack of Folding.

"Wahahaha! But it was fun, wasn't it, Sister Aster?" Odeta laughed beside me.

Well, I guess fun is subjective since there's people out there who consider bashing Rat heads with your fists and crushing them beneath your feet fun.

But I did enjoy my time there with everyone at least, especially considering how many sweets I could buy with the money I earned here~

Mary bowed her head, "If Young Mistress wishes to use it, the bath is already prepared for use, Young Mistress."

Oh~ That's nice~ I could do with a bath since all we had was dousing ourselves with my [Aqua Ball] and wiping down with a cloth.

Sure, I had my boon that ensured I smelt nice but the grimy feeling of being dirty still remained. Just having a sponge bath isn't enough to get rid of that feeling! I need a bath!

Odeta and I were thus led to the baths while Katsuki returned to her normal duties.

Mary helped me strip down to the nude before Odeta and I jumped into the bath and soaked ourselves in the warm water. We were that exhausted that we didn't bother washing ourselves first and just jumped in.

"Ahhhhh~ This is the life~" I groaned, feeling myself relax in the water.

"Mnnggh… Going out with Sister Aster is always fun~" Odeta sighed, also letting herself drift off.

I was just starting to feel a little sleepy when I felt another person enter the bath.

"Please excuse us, Young Mistress."

I looked up to find out it was Tracey joining us in the bath, the Infrid maid also just as naked as we were.

Following behind her was Ulyia, the Amrap maid whose chest was twice as big as my head.

"Allow us to wash you, Young Mistress~" Tracey explained, though the smile on her face told me they had other things planned aside from just washing.

I looked to the side to see that Odeta had already dozed off, though I doubt it would affect the outcome much even if she was still awake.

The two of them then started to run their hands all over my body with Tracey taking the front and Ulyia taking my back.

I had completely expected them to start doing things to me but surprisingly, they were actually just cleaning me and nothing more.

Sure, Tracey's hands did use a bit more strength to grope my chest and also spent a bit longer than needed to stroke my shaft… And I guess Ulyia had also pressed her own chest against my back enough times that I knew it was not accidental.

But other than that, nothing happened.

I was even starting to think that I read their intentions wrong.

When they were done, Tracey moved back from me before gesturing towards the edge of the bath, "Young Mistress, let us dry you off here and we'll help you with a massage."

Eh? I thought they would just let me soak in the bath but it looked like they had a massage table set up for me beforehand.

Well… I'm not gonna say no to that, especially since I did feel a little sore after spending so long in the Dungeon.

I got out of the bath as they had asked before making my way to the massage table. The two maids then dried me off with a towel before letting me lay down on my stomach on top of the massage table.

"I didn't know you knew how to give massages," I muttered while I got comfortable on top of the massage table.

Tracey giggled, "Fufu~ Young Mistress's comfort is our main priority after all~ As long as Young Mistress requires it, we are able to do it for you~"

That's quite a claim, though I would have to say that they're definitely doing a really good job so far.

"Is there anywhere that Young Mistress would like to be worked on?" Ulyia asked, pouring what I assume to be some massage oil on her hands.

"Mmm… I guess my back and my legs since I've used them quite a bit in the Dungeon?"

"Oh~ Leave it to me then! I'll make sure you'll feel better by the end!"

I relaxed myself on the table as the two maids went to my sides to start the massage.

I let out my breath just as I felt their hands rest on my legs and…


"AHHHHHH!!!" I screamed as I felt a tremendous amount of force press down on my legs.

"Oh my, you're quite tense, Young Mistress," Ulyia commented as she continued pressing down on my legs.

More pain erupted from the back of both my shins as the two maids pressed down on my muscles even harder.

"AHHH!! Ouch, ouch, ouch!!"

Tracey frowned, "We're going to need to work on this part as well, Young Mistress. You really have been working yourself quite hard. Your muscles are all so tensed up."

They slid their hands down my legs which only intensified the pain and made me see stars, neither of them seemed concerned by the fact that I was literally screaming out in pain.

This was even more painful than having that Rat Shadow Stalker bite my shoulder!! OR even having my wing burned by my own [Laser]!!

I was expecting this to be the relaxing kind of massage! Not the one that would make me scream out in pain!!

Heedless of the state I was in, Ulyia moved up and pressed down on my back, causing a distinct 'crack' sound to echo around the bath.

A mixture of both pain and relief washed over me but the pain was much more pronounced than the relief so I let out another scream again.

"My, my, Young Mistress… You really are stiff. We might need to make this a daily thing from now on. It seems like it's been a while since you've actually relaxed," The Amrap maid commented, moving up to crack the next segment of my spine.

"ARRGHHHH!!" Was my eloquent response, especially since Tracey had moved on to my ankles and started kneading the muscles there.

I would have arched my back and maybe even fallen off the table from the pain but the two of them were holding me down to the table where the only thing I could do was grip the edges of the table with my hands tightly.

Not good… I didn't think this would hurt this much!!

"Wai… Wai--"

Before I could even complete my words, Ulyia shifted from using her hands to press her elbow down on my back which made another 'crack' sound. My vision went white for a moment from the pain and I found myself face down on the table again.

"Oh dear… Young Mistress really has quite a stiff back… Perhaps next time we should try stepping on your back first," Ulyia noted, right before using her hands to press down on my shoulder blades and muffling my screams of pain.

Tracey giggled, "Ehehe~ I believe it's because Young Mistress has to carry such bountiful assets all day~ Don't worry, Young Mistress~ We'll have you all loosened up in no time!"

She then kneaded her knuckles along the soles of my feet and it felt as though sharp needles had inserted themselves through the bottom of my foot.

I have no idea how this is supposed to loosen me up but I definitely felt my grip on reality loosening from all the pain as I writhed and screamed under the two maids.

"Please excuse me, Young Mistress~" Ulyia whispered before taking my hand in hers.

She slipped her fingers in between mine to entwine them and no, there was nothing lewd about this because she clenched her hand at the very next moment and it felt like my fingers were being torn off.

I screamed again, even as she moved to my other hand and did the same thing.

If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that this was some kind of torture session for me…

I've definitely had my share of massages in my previous life but I can safely say that I have never experienced one as intense and as painful as this.

I thought this was supposed to be sexy times, not torture time…

But still… I think the most impressive thing was that Odeta somehow slept through the entire thing.

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