What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 349 I'm Just Here For The Royal Sweets

While I was coming to terms with the fact that I had been living a life comparable to the Royal Family, Mother continued to guide me deeper into the ballroom where it was filled to the brim with various nobles and their families.

There was a small commotion when we entered and I realised we were already the centre of attention from how the nobles were reacting to us. Which I guess I shouldn't be surprised about considering how the others have reacted to us outside so far.

But what surprised me was that while the other nobles outside had avoided us completely, there was one of them who actually approached us.

"Good evening, Madam Nilm, I didn't think you would be joining us tonight," A middle aged man greeted us with a friendly smile.

He was a little shorter than Mother and had a full head of hair that was beginning to grey at the sides, matching the colour of his beard that he had trimmed into mutton chops. He was not exceptionally muscular but he had definitely trained his body before to have that lean build of his.

Mother gave him a smile in return, "Good evening Duke Arlta, I see you have also chosen to attend as well."

"Oh how can I not? The third prince is the one that has organised this ball himself, there's no way I would miss out on something like this!"

"Ufufufu~ That is very true. I understand your sentiments very well."

"That's right! Oh wait! Don't tell me you're also here for him?!"

"Ara, ara? Do you think someone like me would be interested in him? Ufufufu~ That is not possible, Duke Arlta. I am merely here to have fun with my dearest, cutest child~"

Eh? Did Mother really just…

The Duke's eyes widened and he shifted his gaze to me, though it looked like his line of sight was a little off centre which I assume it's because of the mask's effects preventing him from seeing my features.

I don't know what I should do so I just waved at him a little lamely.

"Your… Child?!" He repeated, completely shocked.

"Ufufufu~ That's right~"

He moved a little closer and lowered his voice to a whisper, "I apologise for being so forward but… How is that possible?"

"Fufufu~ It's a miracle granted by the Gods of course~"

He blinked at her for a few seconds before slowly nodding, "I see, I see. That would explain it. And how is your child?"

I noted that he deliberately kept the question vague.

"Ufufufu~ She is beautiful. So beautiful that I fear if the mask is taken off, the prince might want her for himself~"


"Ahahaha! Now you're just making me more curious! Is this why she's participating, Madam Nilm?"

"Ufufufu~ Of course not~ We are merely here to enjoy ourselves~ My little one already has a harem of her own so there is no way she would join the prince's harem~"

Motheeeeeerrr!! Staaaahp!

"Oh? I assume that the maid behind her is one?"

"Ufufufu~ Duke Arlta knows your stuff indeed~"

"Ahaha! You give me too much credit Madam Nilm! In that case, I shall not disturb your time with your little one! Please enjoy the party, ladies!"

"Ara, ara~ How courteous of you. Shall we, my dear?"

I nodded, not willing to look at Mother since my face must be really red right now and she's the only one who could see my face clearly.

The only good thing was that no one seemed to have heard our conversation, which I found a little weird considering how loud the Duke was. Then I figured it must have been some kind of magic item being used to prevent others from eavesdropping.

"Mommy… Is it really alright to let that Duke know about us?"

"Ufufufu~ He is a trustworthy friend so my little one need not worry~ If you are in need of help and for whatever reason you cannot rely on Mama, you can seek his family for help too."

"Unn… Ok, Mommy… But what is this about me joining the prince's harem?"

Before she could answer, the music in the hall suddenly stopped and a herald appeared at the other end.

"Announcing the arrival of the Third Prince of Lehcarouc Kingdom! His Highness Lucius Lehcarouc!"

The double doors at the end of the hall opened and a young man who looked to be in his early twenties entered the ballroom.

His hair was blonde in colour and his striking blue eyes were easy to see even from this distance. He was also sporting an extended goatee moustache which complimented his high cheekbones.

There was no question he was the prince with the pure white uniform and the golden sword that was also strapped to his waist.

"Are the king and queen not coming, Mommy?" I asked.

"Ufufufu~ Not for this one~ The prince is the one who organised this so it's a private event~"

"It's to celebrate an achievement of his or something, right?"

"Ufufufu~ In a sense, that is correct~"

I waited for Mother to elaborate but she did not seem to be willing to say any more than that.

The prince picked up a glass of wine from a server nearby and raised his glass towards the attendees, "Good evening everyone, I thank you all for attending my ball today! Please enjoy the food and entertainment I have prepared for everyone! A toast to the prosperity of the Kingdom! Cheers!"

There was a soft cheer from the people gathered as they raised their own glasses of wine in response to the prince.

I wonder if it was fine that neither Mother nor myself had any?

Mother then released my arm, "Ufufufu~ Does my little one wish to go and play for a bit?"

"Eh? What do you mean, Mommy?"

She then gestured to the side and I turned to see an entire row of tables that was piled high with rows upon rows of… SWEETS!!

I turned back to Mother, "Ca… Can I, Mommy?!"

"Ufufufu~ This is why Mama brought you here after all~"

I quickly gave Mother a hug, "I love you Mommy!!"

She giggled and hugged me back before letting me run towards the table full of sweets where I busied myself with piling up my plate full of the various sweets they had prepared.

Ahhhh! There's so many different kinds of sweets! I can't help but want to taste every single one of them!

The cakes are so good! And the fruit tarts too!! Ahhh! The chocolate and the flavoured dips!! Ahhhhh!! They're all so good!!

"Mistress, please excuse me."

I was vaguely aware of Katsuki saying something to me before she started wiping my mouth with a handkerchief.

She then presented me with another plate piled high with sweets, presumably something she had helped me gather since I was finishing my current plate.

Ahhhh~ I love you, Katsukiiiiii!!

I took the plate from her and immediately continued stuffing my face once again, utterly lost in the sweetness~

Mmmmm!! This lemon cream tart is absolutely delicious! And these macarons are also so full of flavour!! They're all so good!

As expected of sweets prepared by the Royal chefs!

"Umm… Excuse me?"

I paused in the act of licking my fingers clean of the chocolate when I heard a voice calling out nearby.

Turning around, I saw a young girl who can't be older than sixteen standing in front of me and wearing a very classy red dress that hugged her body.

"Mmm? Can I help you?" I asked.

"Umm… Yes… I was wondering what you are doing here?"

I looked down at my plate that still had a few cakes on them, "Eh? Eating sweets I suppose? I'm sorry, do you want one?"

"Huh? Oh! Umm… No, thank you. I was just curious why you aren't talking to the prince?" She gestured behind her.

I looked at where she was pointing to see the third prince currently being surrounded by an entire bunch of girls who were all trying to chat with him. All of the girls were also around this girl's age where the youngest was probably around thirteen and the oldest probably in their early twenties as well.

To the side, several of the adults who I assume to be the girls' parents watched over them secretly while trying to act like they were busy talking to each other.

I turned back to the girl, "Umm… Not really? I don't personally know the prince anyway so I'm not interested in him?"

The girl looked shocked by my answer, "Eh? Wait… Are you really just here to eat sweets and not talk to the prince?"

Why is this girl so surprised by this? Is it some kind of courtesy where I need to go talk to the host of the party before I start eating their sweets or something?

Eh… Actually if you were to put it like that… That would be a given of course…

Taking my silence as an affirmation, she clasped her hands together, "I see! Thank you for letting me know! You're definitely not compatible with him after all!"

She then ran off towards the prince with glee.

Ah… I get it now… This ball is for the prince to find wives…

So that's what the previous conversation with the Duke was about…

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