What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 398 Pleasure Monsters

"I think this may be a little bit late to ask… But I did request to only do a quest that can be finished in a day… If we don't know where the exit is can we actually return in a day?"

"Don't worry, we haven't had a problem leaving this place everytime we dived here," Loyd assured me.

Ok… But didn't you guys tell me the layout of this Dungeon changes every other day? That's not exactly reassuring…

Ugh… I didn't tell the family that I'll be heading to the Dungeon today… But I'm pretty sure they already knew so I doubt there would be panic even if I were to stay a few days in here anyway…

Still, it doesn't feel good for me to just disappear for a few days without warning so I want to avoid that.

Oh well… Whatever happens, happens.

We're now back to wandering through the tunnels with no encounters whatsoever.

By the way, the slime I killed had no Monster Gold on it and the only thing it dropped was its Mana Crystal which acted as its core.

They told me that those slimes sometimes might have Monster Gold in them but that was quite rare by itself. What's more, the encounter rate for monsters that have Monster Gold on them was already quite uncommon so we were considered lucky to have met the Gold Tortoise right from the start.

Some people might even come here without finding a single piece of Monster Gold despite hunting for an entire day.

You're basically not only risking your life for this but you're also gambling your luck to meet a monster that had Monster Gold on it too.

It really looks like there's more incentive for you to just go and challenge a Dungeon at your level instead of coming here if you don't have the skill for it now… I guess most Dungeoneers and Mercenaries might have thought this would be easy money until they actually experienced the Dungeon for themselves.

Despite walking for close to half an hour without any encounter, everyone still seemed to be on edge for some reason which I don't understand why.

So far, all the monster encounters were normal and Loyd seems to be doing quite a good job tracking monsters too. So if anything, I was expecting him to be the only one on high alert the entire time.

But even Harper seemed to be constantly looking around like he was expecting something to lunge towards him in the darkness.

I wanted to tell them not to worry that much since I could see into the darkness beyond the range of my light ball anyway so they don't need to worry about monsters appearing like that… But even I could read the room and know that I shouldn't tell them that after all this time.

Now I'm thinking if I should just try calling Katsuki to see if she would appear and let her guide us towards the next monster with her sense of smell.

Before I could decide if I should though, the ground beneath Jack suddenly exploded upwards in a mass of shadowy tendrils.

Oh… Trap?

I was fully expecting Markus beside him or even Sabrina behind him to do something to help their leader but both of them simply jumped back and made no other moves.

"Fuck!! And I was so careful too!!" Jack screamed, the tendrils quickly wrapping around his limbs and immobilising him.

I turned to Melissa and she was just making a face that was practically screaming 'how troublesome' at the sight.

Err… Should we not help him?

Viera let out a sigh, "I suppose this is as good a time as any… Let's all just take a ten minute break."


I turned back to look at Jack and I realised the tendrils slowly slipped underneath his armour which caused it to bulge up before slithering towards… His crotch?

His exasperated face then shifted to one of obvious pleasure and… Ok… I get what's going on now.

I pointed at him, "Is that…"

"First time Miss Aster is seeing a Pleasure Monster?" Melissa asked.

Err… I focused on Jack again with [Screened].

[Name: Pink Slime

Race: Pleasure Monster


30 Strength

210 Dexterity

50 Endurance

80 Magic

Magic Skills:

Umbramancy (Tier 1)]

Pink slime? With Umbramancy magic? I guess it was using that to blend in with the shadows on the ground to avoid being spotted…

So… If I'm getting this right… Jack's currently being 'raped' by a slime that slipped into his armour while the rest of us just hang around him… I see, I see… Very normal indeed…

As weird as it was, I still found myself watching as Jack was contorting in obvious pleasure on the ground while the rest of the party was sitting around snacking or doing maintenance on their weapons.

"It is my first time indeed…" I admitted.

"Is Miss Aster interested in trying it out for yourself?"

"Trying out?"

"Mmhmm. It's actually quite nice."

"Huh? Shouldn't it make more sense for us to rescue him from that monster instead?"

She giggled, "There's no need. This Pleasure Monster feeds on sexual energy to sustain itself and does us no harm otherwise. Also… Well… It feels good…"

Alright then… So they're basically free sex for people in the Dungeon… Got it.

Melissa continued, "By the way, if Miss Aster is interested, there's another one over by the wall over there."

I looked at where she pointed and at first I thought she was mistaken since saw nothing in particular. Then I realised that there was a part of the wall where the shadows looked a little thicker than normal.

Using [Screened], the status for another Pink Slime popped up so that meant there was another one of these monsters hiding there.

"Umm… I'm good… I don't really like non-consensual sex…"

"Really? They actually feel really good though. And it's not like you can get pregnant from them anyway," Markus spoke up from the side.

I have to admit that I was indeed curious about it but I did mention before I definitely do not want to be fucked. Since there's no guarantee that these slimes would respect that, I don't wish to risk it either.

But still… Seeing how Jack was curled up on the ground while he was shaking in pleasure really made me curious about it.

"Why are there even such monsters?" I asked, trying to distract myself.

"These monsters are created by God Hiandoca, pleasure and sex are within their domains so it's no surprise that there would be monsters like these too," Melissa explained.

Err… So you're basically saying it's their hobby or something?

"Hmm… So how do you usually deal with these monsters? Just fuck them or let them fuck you until they are satisfied before moving on?"

"That's… I guess that's one way to put it, yes."

"Wouldn't these be problematic if they jump at you in the middle of a fight?" I asked.

"Oh. In those kinds of situations we would indeed eliminate them since they would arguably be more dangerous than the normal monsters. As you can see for yourself, You'd be completely unable to do anything if you get caught by one and be absorbed in the pleasure of it."

"Does it… Does it actually feel that good?"

Melissa scratched her cheek, "As I said… They're created by the God that presides over sexual pleasure, Miss Aster… They know how to satisfy anyone sexually pretty easily."


There was a squishy sound and I turned back to see a slime slipping out from Jack's armour, this time being pink in colour instead of black.

There was a distinct white substance floating in the middle of the slime as well and you don't need to be a genius to know what that was.

The slime then quickly slipped away and disappeared into one of the crevices of the tunnel without a sound.

Jack then stood up on unsteady feet, taking a moment to compose himself before turning to us, "Al… Alright… I'm done. Are we all ready to go?"

I looked at his shaky legs, "Are you sure you're good to go? You look like you'll fall over at the slightest touch…"

"Oh… Just… Oof… I think that slime was a bit more enthusiastic than normal… Ok… I think I might need another minute actually…"

Markus came up and slapped him on the shoulder, causing him to actually stumble forward and fall flat on his face.

"Ahahaha! Did that slime really feel that good that you literally went weak at the knees?! Damn! I should have tried it myself too!" The tank of our party laughed.

I turned to Melissa, "Has anyone tried bringing one of these monsters out of the Dungeon before? You know… To keep them?"

"Oh, of course. There's an entire business on this, Miss Aster. Kalomancers would tame Pleasure Monsters and sell them in those kinds of shops. There's quite a lot of demand for this."

Ah… So these monsters are basically this World's version of sex toys… I'm not even surprised anymore…

In fact… Now I'm curious… What kind of monsters are there?

"Is there such a store in the capital?" I asked.

"Oh? I suppose Miss Aster is interested? I can introduce a few to you later, there's a few particular ones that I would personally recommend~" Melissa giggled.

"That would help, thank you!"

I then noticed the other girls were also giggling too which made me wonder why.

It took me a moment to realise that I basically asked her about introducing me to a few sex shops…

Oh well, at least the common sense here is different in this World!

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