What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 371 At The Cookie Shop With The Princess

With the princess in my arms, I 'snuck' through the gardens again to the gates, aiming to leave the same way I came.

This time, I did encounter a patrol of guards and they definitely spotted me since our eyes met. Though I'm not sure what they saw since I was wearing the mask and the hood as well.

Nevertheless, they quickly turned around and walked in the opposite direction to avoid us, pretending to not have seen us at all.

I managed to reach the wall and jump over it without any other fuss.

"Ehehe~ This is really exciting~" Tiara whispered, trying her best to keep her voice down despite having a big grin on her face.

"First time sneaking out?" I asked.

She nodded her head meekly, "I never dared to try… I always had Aria watching me and I was afraid that the bad people might try to eat me… But with big sister, I know that they won't stand a chance against you!"

I wonder where she got that confidence from? Did I ever show her my strength before? Or is it just because Odeta told her that I was stronger than she was?

Well, not that it matters right now since we're going to have sweets~

Since we were already past the palace walls, I thought that flying there would be an easier way to reach there.

"It might be a bit late to ask this since I leapt off the balcony with you earlier but… You're alright with heights, right?" I asked.

"Ehehe~ Of course! I lived in a tall tower since I was young after all, ehehe~"

I don't know if that is a good or bad thing…

Since she was ok with it, I leapt into the skies again, flapping my wings to generate the force needed to lift us into the night sky.

I quickly found the market street that the shop was located on and angled myself there, aiming to glide towards the shop leisurely.

In just barely a minute, we had reached the street and I landed a short distance away from the shop in an alleyway without a sound.

It was not that late in the night yet so the market was still open for the evening crowd.

I'm sure if I had landed out in the open, I would have drawn quite a bit of attention and the princess's identity might get exposed.

That's why I even made use of [Shadow Wall] to hide us in the darkness of the night while we were flying.

The princess got down from my arms, though she looked a little disappointed to do so.

"Aww… Why couldn't we fly for a little longer?"

I giggled, "Fufufu~ If my princess wishes to fly, I can always just bring you out to fly around above our estate the next time you come over."

She looked at me with sparkly eyes, "Can I? I wanna!"

"Ufufu~ One thing at a time ok? We have sweets first~"

"Oh that's right! Hurry big sister! Or else they're going to be sold out!!"

I made sure the both of us had our hoods up and our faces obscured properly before making our way towards the end of the street where the shop was.

There was already a small queue there, mostly of young ladies or couples queuing together.

Heck, there was even a guy with four girls hanging on his arms flirting with each other while in the queue. The other males were looking at him with glares of barely hidden envy and I'm just glad I had not thought of bringing Katsuki, Odeta, Delmare and Lisa along…

That group was even making kissy faces at each other, though the fact that they did not actually kiss might mean they weren't that serious in their relationship yet.

Still, the fact that the guy had a harem was already proof that he was someone that was quite capable. Judging by the fashionable and classy clothes he was wearing, he's most likely some kind of noble too or at least quite wealthy.

Welp… Nothing to do with me so I just went ahead to queue up at the back of the line with the princess who was barely containing her excitement.

"Big sister! What should we get? Do you think their cookies will be as good as ours? Maybe we can ask them for the recipe and have our chefs make them?"

"Fufu~ I highly doubt that they will be willing to give away their recipes just like that."

"Ehhhh… I'm sure if big sister asked, they would be willing to!"

I actually believe her, but I don't think there's a need for that.

My boon, [Tastes Like Agony], would allow me to figure out what the food is made up of anyway so I could probably just tell them what the ingredients are and have them experiment with it.

Not to mention the fact that we have Trasif maids back at home so they would probably have an idea of this too.

The line was slowly moving forward and the guy went in with his harem, sparing us of the PDA they were displaying all this while.

But even now, there's still people joining the queue which made me a little worried that there might not be any more sweets when it's our turn.

"Hmph… So what if he has a harem, I'm not jealous…" The couple in front of us muttered.

Interestingly, it was a lesbian couple and it was the shorter girl who muttered that.

The taller one turned to her, "Oh? Do you want a harem of your own too, dear?"

The short girl panicked, "Ah! I'm just saying it! I don't actually want one!"

"Hoooo~ That's good, because if you do, I might just stop sitting on your face."

"Ahhh! Please don't! I really am not jealous! I'll get you two desserts from the shop! Please continue sitting on my face!"

"Ehehe~ You really do spoil me dear~ Then better be prepared for tonight~"

That's an interesting couple…

"Big sister… Do you want me to sit on your face too?" The princess asked innocently.

"No, I don't have that fetish."

"What's a 'fetish'?"

"Hehe… I'll tell you when you are older~"

"Aww… No fair big sister…"

"Now, now, it's almost our turn to get cookies~ Do you know how many you want to get?"

She raised her arms in a cheering pose, "All of them!"

Hahaha~ I guess maybe I really do need the two hundred Creas after all~

Soon enough, it was our turn to enter the store. It seems like most people are just here to buy the sweets to go instead of actually eating inside the shop itself.

I can see why since the inside of the store was pretty much packed full of people. Every single seat was taken and even the harem group from before had to stand in a corner to eat the sweets they have purchased.

That still did not stop them from flirting with each other as they fed each other the pastries and desserts while standing up and holding the plates in their hands.

I wonder why they could not just do it somewhere else? Maybe at home, you know?

Then again, there was a futa and female couple right next to them that were literally having sex while enjoying the desserts.

People are weird…

I guess the fact that we were the only people here that were wearing hooded cloaks that covered our features makes us one of the weird ones too so I'll just keep my comments to myself.

The princess ran up to the counter that had a whole variety of sweets out on display and pressed herself against it.

"Big sister! Big sister!! Look! Look! They have so many sweets and cookies!!"

I went up behind her and peered inside and sure enough, they really did have a lot of sweets.

Some of them I recognised from the sweets that Mary and Heria had made before but there was a good number that looked to be new.

Good, that means I get to enjoy something new here, though that also means that I have indeed been eating Trasif sweets without even knowing.

"Oh, there really is a lot. Which one do you want?" I asked.

She quickly went to the cookies section, "This one! And that one! Erm… That one too! And this one! This one! This entire row and that one!"

The male assistant behind the counter raised an eyebrow at me, silently questioning if the little girl was serious.

I gave him a nod and he shrugged, his hands deftly moving to pack the cookies that the princess had requested into a bag.

In the end, she pretty much ordered two of each type of cookies that they had.

Then it was my turn…

"I want whatever she just ordered plus that cake, those puddings… Umm… That sweet roll and those treats… Ah, give me that entire roll of sweets too~"

They all look so good, ok?! I can't help but want to try everything! Plus I came all the way here so why shouldn't I try everything?!

Mmmm~ I can't wait to eat them all~

Hmm? I just realised that things got quiet?

Eh? Why is everyone in the store looking at us like that? Did something happen?

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