What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 391 She's Got The Heart At Least

"Wahahaha! Sister Aster is interested in my Valour Skills? But mine is nothing compared to yours though?" Odeta laughed.

The two of us were behind the mansion in the back garden. The princess was once again being trained and was tasked to run laps around so I took that chance to look for Odeta.

I poked my fingers together, "I actually don't have any Valour Skills…"

Odeta blinked at me, "Sister Aster… Doesn't have any Valour Skills?"

I nodded, which only seemed to make her even more confused.

"Eh? But… But… Didn't Sister Aster use one on the Wyvern back when you rescued me?"

Huh? Did I? That was like… A decade ago? I don't even remember what I did to save you from that Wyvern… But I'm quite sure I was not using any Valour Skills back then either… The most probable thing was that I was using magic and she mistook it for a Valour Skill.

"I don't think I was using a Valour Skill back then?"

"But I remember!" Odeta protested with a shocked expression on her face. "Sister Aster's fist became big and then smashed that big Wyvern into the ground!! Then your fist even had lightning on it!! It was so cool!!"


I raised my hand, "Err… Odeta… You know that lightning fist thing is an Electromancy spell, right?"

The way she blinked at me after I told her that pretty much told me that she did not know that.

Now it was my turn to be confused, "Wait, wait… How do you not know that?! You are Tier two… Err… I mean Current Tier in Electromancy! You know the Spells from that school, right?!"

Odeta tilted her head, "Eh? I do?"

"Haaa? Wait, you know this spell right? Let energy flow through my veins and give me strength. I ask for the strength to surpass limits and go beyond boundaries, may those that stand before me tremble from my might. [Body Current]!"

I let the spell effects strengthen my fist and punched into the air, creating a small shockwave.

I definitely remember her casting this spell before! So there's no way she won't recognise this!

Odeta smacked her fist on her palm, "Oh yeah! Of course! It's the sparkly sparkly ritual!"

"Huh? Sparkly sparkly ritual?" I repeated.

"Yeah! I was taught that it was a ritual to make me stronger! Is that not it?"

Err… What? Why does she think that's… Oh…


I can't believe I didn't think about this…

Just because we're in the same World doesn't mean that the education system is the same everywhere.

For some places, they might teach magic a different way than others and their customs would also be different too.

For Odeta's village, I believe they would focus more on martial skills and perhaps they might have looked at Electromancy spells as a way to supplement their own physical skills instead of learning it to fling spells at their foes.

So instead of being full mages, they only learn spells that buff their physical attributes and never bother to learn other spells from that school of magic.

They might have taught the magic as some kind of blessing ritual instead of an actual spell they would cast to buff themselves.

The fact that Odeta managed to reach the second tier of proficiency for Electromancy must mean she really practised a lot with it.

"Umm… Odeta, do you know of a spell that can shoot lightning from your hands?"

"Of course not, I'm not a mage!"


"Can you try doing this? [Spark Strike]."

I shot out a small bolt of lightning from my hands at the ground, charring a patch of grass.

"Mnngghh… I don't think I can do that, Sister Aster…"

"It's a spell called Spark Strike where you shoot a bolt of lightning from your hands, does a spell come to mind?"

"Erm… Nope?"

Huh… That's odd… I thought that people would learn new spells within their proficiency if they think about the spell they need?

Wasn't that how it works? I'm so confused now… Were there other factors? Race, maybe? But I'm studying this in a Mahun school while being a Meslatar so probably not?

Perhaps different races have different ways of learning magic too, which was why Odeta was taught that this was some kind of ritual instead? Or are there also compatibility in spells where some people might not be able to cast certain spells?

Ah whatever, I'm not here to be some kind of magic expert anyway! I'll leave that to the scholars!

Back to the main point!

"Anyway! I don't have any Valour Skills and I want to see Odeta's!"

"Waahaha! If Sister Aster wants to see it, then I guess I'll just have to show it! Hmmm… I will need a target though…"

I tapped on my chin, "How big of a target do you need?"

"Hmmm… Sister Aster's size would be good enough!"

"Oh, in that case you can do it to me!"

Odeta shook her head quickly, "Ehhhh? No, no, I don't want to hurt Sister Aster!"

"That bad? Then…"

I was still thinking about what we could do when a thump came from behind me.

"Would this serve as a good enough target, Young Mistress?"

I turned to see Sebastian had placed a boulder behind us while Katsuki stood beside him.

I'm going to guess that Katsuki already went to find Sebastian and told him about my interest to learn Valour Skills and they overheard our conversation.

How reliable like always, Katsuki~

I hope they don't know that I came to ask Odeta first as a pretext to fondle her abs later…

Odeta smirked, "Wahahaha! That'll do! Now step back!"

All of us gathered behind Odeta, allowing her to step towards the boulder.

She sucked in a breath and lowered herself into a combat position, just as Tiara finished a lap around the garden to stop in front of us.

"Big… Ha… Ha… Big Sister! You… You came!"

I giggled and patted her head, "Eheheh~ Yes I did, how are you faring?"

"Mnnn… I… I'm getting stronger! Ehehe~"

Well, I can see that, since I distinctly remember you collapsing on the ground and unable to move after just a short run the last time. Yet now you're already able to run a lap around the garden and still remain standing.

She then noticed Odeta standing in front of the boulder.

"Mnnn? What is Teacher doing, Big Sister?"

I did not get to answer her as Odeta moved at the very next moment.

"[Thunder Clap]!"

She punched her fist on the boulder and a loud boom reverberated from the stone.

Since I already knew it was not necessary for one to vocalise the skill's name when using a Valour Skill, Odeta definitely shouted that out loud to show off.

I was expecting the boulder to explode into pieces but it remained intact.

Hmm? What was that Valour Skill supposed to do?

Odeta stepped back with a grin on her face, "How is that, Sister A… Ah… Sister!"

She almost called out my name until she realised Tiara was standing beside me. Flustered Odeta is cute too~

I tilted my head at her, "Umm… What was that supposed to do?"

Odeta's grin grew a little wider before she knocked on the surface of the stone with a light tap.

The boulder shifted slightly and I realised cracks had started to appear on its surface, spreading out to envelop the surface of the stone.

The entire boulder then crumbled into a pile of broken stones at her feet.

"Wooooow! How did you do that, Teacher?" Tiara gasped excitedly.

"Wahahaha! That's my Valour Skill! Thunder Clap! How do you like that?!"

I looked at the remains of the boulder and it took me a moment to realise what had happened to the boulder.

She must have infused her fist with Electromancy magic and hit the stone with it, creating a literal clap of thunder that exploded inside the rock and shattered it from the inside.

So this confirms that magic can also be used in Valour Skills, or at least some Valour Skills involve the usage of magic.

I wonder what you would get if you combine two different types of magic together? Would that be counted as a new type of magic or it would just be considered as a skill instead?

Maybe there's also a magical version of Valour Skills that I don't know about? Maybe something like 'Super ultra awesome combination magic of ultimate destruction'?!

I actually checked using [Screened] again to see if something new popped up in someone's status but unfortunately not…

"Can I learn that skill too?!" My excitement practically overflowing at this point.

How can I not?! It's so cool! I wouldn't mind that being my first Valour Skill either!

Tiara also started flapping her arms cutely, "Me too, teacher!! I wanna learn that too!"

"Wahahaha! That's easy! I'll teach you right now, so let's do it!"

Woah, really?! Didn't Katsuki say that it takes a long time to even learn one? And she was even referring to the basic ones but Odeta is saying you can learn something like that easily?!

Odeta then patted her chest with a fist, "All you have to do is to think about the strongest you want to be and then feel the feeling of going bam!! And then you wham the rock hard while thinking about the inside going boom!! That's how you get it!!"

Sometimes I forget that Odeta isn't an adult yet…

It's ok! You're till cute~

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