What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 410 They're Inviting Me At School Too

I'm not sure who went to spread the news around… But when I went back to school a few days later, I was met with a crowd of girls inviting me to their own tea parties.

Heck, there were even a few of the noble boys who were also asking me to attend a party at their family manors too.

I ended up simply thanking them and telling all of them to send the invitations to my home so that I could give them a proper answer to their invitations.

In other words, I'm going to leave the rejection to Katsuki to deal with. Sorry Katsuki! 

The good thing was that today was Godsday so that meant I only had Alchemy classes today and everyone else in the class was still too terrified of Lisa to make themselves a nuisance.

Of course, Lisa already knew about my tea party with the Teloi family before this but the fact that this news got to the other students seemed to have attracted her interest for some reason.

"So… Student Aster… Your popularity increased by quite a bit today. To the point that quite a lot of students are tripping over themselves to come talk to you… Mind telling me why?"

I looked up at her, trying to suppress my laughter from seeing a very serious looking Lisa staring back at me.

I'm so used to how Lisa would usually behave that I can no longer take this side of Lisa seriously anymore.

"I… Hehe… Ahem… I mean… They are just socialising with me, Professor Lisa."

She crossed her arms and furrowed her brows slightly, "If you wish to do that, do it outside the school. Don't waste our time with such stupid and pointless actions. If all of you have so much free time, should I get you to each make me a hundred batches of Lesser Healing Potions?"

"N… No, Pfft… Professor Lisa…"

I almost burst out laughing at that point but I managed to hold it in.

She was obviously saying this not for me to hear but for my classmates instead, most likely as a warning for them to stay away from me lest she brings down her wrath on them too.

Lisa then turned to scowl at the rest of the class who was trying to peek in our direction, "Does anyone else have anything to add?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Really? Then why aren't you all focusing on your tasks? Are you all done? Should I add another task on top of what I've already given you all? Are Lesser grade Healing Potions too easy for all of you now?"

Everyone quickly turned back to focus on their own cauldron and tried their best to look as busy as possible.

Lisa sniffed at them with mock disdain before moving behind me and looking over my shoulder.

"Hmm… I see you have also been slacking off student Aster. You made a mistake in your potion brewing. Redo it and I shall watch you."


I made a mistake? But this is just brewing a Lesser grade Healing Potion? I've done this so many times I can practically do it with my eyes closed already?

The last part isn't even an exaggeration by the way… Lisa actually made me do it with my eyes blindfolded once…

Had I really become too overconfident that I messed up something this simple?

I reached towards my cauldron to prepare to redo the whole process again, only for Lisa to grab my wrist to stop me.

"Just kidding~ Your potions are perfect as always, Aster~" She whispered in my ear.

Oh… The 'scolding' was also for the rest of the class to hear so that she had an excuse to stay at the back of the class with me…

I leaned back and half turned to Lisa so that she was in my view, "So… What was that about? Don't tell me you're jealous that I'm being invited to their parties?"

She puffed her cheeks and hugged me to her chest, "Mmmmffff~ I wouldn't say jealous but more of envious instead~"

I would have asked what she was envious of but I think I have a good idea of what exactly she was talking about.

Lisa continued, "Speaking of which… I think it's been a while since we last went on a date, haven't we?"

I showed her a wry smile, "I'm assuming those Noble Etiquette lessons with Mother didn't count?"

"Of course not~ I meant a date with just the two of us together and no one else~"

"You're not suggesting a tea party of our own, are you?"

She hugged me tighter, "Ohhh~ Very tempting~ A private lesson with just the two of us? Ehehehe~ I don't mind that either~"

"Would that even count as a date? We're already doing that every other lesson here where you have me stay back for 'private lessons'."

"Oh that's true~ Do you want to stay back for one today, student Aster?"

"Ufufu~ I can't possibly go against Professor Lisa's wishes now, can I?"

That seemed to flip a switch on Lisa since her hand started roaming southwards towards the bottom half of my body.

"Mmnnn~ Aster really knows how to make me feel all hot and bothered… Do you know how hard I am holding back right now?"

Ah… Whoops… I think if it was up to Lisa, she would definitely not mind going under my desk and just blowing me right now…

Unfortunately, I don't want the other students to know I'm currently banging our smoking hot teacher especially when I've not even completed my first year in school yet…

Before I could protest though, there was a sudden 'boom' coming from the front of the class that made the both of us jump in surprise.

Lisa had even scrambled back to detach herself from me while we shifted our gaze to the front of the class.

The source of the noise turned out to be a student that had accidentally knocked over their cauldron, spilling the contents of it all over the floor.

Lisa scowled and shifted back to her serious personality, "Yisra! What did I say about being careful?! Were you still trying to add ingredients into your cauldron while not looking at it?! How many times have I told you not to do that?! You're lucky we're still making Healing Potions and not explosives!"

"S… Sorry Professor Lisa! I'll clean it up right away!!" The girl panicked, rushing towards the cleaning supply closet in the corner of the room.

Lisa huffed before turning back to me again, "What are you looking at, student Aster? Continue with your potion!"

I rolled my eyes at her but played along, focusing on my potion brewing while the others in the class got the message to focus on their own task as well.

I did notice the Yisra girl had her head down the entire time she was cleaning up the mess and made sure her back was facing us even while she was cleaning up though…

When everyone was distracted again, Lisa leaned towards my ear, "You know… I actually got a party invitation myself…"

That surprised me, "Eh? Really? As Lisa the Icey Alchemist Professor?"

"Is that what they're calling me behind my back?"

"I dunno, I made that up."

She giggled, "Ehehehe~ I can be your Icey Alchemist Professor if Aster wants it~ Maybe if I put some ice in my mouth before going down on you…"

"Ahem… You were talking about an invitation?"

"Ah! That's right~ Probably because they were taking advantage of the fact that everyone seemed to be asking you to their party, one of the senior students approached me and extended an invitation to me as well~"

I won't lie, there was a small hint of jealousy blooming up in my chest after I heard that.

Hey, I'm both a hypocrite and a selfish person, I admit that very freely.

She must have also noticed since she spun me around and kissed me on the lips without warning. She even stuck her tongue in and wrapped mine with hers for a few moments before letting go, her cheeks flushed red.

"Ehehehe~ Are you jealous?" She giggled, her tongue darting out to lick her lips. "You know I belong to you and you're my soulmate, right?"

I covered my face with a hand, "I… I know… Ahem… What do you plan to do?"

"Ehehehe~ I thought you would know what I'm planning to do, Aster~ This is basically an invitation for another person I can cuck~ Do you want to join me on this?"


"Who's the guy?"

"Ehehehe~ Tell you what, Aster~ I'll bring you along as my 'little sister' to the party and you can see that person for yourself. I think seeing it for yourself is better than just telling you about it~"

"But… Wouldn't they know who I am?"

"Oh~ The party would involve all the participants dressing up and hiding their true appearances, something about letting go of societal boundaries when in truth, that student just wants to try and fuck me without anyone else knowing he's trying to seduce a teacher~"

So… It's basically something like a masquerade ball? Which means I can go while wearing my [Mask Of Impossible Identity] without people getting suspicious.

I didn't think they would have these kinds of parties too but now I'm curious…

"You know what? Alright~ Let's go, when would it be happening?"

"This weekend actually~ How about we go shopping for outfits after this?"

Since she was already pointing out the fact that we did not have a date for a while already, I agreed with a quick nod.

She let out a soft squeal and hugged me again, "Yayyy~ Then let's enjoy our shopping date later!"

Huh… Why did I suddenly get a shiver down my spine after she said that?

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