What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 342 I Grew A Little

I let out a loud yawn as I stretched my arms overhead, awakening to a new morning on Finaday.

There's no lessons for me today but I'm still planning to head to school since Delmare and Odeta still had lessons today.

I swung out of bed right as the door to my room opened.

"Good morning Mistress, I see you have chosen to get out of bed yourself this morning," Katsuki greeted me.

"Ehehe~ I can't always bother you so early in the morning can I? Besides, you wake up earlier than I do~"

"As your maid, it would be completely unacceptable for me to be asleep while you are already awake, Mistress."

That's Katsuki for you, as serious as always~

I got out of bed and she immediately moved to my side, her figure actually disappearing from my view to reappear beside me in the exact same pose.

Woah… Looks like she had trained herself quite a bit to move that fast now. Before this, I could still see the vague shape of her moving through the air but now it looked like she had teleported.

She then started helping me out of my pyjamas and into my dress that she had already prepared beforehand.

"Are you still training with Sebastian?" I asked while she was rolling up one of my stockings to put on my foot.

"Yes I am Mistress."

"And you're still training on top of your duties? Actually… What other duties do you have aside from serving me?"

"Learning how to serve you better from Mary, Mistress," She told me curtly while pulling my stockings up to my thigh.

Wow… She really is serious…

"You should rest properly when you're tired, ok? It's not good to overwork yourself!"

"Do not worry Mistress, I am taking my breaks properly. I would not be able to train properly if I was too exhausted," She assured me, helping me slip into my bra.

"That's good~ Nngh… Umm.. Katsuki, I think you pulled it a little too tight…" I groaned when I felt my chest being constricted a little.

Katsuki unclapsed the bra quickly, "I have not, Mistress. It seems like your chest has just grown bigger."

I gasped, "No way!! Really?! But it hasn't even been a year!"

To my surprise, Katsuki actually reached forward and started bouncing my boobs up and down from behind.

"Hmm… It certainly feels a little heavier, Mistress. Your chest has indeed grown bigger."

I would really want to know how she was able to tell with just that but I doubt I would get a straight answer.

I cupped my own chest, "Ugh… What should I do then? I don't think I have any bra that is bigger in size, do I?"

"Actually, you do, Mistress."

"Wait, I do?"

"Yes, the Madam has prepared some extra sets for you here."

She went to my wardrobe and pulled out a new set of underwear, this one in a really sexy black colour that I most definitely do not remember buying.

Katsuki then helped me put it on and it was a perfect fit.

"When did I ever have this?" I asked.

"Madam bought it for you a few weeks ago, Mistress."

… So that meant she already knew my size even before this? Mothers are scary…

Katsuki then helped me put on the rest of my clothes quickly with practised efficiency and she was soon brushing my hair in front of my dresser.

There was a knock on my door and both Katsuki and I turned towards it to see who it was.

"It's Mama~ Could I come in, my little one?"

"Of course Mommy!"

She opened the door and stopped the moment she saw me.

"Oh my~ Did my little one's boobies get bigger? I see my cutest child is wearing the underwear Mama bought for you~"

Ok… I first need to say that right now, I am fully dressed and not in my underwear. So how did she even know?! And really?! She could tell I got bigger just by sight from all the way over there?!

Also… I definitely did not expect Mother to say 'boobies'.

Mother then came up behind me and took the hair brush from Katsuki, "Allow me, little Katsuki~ Why don't you go help Mary set the table for breakfast?"

My Inugami maid bowed, "Of course Madam. Please excuse me, Mistress."

I waved at her while Mother took over brushing my hair.

"Ufufufu~ My little one is growing up so fast~ Does my dearest child remember? Mama would use to do this for you~"

"Yes, Mommy…"

I mean… It's not like I chose to grow up this fast… I didn't even know that Meslatars mature physically so fast… Then again, Mother did say that I was an anomaly even amongst the Meslatars…

"My child is having a date with Delmare this weekend, yes?"

"Hmm? Oh! Yes, I am!"

"Ara, ara~ Would my little one mind going out with Mama the next time you are free then?"

Ah, I suppose that it has been a while since I last spent time with my Mother alone. Right now it's all just limited to meal times at home even on the weekends.

"Of course, Mommy~ Where should we go though?"

"Ufufufu~ I know just the place~ Although my little one will just have to wait to find out~"

Ohhh~ Maybe Mother knows another sweet store within the capital or something! Ehehehe~ I'm already looking forward to it!

Mother then did a few more strokes on my hair with the brush before pulling back, "All done, my dear~ Ufufufu~ My little one is beautiful as always~"

I giggled, "Thank you Mommy~ Ehehehe~ I get it from you after all~"

"Ara, ara? My own child is after my own heart~ You're going to make it hard for Mama to hold back, you know?"

Not sure what she was holding back on but ok?

The both of us then proceeded to the dining room where we found Delmare and Odeta already there waiting for us.

"Sister Aster!! Good morning!!"

"Aster! Over here!"

"Good morning, you two~" I greeted them.

I sat in between them at the table while Mother sat opposite us, beginning our breakfast as Mary and Katsuki served us.

"Is Aster looking forward to our date tomorrow?" Delmare asked.

"Ehehe~ Of course I am~ I don't suppose you're going to tell me where we're going?"

"It's a secret! I'm sure you'll enjoy it though!" She assured me confidently.

"Wahaha! Did you know, sister Aster? Del got confessed to by a boy yesterday!" Odeta laughed.

I turned to the Siren, "Really? Who was it?"

Delmare shook her head while hiding her face, "I don't know… I didn't ask. He just called me and then asked me out so I just rejected him immediately. He didn't even tell me his name."

"Ahahaha! More like he didn't even get the chance to tell you his name, Del!" Odeta chortled. "You immediately wrote the word 'No' in big letters before he could even finish saying what he wanted to say!"

I giggled, "I'm not surprised you got confessed to since you are really beautiful after all~"

Delmare blushed, "Not… Not as… Not as beautiful as you, Aster… Awawawa~"

Awww~ Just look at her~ She got embarrassed just from saying that~ She's so cute~"

It's still true that I'm not surprised that she was confessed to, but I wonder just who it was that actually went to do it? After all, she's barely been transferred into our school for a month.

Katsuki then spoke up from behind me, "If Mistress is interested in knowing. It's Lucas from your class."

Ah. The pervert huh? Then I'm even less surprised that it happened… He did request to see my panties without any shame after all…

That reminds me… Did I tell Andrew not to touch Delmare? If I find out that he tried to use his [Dating Sim] bane on her, I would definitely go and beat him up.

I better make a note to find him later in school before he gets any ideas.

Though I'm pretty sure if he already tried, I would have heard about it from either Delmare herself or Odeta.


I turned to Delmare, "Has anyone by the name of Andrew approached you and asked you for sex?"

What?! I just wanted to make sure, ok?! It's a completely normal question!

Delmare blinked at me, "Umm… No, Aster. Should there be?"

"Oh, no. I was just asking, don't worry about it."

"Oh! I remember that guy! I heard he tried to ask sister Aster to have sex with him too, right?"

I didn't get to say anything before Delmare let out a shriek, "WHAT?! WHO?! Tell me who he is and I'll give him a piece of my mind for even thinking he can even try and do something so uncouth to Aster!!"

Wow, Delmare… I didn't know you had such strong feelings against that…

"Relax Delmare~ Nothing happened. He's just some dumb boy who's really horny. I gave him a stern talking to so he won't try again.

"I still want to give him a slap though! I'll go and slap him in school today!"

Mmhmm… I better go warn him not to touch my Siren.

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