What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 419 We Almost Forgot What We Came Here For

I breathed out a sigh of content before setting aside the tools I had been using on the table.

The Merman was out cold again, his body marred with various different types of injuries that I had inflicted on every visible part of his skin.

I don't really want to admit it but it was a little fun.

"Remind me… Not to get on your bad side, Lady Aster," Emilia muttered while walking into the cell.

Lisa was following behind her and I could already tell she was incredibly turned on with how she was looking at me with flushed cheeks and a very conspicuous erection between her legs.

I raised my hand, "Before you ask, Lisa… I'm not going to do it to you."

She groaned in disappointment but Emilia quickly stepped in front of her to stop her protests, "Ok! Let's just move on! What did you find out from him?"

"Hmm… Unfortunately he doesn't know the true face of his employer since he got this job via a proxy. We were right about his goal being to drive you away from the ship instead of killing you though."

"And how was he controlling people?"

"Oh, that's the interesting part, he was using the ship's hull to transmit his magic through sound vibrations. Really cool actually. He was tracking you through that method too so he just sends the vibrations through the wood which then in turn gets transmitted to the people around you. The command isn't anything specific but more of a frenzy type of control so they'll just attack the closest person to them or at least the first person they lay their eyes on."

Emilia shifted her gaze back to the unconscious Merman, "I see… Did he say where he was from at least?"

"Err… He's just an independent contracted assassin from what I managed to find out… And since he admitted to that while I was trying to push a spiked bat up his behind, I think that's the truth."

"Tch… That means there's no trail to follow up after him huh… Whatever, this won't be the first time anyway. So next is the most important question! Where's my money?"

I poked my fingers together, "Yeah… Umm… About that… He… Errr… He already spent it all…"

Emilia stared at me for a good minute and I could see the pupils of her eyes dilating slightly while her mind processed my words.

"He… Spent… All of it?"

I nodded, "Yeah… Unfortunately…"

"Aha… Ahaha… A million and five hundred thousand Creas… And he spent it all? Ahahahahahahahaha! Haha… Hahaha… So what did he spend it on?"

"Umm… I believe he mentioned about being in debt because of gambling so he used it to pay off all his debts…"

"Hahahaha… Ahahahaha!! I see, I see! Very good! Ahahahaha!"

I slowly slid my way towards Lisa to get away from the Nekomata that was laughing maniacally right now.

Girl… I know you like money but… Ok… I guess a whole million and a half Creas is quite a lot of money… But to you it should not be a lot right? You even said so yourself… It's probably comparable to like… Ten Creas to me? So this shouldn't matter?

Of course I was not suicidal enough to say that out loud so I tried to ask, "What are you going to do to him? I don't think he'll be able to get you that money anymore… Kill him?"

"Ahahaha! Oh Lady Aster…. There's no way I'm going to kill him~ His debt just shifted to me that's all~ Now where's the nearest slave trader that I can make him a debt slave? Heh heh heh… I'm going to work him till the day that he dies~ Oh, that's not a bad idea~ He could be our singer and make people spend more money on my ship! Ahahahahaha! This is perfect!!"

Ok, I'm quite impressed that she even thought of a business opportunity from that…

Well… Knowing Emilia, I don't think she'll risk her reputation by making him mind control people to just give her money… At least I hope she hasn't sunk that far…

But the way that she was still laughing maniacally even as she got her guards to drag the half dead Merman away from the cell made me question if she really wouldn't do it…

Oh well… That's not really any of my business anyway…

I cleared my throat, trying to get her attention to change the topic, "Ahem… So… I guess things are ok now? Should Lisa and I… Leave?"

She turned to me and opened her mouth before snapping them shut suddenly, her brows creasing together.

"I just realised… But I was so caught up with that little shit that I didn't even ask what you were looking for here? Surely this wasn't just a simple social visit but there's something you wanted, right?" She asked.

Lisa clapped her hands together, "Oh!! That's right!! I actually forgot too! We're here to buy dresses! There's an upcoming party at some stupid noble party and we're going to need some dresses to attend it!"

Emilia narrowed her eyes, "You? Attending a Noble's party? Are you sure about that? Why would you even willingly attend something like that?"

Lisa waved her hand dismissively, "Oh please, I can be classy if I want to!"

"I'm more surprised that you're willing to do it. I thought you never liked the Mahun nobles of the Lehcarouc Kingdom?"

"Oh, I have yet to change my mind about them. I'm doing this so that I can have fun with my beloved Aster of course~" Lisa admitted shamelessly. "Besides, it's Aster who wants to go there~"

"Really? I thought Lady Aster wasn't interested in these kinds of parties."

I poked my fingers together, "Erm… I have an audience with the Royal Family in a few weeks so I wanted to learn some Noble Etiquette skills ahead of time… Mother suggested that I gain some practical experience while I'm at it…"

Emilia raised an eyebrow, "Lady Aster knows full well what happens during such events right?"

"Er… Are you referring to the fact that they're mostly socialised orgies? I am aware of that, yes…"

"Hmm… As long as you are aware of it I suppose… You do realise what's going to happen if you show up there right?"

I was about to ask her what she meant but Lisa spoke up for me, "Oh don't worry~ It's a masked party so no one would be able to see her face."

Oh, was she worried that the people in the party would realise who I was? Well, as Lisa had already said, there's no need to worry about that since we would all be wearing masks.

Emilia rubbed her palms together, "Oooh~ That's good. In that case I don't need to worry and just recommend you our best boutique for this~ Feel free to get anything you want from there, I'll even give you a discount!!"

"Hmmm? We saved your life and the best we get is just some discount on your ship?" Lisa nudged.

"Hey! The one that I'm recommending is only reserved for the really, really important people! Do you think anyone can just go to that shop?"

Lisa turned to smirk at me mischievously, "Did you hear that, Aster? Em doesn't think that you are important enough for her~"

Well… I guess the sight of me putting that assassin through various torture techniques must have made her forget my background because Emilia's eyes immediately widened in realisation.

"Ahhhhh!! I don't mean it like that!! My deepest apologies, Lady Aster!!"

"Look at that Aster~ Not only did she order you around to work like you're her crew, she didn't even give us any compensation for this even though we're customers~"

I could tell Lisa was really enjoying tormenting Emilia right now… I guess she really was quite the sadist before she met me…

Look… Emilia's practically crying with those teary eyes of hers…

I was just considering how I could smooth this situation over but Emilia spoke up before I could.

"Fi… Fine!! A dress each! Plus a set of accessories! That's all I'm willing to offer!"

"Ooohh~ Did I hear right? Em's actually giving away stuff for free~ That's mighty generous of her! This is a miracle!"

"It's not giving it away! Those are rewards! Rewards!! They're not the same!!"

"Ehehehe~ Then we'll make sure we pick the best ones for ourselves so we can enjoy these rewards~ Won't we, Aster?"

I sighed, "Ok, ok, I think you can stop bullying her already… She just lost more than a million Creas…"

Lisa waved her hand at me, "Don't feel bad for her, Aster. She has way more money than that. Plus that Merman you captured is basically giving her a free Crea generator already. She could use him to raid other ships without implicating herself and even charm her own passengers if she wanted to. She'll recoup that million within a month."

Huh… I mean I thought that it was a possibility but I didn't actually think she would do it… Since Lisa was the one saying it, that must be what she's going to do.

My Infrid then gave the pouting Emilia a side eye glance, "And despite doing all of that, all we got was just some dresses…"

"Grrr… Alright, alright! I know what you want! A night in our VIP suite with all the amenities, ok? You can do your shopping in the morning!"

"Wheeeee~ Let's fuck until I pass out tonight, Aster!!!"

So that's what Lisa was after… Ok…

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